《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》19. Hidden Feelings


Avery will be coming back in two days. It's been three months since she went to the academy and it was hard at first then I guess we got used to how things are supposed to be. I just didn't like that Jake was around her all the time. She talked about her new friends, Nikolai and his mate Shadow, Jason, Sylvia, Neo, Rachel, and her mate Aiden. She's also has gotten fitter in the past three months. In the few times we've skyped, she almost has abs and Jesus when I saw them for the first them I completely froze, she's so sexy, like so fucking sexy. She was in a dark blue sports bra and tracks and her hair in two side braids and she was all sweaty when she answered my call and I just...forgot how to breathe for a while. Shit damn. That's my girlfriend and soulmate? Jesus, really? How did I get so lucky?

I spent the rest of the day getting some homework done and then followed mum for a grocery trip. I was doing such normal things, things I only believed. Yesterday mum and I made cookies and dad came in and stole some before kissing me on my head and I swear I was inches away from crying. I have a family. Parents. I've always wanted a mum and dad. They make you feel complete. I did wonder about my real parents but they gave me up for a reason and I don't hate them or anything just hope that they were okay. I'm happy with my family now, happier than I've ever been. They gave me enough food, more honestly and we had ice cream and snacks and I could take them whenever I wanted, they bought me books, and I got to decorate my room, it's just been a dream. Mum and dad are amazing, they were so loving to me and towards each other, I just I'm so happy. Truly happy. But sometimes it makes me worry like I'm on edge for something bad to happen like I don't deserve this.


I sprayed my perfume and checked my make-up again before walking out of the bathroom. I quickly took a picture and sent it to Sam.

Avery: How do I look, baby?

Avery: I'm missing you too much today. Can't wait to be home tmr.

Avery: I'll call you when I get back from the ball.

"Damn girl." I whistle looking at Sylvia, as I looked up from my phone before tucking it away. Her dress was a gorgeous light yellow, almost white, like the colour of the moon, with silver sequins falling from her shoulders till the floor. She turns to me and squealed.

"Avery you look beautiful! Holy cow, look at you!" She beams making me chuckle. I guess I look okay.

"Come on a picture," she says and soon we took a hundred before Jake and Sylvia's mate Aren came to accompany us to the ball.

The hall of the academy was so beautifully decorated, honestly looks like they got help from the witches, it looks like a misty sky over a lagoon. Everyone who was here with their mate was already on the dance floor swaying to the song. I see Nikolai and Shadow in almost matching suits, a dark blue and dark grey, a perfect night sky. Nikolai's one of course with the frills and extra sequins, vampires can be so into fashion at times, his shoes a dark red, I wonder what that resembled.

"Dance with me?" Jake asked from beside me as we walked in and I nodded.


"Sure just don't step on my foot again," I say and he laughed, though his cheeks tinting pink.

"Shut up, I've been practising," he says as we walked into the crowd and I placed my arm around his neck and his around my waist.

"Really? For who? The special lady?" I teased and he hides a smile as we start to dance.

"She's not here," he says softly. My heart dimmed.

"I can't feel her at all." He says again.

"Maybe she's not a beta or alpha you know, she might be there at our coronation since our dads are inviting everyone from at least 3 countries around us." He sighs and nods, keeping his eyes on me.

"Yeah. You look beautiful Avery, don't think I said it earlier," he mumbles after a while making me chuckle.

"Yeah yeah, thanks. I don't particularly like this colour." I say, referring to the dark sea green I'm wearing.

"No, it's perfect. It matches your eyes and hair." He says again and I feel him consciously move closer to me but I said nothing.

"Thanks, Jake. You look good too. Such a shame your mate couldn't see you today." He rolled his eyes but smiled. He had a black blazer and pants with a bow tie which matches my dress colour since he's technically my date to the ball.

"Yeah," he mutters and we just fall into silence. We danced for a bit and then met up with the rest once they changed the music and took tonnes of pictures. It was such a great time, I missed all of them and it's rare to meet them since we're all busy with lives. I sent a few pictures to Sam of us and the ball. And then the head of the academy gave a small speech and thanked all of us for being there. Can't believe it I'm leaving this place now, I've dreamt of coming here since I was little, it shapes us into great leaders, teaching us not only combat skills but also strategy skills and how to run packs just the whole deal on packs. I was proud to be a beta, we all had an aura now that every other wolf would bow down to, we're strong and powerful and that would increase once we start leading our pack. I can't wait honestly, I wanna make my parents proud.

