《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》6. Mate?


Oh, God. What did I do? I kissed her. I kissed Avery on her cheek. I mean it was just a friendly, thank you kiss. I shouldn't have, we weren't friends, just acquaintances.

I'm so stupid.

And she just left the room, not sparing me another glance. I sighed and lay down. I must have made her uncomfortable. So stupid Samantha. So fucking stupid. I sighed, I just gotta face it.

I still can't believe I'm here. I glanced around the room which looked like a hospital one. There were machines and X-ray's, some weird medicines as well, a whole cupboard full.

But I'm at her house. Avery's house. Or mansion, whatever this is. And she's taking care of me. I still don't know why. She genuinely wants to and that makes me so scared, I'm not used to this. I feel guilty for being here. I know I shouldn't. I was intruding into her life. She doesn't need me here. I should leave.

I nod to myself. I need to leave.

I got up, and stood up shakily, wincing as I put pressure on my ankle. It hurts like a bitch. I just want to go home and sleep for days. I walked towards the door and opened it slowly. Peeking outside, I didn't see her. Phew. I walked out and closed the door, limping. Where the hell was I? There were rooms and rooms, it looked like a huge, I mean huge old mansion. And not in the creepy way, it was beautiful. There was a huge staircase going up and down. My mouth fell open looking at the portrait just at the top of the stairs. A whole family. There's gotta be a hundred people there. It's beautiful. And so real. It's not even a picture it's literally drawn. Holy shit. I walked a little closer to see the faces.

"Hey." I jumped at the voice and turned to my left. A guy stood there, eyeing me suspiciously. His eyes raked my entire form as if I was a threat or something.

"Hi," I muttered embarrassed. He walks over to me.

"Are you okay? Do you need help?" he asks and I nodded. Oh yeah, I'm supposed to leave without Avery noticing.

"I uhm yeah, how do I get out of this place?" I whispered looking around. He chuckled.

"You're running away from the clinic? Don't blame you, not the first one. Come on, I'll help you. This way." I smiled even though I was slightly creeped out with the way he said not the first one....what's that supposed to mean?


"Thank you." he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and walked me out as I leaned on him. I keep glancing around, my eyes straining to find Avery. My heart was racing, please don't be here, please don't be here.

"What's your name?" he asks suddenly as we were nearing the door.

"Sam," I mumble. He nodded.

"I'm Jamie." I nod softly. He was really good looking, and huge, meaty arms and tattoos, and a piercing. We were near the door when another older man walks up.

"Alpha." Jamie bows and I tensed. Alpha?

"Jamie. Where are you taking her? Who is she? My, are you okay dear?" he asks looking at me sympathetically. I nodded embarrassed, I must look horrid.

"She wanted to leave, from the clinic," Jamie explained and the man raised his eyebrow.

"Ah, you're the one with Avery?" he asks and I nod.

"And she let you go? Looking like that?" he asks again, his eyes glancing all over me and I feel Jamie look at me as well.

"No, I didn't." I winced hearing Avery's voice at the back of us. Shit, shit, shit. She walked over to us, hurt, and disappointment in her eyes as she looked at me. I wanted to say sorry but I couldn't.

"Let me," she says to Jamie and soon her arm was around me, and I leaned into her, involuntarily and unconsciously, she's so warm. She looks at me again and excuses us from Jamie and the other man.

"So, you were leaving?" she asks, her arm still around me. I sighed and looked away.

"I-" I stopped. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want her to find out.

"It's fine. You don't have to say anything. I'll take you home," she said, her voice void of feeling. I looked at her but she looked ahead as we walked out to her car. She helped me into it. Still not saying anything. I sighed, disappointed in myself. I hurt her. All she wanted to do was help and I was pushing her away.

"Avery." I mumbled her name. She spared me a glance and started driving. I said nothing and looked down. I hear her sigh but we were both just silent. There was so much tension in the car. We drove for ten minutes before she slowed down outside the grocery shop we were at that day, stopping the car.


"Wait here." she said before stepping out of the car and slamming the door. I winced and stayed. My eyes followed her as she greeted the owner and took a basket. Is she buying things.....for me?

I gasp in realization. Why is she doing this? She's so kind. She's still helping me even when I wanted to leave.

She was out in 5 minutes, a bag full of things as if she knew what to get. She bid the owner goodbye and came back to the car. She got in and placed the bag at the back and started driving again. We reach my place and she didn't make a move to get out.

"Why did you want to leave?" She asked, not looking at me as I peeked at her. Her eyes were so beautiful, her piercings, and tattoos, she's beautiful.

"You don't have to take care of me," I whisper softly and I hear nothing from her. She didn't say anything at first and saw her jaw flex. She was angry.

"You're right. I don't have to." And she got out of the car. I stopped breathing at what she said. My heart ached, it was thumping against my rib cage. She was gonna leave me, for real now. What did I do?

"Come." she opened my door, help me out, and took the bag of things, and got me to the couch of my house.

"Try not to go upstairs. Here, it's for you." she passes me the bag as I sat down. I bit my lip as she stood up and looked at me.

"I'll go now," she mutters her voice, void of emotion again. My eyes start to get glossy but I said nothing to stop her and soon she shut the door behind her. And I sobbed.

She never looked back. She didn't say goodbye. She just left. Was that it? Was that how we were going to end up?

"Avery..." I cried in between tears. I lied down on the couch, clutching the pillow in my arms. I pushed her away and now she's gone. She doesn't care for me. I fell asleep, after hours of crying. No one cares for me. I've got no one.


I was holding all my anger in as I walked back to my car. I stopped before entering it, gripping on the top of it and growling out. I felt my claws extending out, and it made dents into the top of my car. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I wanted to yell out.

*AN: Conversation below, A meaning Avery, and W for her wolf.*

W- Calm down, Avery.

My wolf snarled at me. I sighed and kicked the tyre.

A- How? How the fuck do you want me to calm down?

W- She's just a child Avery, she doesn't want to bother you.

I sighed again, raking my hand through my hair and leaning against the door. I need a smoke.

A- Why can't she just listen to me?

W- She's trying. Don't be so hard on her. She's our mate. We don't need her away from us even more.

I thought about that for a bit. She's right. I need Sam around me, I can't get mad at her and push her away. We're just starting to get closer.

A- I know. Goddess, I'm so stupid. Is she really our mate? Would we be allowed to be together? More importantly, for me, will they allow it?

A female mate? Do I even like girls? Why did I get a female mate? Why couldn't I just get a guy from college or something? Even if he's human it would be easier.

The whole concept of getting a mate now changed ever since she showed up. Our bond, mating, the engagement, wedding, kids, the beta with a wife? I mean come on, why couldn't it be simple?

W- I don't know for sure, but there is something. That kiss earlier, and the need to be around her. Not to mention how I didn't want Jamie to hold her that way. I wanted to snap his neck for touching her.

I snickered.

A- Possessive bastard.

W- Don't act like you aren't.

I just flipped her off in my head and got in the car and drove back home.



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