《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》13. Home


The next few days passed in the hospital with me getting rest, meeting Avery's parents, who are gonna be my new parents. I was happy to be able to be closer to Avery, though I still didn't like that we will be considered sisters. But she didn't worry about that at all. Nonetheless, her parents are amazing, and when I saw them, I was honestly shocked because they looked so young like they were in their early thirties, but they weren't and I could easily see where Avery got her looks from, they were beautiful. And they were so nice and kind, and her mum brought me clothes, and toiletries and food, and an extra blanket because it's really cold here. They almost came to visit me every day while Avery stayed the whole day not once leaving my side.

"Sam honey, do you want bacon or sausages?" Avery's mum asked me through the phone. My heart melted, she's bringing me breakfast.

"Uhm, anything is fine ma'am," I mumbled back shyly.

"I told you to call me mum, dear. You are my daughter too, now. And I'll bring you both alright?" she says and I bit my lip trying not to tear up again. The adoption papers are still in the process but they're already treating me like family and I feel so new to this.

"Okay, thanks mum," I whispered and I saw Avery smile wide from the corner of my eye. I can't explain this feeling. I'm so wanted, they wanted me, Avery wanted me. I felt like I belong somewhere. We bid goodbye and she says she'll be here in a bit with breakfast.

"You okay?" Avery asks, sitting by me. I nod, smiling.

"Yeah, I am," I say back. She grins and kisses my cheek. I froze and immediately my cheeks flamed. Oh, I'm so not used to this. And her being so touchy around me. I loved it. She was always around me, finding ways to hold me, kiss me, and made sure that I was alright. It made me feel special like she really liked me.

"Do you wanna shower? I think the wounds would have healed," she asks softly, knowing it was still a touchy subject. I nod. I do want a shower.


"Okay, come on, I'll help you okay? Or do you want me to get a nurse?" I blushed. I don't want her to see me like this. With all the scars on me. I look ugly. What if she doesn't like it? And thinks I'm hideous? No. She can't see my body like this. I don't want a nurse either.

"Can, we wait, uhm, for your mum?" I ask her, hesitant, I don't want her mad. I kept my eyes down, pressing on my fingers, waiting for her reply.

"Hey, look at me. It's alright. We'll wait for mum alright?" she whispers, holding my cheek softly. Her eyes didn't show that she was hurt or confused. It showed nothing almost. That's one thing I didn't like, I could never understand what she feels, it's like she could hide her emotions almost every time.

"Okay," I mumbled. I hope I didn't hurt her with what I said. I'm such a coward. I know she wouldn't say anything about how I look and about the scars, but a part of me was afraid, truly terrified of seeing disgust in her eyes or her actions. I don't want her to let me go. If she saw me, she might.

"Come on, you wanna watch something waiting for mum?" she asks, taking my hand in hers. Her hand was so warm and much bigger than mine. I slowly laced our fingers together, staring at them then up to her eyes. She had a small smile on her face and it made me blush.

"Okay," I said and she pulled us to the bed again and we sat beside each other, and as the past few days, she kept her arm around my shoulder, allowing me to lean into her. I don't know what I and Avery are. Are we even a thing? Does she want to date me? Why hasn't she talked about this? It's been eating me up but I didn't want to seem pushy and childish. Maybe she didn't want to label it. Honestly, I don't like the sound of that. Of not being hers. And she mine.

I turned my head to stare at her as she kept her eyes on the screen. I don't know if she realizes that I'm looking at her but my eyes took in all her features. She's really so beautiful. Her pink lips, and green eyes, with specks of blue in it when we're in the sun, or under the light and little freckles she has on her cheeks. She was perfect, she carried herself so effortlessly graceful. Like she had power, and she was happy with how she looked and knew that she was loved.


I wanted that. To feel like that. I couldn't help but stare at her with amazement. This girl kissed me. A nobody, she met weeks ago. A pity, charity case. What has her interested in me? Why me? Why not Jake? Is she even gay? Is she bi? Has she dated people before? I looked down at her hand, decorated with silver rings, a plain band, one with a feather, and another with arrows. Has she held someone else with those hands?

I hated myself for thinking stuff like this, but it's hard to when I'm falling for her. It's hard not to when she's always here, always being so nice, and kissing me, God, she kissed me, I'm still not over it.

"What you thinking about?" she asks suddenly looking at me. I flamed and looked down.

"Nothing," I mumbled. Shit. Shit. Shit.

"You were thinking of something. What about?" she asks again, her voice teasing me.

"I uhm, no, nothing," I say, still keeping my eyes down. I feel her tilt my chin up and I was forced to look into her eyes.

"You sure? We can talk about it if you want." She offers, rubbing my hand now.

"No, it's nothing, maybe another time," I whisper and she frowns but nods.

"Okay, you sure though? You know you don't have to be afraid around me or shy," she reassures me and I nodded gratefully.

"I know, thank you, Avery," I say and she nods and leans over to kiss my head, and tighten her hold around me. God, how does she do this? I feel so safe and so comfortable with her. Everything with the way she holds me and plays with my fingers, and how she lingers her lips every time she kisses me, gives me such a great feeling.

We sat together and watched a movie, and soon her mum was here. She smiled brightly, walking in with a few bags and Avery immediately walked over to help her.

"Mum this smells amazing," Avery says, kissing her mum on the cheek as she took a whiff of the bacon and eggs. I smiled to myself. I have a family. Oh, God. I'm gonna cry again.

"Hi honey, you feeling okay?" her mum asks walking over to me, caressing my hair. My heart warmed and I nodded.

"I'm okay, thanks for bringing food," I mumbled. She laughs and nods, pulling me for a hug. I was tense but hugged her back. She smelled amazing. She smelled like home, like something I could come home to. I tightened my hold on her, and soon enough I had tears pouring down my face.

"Shh, sweetheart, don't cry. It's okay." Mum sat beside me and rubbed my back as I sobbed into her shoulder.

"Thank you," I whisper holding onto her. She nods and I felt Avery kneel on the floor and place her hand on my thigh. I reached for her hand and held it tight.

"Thank you both, for wanting me," I say, my voice breaking as I tried to form words looking at the most important people to me now. My family. People I could go to, people I'm going to love and who's going to love me. I turned to her mother, my mother now.

"Mum." I croaked, at she immediately cupped my cheek, and kissed my head.

"Yes, I'm here. I'm always here, honey," she whispers and I lean into her again, squeezing my eyes tight.

I've got a family. A real family. It felt like I had always meant to be with them. This was meant to happen. God, I couldn't be more thankful. I can't wait for this life with them. I hope it lasts. I know it's happening so fast, but it's just a gut feeling that this is it. My home.



Just a small filler chapter before shit starts.

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