《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》2. Grocery shopping


I was woken up by a loud crash downstairs and some yelling. I rushed out of bed and ran down to see what happened. Dad had turned the coffee table upside down, and it's all broken into pieces, there's glass everywhere. I stood there horrified as he yelled at mum.

"You fucking bitch! You see what you made me do." He roared and she got up and jabbed her finger into his chest, her face red.

"It's not my fault! You told me to keep it. For what? What are we going to do now? Let her out in the streets?!" She yelled back and my heart raced. Are they talking about...... me? Couldn't they see me standing at the bottom of the stairs hearing everything? Do they not care?

"You said she would be useful, she hasn't been. All she does is eat our food and annoy our lives. You get her out." Dad roared and I heard my heart shatter into pieces. They are talking about me.

I leaned against the wall shakily and held my stomach, I felt nauseous. They're getting rid of me. Why? I wasn't enough? Did I not do enough? Should I have done more?

I ran up to my room, sobbing all the way and diving into bed, crying my heart out. Why are they doing this? Do they have no love for me? Not at all?

My mind was in a mess, I didn't know what to do. Where was I going to go? Would they make me leave now? Today?

"Get down and make us breakfast. I want eggs." Mom banged her fist on my door startling me. Weakly, I stood up and wiped the tears away, took a quick shower, got changed and went down.

"Clean this up after you're done," Dad muttered lazily, his eyes glued to the TV.

"Yes sir," I whispered and went to the kitchen. I proceeded with breakfast, making eggs for both of them and a single toast for me, hoping they would let me eat. Just as I was plating the food, mum came down all changed and sat down reaching for a coffee.

"Sit," she ordered me. I tensed for a bit and obeyed immediately, my head down. She slid a toast onto my plate and placed a bit of the egg I made for her into it as well. I froze in surprise and glanced at her.

"Eat," she said. I nodded and took my fork.

"Thank you," I whispered and she didn't say anything further. We were silent, just the sound of us chewing and the TV. Dad was still on the sofa. I quickly finished my food and started cleaning everything.

"I'm going out, I'll be back at night. Clean the coffee table mess and go to the store and get some meat and potatoes for dinner, the list is there. Here's the cash." She told me, again I was surprised. They never let me out alone. All I did was nod. She left the house. I continued to clean the countertops and dishes.


Could I stop at the coffee shop and tell that girl 'thank you' for yesterday? God, I hope they don't find out. I'll be quick. I thought to myself. I'm never gonna get this chance again for sure.

"Dad, your breakfast is on the table," I whispered timidly as I walked over to the sofa. He doesn't say anything, and I sighed softly and walked away. I went upstairs and changed into some better clothes, going to my drawer, taking out the note, and rereading it again, smiling to myself.

I stared at myself in the mirror longer than usual today, I think I look pretty okay. I mean, I don't know. I'd like to make a good impression. I blushed to myself realizing how stupid this is. She was just a random girl. That's it.

A random girl who gave you food and a nickname because she wanted to.

My subconscious muttered back to me. I shook my head. No. Maybe she was just a nice person and wanted to do good things for someone else. I bit my lip as I stared at the note again.

Stop overthinking this.

Okay. Sam. Shut up.

I cleared my thoughts and walked downstairs, took the money mum left for the food, the spare keys, and left the house. I kept my head down, slightly anxious about meeting her again. I quickly crossed the road, and recalled the way to the shop and soon I saw it.

My hands started to get clammy, maybe I shouldn't do this. I mean, she wouldn't want to see me right? But I kept walking until I reached the shop, I stood outside and peeked into it. She was there. My heart bloomed. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God.

I can't do this. I need to leave.

Her eyes found mine and she smiled from inside and I tensed. Shit, she saw me.

Shit. I can't back away now. She placed down the orders and walked towards the door and I panicked. She pulled the door open and I held my breath.

"Hey, beanie girl," she smiled softly, holding the tray against her. I waved slightly and stepped back.

"H-hi, I uhm. Thank you, for t-the cookies and muffin." I whispered hoping she heard me. She smiled wider and it made my heart feel weird. She had her hair in a braid today, she's gorgeous. She stepped aside and I followed so that we weren't blocking the doorway.

"You're welcome, did you like them?" I nodded quickly.

"It was amazing. You really don't know how much I need it." I said and I saw something in her eyes change.

