《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》28. Misunderstandings


I stared in shock as the word fell out of Jake's mouth, his hands balling into fists for the most apparent reason, to hold him back from going to his mate.

"Jake, listen, hey!" I got him to pull away from Skylar and to look at me. His pupils were dilated, his eyes switching to silver, growls, and grunts underlying his breathing.

"Avery...you need to...stop me, h-hold me back." he grits out closing his eyes and I nodded, taking him by his hand and pulling him further from the scene, letting him breathe.

"Oh God, that's how you feel?" he splutters out, his eyes finding Skylar again. I smiled.

"This is crazy, how are you standing straight Avery, how are you doing this? Don't you want to be touching her all the time?" he whines out, growling, his control fine line now.

"Yes, yes I do. It gets better after you mark her, okay I promise. Calm down, you can't scare her. You want to meet her yeah?" I ask and he nods immediately.

"Of course. Jesus, she's so beautiful Av, she's perfect." He breathes out and my heart bursts with happiness for him. Finally!

"Come on, they're walking back, breathe Jake, come on," I say, rubbing his back. He walks a little bit behind me, and I hear him getting his breathing in check. I knew his wolf could snap at any moment.

"Hey," I say, my arm reaching for Sam's waist. She gives me a small, but happy smile before we looked at Skylar.

"You guys are so cute together." Skylar squeals making me grin.

"Thank you. Did you guys catch up?" I ask and they both nod.

"I can't believe it, after all these years. I do want to meet you both again, you got my number, text me, call me, maybe we can meet again on Thursday or something?" Skylar asks excitedly and Sam nods.

"Of course, I'll let you know Sky," Sam replies. I turn slightly before reaching for Jake's wrist, pulling him forward, just enough so he wouldn't snap, my arm slightly as a protective barrier, just in case.

"Also, this is my friend, Jake. Jake, Skylar, Skylar, this is Jake." I introduced them and my eyes watched them. I saw the way Jake's lit up, reaching out his hand to her, and it was trembling, making me snicker. The big bad Alpha, nervous? Hah!

"Hi." She whispered, softly, blushing as she shook Jake's hand.

"No fucking way," Sam muttered beside me, her eyes widening in realization making me chuckle and kiss her head.

"Yeap, who would have thought," I whisper back to her and she looks at them with the happiest smile.


Skylar is amazing. She's everything I remember her to be, that same adventurous spirit, loud and full of laughter. She met my friends and quickly became friends with them too. And the best part, she's Jake's mate. I can't believe they're together and they're so cute. She gets all blushy when we tease her by calling her Luna. Everything was going great, the pack accepted her, things were good.

We also found out why we couldn't find her was because she was adopted by a really, really rich and powerful family, they're friends with the mafia. Honestly, when she told us this we didn't believe her, but when we got to her house, we were scanned and checked for weapons and was constantly followed by her two bodyguards. It's crazy, she's filthy rich. She ran away from the orphanage and ran into one of the members of the Mafia on the street, who is now her uncle, and then she was adopted by them. But they kept everything a secret. "Protection," they said since bad businesses can cause trouble. It didn't sit well with Jake that his mate had two men following her around all day and that she couldn't move into the packhouse with him at first, but after a few months, she did.


It's also Avery's 21st birthday in 2 weeks. I can't believe that it's almost been three years of us being together, time passed so fast. But since Avery gave me such an amazing 18th birthday present, I wanted to do something equivalent for her too. She deserves so much. So, I've been tutoring on the side to save up for some money. I've been planning on this for months. I thought about so many different ideas but my mind kept coming back to this one. I hope she likes it.


There was a meeting going on and it was dreadfully boring. I know I'm supposed to pay attention, it was on the new ideas for the conference we're gonna be having next month. There's just a lot on my mind and I can't force myself to pay attention to this.

Almost every other minute my mind reminds me of how I would never be a mother. I would never have my own pups. My wolf hasn't spoken much about it nor spoken at all recently. She's been there, hovering quietly. We're devastated and it's something Sam will never understand because she's not a wolf.

I can't get her pregnant! What kind of mate does that make me?

