《Deep in the source Hawks x child reader Discontinued》A new start


Hawks walks to (y/n)'s room as he gently shakes her.

"Wakey Wakey, chicken nuggets and bacey"he says softly as proud as he had just made it up. (Y/n) pouts rolling over rubbing her eyes tiredly.

"Hey sunshine "he says as he hovered over her.

" Hi"she yawns stretching. Hawks smiles she was simply adorable that it was going to kill him.

"Are we really having chicken nuggets today?" she says. Hawks chuckled as he helps her out of bed.

"Not for breakfast maybe lunch or dinner" he says as he walks her out the door. When she more awake hawks goes ahead and to the kitchen where he had already made an omelette with bacon and orange juice and he just simply placed it on the table for her.

(Y/n) gets to the table as she thanks him for the food before eating it with a smile hawks are as well as he smiles at the small child in front of him.

"We have a lot of things to do today"hawks says as he finished getting up from the table.

"We do?" she says. Hawks nods.

"Your doctor says you need some glasses, we need to get you some clothes, and I get to get you enrolled in a new school closer to us, not to mention some toys, man your expensive you know that" he says taking her plate.

"Glasses why?" she says. Hawks turns.

"Well constant abuse in your eyes and you originally have bad eye sight" he says cautiously. (Y/n) nods.

"Oki dokie" she says with thumbs off and a small smile. Hawks smiles as he almost cried from the purity of this child.

Hawks managed to dress her up fairly nice he had cut one of his shirts and cleaned her jeans and changed them making them a little ripped around the knees.

"You ready" he said as he was already changed. (Y/n) walks out nodding.

"I-i think I made some holes in my pants"

" Nope, I changed it a little"

"O-oh....okay"She says walking towards hawks and reaching for his hand which hawks happily took.

Hawks lead her outside as he picks her up and began to fly to the best eye doctor where they also had good glasses. Hawks placed her down as they walked inside.

Hawks pic

"Oh Hawks?!" says the man working there he looked almost shocked to see me.

"Hey how you doing" I waved. I felt (y/n) gently grip my wing as we walked towards him.

"I didn't know you needed glasses"he says. I laugh.

" Nope I don't I got eyes like a hawk "I joked causing the man there to laugh slightly.

" But baby bird here does"I add. The man turns to (y/n) and smiles bending down.

"Hey gorgeous" he says nicely "how are today". (Y/n) shyly looks at me.

"Its okay he's friendly" I said. (Y/n) simply waves earning a smile from the worker.


"She's cute, Oh! I forgot to introduce myself I Okinowa kino and I'll be your examiner for the day" he smiles with his hand out. I smile as I take his hand and shake it.

"Nice meet you..."


When she finished I choose three glasses. A boxed one, a rectangular one and a round one. She picked the round ones. When I put them on her face her eyes widen as she looks at me shocked. I chuckled.

"Pretty cool right" I said. (Y/n) nods as she looks around just amazed by everything. She could see up close just not far away I don't know what you call that but I honestly don't care. I don't need a scientific name to know that (y/n) is happy.

Not to mention she looked like the cutest little chicken nugget! She looks back at me.

"T-thank you...." she muttred with a small smile.

"Of course baby bird" I said patting her head.

We next went to the store for some clothes.

No pov

Yall already know, what's about to go down...This is my thing my style if someone takes it and says it was all there idea please let me know

"That's pretty cute"hawks says. (Y/n) smiles shyly as she fiddled with her dress

" I knew you would look great in it"he says happily. (Y/n) giggled as she goes back.

"Now that's adorable" he says.

"Thank you" she says softly

"Awe we'll be kind of matching" he laughs.

"Bye far one of the best ones I've seen"he says.

" Y-you didn't like the other ones? "

"No I did I just like this one a bit more"


"That's pretty cool" it matches your personality

"Where did you find this one it's so cute"he says shocked.

" T-there was only one"

"And your taking that one young lady"he says determined.

"These are also cute as well"

"Y-yeah..." she smiles. Hawks looks at his watch.

"Well go shopping more tomorrow okay?"

" O-okay "

Hawks paid and takes the bag.

"Are we going home yet?" she asked. Hawks shook his head.

"I promised chicken nuggets so that's what where getting" he responds as he takes her a nugget joint hawks choose not to eat nuggets because he had lost a bet to his supervisor.

"H-Hawks....question"She muttred.

" Hmm? "

"I-if your kind of a bird....a-and I'm eating chicken n-nuggets...." her face paled. "I-i so sorry!" . Hawks laughs .

"Your think way to hard girly, I'm a hawk and Hawks most likely would eat a chicken" he chuckled. (Y/n) nods shyly.

"Why aren't you eating any?"

"I can't for a week" he pouts. (Y/n) blinks.


" I lost a bet"he explained. (Y/n) hands him a chicken nuggets Hawks chuckled.

"That's cheating" he says denying kindly.

"I-it's only cheating....i-if you g-get caught"(y/n) says quietly as her eyes shifted to her ketchup. Hawks eyes widen.


"That was adorable! Who taught you that?!" hawks says as he takes the nugget.

"Todoroki-kun"she says. Hawks laughs.

