《Beautifully Invisible #Wattys2019》Chapter 26


"I can't believe that the wedding is tomorrow!" Cara exclaims as she pours a bucket of water into the giant washing barrel.

"Me neither," I say, trying to hide my emotions behind the words.

Today seems to never end, dragging along at a snail's pace. When I left my room this morning, Queen Madia was already in a foul mood. Even though I got up half an hour earlier than usual, she still claimed that I woke up too late. While she scolded me for the "terrible crime I had committed", I can't help but feel even more disgusted by her. Her voice is like poison to my ears now. Her hands are like claws as she awaits her next innocent victim to claw into her depressing hole of torment. After she was done with me, I stood tall and left to go do my chores for the day, as if nothing ever happened. It's a symbol of the strength I have now grown accustomed to.

There are so many people here, that I have to squeeze past everyone. Whether it'd be a fellow maid or a member of the wedding. And honestly, that's how my brain feels at the moment. It's over run by a million different thoughts, that I really don't know what to do anymore.

"Lily!" Alice and Cara yell in unison, obviously disturbing the neighboring maids.

"Oh- uh, sorry girls. What happened?"

They give me concerned looks as they look at my hands. I've been washing the same pair of pants for the past ten minutes.

"Are you okay, girl?" Cara asks with genuine concern.

Alice gives me a knowing look, showing sympathy in her eyes.

"I'm fine!" I say with a fake smile plastered across my face.

"Nice try, Lily. I'm not too convi-"

"WELL, will you look at the time! I have to go wash some sheets. I'll catch up with you girls later!"

With that, I rush out like a bullet. I feel so bad having to hide everything from Cara. But, I have to. For her safety.

I mean, I didn't technically lie. I do need to clean Fredrick's room today. I make my way to one of the many broom closets, grabbing the supplies I will need for the job.

"Um, excuse me! Sorry! I apologize!" I say as I push through the random crowd.

I just had to choose the closet closest to the lobby. Once I basically push myself out of the crowd, I can hear the murmuring of the wealthy with their beady eyes judging my every step.

"Just look at that pathetic little twig."

"Eew! Mother, that peasant touched me with her filth!"

Just another day in paradise.

I walk through the royal halls, as the guests are prohibited to step through here. The red carpet lightly crunches as I step through the silent hall way. Well, almost silent. I can hear the high pitched giggling from Lady Adora's room. As I walk in front of it, I see the bride-to-be standing tall on a high pedestal. The designer is putting her finishing touches on the extravagant wedding dress, which really does hug her curvy figure. The train is extremely long with touches of lace all throughout the elegant gown. The back is low, showing enough skin for the average male to admire. How could Fredrick find me beautiful? Adora looks like a fantasy.


As I sneak past the door, I accidentally bump into a person. It startles me so much that I accidentally spray the bottle of cleaning liquid on this surprise stranger. I look up the plump figure, to find that I had accidentally sprayed Sir Louis! The look of immense fury sends a terrified shiver down my spine.

"Oh my goodness! Sir Louis, I am SO sorry!" I express, trying to use my rag to clean the wet spot on his white dress shirt.

"Get away from me! You've done quite enough, thank you."

I slowly take back my rag in humiliation.

He squints his tired eyes at me, recognizing my face as the one that he has seen before.

"You again?! I thought I told you to steer clear away from me! My goodness, I can not believe that Madia still has a screw up like you around. You can't do anything right! Look what you did! My shirt for my daughter's wedding is ruined! Are you proud of yourself?"

Before I can respond to his behavior, he gasps dramatically loud.

"UNLESS, if you did this on purpose! Trying to ruin Adora's life because yours is in the deep, huh? Just WAIT until I tell Madia!"

Is this man mentally stable? I stand there with my mouth hanging open, eyes wide, and eyebrow arched. He pushes past me without another word, storming into Lady Adora's room.

Great. This is exactly what I need right now.

I roll my eyes and speed walk to Fredrick's room, which is strangely unlocked. Huh, that's odd. I'm not taking any chances so I slowly and quietly open the door. I tip toe inside as I try not to make a sound. Strange, his curtains are closed. As I walk towards his windows, I become captured by a pair of strong arms. I get dragged into the dark part of the room, which is behind the door. A hand covers my mouth from my inevitable screaming, as the other is holding my arms down. The culprit spins me around in a dance like manner. I don't even look at this person as my heart rate and breathing are too fast. I kick as hard as I can, trying to release myself from the grip.

