《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》20. Kisses and Cuddles


My flight home just landed and I stood outside waiting for a cab. Jake left earlier yesterday, he took another flight home, without me and sent a simple text saying he's sorry and that he needs some space. I wished him well. He's still my best friend, I know he doesn't mean what he says about not being able to love his mate, he just thinks it's like that now, but it doesn't work like that. Having a mate is an out of the world experience, that feeling of being in love and being loved back it's different and it's beautiful and strong, and it makes us weak at the same time, Jake will find his mate for sure, it'll take time.

I can't stop thinking if I should tell Sam about what happened with Jake. I don't want her to worry especially now that I won't get much time with her once my heat starts. She deserves to know, but I don't want to tell her now. Maybe after Jake and I talk about things or something. She wouldn't like that I'm around him since he did this, I know that, hell I wouldn't if it happened the other way, and now classes are starting again, I'll be seeing Jake more on campus and at the cafe. Even if Sam wouldn't be jealous, it still isn't right.

My cab came and I got in, the drive home was just 15 minutes away, I texted mum saying I'll be reaching soon. I am pretty exhausted but I just want to spend time with Sam and our parents. Maybe we could go out to a movie and bowling or something. Oh damn, we need to bring Sam to our regular restaurant, it's a little Mexican one downtown which mum's best friend, Marie owns, their food is delicious, like the best ever. I smiled to myself and decided to call up the restaurant to make reservations for us.

"Miss, we're here." Oh, that's fast. I looked up and I was home. I thanked him for the ride and paid him and took my bag out.

Just then the door opened and Sam's scent hit me. I look up and see her running to me, before literally flinging herself onto me. Sparks, they were everywhere and getting stronger, my whole body was suddenly awakened by her, it lit me up. Mate.

"Oof." I chuckled surprised and let go of my bag and wrapped my arms around her, oh God, I missed her. My wolf purred, like a freaking cat, in my head of finally having our mate in our arms. She buried her face in my neck, and her hands gripped my jacket.

"Hey, my little bear cub." I teased kissing her cheek and head, my arms tight around her waist, God I wish I could be in this position forever. I feel her stiffen and she pulls away slightly blushing, with a pout on her lips. Dammit. That's so cute.

"Not a bear cub," she mumbles and I chuckle, rubbing her waist with my fingers. How did I go not seeing her for 3 months? She's gotten even more beautiful, she looks happy and rested and healthier. She's so perfect.

"You're hanging off me like one, princess," I say in a teasing tone and she blushes and looks down and drops her arms from around me.

"Aww, sorry, I'm just teasing you, I missed you, darling," I say and she smiles immediately. My heart fluttered, damn she's so beautiful.

"Miss you too. Come in," she says and reaches for my bag but I took it from her.


"No it's okay, I got it, come here." I pull her to my side, keeping my arm around her and kissing her hair before walking with her to our door and then closing it.

"Honey!" Mum yelled from the kitchen. I placed my bag down before taking Sam's hand in mine and walking to the kitchen.

"Mum," I say, hugging her tightly. She kissed my cheek and pulled back cupping my cheeks.

"My first baby's all grown up now, all ready to be beta," she mumbles tearing up but smiling.

"Aww mum, come on, don't cry." I laughed and hugged her again. Sam stood a few steps away from us, a small smile on her face before I reached over to her and pulled her into our hug.

"We missed you, the house is too quiet without your noise," Mum said which made Sam giggle.

"Trying to say I'm noisy huh, fine, fine, I'll go then, you guys can keep the calm'," I say jokingly and pulled out of the hug.

"Oh hush, come on, sit down, tell me all about it, I just made lunch, let's eat. Your dad will be back in a bit." Mum said.

"Should I set the table, mum?" Sam asks softly and my heart warmed. I still can't believe she's like here and part of our family and is my mate like it's so perfect how things just fell into place.

"Yeah honey, get the bowls too, for the soup," Mum said and Sam walked over to the cupboard, passing me, giving me a shy smile before opening it.

"Why are you so darn adorable babe?" I say trailing behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist from the back. She stiffens a bit then relaxed, leaning into me allowing me to nuzzle into her hair and neck. My wolf's so high right now, getting heaps of Sam's scent. It's like a drug to me, she smells so darn good, like warmth, and strawberries, also like the lotion which she uses, goddamn.

"I'm not," she mumbles. I didn't say anything and kissed her shoulder and neck softly, stilling her movements as I heard her gasp softly, I continued skimming my nose against it, as I'm completely trapping her against the drawers now, I could feel her body heat in front of mine. I didn't even care that mum was here, I missed Sam too much.

"I got you a present," I mumble into her hair.

"Really? Why?" she asks turning in my arms, facing me. Goddess, she's so beautiful, her eyes are so beautiful, like are they supposed to have this much depth and they're so bright and I see happiness in them, she's happy.