I know deep down, a part of me will never want to see Sam pregnant with someone else's seeds in her. I can't. My wolf won't allow it. I just don't know if she wants to get pregnant. Or we're just gonna adopt. I mean we're still young but a part of me just wonders about the future.

My phone beeped softly which moved my attention to that. A smile crept onto my face seeing it was Sam.

S❤ - Hey babe! Just wanna tell you that I'm going with Sky for dinner after class today. I'll be back late, we're catching a movie later so don't stay up okay?

S❤ - I love you❤

S❤ - See you later!

I sighed internally. Again? Seriously?

She's been meeting Sky almost every other day. And if she's not with her she's with her friends at uni. I know I'm being selfish, but I want some time with her too. I reduced my shift to be home by 5 every day... to be with her.

I just- it's fine. She just met Sky. They need to reconnect and stuff. It's fine.

The meeting then dragged on and soon it was over and it was almost 5 again. Maybe I should visit the pack today since I've got nothing else to do. I texted Jake to ask if he was going to be there as well so we could discuss the new pack.

I bid goodbye to my assistant, Grace, and then went to pick up some dinner for Jake and I and a few extra packets for some of the homeless who are on the edge of this block. I try to give them food at least once a week because I take this route to the pack.

"Yes, all to go." I nodded at the cashier giving him a smile. He nods and rings up my order. They brought over the extra for me first and I took them and headed out to the edge of the block. As I walked there I see a family, all huddled up together because of the cold. They're new, I realized. I neared them and the youngest child looked up at me.

"Hi, I brought some food, it's some rice and chicken, its warm. Here." I said, crouching down in front of her parents, giving them a smile. I see the tears in their eyes.


"Thank you, sweetie, oh thank you." The mother whispered. They're all so young.

"Do you guys want blankets and water? I can get some, there's a store here." I asked.

"No, it's okay we're fine." The man said, pulling his daughter onto his lap.

"It's fine really, may I ask what happened to your home?" The couple sighed softly.

"We lost it, in a fire, we have no money left. And I lost my job because I was late. So now we're here." The man said and my heart ached for them.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Listen, I'll get you guys some blankets and water. Do you have a phone? Or some extra change?"

"Yeah, I have a phone." The man said.

"Okay, I think there's an opening in my company, it's just in the mailroom if that's okay and there's another in the coffee shop I used to work with. If you guys want it, I can get it for you. Here, take my number." I say and immediately they agreed, thanking me.

"That's more than enough honey, oh God bless you, love." The woman said and I gave her a smile. We exchanged numbers and I left the food with them. There were 4 more other homeless people around and I wanted to get them food too. Maybe I should get something warm too, a drink?

"I'll be back yeah," I told them and they nodded, their eyes holding a little hope.

I quickly rushed back to the restaurant and ordered another 5 take away packs, and one just with extra bones if they had for the dog of this one homeless old man there. I also ordered 8 cups of hot tea. I paid it all with my card and told them I'll be back to pick it up.

I went back outside and walked to the store on the other side of the block and took a cart knowing I had a lot that I wanted to get. I rushed to the aisle where they had blankets and got a few and some pillows, some tissue paper, toothpaste and toothbrushes, soap, pads, two backpacks for the man, and the other homeless woman who uses a plastic bag, some water bottles.

Do they need umbrellas? Okay yeah maybe. I got some. Then I went to the food aisle and picked up some chips, biscuits and bread and a few sweets for the kids. Then I got to the counter, pretty impressed that I picked all of this up in under 10 minutes and asked the cashier to pack them accordingly.

I swung the two backpacks over my shoulder and carried the other stuff in the bags they gave and walked over to where the family was. My heart bloomed when I saw their faces light up.

"Hi. I got some stuff, here." I say softly passing them the backpack, and the food for them. Their kids squealed seeing candy in them making me smile.

"I'll be back, passing them something," I say referring to the rest of the people. I walked over to them.

"Alexander, Rafael," I said grinning as I approached the old homeless man. He smiles as he sees me and sits up.

"Avery, long time huh." I nod.