Jake and I said goodbye to everyone and I hugged Nikolai and Shadow one last time asking them to come to visit us and Nikolai said they would, next spring.

Then, Jake and I stepped out to the garden once the dance was over to sit on the hill overlooking the river. It was peaceful and so beautiful. I played with the grass as Jake leaned against the tree, not caring that our clothes would get ruined from the dirt.

"Do you think she's out there?" he whispers after a while. I turn to look at him and his eyes were on the moon.

"Yeah, she is." I know we're talking about his mate here. A part of me aches for Jake, it's been a year and he hasn't found his. We were both pretty unlucky, unlike others who coincidentally found their mate a few days after their 18 birthday or even a few weeks later.

"Why haven't I met her?" I still hear the anguish in his voice. I reached over and squeezed his hand.

"Hey, it'll take time, I just found Sam maybe you will soon," I say and he nods sighing, his eyes still hard, his mouth in a thin line.


"What's it like?" he asks me. It dawns on me that this is the first time we're actually talking about this. I smiled slightly.

"It's what they describe, maybe even better. I'm just waiting till she's 18 you know, so the sparks are there, and I can hear her thoughts, but even now, Jake, it's like I'm existing, I've existed just for her. I'm hers, completely, I'd do anything for her, protect her, she's my life. I'm falling so hard, it's scary, really scary, and I try to keep it in but it's hard, I just want to be with her all day long. She's amazing and kind and my wolf has never been happier." I explain to him, a smile on my face thinking of Sam, and her adorable laugh, and her small hands and how she nuzzles into me when we cuddle.

"I don't think I'll love her that much." I froze in shock at Jake's words. My eyebrows draw in confusion.

"Of course, you will, she's your mate," he scoffs and folded his arms and looks away from me.

"Jake, what do you mean? Talk to me." I say softly, moving closer to him. I feel him tense and I stopped. What's going on?

"I'm in love with you Avery." I still and my heart really just stopped. I stared at him in shock and surprise and horror, my hand coming up to my mouth, covering it. He looks at me sadly, in pain almost wishing he didn't say that but he did.

"I'm so in love with you and you don't even know it. And it hurts, it hurts because you've got a mate and it isn't me." His voice monotonous and low now, like he has rehearsed this in his head before a million times. But we're best friends.

"Jake..." I trailed not knowing what to say. He shook his head not wanting me to speak, and his eyes grew distant again as he looked out to the open.

"Sam's so lucky to have you, she doesn't even know it," he mumbles. A wave of heaviness washed over us and I feel how emotional this is. My heart is aching because I don't know what to say, he's my best friend, we're never going to be a thing, we're not each other's mates and I've already found mine.

"Jake, I'm sorry." I breathe out keeping my eyes on him.

"It's okay. I'm just being stupid, I shouldn't have fallen for you. But I have, for years, ever since that kiss we shared at Jonathan's party, I just couldn't get you out of my head. I thought we were gonna be mates, I was so ready and it didn't happen. And now I see you with Sam, I can't take it, I don't have you to myself anymore, she has you." Tears flood my vision hearing him choke up these words. I feel complete sympathy for him. He's loved me for 6 years? Oh, God. I don't know what to say, what do I say.

"My human self is in love with you Avery but my wolf self knows you're not my mate. But I don't know how to stop. I don't know if I'll ever love someone else as much as I love you now." He turns to me, his eyes on mine and suddenly he's on his knees, leaning forward and before I can stop him, he places his lips on mine.

"Jake!" I growled and pushed him off, my wolf coming into power. He kissed me.

Jake kissed me.


He stopped and looked at me in surprise and embarrassment like he couldn't believe he did that before muttering mutters apologies and he stood up, putting his hands in front of him as a form of surrender.

"I'm sorry, please, oh God, I'm so sorry Avery." With that he runs off and turns into his wolf, his suit torn into pieces on the floor, trailing behind him, I feel his paws thundering on the ground, my heart was racing and I stared at his retreating figure into the night in shock and bewilderment.

