《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》7. Warm


The next day came and went, I didn't move much from the couch, only to brush my teeth and pee. I couldn't shower, although I wanted to, I couldn't stand. I sighed at how useless I was. I couldn't do anything.

I ate some of the food she got me. Heated up some old soup and bread as I dragged myself around the place. My ankle hurt, I know I wasn't supposed to move and needed to rest but I couldn't stay still. So I started cleaning the mess. The broken glass, photo frames all on the floor, some blood on the carpet, and of course the dishes. I leaned tiredly against the fridge, sighing. One thing on my mind. Apologizing to Avery. I need to, she's been so nice and caring and I never thanked her for all that she has done.

I walked over to the phone. I don't even know if it's working. We never get calls. Mum and dad don't use it. I pick it up, it was beeping. I rejoiced internally. I dialled the operator to connect me to the coffee shop Avery worked at. I waited, biting on my lips, I was so nervous. What was I going to say? Shit.

*AN: Conversation below, A- Avery, R- Rose and S- Sam*

R- Hello, this is Rose from Little Cuppa, how may I help you?

S- Hello. Uhm, may I speak to Avery?

R- Aight, wait a moment, please.

I heard shuffling and someone calling Avery. My heart thundered. Oh, God. Please don't be mad. Please. I'm so sorry.

A- Hello, this is Avery.

I panicked.

A- Hello?

Shit. Shit.

A- Hello? Anyone there?

Say something, you idiot.

A- Hello, this is Avery.

She says again, confusion in her voice. I hear Jake in the background asking who that is.


She tries again.

S- Hi.

I heard her take in a breath. I released mine.

A- Sam?

S- Yeah.

A- What's wrong?

My heart warmed, she does care.

S- I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Avery, I didn't mean to make you mad that day.

A- It's okay Sam. Don't worry about it.

S- No, but, you're nice and you wanted to help and I hurt you by wanting to leave without telling you. I'm sorry.

A- Hey it's okay, really. I'm not mad. I was just worried about you. Are you okay though? Do you have enough food? Is your ankle better?

S- I'm okay. And yes. It's better. But I'm still sorry.

A- Don't be sorry, it's fine. I'll come and see you later alright? Sorry I've been working.


S- Okay, no it's fine if you can't, I'm okay.

A- Oh hush, I'll be there at 6. See you then beanie girl.

S- Okay, bye Avery. Thank you.

A- No problem. Bye.

I placed the phone down and squealed. Oh, God. She's coming over. Now I'm so glad I cleaned the place. Wait, what about me? I didn't shower. God, I must smell horrid. No, she can't see me like this. Shit. I limped to the extra bedroom we had and found some deodorant and powder and a little perfume. I combed my hair, took a mint and went to the front. Two hours. She's gonna be here in two hours. Okay. I can wait. I turn the TV on and watch something which was there and then ate fruit and the crackers she got me.

Soon, it was 6. And I was anxious. I repeated the apology a thousand times in my head. I pictured her face and eyes, looking at me, forgiving me, hopefully. And then just us, spending time here, on the couch, watching something.

But that's never gonna happen. She won't wanna spend her time with a kid. That's all I am. That's why she cares for me the way she does, and that's why she feels obligated to take care of me. I'm just a poor child. She's kind and sympathetic, she's - we're not really friends. Once I'm okay and my parents come back and then things are just going to go back to how they were.

I can't stop thinking about how that will happen. How my life is going to be the same for the next two years. I don't want this. I want some change. I've always believed in God, and I've always asked him to help me a little, make the pain stop, or make them love me. I just want to be loved and cared for. I want to be held so tight that it makes my inside all mushy.

Why was I so unfortunate? Could things be worse? Yeah, it could, they weren't selling me off. They have not killed me. I wasn't raped. I had money, food, and somewhat parents. And now a friend. But you know how sometimes you wish things could go a bit better? That's how I feel.

