《Deep in the source Hawks x child reader Discontinued》The Todoroki fam


"You want me to do what?" Endeavor said confused and slightly annoyed.

"Can you take care of a friend of mine" Hawk says.

"A friend thats 7 years old"

"Yeah so?"

" That's babysitting, and I'm not the best candidate for that"

"Sure you are! Your the number one hero!"

" number one hero not number one nanny"

"Please I won't talk for an hour...."he said. Endeavor was silent as if her was thinking about it.

" Deal"he sighs. Hawk smiled.

"Thanks I owe you"he said.

" yeah yeah... "He groans as he hung up.

Hawks smiled proudly. The doctor walked up to hawks with a worried look.

"Sir we found something strange about (y/n)...." . Hawk turns.

"What exactly"

" she has multiple quirks inside her that aren't hers and her body seems to be building it up"

"Well maybe one of them are"Hawk said hopefully.

" Sir, they aren't the DNA identifies each one, including yours "she said. Hawk starred shocked and confused.


"Are you two related? " she asked

"Not at the slightest"he responds. "The others?"

"Some are normal people that missing some are well known villains" she said.

"Such as?"

" All for one and shigaraki "she said. Hawks eyes widen.


" were not sure... "She said. "But we know for a fact none of the quirks are hers". Hawks nods slightly.

" I understand "he said.

"And did you capture her father?"

" No, no I didn't "he said slightly angry. "But I will"he said confidently.

" we believe in you hawks"she said.

(Y/n) stood in front of the door as Hawks stands next to her.

"You'll be staying here for while okay?" hawks said. (Y/n) turns to him giving hawks a worried look.


"Hey Sony worry I'll visit" he grins. (Y/n) nods slightly. Hawk knocked on the door.

"I got it-"

"No Fuyumi I Will get the door"another voice said. (Y/n) held her skirt tightly. Her bruises were gone and had some minor cuts she still had to wear the bandage over her eye but she was fine.

A tall man opens the door he was bulky and held a intimidating yet emotionless face.

" You really did mean that"he sighs as he eyes (y/n). Hawks chuckled.

"Yeah, be nice to her and she's quirkless, hurt her I dare you and you'll see what happens"hawk said with a dangerous smile. The man sighed and nods.

" wasn't planning to "he said he turns back to (y/n). (Y/n) whimpers and hid behind hawks. Hawks turns and smiled.

" he's...respectful"he said as his wing nudged her slightly. (Y/n) hugged his leg. Hawks sighs.

"Clingy much"endeavor said with a small smile. Hawks nods.

"It's cute in my opinion "he said as he bent down and picked her up. (Y/n) whimpers nervously.

"I won't hurt you, Trust me"he said quietly. (Y/n) eased up in his arms and nods.

"Now are you going to be good?" hawks said. (Y/n) nods. Hawks turns to Endeavor.

"Are you going to be good?" he said.

"Your kidding right" he asked annoyed. Hawks gives him a serious look. Endeavor sighs

"Alright fine..." He sighs. "I'll be good"

"Great!" Hawks said as he placed (y/n) down.

"I'll be back once I find us a bigger place 'kay?" Hawks said. (Y/n) nods in reality as she looked down. Hawk ruffles her hair.

"See you later (y/n)" he said as he flew off. (Y/n) waves slightly. Endeavor starred as he clears his throat. (Y/n) turns.

"Uh, hi?" he said. (Y/n) starred shyly.


"Um, I'm endeavor...nice to meet you" he said. (Y/n) nods.

"Uh, would you like to come inside?" he asked as he moved aside for him to enter. (Y/n) nods again as she walked inside.

A woman walked over and smiled.

"Hi! I'm fuymin nice to meet you!" she said kindly. (Y/n) nods slightly as she waves.

"I promise your going to love it here-"

"Sis who are you talking to...." said another voice.

(Y/n) turns to see a male with red and white hair. She tilts her head slightly. The teen and her made eye contact before (y/n) broke it looking at the ground.

"Who is she?"

"She is (y/n), A friend of Hawks"endeavor answered.

" why is she here? "


" does she-"

"No Shoto she doesn't please leave the poor child alone" Endeavor sighs.




"So hawks your going to be a daddy"a man teased with blue hair.

" what's so bad about that? "Hawk questions.

" Never took you a parenting type"

"Well I'm not-"

"I can tell"he responds

"What makes you day that?"hawks asked curiously.

" You have your child to endeavor "he said annoyed.

" touya it's only for a few days"hawk says. The teen named touya sighs.

"Right...so when can I meet 'feathers'-"

" Hey man I only call her that find your own nickname... "Hawks chuckled. "And for her safety, no"he said.

" Come on...she's adorable "Tonya said sarcastically. Hawks turns

" Hey no don't be jealous"he teased "we're still best friends" he smiled. Touya sighs.


" great now help me look for some places to stay! "

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