That did not just happen.



W: Okay. What just happened?

A: I don't know. How did I not know this?

W: I don't know. What are you gonna do?

A: Should I tell Sam?

W: ..... I don't know.

Okay now, what do I do? Do I talk to Jake? Call him? Give him space? I decided to walk back to the dorms and change out of my dress and started packing my things to go back.

Our flight is at 7 am tomorrow and it's already 12 am now. I took out the present I got for Sam, it's a silver necklace with a small wolf pendant on it to I guess remind her of me, and that she's my mate. I hope she likes it. I'm glad my heat doesn't start for another 4 days, so I still can be around Sam before I have to move out to my apartment near my university. Classes are starting again, fuck. I can't wait to graduate honestly, another 2 years and I'm done. It also just hit me that Jake and I will be taking over the pack next week. I'm gonna be beta. Holy shit. Can we do it? Should we wait? I'm scared of not being a good enough beta, of being a bad leader, but it's my duty, I was born to do this.

I cleared my thoughts and closed my suitcase before jumping into bed and calling Sam.

"Hi." I hear her whisper her voice thick of sleep. Shit.

"Hey were you asleep?" I asked completely forgetting that it was late there. Jesus.

"No it's okay," she mumbles and I hear her yawn.

"Sorry, I missed you. Did you get my pictures?" I asked and she hummed.

"Yeah, I replied to you. You look so beautiful. That's my wallpaper now. " She whispered going shy, making me blush slightly as my heart leapt.

"Aww, thanks, baby. Well, mine is yours so I'm fine with that." She gasped.

"It is?" I chuckle.

"Yeap, of you sleeping on my bed, hugging that bear dad got you. You look so peaceful and pretty and adorable, I just took it that day. I love it." I explain to her, the smile creeping into my voice.

"That's embarrassing," she whined like a baby. My chest warmed.

"No, it isn't. It's cute, you're cute. And I'm not changing it." I say and she sighs, I knew she was blushing, that's when her voice gets a little high pitch and she's breathless.

"Fine," she mutters. I chuckled.

"Anyway, I'll see you tomorrow, yeah, I'll reach at 2, and guess what, I don't start my heat for another 4 days so we can spend time and I can touch you and kiss you and stuff, privately but yeah." I miss her. I really fucking missed her. I'm not gonna let go of her for these next 4 days, no way.



"Okay, I'd like that, I miss you. I hate it when you're not here." My throat tightened.

"I know babe, but I'm coming back yeah."

"Yeah, I know. What about once your heat starts?" she asks.

"I can't stay home, so I'll be at my apartment near my university, I'll come to see you, but it's gonna be with a few months in between," I mutter.

"Oh, again? Why?" I can feel her frown.

"I can't be around you much babe, I can't control myself. I'll try to fight it, I promise, it's just gonna take a lot of my energy, and my wolf's gonna weaken, so I need that time to recover." I say not lying completely as I don't want to tell her about the potion and how it might kill my wolf. She won't let me take it, but I can't, not see her. I can't do that.

"Oh, okay, then it's fine. You need to be okay, I'll wait for you," she says and it just proves my earlier point.

"Yeah, sorry it's like that babe, but two years yeah, we can do this," I say with determination.

"Yeah. We can. I'll wait for you, no matter what. I mean it's my fault, I'm the one who's young."

"No, don't say that. It's not. It's just how things are. And I'll wait for you too, love, no matter what." I promise.

"Okay," she mumbles. I wish I could kiss her right now. She always thinks it's her fault. It isn't.

"Go to sleep okay, I'll see you tomorrow yeah," I say again. She hums.

"Okay, night Avery, see you tomorrow." I beamed, tomorrow, finally.

"Bye baby." I wait for her to cut the line and then closed my eyes, anxious and excited for tomorrow.



So, the part where it's like

Avery: ..

Is a text message between her and Sam. Which I'll be adding in the coming chapters.

And the one which are italicized are usually the conversations with their wolf.

Thanks for reading guys! I'm gonna skip the two years thing in a few chapters hopefully and then continue with their romance of finally being able to be together. ❤

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