The doorbell rang. I cleared my thoughts and checked my face and hair, patting it down. I jolted off the sofa, got up and limped to the door. I readied myself, trying not to break out in a grin as I see her standing outside. I opened the door.


"Hi," she breathed out, immediately her eyes raked over me, from the bruise on my face till my arms and legs and back to my face. I flushed slightly looking at her, she looked absolutely gorgeous. Her hair was in a side braid, she had blue eyeliner on, chains and she was in leather, a leather jacket. She looked hot.

"You gonna keep staring at me or?" she says smirking slightly and I break out of my trance and shy away. My cheeks redden as my heart fluttered at her teasing tone.

"Sorry, uhm hi. Come in." I say and she chuckles and walk-in. I close the door and turn to her and she glanced around the place and looked back at me.

"I thought I told you to stay put," she says frowning. I looked at her confused.

"I did," I said and walked over to the couch. She tsked.

"Nope, you didn't. Unless you've got powers and managed to clean this whole place up?" she looks at me pointedly as she sat down as well.

"Oh well, I couldn't do nothing," I mumbled. She sighed and kneeled on the floor in front of me.

"What are you doing?" I asked confused. She takes my leg to her lap, and carefully she glides her fingers over them and stops.

"It got worse Sam, you should have just rested," she says softly.

"No it's fine, really, it doesn't hurt." she reaches for the bag she brought and took out some cream, and a new bandage.

"I'm gonna change it okay? It's all loose. And please no more doing anything for 2 days. Can you please promise me that?" she asks, more like pleads. But I nod. I give in. Why do I want to obey her so much? I want to do things to make her happy.

I looked down at her as she starts cutting out the bandage and I gasp looking at my ankle. It's all bruised. The whole thing is red and a purplish colour and she looks up at me as if trying to prove a point and I simply nod.

"Sorry," I mumbled as she moved to clean my leg with some tissues and put some cream on it.

"Just try not to do anything okay? It needs to heal Sam, it might get worse and you can't walk then," she says strictly and I cover back nodding. She held so much power over me, why am I feeling this now? Like there's a force making me bow and submit to her. It frightened me.

"Okay all done. Come let's get it up," she says and gets a pillow, placed it on the coffee table, and placed my foot on it. Then she turns to look at me.

"Let me put this on your bruise?" she asks softly sitting beside me now, we were so close to each other, our legs were touching and it's making me feel weird. I nodded at her question and she smiled slightly.

She started by pushing my hair back and tucking it behind my ears. I was holding my breath the entire time and I knew my face was flushed. I knew it. I felt how hot it was, crawling up my neck. She's so close to me. Then her fingers, touched the bruise as she rubbed the cream all over it. She's so gentle and delicate it made me feel so cared for. No one has done this for me. No one has walked up to me and offered to take care of me. Not my parents. Not back at the orphanage. No one. I couldn't help the tear that wanted to roll down my face. She tensed and pulled away, scared.

"Shit, I'm sorry, does it hurt?" she asks and I shook my head, biting my lips, trying not to sob. She put the cream down, wiped her fingers and reached to wipe my tears and my hands shook reaching for hers.

"What's wrong? Hey, don't cry please," her green eyes were full of pain looking at me. God, she's so beautiful. She was worried and anxious, and I could see her jaw tighten at every tear that rolled down my face. I dropped her hands and pulled her to me, hugging her. She was tensed for merely a second, her breath hitched, then she hugged me back, holding me tight.

"Sam, don't cry, shh, the pain will stop okay?" she says as she rubs my back. I close my eyes and enjoy the moment. It's been years. Years since I've gotten a hug. And those hugs don't compare to this. I feel so safe, so warm. She was holding me because she wanted to. She didn't pull away.

She pulled me, further into the couch, I kept my face buried in her shoulder, and her arm wrapped around me. I closed my eyes real tight and muttered internally, whoever brought Avery to me, I thank you so much. I need her. Please don't take her away too.


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