《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》35. The End


A/N: Just thought the pic is cute ;)

"Mama!" I grinned as I peeked through Oliver's door. He's awake and all happy this morning. He's such a morning person, as I am.

"Morning baby boy!" I pushed the door wide open and walked over to pick him up from his crib and into my arms. I gave him a few kisses.

"You ready to go see grandma today?" I asked and he beamed nodding. He loved staying with our parents mainly because dad teaches him wolf things, and they have a huge playground and of course a pool. Oliver loves swimming, and he's so good at it even though he is this young. It frightened Avery and me a lot, we never let him out of our sight even when dad was in the pool with him, but his wolf knows what to do and it's impossible for him to drown, a great thing honestly.

"Grampa taking me on the tractor again mama, and we gonna go down the hill!" He says explaining it using his hands. I smiled, he's so cute, how is he this cute?

"Yes baby, you promise mama you gonna let grandpa hold you right, no standing up okay? If not mommy's gonna get mad and we don't want that." He pouts and quiets down, grumbling slightly making me laugh.

"But, Oli big boy now, Oli wanna stand mama!" he retorts just as we entered the kitchen. I put him down in his chair and continued.

"Yes, you are Oli, such a big boy now, but it's dangerous Oli, if you fall down then mommy won't let you go to grandpa's house again." He gasps shaking his head.

"No! I wanna go, pwease mama." I kissed his head ruffled his brown curls.

"I know baby, so you have to sit down okay, in a few years mama will let you stand okay?" I told him and he pouts but nodded. Ah, he's so cute.

"But I can go grampa house then?" he mutters as I take a scrunchie and tie his hair up.

"Yes, you can go, just be a good boy for mommy and me okay?" he nods, smiling brightly at me, his blue eyes so bright.

"Morning, Oli!" I grin hearing Avery come up behind me.

"Mommy, I going grandpa house today." He says getting all excited again. I look up at Avery as she talks to Oli animatedly as well.

"Babe, I'll shower him yeah?" Avery asks as I pass her his bottle of milk. I nod.

"Thanks, babe." I bring our coffee and toast to the table as we ate and fed Oli. Oli eats a lot for a four-year-old and that's really because of his wolf. It's growing rapidly now till he's about 10 and so he needs a lot of protein. We usually feed him about 3 meals a day, milk 3 times, and some fruit with his breakfast. And he's so active sometimes, he's just running and sweating and Avery and I can't keep up but he's a growing boy. Honestly glad that he isn't picky with his vegetables and knows he has to eat them, which again surprised us. He's a kid, who likes peas and celery anyway?

Oli is a male beta and he will grow big and strong almost like an alpha and it's really showing. And honestly, nothing makes Avery prouder than seeing her own pup growing up tremendously.

We got Oliver ready and then Avery sat and played with him as I got ready and packed the rest of my suitcase. Avery and I were going for our honeymoon. Finally. Avery's not telling me where we're going though, of course, she and her surprises. She told me what to pack and stuff so I know we're going somewhere hot, with a beach, because I packed some bikinis and swimsuits and lots of sunscreens and loose dresses.


"Hmm, babe..." I hear Avery mutter behind me before wrapping her arms around me and nuzzling her nose into my neck. I smiled and turn to softly nuzzle back into her.

"It's our honeymoon wifey." She says making me blush at that word. I turn to look into her pretty green eyes.

"Tell me where we're going," I stated as she giggled and leaned in to give me in a kiss.

"Never." She mutters making me pout into the kiss but reach for her neck to kiss her a little harder.

"Though, there is something I could tell you." She says pulling back abruptly, shocking me.

"Tell me," I say and she smirks and I see the glint in her eyes, knowing the kinds of things she would say every time I saw them.

"This..." she starts as she glides her hand down the front of my body till just below my stomach making me go bright red, "this pretty pussy that belongs to me is gonna get wrecked." She growls out lightly focusing on my eyes. Oh my fucking god. Of course, of course, she'll say something like that.

"We've got a week to ourselves, a week I get to be with just you, I swear I'm gonna use that time to make up what we can't do here." My legs wobbled a little from what was happening in this situation, god damn. She smirks after a few seconds as I still stood silent.

"Quiet darling? It's alright, I promise to make use of that mouth too." Oh fuck. She pulls herself away from my flushed self and gave me a sly wink before walking out of our room. I took a deep breath, calming myself down before sending a curse to her through our mind link, hearing her booming laugh from the front. How does she rile me up so quickly?!

The next few hours passed quickly enough, we were now on the way to the airport after sending Oli to our parents' place.

"Hurry up, baby!" I chant as Avery takes her time walking. She chuckles, knowing I'm eager to see where we're heading at the boarding gate area.