"Were they starving you?" she asked sympathetically. I looked away.

"Uhm, no, I just, nevermind. I need to get going. Thank you again." I said, my words tumbling over each other as I quickly took steps away from her. I need to get away. She doesn't need to know anything. She can't.


"Wait, hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you," she called out, her hand on my wrist, holding it, her fingers were so cold but delicate and long around it. I expected to pull away from her touch but I didn't. I didn't turn to her as well. I just stood there, not looking at her, trying to calm down.

"Sorry, beanie girl," she says softly and walks to stand in front of me, her voice soothed me. I look back up to her eyes.

"It's okay," I mumble. She let my hand go.

"Uhm, you headed somewhere?" she asks, changing the topic which I was grateful for.

"Yeah, I need to get some groceries." she nods.

"Do you mind if I tag along?" my eyebrows raised. Was she asking to follow me grocery shopping? What? Why? What?

"Uhm, sure. You don't have to work?" I asked her. And she shook her head.

"I've got a break now, for an hour. And besides, I've got nothing better to do than following you around for some shopping," she grinned and my cheeks warmed. I nodded softly.

"Okay, if it's okay with you," I say as I start to play with the hem of my jacket. I was anxious again, why did she want to go along? This is so weird, but some part of me wanted this. Why would she want to spend time with me? We don't even know each other? And I'm just me. A nobody.

"It's fine. I'll be right out, stay here." I nodded and smiled. Okay, I need to stop smiling. It's creepy. I've never smiled in so long, I wonder if it looks weird on my face.

My eyes follow her though, as she entered the shop, telling her coworkers something and taking off her apron. Then my heart dimmed. One of her coworkers place his arm over her shoulder and they were laughing, she then turned to tickle him and I looked away. Are they....?

I was breathing harshly, no. This shouldn't bother me, we just met. We just met. Literally yesterday. But why does the thought of her dating someone makes me feel this way?

I pressed my nails into my palm and tried to calm myself down. It's okay, maybe they're related. Or something. And honestly, I'd never get to be with her, I don't even know if I like her yet. She's just a nice person and I'm just overwhelmed. That's it. I repeat that to myself in a mantra.

"Hey," she walked out and I turned towards her. I smiled softly.

"Hi," I replied as she adjusted her clothes and fell in step beside me.

"So where to?" she asks and I almost froze. Where is the mall? Or the grocery store? What were they called? A Tesco?

"Oh uhm, I.." I trailed off and she looked at me with a slight smirk.

"You new here?" she asks. And I shook my head.

"No, I just..." she cut me off.

"You just don't know where the grocery shop is?" she tries. I blushed and looked away, embarrassed. Jeez.

"Uh yeah," I whispered.

"Well, it looks like you're lucky that I'm here, aren't you? If not you're just gonna be a little girl wandering around by herself," she says and started to walk and I followed her, keeping my head down even more embarrassed now.

"Not a little girl," I muttered softly to myself.

"What's that?" she asked just as we reached the end of the road, she wasn't focused on me, but was looking at the traffic for us to cross and her hand immediately wrapped around my wrist as she pulls me along.

"Nothing," I mumbled. Why do I feel so small around her? And not in a bad way, more like more young and innocent, which I wasn't. She acted like she needed to take care of me. I don't want that. I'm not a kid. Then she let my hand go.

"So, what's your name beanie girl?" she starts, and I try not to peak at her. She has a tattoo. How did I miss that? And piercings? Three on her left ear.

"Uhm, Sam." my voice was barely a whisper as we walked side by side. This whole going out thing was freaking me out now, I was alone. With a girl, I barely knew, and there are so many people here. And yet not so many.

I saw someone staring at me. And then my eyes followed a few young boys, who turned to look at me as well. Another woman who was smoking too. Why were they looking at me? My clothes? My hair?

"Hey, you okay?" her hand grazed my shoulder and I was startled, standing there still. I nodded.

"Yeah sorry, just lost in thought," I replied. She nods, slightly confused but concerned. Her hand was still on my shoulder as she guided me through the crowd and it did help, a little. We soon reached a tiny grocery shop called "Benny's".

"Things are pretty good here, cheaper too," she said, walking over and getting a basket. Why is she here again, and with me?

"Oh okay," I said and followed behind her.

"What's the first item?" she called out, as she scanned the aisle, walking close to me again.



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