《Fool For You (gxg) | Completed ✔️》1. Coffee girl


A/N: Hi everyone! This is my first book. I hope you guys enjoy it and please do be kind in the comments. Thank you and happy reading. All your support is greatly appreciated :)

*** Important: This book is not set in the US or the UK or any typical "white" country (did not mean this in an offensive way). Writing this I did not specifically choose for it to follow the rules/law or the way language is anywhere. Since a lot of readers have voiced out opinions and stuff, so this is just a disclaimer. Not every English book has to come from somewhere with an English background and the law is not the same everywhere. And this is purely fiction! Thank you! Also. The rest of the world speaks English too :) ***

Happy reading. Thanks for choosing this story!


"Sam! Get down here this instant!" Mum roared, her voice shaking me to my core. Oh God, what is it this time? I thought I did everything right. I quickly scrambled off the bed, tying my hair into a messy bun and ran down the stairs.

She stood there in the kitchen, her hand on the countertop and her lips in a thin line. I gulped, fear growing in me.

"There was dirt in the oven. I thought I told you to clean everything up." she started, her voice soft. I flinched and coward back in fear. She turned to me now, her eyes wide and her mouth in an angry sneer. (A/N: Because of the numerous comments about my choice of word, "dirt" and people thinking I actually mean dirt, like from the earth/ground. No. I just meant like dirt as in dirty. It's just a term to say when something isn't clean. So. Sorry for the confusion :) happy reading)

"Didn't I tell you Samantha?!" she yelled, her hand hitting the countertop, her face red in anger. I flinched and moved back, shaking and nodding in absolute fear.

"Yes Ma'am," I whisper, looking down. My heart was racing, my hands cold and clammy as I held onto my jumper. No. Please. No.

"Then why didn't you listen to me!?" she gripped my hair and pulled me towards her making me hiss in pain. Tears cloud my vision as I mutter apologies and I forget how to breathe.

"You lying dog! Clean that up right now and no food for 2 days!" she threw me to the floor, my head hit the side of the fridge and I tried not to scream.

I stayed there frozen, my heart racing, tears all over my face now then heard my stomach rumble. I was supposed to get food today. It's been 2 days. Another 2 days? I sniffled and held in my whimper. No crying, Sam, it's okay.


I shook off all those sad thoughts and rubbed the soon to be a bruise on my forehead and started cleaning the oven again. I checked it, a million times earlier. How could I miss it?

I sighed and took the old rag and cleaned it again before checking the whole kitchen three times and then walking out.

"We're going out. And you're following. Put on some better clothes and comb that nest of yours, dog." Mum sneered and pushed my shoulder before walking away. I held my tongue and ran to my room, tears falling down even more. Why was she so mean to me?

I wiped the tears, breathing and calming myself down, changed my clothes, combed my hair into a ponytail, and quietly waited for her and dad downstairs.

"Hurry up, will ya!" Dad growls at Mum as they head outside, I follow them with my head down. They locked the door and started their usual arguing. Where were we going? I trailed behind them, looking around, getting some fresh air while I could, I was never allowed out. Why did they make me follow?

They turn down the street and I see a new little coffee shop open right across. Are we heading there? Just then Dad pulled Mum by the hand and crossed the street and I ran following them. We got into the shop and I couldn't help but let out a small whimper smelling all the cake and pastries, not to mention coffee. Dad walked over to a table and sat down, and mum too and I stood there beside them.

"Get us some coffee. And don't even think that you get anything. Nothing. Hurry up. Here, take it." Dad rutted our angrily at me, jabbing 10 dollars into my hand. I swallowed, holding back more tears. I was hungry, but I bit my lip and nodded at them and walked to the counter.

My eyes scanned at the board in front of me on the wall, written in chalk was the menu, and it even had some pictures on it. Then I focused on the cakes and cookies that were kept at the counter. My stomach growled almost in pain now and I consciously placed my hand on it. My eyes teared up again, but I had to hold it in. I looked away and stared at the ground.

"Thank you." I heard the girl at the counter said and then the customer in front of me left. I fumbled with the end of my jacket and slowly walked forward.