"I wanted to. I'll give it to you after lunch." I say and she nods, flushing slightly as I reached up to skim my thumb over her collarbone and up her neck, to her jaw and cheeks.

"You're so beautiful Sam, I'm so lucky," I confessed softly. It's true, I'm so lucky, she's perfect, she was someone I never knew I needed. So lucky that I got paired with her. She flushes under my gaze, I was sure my wolf was out slightly, her eyes becoming shy as she averts her eyes from mine, but I see the smile on her lips.

"I'm the lucky one," she says softly, her fingers playing with the hem of my shirt. Impossible, I think to myself.

"I don't see the table being served girls, come on, no romancing in my kitchen, hands off each other, especially you Avery, get off." We both froze hearing mum's voice. I chuckle slightly, sighing.


"Okay mum, sorry, I missed her," I say before placing a kiss on Sam's forehead, lingering my lips for just a second to breathe in her scent and then stepping away slightly. She blushed from the embarrassment and proceeds to set the table.

"Yeah I know but you could you know, control yourself here. You can do whatever you want to her later, in your room, after 2 years." Mum says teasing and I froze, coughing. Sam froze and I saw her turn bright pink and quickly looked away.

"Mum!" I shrieked, all she did was laugh. Goddess.

After that, dad came back and we ate and I told them all about what happened and meeting Nikolai and Shadow and the dance, just leaving out what happened with Jake. Then we headed to the living room to watch a movie and we let Sam pick, she got all shy and said she doesn't know many movies, and I vowed to make her watch everything we owned someday. We then decided on The Notebook, well mum decided. Sam and I sat on the bean bag, with her in between my legs, and my arms around her, she was hesitant and tensed for the first few minutes of sitting this close again, but soon she was okay with it.

I'm in love with Sam. I'm sure of it now. Sitting here, with her in my arms, I have just never been more content and happy. She's the best thing that has ever happened to me and she's all that I could ever want. I'm so lucky and so thankful. I thank the goddess every day for bringing Sam to the cafe. I'm so glad that I was with her when she needed me with all that happened. I've grown so protective over her and I already was when I met her. Something drew me to Sam on that first day, and ever since then, my heart is hers, and will always be, she's my everything, no one is more important than her. My soulmate. My life.


The Notebook has got to be the saddest movie out there, or maybe it's one of them, well I can't say I haven't watched movies much, but Avery says The Fault in Our Stars is a way better story and that we'll watch it soon. I was sitting here and bawling my eyes out, mum was sniffing too as dad held her, even Avery was teary eyes but me, I was full-on sobbing. I tried to not cry and hold back my sobs, not wanting to look like a baby in front of Avery but she never once teased me for me, she just held me tighter, wiped my tears, and kissed my head occasionally while I sat there in her arms weeping.

"You alright, love?" There she goes with that word. Love. Hearing it always makes my heart skip a beat, it's different from when she calls me baby or princess, she doesn't do it often, but when she does I can't help but think if she loves me.

"Yeah, 'm okay," I mumbled as the movie ended.

"Wanna go cuddle upstairs? I got to take a shower first though," she says and I nod. I really want a cuddle. I miss her so much. I miss her holding me. Who knew I wanted to be held so much. It's comforting and I feel safe, I've never felt like that before this.

We told mum and dad and went upstairs with Avery's bag in her hand.

"You can get under the covers first love, I'll be out in 10 okay? Then I'll give you the present," she says as we reach the room. I nod again.

"Be back," she mutters, pecking my cheek and walking off to the bathroom. I crawled under her covers and hugged her pillow, and closed my eyes. I felt drained and tired and I just wanted Avery to spoon me.

"Hey, you awake?" I jolted hearing her voice. Did I fall asleep? Damn. How long has it been?

"Yeah, sorry," I say sitting up. She gives me a smile and walked over to her bag and took something out of it, it was in a blue velvet pouch.

"Your present," she mumbles, getting shy slightly as she sat in front of me. I beamed. I haven't gotten a present for so long. Well except everything mum and dad got me.

"You didn't have to Avery," I say feeling it in my hands, jeez it feels expensive. I didn't want her to waste money on me.

"Just open it, sweetheart," she says softly, my heart fluttered with that pet name. I give her another flushed look before peering into the bag. I took it out and gasped.

"Avery..., it's beautiful," I whisper staring at the piece of silver in my hand. It was a silver necklace with a small wolf pendant, and a little greyish-silver diamond for its eye, reminding me of Avery's when her wolf was out and at the back of it a small letter a.