"No no no, wait!" The male whispers in a comforting tone.

That voice sounds too familiar.

"Lily, it's okay! You're alright, it's me" He whispers, turning my head to face him.

Sure enough, it's those strong green eyes of Fredrick. Though it's dark, I can see a small smile on his face, reassuring me that everything's okay.

"Fredrick! What on earth?! Why did you grab me?" I whisper yell, making sure that he knows that I almost passed out from shock. There are way too many surprises today.


"I'm so sorry to have startled you! It's just that, no one is supposed to know that I'm here. When I saw that you were going to open the curtains, I thought quickly."

"Why are you hiding in here in the first place?" I question, still in his softening grip.

"I wanted to rest for a little bit. Tonight is the rehearsal dinner, and you know how crazy things get. Tomorrow is the wedding where I have to not only marry Adora, but it is also my coronation to be King. Plus, when I heard that you had to clean my room today, I thought that it was the perfect time to see you. You honestly give me the peace that I need on my crazy days."

My heart sinks hearing all that is happening, all at once. I'd be going crazy if I were him. Fredrick is such an amazing person, he doesn't deserve all this. I wish there was a way to comfort him, for that is all I can do. As I scan my brain for an idea, he wraps me in a tight hug. His arms are around my waist, with his hands over lapping. I do the same, almost as though our movements are in sync.

"Can you sing for me?" He suddenly whispers quietly in my ear.

How does he know that I like singing?

"S-sing? I'm sorry, but I can't sing." I stutter, trying to not look him in eye.

"Yes you can! The night you slept in my room, you started singing yourself to sleep. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever heard! It calmed me in a way that I can't explain. Which is probably why you were singing to yourself in the first place."

I stand there in my stunned moment. I think of all the times where he's helped me or comforted me. The times where I didn't even ask for help, and he knew that I needed it. I have to. For him. And for me. With my breath shaky, I start to sing. Though it is soft, I know that he can hear me. I sing the song I've sang since I was a child and beyond. His breathing slows its pace and his arms now rest on my waist with ease. The dark room suddenly doesn't feel that dark anymore, with our moods simultaneously brightening the blackness of the room. The more I sing, the slower my heart pumps. An instant feeling of comfort comes over me, as if it were a wave that a surfer would take great pleasure in riding.

The song comes to a soft conclusion, letting us just stand there in a calm silence.

"My dear Fredrick!"

Lady Adora.

He lets out a grieving sigh as he pulls himself away from me.

"I have to go," He says with a great deal of sadness.

As he bends down to kiss my forehead, we hear the obnoxious voice that drives both of us up a wall start to enter the room with her clicking heels following her steps.

"Are you in here, sweetie?"

The look of shock appears on our faces, as we don't know what to do. I can't hide anywhere, and we're in the dark. I see her heel appear as she goes deeper into the room. Fredrick immediately jumps in front of her and embraces her tightly. "Adora! I- uh, missed you!"

She giggles at his gesture, embracing him back. My stomach churns at the sight.

"Aaaaw, Fredi! I missed you toooo! Don't worry, when we're married, we will be inseparable,"

He fake giggles at her statement, probably not wanting to extend the awkward conversation. He then spins her around until they are in the middle of the room, with her back facing the door. I use this to my advantage and swiftly leave the room without a trace.

She's so lucky. She gets to call Fredrick hers. She gets to have him for the rest of her life.

My depressing thoughts cloud my mind as I finish my chores for the day. I've been hearing about that stupid wedding all day. Whether it be Queen Madia yelling at Vicky and the other chefs for not cooking fast enough, or the guests buzzing with joy about it.

The stars have finally taken over the sky, with its darkness complimenting them. I take one more good look out the window, then I head to my room. It's probably around midnight now. My eyes are extremely droopy with my dark circles to match. I open the creaky old door and make my way down the old staircase that creaks with every step. As I get downstairs, I freeze solid in my tracks. My heart stops beating and my eyes start to swell with tears.

Queen Madia is in my room.

With my forever rose in her right hand.


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