"Hi Miss, what would you like today?" My eyes snapped to the girl in front of me. God, she's beautiful. I mean, truly beautiful. She had green hair, how did I not notice this before?


"Uhm...I, uhm coffee," I mumbled, looking away, I was sure my cheeks were on fire. What the heck? I cleared my throat and looked back up at her.

"Alright, we've got a cappuccino, latte, black, flat? Uhm which would you like?" she smiled again and it made me flutter on the inside.

"Cappuccino please, 2," I told her. And she nods and keys it into the register.

"Is that it? Just 2 coffees?" I nod.

"Do you want to try any of our desserts? Cakes, well they're pretty good." she tries again softly looking at me with more curiosity now. I immediately shook my head.

"That's it. Please." she nods. I pay for it and walk off without looking at her again. My heart was thumping, oh God. What was that?

I walked back to the table, and sat down, feeling small again in front of my parents. They acted like they didn't see me as I placed the change in front of Dad. Both of them conversing with themselves and on their phones. I could smell the cigars from Dad and I hated it. I just hated all of this. This whole thing, my life, but there was nothing I could do about it. Two more years. I'd be free. 2 years.

"Hi, these are your two cappuccinos, enjoy." I look up to see the girl again, her eyes on me. My parents couldn't be bothered and they didn't spare her a glance nor did they thank her for the coffee. She briefly smiled at me and I nodded my head to her in gratitude, blushing slightly. My eyes followed her green hair as she walked back to the counter, picking up cups and plates on the way. She's so graceful, beautiful.

They finished their coffee quickly, muttering that it was pretty good. I got a bit sad that we were leaving. Would I ever come back here? I'd never know. I hope I do. I want to. I want to see her again. I smiled to myself.

Again I followed my parents out of the shop, silently as they spared me no look nor did they say anything. Just as we were walking out, I felt something in my hand. I looked down and saw a small brown bag and a hand giving it to me. I froze and looked up, it was her. She smiled.

"Take it, it's on me. I hope you like it," she whispers quietly from beside me and walks away as if nothing has happened. I stuffed the bag into the pocket of my jacket, a new smile on my face. It feels warm, whatever was in it, it made my heart skipped a beat. She gave it to me. Why? Was it obvious that I was staring at it just now?

I shook my thoughts away and jogged to mum and dad and trailed behind them, noticing that they probably did not see that whole exchange and I was glad. They would have taken it away, or threw it. I didn't want that. We got home and went inside.

"No dinner for you, so stay in your room till tomorrow understand?" Mum reminded me again and I nodded softly. I silently walked up the stairs and closed the door to my bedroom.

I beamed. I took the bag out of my pocket and sat on my bed. I smelled it, groaning. God. It's delicious. I quickly opened it and saw 2 muffins in them and a cookie and my heart clenched, tears pouring down my face.

My hands were shaking as I reached into the bag and took the muffin in my hand. It was a chocolate chip one. I bit my lip and peeled the wrapping off and took a bit and moaned. My stomach growling and appreciating it. It's so good. I quickly devoured that muffin and tried the cookie. It was an almond one. I savoured every bite of this. Two days with no food, this was heaven, it really was.

Just as I was closing the bag, I saw a small note in it and took it out.

It read:

I noticed you wanted some of it and thought of giving it to you, my treat, don't worry. I hope you like them. And I wish to see you soon again, beanie girl.

I grinned and held the note in my hand, I giggled. Beanie girl?

That made me blush. This whole thing made me blush. She's got really pretty handwriting and she left a star at the bottom of the note after her name. She wishes to see me again? I bit my lip and held the note tightly. I need to thank her for this. She really doesn't know how much this means to me.

I shuffled out of bed and kept the note in my drawer, under my box of things and the bag of the muffin into the drawer as well. Don't want them finding out about this. I got into bed and stared at the ceiling.

"Today was a good day," I said to myself, laying there in the dark. All I could think was about the note, the food, her kind thought of giving it to me, her green hair, her smile, her. The coffee girl. Avery.


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