《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》8. Telling them


Hugging Sam earlier gave me butterflies. I never ever felt like that with anyone before. My heart was racing as I tried to comfort her knowing she was so close to me. I could feel her warmth, her skin on mine, and how she gave in and rested her head on my shoulder. I loved everything about it. We are mates. We have to be. There was no way I was feeling this way with just an ordinary person.

The only question now is, what do I do about it? What do I say? How do I say anything to her about what I am? Who do I tell this to?

I wanted to tell mum. I knew she'd know what to do, but a part of me was afraid that she wasn't going to accept this. A female werewolf with a female human mate.

In two months, Jake and I are going to the academy, which was 3000 miles away from here. What's going to happen to me and Sam then? Usually mates follow each other there if one of them were of higher ranks since only deltas, betas, and alphas go there, but I don't think that's possible, she has parents and she's sixteen. It's not right. No one will approve of us being mates until she's 18. I've got to wait that long. And I honestly don't know-how.

"Avery." I turned towards Sam on the couch as we finished our pizza.

"Yes?" I replied. She looked down and played with her fingers, she was nervous.

"I wanna ask you something," she mumbles, still not looking at me. I frowned in confusion. She looks so small, all wrapped up in a ball with blankets around her, and her hair in a ponytail, she looks beyond innocent.

"Go ahead," I said nearing her. She looked up into my eyes, and I see her grey ones shy away as her cheeks reddened and she played with her fingers even more.

"Uhm- I...well, can you s-stay over tonight?" she whispered so softly almost eating up her words. My breath hitched slightly at her question.

"Only if you want to, you don't actually have to. Sorry." she rambles on, still looking down. I reached for her hand and held it, making her look up at me.

"I would love to Sam, but I don't think I should," I say softly, looking at her sympathetically hoping she'd understand. She immediately nodded and looked down.

"Sorry, it was stupid. I didn't mean to," she says again and I sighed.

"No don't be, it's not stupid. It's just, better this way, you know." I said, knowing how much I wanted to but I shouldn't. This is going to turn into something else soon. I know that, and I can't let that happen. Not yet. Not until I know this is right.


No, I don't know. I wanted to reply back but I bit my tongue. I couldn't think about why she didn't want to. Did she not want to be here? Be with me? Was it too much to ask since we've just met? God, I'm so stupid. Of course, she wouldn't want to waste time with a stupid kid. She had a life and better things to do.


"Hey, but someday I will okay?" she said giving me a smile, startling me with her answer and giving me hope. I blushed slightly. She didn't move her hand from mine, and I really wished I was in her arms again. I wanted her to hold me again. But, I couldn't ask her to do that. We were just friends.

"Anyway, I've got to go now, I'll see you tomorrow?" she said after a while, pulling her hand from mine, and immediately making my heart ache. I don't want her to go.

"Okay. I'll walk you to the door?" I ask her wanting to stand up and she put her hand out, stopping me. I looked at her in confusion and she shook her head.

"No it's fine, you sit here okay? I'll take the trash out, and leave," she said and started to collect the pizza boxes and our drink and I couldn't but help stare at her in amazement.

"You don't have to Avery," I say softly, my eyes watching her every move.

"Oh hush," she said back in a teasing tone. I grinned and thanked her. Then she neared me again, crouching down beside me.

"If anything happens, call me okay. This is my number. Just please don't do anything this time okay?" she says and I nod shyly, looking into her green eyes. She's really so beautiful. I just wish I had the courage to tell her that.

"Alright, then I'm going okay?" she confirms with me and I nod, she stands up and I follow, wincing slightly.

"What-" I cut her off by wrapping my arms around her waist and leaning my head on her chest, hugging her tightly. She tensed slightly but then hugged me back, making me feel all mushy in the inside again. I loved this.

"Thank you for everything, Avery," I say and she mutters a welcome and we pull away from each other. She rakes her fingers through my hair again, and tucked it behind my ear, making heat crawl up my neck, I was frozen in place.

"Night beanie girl," she says winking at me and leaving, she glanced at me one last time before closing the door behind her. I dropped down on the couch, holding my heart which was ready to burst out of my lungs.

She. Winked. At. Me.

Oh, Jesus. Oh, Jesus Christ.


I was going to tell mum. This is it. I know I denied it the other day, but I don't know what to do now. I don't want to ignore Sam just because I've got feelings for her even if she's young. And how was I going to live without seeing her for 3 months during the days at the academy?

I got into my car and drove back to the packhouse and parked. Some pack members were there and they greeted me as I did them. Then at the corner of my eye, I saw mum and dad talking to Alpha. I ran up to them and hugged mum from the back.

"Hello, gorgeous," I whispered kissing her cheek. She laughed and hit my hand.

"Now what is it you want?" she asks turning around to look at me. And I looked at her feigning hurt.