"Good kid"he nods. He got a call.

"Hello hawks here? "

"Your going to be late you better hurry up" his supervisor says. Hawks groans.

"I'm with (y/n)"

" Have someone watch her"

"Endeavor is busy"hawks replied.

"Then find someone"he snaps hanging up.

" son of a-"hawks cuts himself off as he looks at (y/n) who blinks as she was eating some fries. Hawks smiles.

"Who to call - oh!" he beams as he dials a number.


" Aizawa my man"

"How did you get my number?"aizawa groans "I'm in the middle of class here"

" Mic gave it to me"hawks smiles

"Fuck, well anyways what do you want?"

"Can you watch (y/n) for me? "

"That girl you saved and adopted?" aizawa yawns.

"Yep! I hear your good with kids"hawks beams. It was silent as he sighs.

"Eri could use a friend near her age"aizawa sighs. "I'll inform the principal and I'll see you there"

"Thanks your the best!" hawks says hanging up. "(y/n) You almost done-oh...you are done" he chuckled. (Y/n) nods her face a little messy. Hawks laughs as he grabs a napkin and wipes her face.

"Your so messy"he laughs. "Anyways your going to make your first friend" he says .

"I-i thought we where friends" she muttred

"No where more than that but that's not the point" he says helping her to the exit.

"Where are we going?"

" To U.A I have to drop you off for a little while"he says as he scoops her up.

"Todoroki-kun goes there" (y/n) thinks. Hawks nods.

"He does doesn't he"he chuckled. He says as he lands in the front. Mic had a black eye as a aizawa stood with Eri, Todoroki, mirio and Deku.

"Hey guys"he says landing in front of them and placing (y/n) on the floor. She shyly hid behind to hawks. Eri stood next aizawa with a nervous smile. Hawks gently nudged her with his wing.

" Its okay she doesn't bite"he says. (Y/n) whimpers as she looks at Eri.

"Say hello Eri" aizawa says. Eri walks over to (y/n) who was a shorter then her as she waves.

"H-hello" she says. (Y/n) opens her mouth.

"Hi..." (Y/n) says quietly not able to look her in the eyes. Aizawa sighs.

"Well take care of her till you come back"he says

" thanks again sorry for the short notice. (Y/n) be good okay"he says before flying off. Eri held her hand out but (y/n) flinched but then took her hand

"S-sorry i-i got scared"(y/n) muttred. Eri smiles.

" Its okay you don't have to be afraid here! Deku and limillion will protect us"she says pointing at the two. (Y/n) looks at the two teens who waves.

"I'm Deku nice to meet you, but you can call me Midoryia too" deku smiles. (Y/n) stares his smile reminded her of someone.

"And I'm limillion but you can call me mirio if that's what you want"he beams.

"And I'm tired can we go back inside now"aizawa says boredly.

Going inside the dorms everyone seemed shocked to see another child.

" You adopted another one? "Uraraka said.

" great another brat"Bakugou muttred.

"Awe she's adorable" mina beams. Todoroki walked in his eyes slightly widen.

"Hello again (y/n)" he says. (Y/n) run to him as she gave him a hug.

"Todoroki-kun"she says. Todoroki have a small smile as he pats her head. The girls squeal as everyone else seemed confused

" How do you know her? "

"Before the dorms, (y/n) stayed with us for a while"Todoroki says. Midoryia's eyes widen as he gave Todoroki a look asking if Endeavour did any thing. Todoroki shook his head.

" Oh, what's your quirk sweety "momo says. (Y/n) frowns a she looks at her shoes.

" i- I don't have one"she muttred.

"Another deku-"

"KATSUKI!" Midoryia snaps. "You don't get to bully anymore or else"

(Y/n) looked shocked as well as the class.

"O-oh...okay, s-sorry" Bakugou says as he then rolls a his eyes.

"Anyways, it's great to finally meet someone new"Tokoyami says.

"Chicken? "(y/n) Says looking at him. Tokoyami sighs as Kaminari and Mineta laugh.

"Calm down calm down we should welcome (y/n) with open arms just like we did Eri "Iida says. (Y/n) walk over and hugs tenya she just felt that he would be a good hugger and she felt more safe with him. Tenya turns as he bent down and picks her up.

" This is a bean and we must protect her! "He declares.

" That's manly "Kirishima nods. Todoroki nods as well.

"Sounds about fair, but why is she here?" Sato asked.

"Oh oh! (Y/n) aka baby bird!" Haragakure says.

"Oh...Hawks kid"

"I'm surprised he can even take care of one" Kaminari says.

"I wonder why though" Midoryia say as he began to mutter.

"W-what's he doing" (y/n) asked tenya

" Its normal "

"He'll stop in a second"

Hawks was busy doing an interview.

"What made you adopt a child?"

"Well I don't really know, if it wasn't baby bird than I don't think I would have adopted at all"

"How did you meet"

"At her old school, I was going to have a talk with the fourth and fifth graders but I took a pit stop to the first grade class"

"Will you be revealing her name?"

" Absolutely not, baby bird and feathers is all"he says.

"What where you thinking when you decided to adopt her"

"To protect her, to help her grow and to heal the pain that has been inflicted on her"

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