"I'm coming, love." She falls into step with me as we reach the area and sit near the windows where we could see the planes. They're so freaking huge, I don't think I could ever get used to them.

"Greece," I mumbled to myself staring at the words in shock. We're going to Greece.

"Surprise," Avery mutters, kissing my cheek. I turn to her immediately, hugging her tightly.

Every time. She does this, every time. She knows exactly what to do to amaze me and I get reminded of how lucky I am.

"You're crazy," I say helplessly as I gripped onto her tightly. She chuckles into my hair.

"Maybe." She whispers back and I grin so fucking huge because I'm so in love with her.


It's two days into our stay here in Greece and Avery had outdone herself, truly, she has surprises on top of surprises for me. Since its a honeymoon though, I made sure I paid for half of our expenses, I took care of our food and car rental since Avery got the tickets and our hotel for the week. We had an amazing dinner out near the waters, this restaurant that was literally floating in a way I guess, it was a boat, yeah. It was beautiful, truly, the people here were so nice and welcoming, everything was great.


"I'm hungry babe!" I hear Avery call from the front as I was in the bathroom. She had been going through the room service menu but can't decide on what do get.

"Can we share?" I asked her back so that we could get a few dishes of what they had here.

"Sure love." She says as I walk out and sit beside her on the bed.

"Have I told you that you look really sexy in these shorts babe?" Avery murmurs kissing my neck making me blush.

"Yes, always," I say back softly. I turn to kiss her.

"Cuz you fuckin' do, look at you, mi amor, beautiful," I smile into our kiss and swung my legs around hers.

"Thank you," I mutter and she grins pulling back, giving me a forehead kiss before I nestled under her chin. This was another position I loved cuddling in, I felt protected.

We then got some food, ate, fed each other, even got some fruit mix as a desert, and had some wine sent. We had just a video called Oliver and stayed with him till he fell asleep. He didn't have much trouble without us yet, I'm glad he was okay with us going, though mum said he might start to wonder and get sad in a few days, thus we could only leave for a week. We're already missing him, it feels incomplete without him honestly.

******short smut scene below******

"Now..how bout I give you a massage babe?" Avery asked suddenly as we were watching a movie. She had been kissing my neck and shoulders and rubbing my waist which honestly been slowly turning me on.

"A massage?" I ask softly turning to her, turning red. Avery's types of massages weren't the normal ones. She turns me even more on her laps and nods, getting serious as she reaches for my top.

"I..uh-" She cuts me off.

"I wanna take care of you, wifey." She says softly with a little smirk and I nod, wanting her to touch me. She starts by removing my top and pushing my hair off my shoulders to the back and giving my torso a stare, her eyes getting darker by the minute. Now, I don't know how I did not die right there because even though I was a little more brave and confident now, there are moments where I get a little unsure. Her fingertips touch my nipples and I whimper at how gentle they are. She leans in to give them kisses, licking them, every single touch, light as a feather.

Then we got off the bed and she removed my shorts and kissed my stomach and thighs, going to my back, showing me just pure love from how she was kissing and appreciating my figure.

She told me to wait as she got a clean towel and laid it down on the bed and some oil. I gave her a shy look as I lie down on it, on my back first. Avery starts with just oiling me up, and it's fucking heavenly. I never thought I'd like massages and here we are. She knows how to knead into my back and legs and it's really a skill because I've heard that it hurt.

"Turn to the front, babygirl." Avery whispers and I nod numbly, getting shy again. I refrained from covering myself, Avery's my wife now, god, never thought I'd say that, but she's my wife and honestly, she's been the best ever and by this I mean she has become even more romantic, calling me more pet names and endearments, doing small things for me that really means a lot, just being the best ever and that makes me want to do it all for her too because she deserves them.

"Is it cold?" she asks referring to the air conditioning. I shook my head.

"No, its okay babe." I was hot, hot, and warm and achingly wanting more of her.

She nods a little and starts to strip, oh my heavenly lord. I couldn't take my eyes off her. How could I? She looks so fucking gorgeous, her tanned skin, her abs, oh my Jesus, her pussy of what I can see from here and those, those breasts, damn, almost licked my lips because I wanted a taste so bad. She then climbs over my legs, straddling them almost making me grow shy again of this position. She chuckles a little as she lets the oil drop on my stomach and chest, making sure some fell on both my nipples. I groaned a little because it felts so fucking good. She placed the bottle down and reached for my breasts, massaging it, gripping them, playing with my nipples, making sure they were hard and tender for her. There is a sense that I lose every time Avery touches me like this, it's like we both know she's in charge of pleasing and touching me, and that it pleases her. She has always wanted this, always wanted me this way, a little submissive for her and I was ready to give in, I love it, it's something I can't deny.