"It's just something to, well, say that you're mine, especially in this next two years, things are going to be hard and it might affect how we are...and I, never want you to forget that you're my girl, no matter what happens, I'm yours and I'll always be here for you," Avery mumbles taking my hand in hers, my eyes were glossy. I was so touched by this, and still shocked I did not know what to say. The words my girl and I'm yours rang over and over again through my head. She says she's mine and that pushes every doubt out the window. She's here, in front of me, saying that no matter what we'll be okay gives me all the reassurance I need.

"Thank you, I love it, I love it so much," I say, looking into her eyes and throwing myself onto her, hugging her tight, trying not to break down again. She cares so much for me. Her arms hold me with such a protective and loving stance, I just can't believe I'm this lucky. I was shaking in her arms, trying not to let the tears spill, holding her tight, shutting my eyes.

"You're welcome, darling," she says and kissed my head. I pull back and cup her cheek, kissing her, being bold for once, showing her that she means everything to me, and I'm so grateful for her. She kisses me back, softly and lovingly at first, I feel that she misses me, her hands skim all over my arms and down my legs. It ignited goosebumps all over me, I was so electrified by her touch, and by her in general. I wanted more. I've been wanting more. Then her kisses turn more rough and possessive, her hand holds the back of my neck, and she caresses my tongue with hers and I moaned into our kiss, my cheeks flushing, I could feel how hot I was becoming, I felt the heat crawl up my neck. I tried to keep up with her, God she tastes so sweet I could do this forever. Hearing the sounds from her mouth because of me sends me to another frenzy.

"I need to stop," she mutters against my lips, her eyes shut, but she doesn't stop. My heart lurched as she moves down and kisses my throat. Fuck. My hands were trembling with need, I wanted her to do something, kiss me there, bite it, something. She places a small lick against my throat and my heart stills as I let out something inaudible. Oh god. Oh my fucking god.

"Avery.." I whispered a groan, my hold tightening around her arm. More. Please, more. But then she stills as if realizing something and she pulls back immediately. I looked at her and her eyes flashed silver as I see the tension in her jaw and dark eyes.

She was holding back. I know it. her breathing was harsh, her eyes still trained on my neck. My breathing was erratic, I sound pathetic as I tried to get it under control. She licks her lips and averted her eyes and then in a flash, her eyes were back to their normal colour.

"Sorry, my wolf..sorry." She mutters still on edge. She wasn't touching me at all now, her hands' laid there in her lap. Did she think she crossed a line?

"It's okay," I say finding her eyes. I wanted to tell her that it was okay, I didn't mind it, in fact, I wanted it, whatever it was.

"Do you wanna put it on?" she asks changing the subject. I stared at her lips seeing how red they were, wondering if mine looked like that seeing how she kissed them earlier. But then I nodded to her question.

"Put it on for me?" I ask her, passing it to her. She takes the necklace and places it on my neck, stretching her hands to reach behind my neck, I could feel her breath on my cheek and I wanted to turn my head so I could kiss her again. But I didn't.

"Thank you again, Avery," I say and she smiles now, her fingers reaching to touch it.

"It's perfect on you," she mumbles softly, in thought. Just as I was about to say something, she spoke again.

"Come on, let's cuddle, I wanna take a nap for a bit," she says and I comply. We got under the covers and faced each other, her eyes staring into mine.

"Can I take you on a date tomorrow?" she asks suddenly surprising me. A date? My heart jumped in my chest, I actually felt like she could hear it beating, of course, I wanted to go on a date.

"Okay," I mumble, smiling. She beams and moved closer, her arm on my waist, pulling me into her chest even more. I sighed happily and gripped her T-shirt in my hands. I feel her kiss my head and smiled to myself, closing my eyes.

"I never got to win you over or ask you to be my girlfriend." Avery continues. I frowned in confusion.

"You don't have to and I'm already, you know, yours," I say shyly.

"I know, but I wanted to. You're not a werewolf, and you didn't know about this whole wolf thing so I shouldn't have let this go on without making an effort to woo you. You deserve the whole deal, flowers on our first date, me meeting you at your doorstep and taking you to a nice little restaurant and maybe for a walk and then get you home by ten and kiss you goodnight. All that and so much more, love." Oh god, why does say things like this? She's so nice to me. I don't need all that, I never even thought about it. I'm happy with how things are.

"Us like this is fine, Avery, I'm so happy with how things turn out, and how nice you are to me, I don't need anything more," I say truthfully.

"Yeah but you deserve it. You deserve the world love, and there's only so much I can give you." She says and I blink back the tears as her hand caresses my hair now, I grip her arm and bury my face in her chest. I love her. I love her. I love her.



I'll do like another chapter of their date and then it continues with Avery moving out and the whole 2 years thing with the potion which can kill her wolf. But won't? Haha, maybe. And I think this book might be over in another 10 or 15 chapters :( we'll see. Thanks to everyone who has supported this book so far, all the love to you guys. ❤

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