《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》34. Our Love


A/N: Song used is Turning Page by Sleeping At Last. It's such a beautiful song.

(secretly want this to be played at my wedding too >-

A loud sob bubbled from my throat as I stared at Avery, leaning forward and falling into her arms. I didn't have it in me to even answer her, I was frozen, my heart has never felt this way. My fingers gripped her shoulders and neck, as I cried into her.

"Oh, shit-" Avery exclaimed at the same time making me pull up to look at her and see the ring box on the sand now and her fingers finding the ring in the sand making me laugh.

"Sorry-" I choked out, before seeing her hold it and bring it to me again.

"Avery..." her arm held my waist while the other was in between us, holding the perfect, most beautiful ring I've seen in my life. I don't deserve her, oh my God, she's proposing to me. And I accused her of cheating yesterday? Oh my God.

"Babygirl, hey, look at me." I obeyed and looked into her bright green eyes which I fell in love with years ago.

"Avery, are you sure?" I voiced out softly and she looks at me surprised, before nodding.

"Yes darling, you mean about proposing? Of course." She says and I felt my heart being hugged with the amount of love I was feeling.

"Say, yes baby.." she trails off, leaning in to kiss me. I let my hand cradle her jaw, the answer at the tip of my tongue.

"Yes, Avery, god, a million times yes." With that, she kisses me even more and I melt. I'm marrying her, she wants to marry me, she freaking wants to marry me.

"Thank goddess." I hear her mumble in between our kiss which made my heart tug a little, was she worried I'd say no? I'd never say no.

We pulled back and I lift my hand, giggling embarrassed, as it trembled. Avery held it in hers, seeing hers tremble also somehow made me feel better, she was scared, anxious, we both are, but this is what we wanted. She slides the ring onto my left finger, and the smile grew on my face even wider. It's so fucking gorgeous.

"Oh thank heavens..." Avery heaves as it fits, so perfectly. I thought it was hard to get this right.

"Thank you," I say to her, not knowing for what exactly but it was almost for everything. She kisses my hand and cups my cheeks to kiss me again. I relish in this moment and held onto her as we kissed and kissed, sniffling and giggling in between.

"My fiancé," Avery mumbles, leaning her forehead on mine, gently as we stared into each other's eyes. I blushed at that. Fiancé. Jesus, we're engaged.



(Avery's and Sam's Wedding Dress)

The music starts playing, a soft piano and violin, and Dad turns to me with a proud, happy smile and I return a shaky nod before we took our first step down the aisle.

Without fail my eyes find hers. Avery.

Her beautiful smile, her eyes, the look she has in them as she watches me, with a smile that made her glow. She's so happy. We could all feel it.

I held onto dad's arm tighter with my left hand and gripped the bouquet of flowers, taking a deep breath, ready to do this. I don't know how people look so calm and collected doing this. I'm here feeling like a wobbly mess because god forbid, I can't walk in heels and I might trip on my dress as we do this and embarrass myself in front of everyone.

Breathe baby.

I snap my eyes to Avery again, hearing her voice in my head, calming down instantly knowing her wolf took my nerves away. God, I freaking love her. I gave her a grateful smile.

I hear whispers and small cheers and praises as I reach the guests and my eyes stray to them. Jake, Sky, Ky, Eli, Seth, Nikolai, Shadow, Mum, my baby boy, Oliver, standing up front beside Avery, in his tux, his hair combed nicely to the side in a quiff, of course, done by Nikolai. My family. All of them are family. I'm so blessed.

"Ready, honey?" Dad whispers to me. I look up into the eyes I've called dad for 9 years now, he's everything I dreamed of. I nodded, tears filling my eyes. He hugs me tightly and we stayed like that for a moment before I reached up to give his cheek a kiss.

"Thanks, Dad," I mutter and see him smile. He gives me a nod and we walk in front of Avery before I stood facing her and dad goes to stand with Mum.

"Hi," Avery says to me, somehow, that one word got me blushing. She looks so beautiful.

"Hi," I say back. She reaches for my hand after I passed the bouquet to Sky and I let her, gripping her fingers tightly.