She moves down my legs, rubbing her exposed pussy on my thigh and leg as she moves, making me squirm in delight, but she hates it when I move. Once she's done with my feet she moves back up and sits on my stomach, but not putting any of her weight on me as she does my hands and neck and does a little more on my chest before sliding back down my legs and off completely before lifting my both legs and pressing them down to my chest, holding them down.

I swallowed a gasp as she blew lightly on my exposed pussy before keeping her eyes on mine and licking a strip over it. I threw my head back, in a loud moan-shriek as she did that and my hands found the duvet to hold them in my fists.

"Shh..." Avery scolded softly before she lets her mouth assaults my folds and nub, stroking, licking, letting her tongue endeavor me in the best way possible. Her grip on my legs was hard and dominant, holding me in place.

"Shit, shit, shit, babe, c'mon....oh fuck!" I screamed as Avery got me to the edge and then stopped, chuckling. I look down at her with a pout.

"Wanna cum babygirl?" She smirked widely, giving my nub a small kitten-like lick. I cried out in frustration.

"Avery!" I begged as she let out another chuckle.

"So impatient huh, wifey?" with that she dove in again and pressed her tongue on my nub, letting it move against it, and finally letting me cum. My body tensed under her, my toes clenching, and then finally I let out a constricted groan.

She let my legs go and after calming down a few seconds, I shot up and straddled her laps to continue the rest of our married lovemaking.


Avery and I adopted two kids, a girl, and a boy, a few months ago, twins aged 3. They had just arrived at the orphanage near our place, well a few months ago. They were taken from their parents who died from an overdose, but the cops only found out about that after two weeks. They were two weeks at home alone, with their dead parents in the bedroom upstairs.

They're too young to go through that and when we walked in the place, Oliver was the one who gravitated towards them. I still remember what he said.

"Mama, they're hurt, mommy, they hurt. Mama, we need to take them, they're in pain." He said to Avery and me. I don't think the plan was to ever adopt two, but that day, we just had to, we looked at them, I saw a little of what I had gone through in them, and it broke me, they were too young.

It took us months, to get them to trust us. Their parents were crackheads, they used to torment them, they didn't know how to even eat. They barely spoke. It was so bad. But we wanted to help them. We've got a child psychologist coming to our home, once a week to work with them, Avery has only worked home since to look after all of them and get rid of Oliver's baby sitter since the twins don't trust her. He was okay with it, in fact, he has been a huge help. He's only 2 years older than the girls, but being a wolf and all he has become a somewhat protector to them. They trust him the most since he's little like them.

The twin's parents use to give them spoilt food, or just make sure it doesn't taste nice. And now Oliver taste the food we make showing them that it's okay to eat. And then they let Avery or I feed them. It's heartbreaking really, God knows I've cried over this many times. Some parents are just so fucking cruel.

It's our 5th month with them now and things are so much better. Avery and I bought a home together, a single-story, with a front and backyard. It's in a safe community, there was a school nearby, some pack members stayed here and it was good for the kids. We even got two puppies which the twins picked out from a shelter. Things were so good, we were all so happy and Avery and I are just growing more and more in love every day.

My life took a whole turn, and one by one I found people who in a way completed me. Avery. My parents. My friends. Sky and Jake. Oliver. My two babies, my twins, Hera, and Hayden. Our puppies, Piper and Ash. And lucky doesn't cover how I feel but Avery says I deserve it and she's here to show me that I do, every day.



Update (04/2022): Soo, I have published this story on another website which allows me to earn something unlike here :( I would really appreciate it if you guys could go and give that a read and support me. Pleaseeee, if you've read up until this point and enjoyed this book which I wrote years ago, please, consider.

Link: https://h5.owonovel.com/invite/index.html?story=10432

Invitation code for my story: ZBYTOQ

Please contact me if you are interested in helping me, totally free and just by ads and gaining coins.

*** If anyone of you are interested in on that website (OWO novel) do contact me as well, I can help. DM me!

Love to all! Thank you for all the reads, this is a dream.



Okay. It's finally over. Holy shittttt. It's been almost a year! It took me a while to write this chapter because I guess a part of me doesn't know how to end something I've been investing in and it's sad that's it ending. But it's here.

I just want to say a huge, huge thank you, to each and every one of you, all you beautiful people who've been commenting, voting, reading, everything, it drives me to write.

Thank you again, for everything. I'll be back pretty soon. Starting on something new and I hope you guys will stay on. Please be safe and take care! My inbox is always open to anyone who needs to talk. Thanks again guys and Happy Pride month! ❤

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