"Sorry, work has been a lot. Here I got some stuff. There's food too." He thanked me and I got the food to give the rest of them as well before bidding my goodbye and picking up mine and Jake's food before heading to the pack. I parked my car and greeted some pack members who were there before heading up the stairs.

"Hey, monkey." I hear Jake call out as I step into his office.

"Shut it, moose!" I growled as he burst out laughing.

"Been a while since we've called each other that." He says and I nod, smiling fondly. I put the food down and sat in front of him.

"How's Sky doing?" I ask as we started digging into the food.

"She's great. Crazily energetic but, great. She's spending a lot of time with Sam too, everyday innit." He says and I groaned.

"I know, God, even today!" I got out exasperated.

"Wait, Sam's with Sky today? In Bluebell?" I frowned in confusion at Jake's question. Bluebell? She went to Bluebell and not tell me? What for?

"What? No. Sam told me she's meeting Sky for dinner and then a movie." Jake growled angrily as we both realized what has happened and fished out his phone.

"One of them is fucking lying. Sky told me she's going to Bluebell with her brother to check on the estate and that she'll be back tomorrow, I even sent her this morning to his place." Jake said going through his messages. That must mean...Sam's lying. I don't know why my heart broke at that.

"Why would she lie?" Jake got out as I stayed silent. Sam's lying to me. I put the food down and picked up my phone, seeing no further messages from Sam and going into Instagram.

"Avery...." My eyes snapped to Jake who was looking at me apologetically. Oh no. No. My heart started to beat so hard.

"She's not with Sky." He mutters as he shows me his text message with Sky and it's like a bucket of ice water was thrown onto me. Sam lied to me.

I dialed Sam's number and no answer. I gritted my teeth as I saw her on Instagram. At a party. She's tipsy and she's wearing so little. My hands balled into fists. She was with her school friends, I think they were at Charlie's house. But why the fuck did she lie?

"Avery calm down, maybe she's doing something with her other friends," Jake said and I laughed bitterly.

"Yeah right. She's at a party. And this whole time I was like you know maybe she wants to do something for my birthday, maybe she's planning something that's why she's not coming home. And this is what I get from her after two days?!" I yelled banging my hands on the table and standing up, pushing the chair back till it falls.

My wolf wailed in my head, in anger, in pain, hurt from our mate did, coming out after days. We never lied to each other, I have never ever lied to her and this is what she does?!

"Avery, calm down, maybe she did do something, you don't know that.." Jake said trailing off softly. I chuckled dryly, raking my fingers through my hair.

"I haven't seen her properly in two days Jake, and to her, it's like it doesn't matter, just look at her... It's fine- I just, I need to go for a run, I'll see you tomorrow." I said my voice going soft and empty. Jake looks at me with sympathy and I almost yell at myself so that I'll pull myself together. But how can I?

"You want me to come with you, Av?" He asks softly, putting his food away. I shook my head.

"No, it's fine J, I need to clear my head. I'll see you tomorrow." I gave him a small smile, picking up my food, not wanting to eat before shoving them into the bag I brought it with and leaving it there knowing Jake could eat it later.

I whispered goodbye to Jake and he watched me leave with sad eyes. I got into my car and parked right outside our pack knowing there was this pond where I used to go and I haven't been for so long. I sat in the car, removing my clothes before stepping out into the cold and shifting into my wolf. It's been weeks since I've got into my wolf form. At this point, we were both so exhausted with everything. I ran through the forest, as my eyes started to tear up. I was in pain and I wanted my mate. We ran and ran, my silver wolf form fast and loud like a bolt of lightning followed by thunder in the forest which was neutral territory.

I reached the pond, my chest pounding, my wolf a little angry yet, and let out a loud howl into the night. Wolves rarely howl, we normally did it to find other pack members, to tribute to someone who has died and when we're in pain. Howling meant, calling out to the goddess, we're baring ourselves to succumb to her power, our creator and at this moment I was in pain. Most importantly, I wanted to have my own pups, I deserved them. And it's completely unfair that I can't.

I sat there in my wolf form as I let my wolf cry. She has been silent and she needed to let out her pain. I remember growing up on how much I had to listen to my wolf talk about wanting to have pups with her mate, she couldn't wait for them.