"Shall we begin?" We both nodded at the elder who was going to officiate and bless our marriage. We both agreed to do a werewolf wedding since I didn't really have a religion. I guess it's kinda like any other wedding, only that we aren't allowed to wear white, which is why our dresses are a cream color, and honestly, they're fucking gorgeous, I absolutely love it and could not see myself in anything else. We also could not use any carnations, hydrangeas, and daisies in any of the flowers especially the bouquet and also no garlic in the food made. It's just their tradition, white is said to be worn only during death and mourning, those flowers used for the dead, especially during battles, it would be scattered on their bodies, and garlic, well that just cause the elders don't eat them, it ages werewolves. Hence, none.


"Yes," Avery says after me, vowing, and committing ourselves to each other as we hearing a few claps and hoots from our friends making us giggle.

"You are now bonded for life, mated, and wedded by the laws of our goddess. Cherish each other, cherish your bond, your connection, you are now not just yours but each other's." I let a few stray tears fall from my eyes as I hear that.

"The rings please." The elder asked. Jake steps up with them, giving us a smile, and gives one to Avery and then me. We got matching rings this time, for our wedding band, with diamonds going around it, absolutely beautiful.

"I love you," Avery says, looking into my eyes making me even more emotional as I took deep breaths not to cry. She slides the ring onto my finger, above my engagement ring.

"I l-love you," I say back to her, before doing the same.

"You may now kiss." The elder says and Avery moves closer to hold my waist and cup my jaw, kissing me, so deliciously sweet. Our first married kiss.

"Mrs. Black," Avery mutters to me, making me blush.

"Presenting to you, the Beta and her mate, now wedded, Mrs. and Mrs. Avery Black." The elder boomed resulting in cheers and party poppers going off and everyone standing up for us.

Avery and I hugged each other, letting out a few tears of our own. She pulled back, looking at me with immense happiness as we walk down the aisle, hand in hand, with Oliver on her arm, giggling and laughing as everyone cheered along with us. We walked over to the dining area where we were gonna have dinner before our first dance.

(Their dinner reception)

I was so freaking proud of our pack members who got this place together in the backyard of the packhouse. It was the most beautiful thing ever, and they managed to get out everything I wanted, this was perfect.

We spent a little time eating, feeding Oliver, hugging, and receiving wishes and gifts from all the other guests. And then it was time for our first dance.


There are a few times where I've seen Sam happy, and this was one of those times. She just has this glow, the smile was constant on her face, her dress was perfect for her, it fit her body like a glove and she was so confident as she walked around in it. I just feel so full of joy and so proud of her and how far she has come. She was even giving a speech today! Damn, my beautiful, brave wife.

"They're gonna be staring at us," Sam whispers as we get to the centre. I chuckle and wrapped my arms around us as I saw mum holding Oliver, animatedly explaining the dance. He's so adorable, he wanted to be with us like always so I promised him he'll get a dance with each of us later.

"It is our wedding after all baby girl," I say seeing her blush, she's so cute.

"Are you happy?" I ask before cueing Jake to play our song for the wedding. She nods.

I see Sam light up hearing the words of the song she chose, Turning Page.

"I love this Avery, I love everything about this." Her arms came around my neck as we finally started to sway slowly.

"Yeah?" I asked and she nods. We leaned in, letting our noses nuzzle with each other, kissing softly as I move my hand up to cup her jaw.

"Me too. It's perfect, you're beautiful, so so beautiful, wifey. I love you. I love you so much and now I have the privilege of being with you." I say, choking up slightly as I pulled her even closer. My words mixed with our small breaths and kisses.

"I'm so lucky." I voiced out, hoping she'd know how I felt at that moment. I was lucky to have found love and that love has found me.

"I'm lucky too, so lucky that you found me when you did Avery, I was slipping away and you saved me. You gave me a life." Sam murmured as her eyes glossed over again. I kissed her to stop her from crying.

"A life that people dream of."

"With everything that happened, every hurdle, the long-distance, the no touching, not being able to kiss you whenever I liked it, having to act that you're just my sister, growing up, moving in together, going for our first trip and then the rest, and then our little Prince," making Sam's smile widen along.

"It's a perfectly written story isn't it?" she chimes in. I chuckled slightly, kissing her cheek.

"It's ours, so yes."



And.....it's over! I know this chapter is a little short. Wanted to keep it nice and simple. I will be adding an epilogue soon before this really ends.

Hope the wedding chapter was okay, I didn't make it too emotional, guess this book has had a lot of those moments but nonetheless hope you guys liked it.

Thanks again, for all your support, always, it's what keeps me going. I'm so glad that you guys stayed to see their ending.

Thank you all, stay safe! Lots of love. ❤

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