《Deep in the source Hawks x child reader Discontinued》Surprise


Laughter was heard as a scared little girl cries a shadow crawling over her small body before the little girl felt a hand touch her face before her tears were Wiped

"shh, why the tears (y/n) your not tied up I haven't hit you yet, and luckily your not in the quiet room"said a male voice his striking blue eyes looking at the scared child.

"y-your being very scary right now..."she said even if she wasn't tied down she felt as if she had no other place to go.

The boy named Norman hums

"hey want to hear a secret "he said. (y/n) turns.

"I love you very much"he said as he kissed her cheek. "which is why your here!"he said.

"w-what are you going to do..."she said scared. Norman hums before smiling patting her head.

"Emma dearie can you bring the present "Norman said. The door opens as a girl with orange hair walks over with a large box that was on a wagon.

(y/n) turns as she looks at the box curiously.

Norman pulls up the box revealing a beautiful doll house.

(y/n) tilts her head confused

"it's pretty right?"Norman says "it's your home now!"he grins.

"your silly I'm to big" she giggles.

"for now you are"he said cupping he face. (y/n)'s face falters.

"W-what?"she mumbled as Norman laughs.

"Oh cute adorable (y/n) your reactions are priceless! But yes you will live here! I'm going to make you so small you're entire existence is in my palm, you'll be at my mercy every day of your life!"he laughs as (y/n) tears up. Norman frowns.

"That sounds scary right...let me rephrase that, I'm going to take care of you now, I'll hold you every day make sure your by my side and we'll be happy "he said kissing her cheek again.


"I don't want to-" Norman slaps her rather harshly making Emma flinch as she trembles.

(Y/n) went silent as tears fell down her face.

Norman sighs softly

"Now just calm down now it's not as scary as you think okay"he said "and before that let's say goodbye to some people "he smiles as he grabs (y/n) hand and leads her to another room with two giant glass chambers one with Ray the other Hawks.

"daddy!"(y/n) calls as she tried to run over but Norman yanks her back. Hawks turns as he slams his hand on the glass making it crack but the crack immediately fixes again.

"(y/n)"he said before glaring at Norman "you little sh-"

"ah ah ah..."Norman covers (y/n) ears. "Okay continue your threats"he said "I refuse to let such a angel be tainted by your vile language "

Hawks sighs "fair enough but when I get my hands on you, you're dead"he glared. Norman sighs

"very well then...Ray any last Words? Oh that's right you can't speak...."he smirks removing his hands. (y/n) turns seeing Ray having a bandage on his neck. He looks at (y/n) his face full of regret and sadness.

"oh well now let's get this party started!"he said as he drags her to another room. She placed her in a chair as she was tied down. She sat in front of what seems like the machine that would shrink her.

"I'm so excited aren't you dearie!"he said.

"please stop!"she begs. As Norman sighs

"you'll be happy afterwards"he said.

Suddenly the roof broke as iida destroyed the machine

"protect the bean!"he calls as the rest of class 1-A also arrived.


They all shouted as Bakugo lets (y/n) go. She gave him a hug causing Bakugo to pause as he sighs picking her up.


Norman was arrested and sent to therapy as ray went to the hospital as well as Emma who was actually gravely ill.

(Y/n) was asleep in Bakugou's arms as hawks walks over

"I'll take her-"

"Fuck off she's comfortable "he said quietly as (y/n) snuggled with him. Hawks sighs as a car drove over Giyu steps out running over.

"Came as soon as I heard how is she?"he asks as hawks points as Bakugo who wasn't letting anyone take her. Giyu sighs as he used his quirk to hold bakugou still as he took (y/n) in his arms and walks back towards Hawks who chuckled.

"that's one way to go-hey where are you taking her ?"Hawks said as giyu walks to his car.

"My place your house is empty remember ?"he said buckling he in.

"yeah but the penthouse isn't empty "Hawks said

"how about no, waking up in a new environment isn't the best idea"he said getting in the car. Hawks sighs walking over.

"be safe" he said

"I will "giyu said as (y/n) hums as she smiles hawks looks at his daughter as he placed a feather next to her before she hugs it.

"See you later my little girl "

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