"I do not want anything mother, just you know, stating the obvious." I grinned. She rolled her eyes and I turned to greet Alpha and hugged dad.

"So I'll see you guys tomorrow at the bonfire? Ethan, you need to check out that treaty with Silver Moon, I don't trust them yet." Alpha says to dad as he starts to walk away.

"Alright will do Mark," he replies and soon Alpha left and it was just the three of us and they both turned to look at me and I got nervous.

"I need to tell you guys something," I said glancing at mum and her eyes widened in horror, glancing at my stomach and back at my face.

"Are you pregnant?!" she yelled out loud, startling me and I shook my head.

"No mom, what the hell, no," I said rolling my eyes. She visibly relaxed.

"Okay well that's the worst thing that you could have done," she mutters and dad snickers.

"Or killed someone, which I hope you didn't?" he questions me with his arms crossed as if he is unsure.

"Oh dad come on, I'm serious. Can we go to my room? It's important." I plead now, biting my lips.

"Alright, honey," Mum said and we walked upstairs to my room, talking about our day until we walked into my room and they sat on my bed. I took in a deep breath and turned to them.

Be ready to be abandoned. And hated. And kicked out of the pack.

I repeated to myself. I stared at both of them, tears almost spilling out of my eyes and I see them get anxious.

"I found my mate," I whispered softly looking down. They gasp.

"Really? Who? When?" Mum eagerly asked and I sighed, going to them and sitting on the floor at their feet. I took their hands in mine.

"It's so wrong, mum. It shouldn't be this way." I mumbled, feeling so small now. I had no hope of us being together the more I thought about it. I've never heard of any gay werewolf. Not one.

"It's not wrong honey, tell us." Dad encouraged me. I nodded and spilt everything.

They tensed as I went further into the story and their faces were ghostly white.

"A human girl?" mum whispered. And I nodded dropping my head.

"But you know, I'm not sure yet. But it's there. I'm sure you know what feels like." I reason with her and she sighed looking at dad, talking through the mind link for a bit, as uncertainty struck their faces. Then they turned back to me.

"It's that girl you brought in right?" she asks again, confirming my story. I nodded, chewing on my lip.

"Well, I don't think there's anything you can do honey, you just have to wait till she's 18. And if she starts falling for you earlier, you know you can't do anything with her like I mean at all, but we could talk to alpha about it, I'm sure he'd understand." She said softly. I nodded understanding.

"But the rest of them might not be so hard about it since she is your mate, after all, we could go by the Oracle next week and see what she says." Dad chimes in looking at me sympathetically.

"Yeah, I've never heard about this before, although there was a rumour about this maybe thousands of years ago, we never knew if it was true. And also, the time in the academy, she can't come, Avery, I think you know that." Mum said again and I sighed sadly.

"I know," I muttered softly.

"It's alright, cheer up honey, I'm so happy you finally found her. Even though the circumstances are a bit different, it'll work out in the end okay? You just got to be patient, honey." Dad said again, ruffling my hair making me break out in a grin.

"Thank you, both of you." I leaned up and hugged them so tightly.

"You accept us?" I mumble and mum nods and kisses my head.

"We're your parents and you can't choose your mate, honey. So yes. Bring her over sometime for dinner or something okay? We'd like to meet her." Mum says and I blush. Dad snickered.

"Too soon mum, too soon. I did want to talk about something else. Her parents. They've left her at home, with 20 dollars to survive on and they're coming back after a week. The bruises on her are so bad mum, so bad, she's abused and I hate that she is. She doesn't deserve it. She's so young and they shouldn't do that." I say in frustration.

"That's horrible, I couldn't believe it when I saw them on her that day, but, we could complain about this, we can get Lawrence to come in, and since she's adopted, we could you know..." Mum trailed off looking at dad and my eyes widened in surprise.


A/N: Okay, adding this here because the comments of Sam and Avery being "sisters" are getting to me. Avery's parents become her guardians and what, she can't call them mum and dad? How does that make them sisters? Some people use those terms for their in laws. I just don't see the problem with it. How is any of that incestuous/weird....they're not related and they literally just met? Sam has had a shitty life, doesn't this sound amazing? Parents, a lover, a home?

I'm done 💀

But yeah, anyway, thanks for all the reads, appreciate them as always!


"You guys would do that?" Dad nodded.

"We were planning on moving out after you and Jake take over, and going back to our house, she could stay with us. Plus it'll be lonely without you. And I know how much she needs parents." Dad explained and I teared up and hugged them again.

"She deserves so much, I just want her to be happy and okay, you know? I don't want to see her cry anymore. She deserves so much love." I say, holding in my tears. They are so accepting, and loving, I truly have the most amazing parents. I never expected this, that they would actually adopt her.

"Even if we can't, we'd love to have her with us," Dad said again rubbing my back. I nodded.

"Thank you both so much. Thank you."


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