I don't know how much time passed before I trotted back to my car and changed back into my human form to go home. I reached my apartment and it was almost 10 pm. There was no sign of Sam nor any messages from her. I texted her goodnight and went to take a shower before heading to our bed. It's been two days since I last kissed Sam. She's been coming home late and I left before she got up, I didn't want to wake her knowing she wouldn't be able to sleep after and she needs the rest for university.

I rolled onto her side of the bed and buried my nose into her pillow, getting her scent, lavender, and blueberries. I closed my eyes, with the thought of wanting to hold Sam and slept off.


"Sam...hey..dude.." I groaned groggily hearing Charlie call out my name. I turned and snuggled further into the pillow before I was hit with something.

"Hey!" I called out, annoyed and my head pounding.

"You're late Sam, its almost 9 am." Charlie chastised and I tensed before siting up, immediately regretting the pain hitting my head. Fuck! I checked my phone and it was indeed 8.47 am and I had barely 10% of battery. Shit, shit.

"There's breakfast there, here go shower, you can change here, I'll get Eli out," Charlie said and I nodded thanking him before doing so. In 10 minutes I was out of the door and heading to class.

I grabbed the food I packed from a Chinese restaurant and headed to Avery's office. My phone died and I couldn't message her so I was gonna see her for lunch. I just hope she's not busy.

I took the elevator up to her floor after parking my car. There were still people here even though it was lunch.

"Sam?" I turned hearing Grace look at me weirdly, yeah I look like shit, I know.

"Hey, is Avery in?" I asked, giving her a smile.

"Uhm yes, but she told me she wanted to be alone, but I mean it's you, so it's okay, just don't let her fire me, please, she isn't in a ...well a good mood today.." Grace said softly and I nodded at her. I walked to Avery's office, knocking on it.

"What is it now, Grace?!" She growled and I froze. She's pissed. What happened? I opened the door and peeked inside and immediately Avery's eyes were on me with an unreadable expression making me nervous.

"Hi, babe," I say as I got in and closed the door behind me. I smiled and skipped over to her desk before putting the food down on the table wanting to move over to give her a hug. I missed her so much.

"What are you doing here?" I froze at her cold question as she made no effort to come forward to me. My heart started to sink. She didn't want to see me?

"I uh- I came with lunch, I wanted to see you..." I say softly and her lips break into a cynical smile making me stay rooted.

"Now you want to see me huh? After 3 days it hits you that 'oh I have a mate' huh?" She roars out, completely livid making me flinch at her words and tone.

"No babe, I-"

"I what huh? You spend every day with Sky and guess what I found out yesterday, Sam?" She asks me, her voice hard. I gulped and looked down.

"I found out that you've been lying to me. How coincidentally is that I went to see Jake yesterday who told me Sky went to Bluebell with her brother! Imagine my fucking surprise when I learn that my mate has been lying to me. Goddess knows what else you've been lying about huh?!" My heart was pounding as blood rushed to my face in embarrassment as I looked up into her eyes apologetically.

"It was only yesterday, I just thought you wouldn't be okay if I went to a party at Charlie's house. I'm sorry Avery. I should have told you." I whisper softly. She looks away from me completely walking over to the window, I see her frame shaking slightly and I was a little taken aback with how much this has affected her.

"Don't you miss me? Don't you want to come home? Am I not treating you well? Do they make you happier, is that it?" She asks her voice quivering and my heart dropped.

"No, no, babe, no!" I say back immediately.

"Then what is it? You've been gone for three days Sam, does it not occur to on how I would feel?" Avery says softly. I walk up to her, wrapping my arms around her from the back, feeling her tense.

"I'm sorry, I just, I thought you wanted to be alone. You were distant, I didn't know what to do. I'm sorry Avery, I didn't mean to make you feel this way." I mumble into her blazer, loving the smell of her perfume.

"You're supposed to ask me if I'm okay Sam, not pull away. Yeah, I might not say anything the first time but at least it makes me feel like you care." She whispers out so softly, her arms still by her side.

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