《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》4. Hell


I stood in front of the mirror, tending to my new bruise. There was so much blood. I could barely stand. I tried not to cry again but failed. I hated this, I hated feeling so much pain. Why do they do this to me? What have I not done for them? Was I not a good enough daughter?

I didn't want to go back to the orphanage. But they didn't hit us. They didn't starve us. In fact, the food was great, I got to go to school. And now, I want that life but I want parents. I want mum and dad to want me to. I thought they did.

I sighed and turned away from my reflection, I look horrid. Then something hit me, tomorrow was Friday. I was supposed to go meet Avery. How? I look like the hunchback of Notre-Dame.

I can't go and meet her like this, she's going to ask me a lot of questions and I don't know if I can lie, I don't want to break down in front of her as well. I don't even have a phone. Great! That's it, I'm just gonna stay here. I hope it goes away by Sunday. The ones on my body I can hide them, but not these.

"Get down and start on dinner!" I jumped at mum's voice. I bit my lip and collected myself as I placed the last bandage on my arm and walked out of my room. Cautiously, I walked down the stairs and crept into the kitchen. Dad was nowhere to be seen. I sighed and quickly took out the meat and spaghetti. I knew they both liked this, so I guess I'd make this. My hands hurt but I got to toughen up. Once I'm done with this, I can go up to my room.

I started with cutting onions and garlic, some bell peppers, and started on the sauce. Mum liked tomato, so I'd do that. Then I worked on the meatballs, washing them and boiling them as well as the pasta. I got some cheese from the fridge and grated it. And soon, it was done. I heard footsteps down the stairs and hurried up. I quickly placed two plates and cutlery on the table and got wine and 2 glasses for them.

Mum entered the dining and sat down, and I tried not to tremble while I plate her food.

"Where's your plate?" she asked startling me.

"I uhm, not hungry," I whispered lying.

"Sit and eat," she says and I nod. She wants me to eat? After beating me up? I just obeyed and took a little bit and ate with her.


"We're leaving for a week to England. I'll leave some money for you. Don't get into any trouble and stay at home." I nod surprised, they're leaving me alone?

"We're going tomorrow," she says again and I nod. She finishes her food, and I too. I cleaned up the plates, left dad's food on the table and went up to my room.

I'm going to be alone, for the next week. I get to see Avery. Not tomorrow but when I get better. That put a small smile on my face as I crawled into bed. I hissed at every bruise that ached and laid there unable to sleep. Thinking about everything that happened today, all the words they called me, all the hate in their eyes and my blood on their hands. They never stopped. Not even when I was begging.


Where is she? I've been waiting here for an hour. Is she okay? I don't have a good feeling about this. Did she get lost? Did someone kidnap her? Fuck. I should have just met her at her place.

"Hey." I turned to Jake.

"She's not here yet," I said.

"You wanna go look for her?" he asks and I bit my lip nodding, looking around.

"She'll be okay, right? Oh, God." I mutter. He nods softly.

"I'm sure she will go to her house maybe she's there. It's okay, I'll cover for you," he says and I nod gratefully.

"Thanks, Jake. I owe you." he just winks at me and walks off. I smiled and head to her house. As I reach it, I pondered. Should I knock? Or? Okay, I'll knock. I don't think her parents are home, the cars were gone. I walked up to the front door and knocked. Nothing. I rang the doorbell. Nothing. I frowned. Did she go somewhere? Then I heard shuffling and someone muttering "shit!"

"Sam?" I called out. Nothing.

I frowned and walked to the side of her house. That's her window. Should I climb? What the heck am I even thinking? I shouldn't. We barely know each other. What if she's naked or something? Fuck. Okay no. I'll just go back. I walked away. Why is she hiding from me? Did I do something? Was I too weird that day? I sighed.

Then I heard a scream. I froze.

"Sam!?" I called out. That's it I'm going to climb. I pulled myself up, thanks to all the training it was easy and peeked through her window.


"Sam?" I called out. She was there on the ground, holding her ankle. Shit.

I got in and she stared at me in horror. And I at her in shock.......her face.


I saw red. Who did this to her?!

I growled internally. Okay. Don't snap. Calm down.

My heart broke slowly seeing the pain in her eyes. I almost growled again. I'm going to kill them. I'm gonna fucking kill them for touching her. I ran towards her. And she almost flinched.

"Sam," I whispered and dropped down in front of her cupping her cheek. She pulled away from me and turned away. She whimpered and closed her eyes, covering her face.

"No. Don't please. Get out," she whispered, crawling away from me to her bed. I hissed as I saw her cry out in pain.

"Bab- Sam, please stop moving. You're hurting. I'll help, please don't move away." I almost called her baby. I hope she didn't hear it. I want to protect her. She's so precious and small and she's mine. I know she is.

"No, please go," she says again. I sighed in frustration and crawled to her and moved her hands away from her face.

"No. I'm not leaving," I stated and lifted her off the ground and place her on the bed.

"What hurts? What happened?" I asked crouching down beside her. I placed my hand on her ankle and felt it. It's broken. I tensed.

"I'm fine Avery, please. I'm okay. Just go." she says again, her hand going to my wrist.

"No. I'm not going. You're not okay Sam, Jesus, look at you! I'm taking you to the hospital. Let's go." she gasped out in fear and stopped me.

"No, please no hospital. I can't please. I'm okay. It's just a bruise." she whimpered tearing up again. My heart thumped painfully. I almost teared up, she was in so fucking much pain. I could feel everything.

"My mom's a doctor, can she help? Then we don't have to go to the hospital." I say softly taking her hand in mine. She looks at me uncertainly.

"Please. I'll be there with you, nothing's going to happen." She gives in.

"I'm going to carry you back to the shop, I've got my car there." her eyes widened.

"All the way? No. I can walk." I looked at her deadpanned.

"Are you serious? No. I'm carrying you. Come on, hold my shoulder." I scooped her into my arms, so swiftly I was proud of my strength.

"Avery...." she gripped my shoulder.

"I'm here. I'll not let you fall. Hold on." I almost ran down the stairs. The longer I held her, the more I could feel the pain she was in. Every bruise and cut. Everything. I winced as she tried not to whimper when I moved too quickly. We were out of her house in a few seconds and I hurried to the shop.

"I need to put you down-" Jake cut me off.

"Avery hey, - Jesus, oh my God." he winced walking over to her. I nudged him not to say anything.

"Can you get my car and my stuff? I need to take her to mom." he nods and ran in. I looked at her again, and she was looking down, she was embarrassed and in so much pain.

"Hey, don't worry. It'll be okay. Just wait for a bit." I say softly and she nods softly and looks up at me. My eyes went to the bruise on the side of her face.

"What happened Sam?" I whisper softly and a tear escapes her eye but she doesn't say anything. I held back my words. She'll tell me soon. I just need her to be out of pain for now. She's so small in my arms, she's fragile and it makes me want to hold her to me even more. She's mine.

"Hey." Jake pulled up beside us and I quickly put her in on the passenger side and closed the door.

"Jake." I turned to him and he held my hand.

"She... I don't know what to do." I whispered.

"Is she?" he didn't need to continue. I nodded.

"It'll be okay. Go first, we can talk about this later." I nodded. I rushed to the driver's side and buckled myself in, looking at her again.

"Sam? Hey." I called out reaching for her hand. She was losing consciousness. Fuck! I started driving.

"Sam?! Hey, stay with me." I called out, getting worried, she gave me a small squeeze but then her eyes closed. I raced, I knew I was gonna get in trouble for this, but nothing else mattered right now.


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