《"I love you..."》"I love you.."


"today's the day I'm gonna confess my feelings to max...

I'm kind of scared to tho..

what is she doesn't feel the same way what if she-"

"Hey jasmine"

Jasmine POV:what if she heard what I said?!?!

"Umm jasmine are you ok?"

"OH uh yeah sorry, um did you hear me say anything thing before you came up to me?!?"


"Oh thank god"

(Breathing heavily)

"Uhh jas are you sure you're ok??"

"Yes, I'm fine"

"Hmm ok.."



Jasmine are max start running to school as fast as they could

10 minutes later lmao



(Both breathing heavy)

They both walk into school and go to their lockers to put their stuff away

"Hey I'm jas.."


"Are we late for class?"

"Of course we are"


"Soo can we skip the rest of class until are next one?"

Jasmine looks up at max with an annoyed face

"No, we cannot skip class max-_-"

"Why not:("

"Because uhh because,just because.,."

jasmine and max start to walk to their class

"So...we're not gonna skip"


"Okay okay fine .~."

Soon they get to their class they wen rare took a seat

"You're later"

Both"yes yes we know"


While the teacher was teaching the class max and jasmine were passing each other notes the teacher didn't notice the hole time

After class they went to their lockers to put stuff away and get stuff for their next class

"Soooo jasmine"


"Can I sleepover at your house today?"

"Are your parents fine with it?"

"Who cares if their fine with it or not I wanna sleepover"

Jasmine POV:maybe this is my chance>:)



"Oh umm"

"So yes or-"



"But only if I get to ki-"

"Jasmine I got to go to the bathroom wait here for me"

"Oh.. ok"

Max went to the bathroom which left Jasmine alone


IM SO EMBARRASSED, UGH I HATE THIS, breathe in and out jasmine in and out hm I have to be strong and just tell her how I feel, yeah hmm

"I'm back~"


"Let's hurry and get our stuff for next class then leave"


"Huh oh what's up"




Max kissed jasmine on the cheek which left jasmine shook but she didn't mind they then jasmine kissed max on the lips they started to kiss with tongue which left them to start making out

"Ah~ max"

"We're only making out jasmine;)"

"Ma-max we have cl-ah~class"

"I don't care mm~ you're now mine;)"

"Max pl-ah please"

"Jasmine plea-ah~ please"


After 10 minutes passed they stopped making out jasmine was flustered but max was just happy that jasmine was hers now

"Max w-we skipped class"

"So? I got to spend my time with you;)"

"Max's..I love you:)"

"I love you too:)"

They both went on with their day max was flirting with jasmine in every class they had together,it was the end of the day at this point so they both got ready to go home

"Ugh today was very tiring"


"Alright I got everything I need you ready to g-OW"

"What happen?!?!"

"I slammed the locker on my finger:("

"Aww~ do you want me to kiss your finger"

"I- max don't act like this"

"Aw~ my poor baby"

"Let's just go pick up your brother-_-"

"Aw fiiine"

They both left the school and walked to Max's little brother school

"We're here!"

"I'll be out in a minute I got to get Lucas"


A few minutes later max came out with her brother

"Hey jasmine!"

"Hey Lucas"

Jasmine went to hug Lucas but then some boy came out of the school running to Lucas



"Lucas you forgot your homework in class"

"Oh um thanks Jordan"

Max and jasmine could see that the too boys were blushing

"Oh well I got to go see you later Lucas"

(Blows a kiss to Lucas)

"Soo who is he;))"

"He's..he's just a friend"


Bro I'm so freaking tired there over 300 word

I'm gonna try to post the next part this Sunday

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