《I'm in Lesbians with You (momoJiro)》First 'Date'


Momo pov))

I was discharged but I'm still nervous. Apparently something went wrong with the anesthesiologist and they couldn't do Jiro's surgery yesterday. So they moved it to today. I already made a small cube to fidget with but it's not enough. Two men walk through the doors but I don't pay much attention to them. After all, I know literally nothing about them. That is until I hear one of them say Koyka. It's probably just a coincidence but when I also hear my name i know it's not. I sigh and my hand goes faster around the cube.

"Excuse me but are you Momo?" My head turns back to the couple.

"Yes. I am."

"And did you just so happen to ask someone named Jiro out?" I nod again and a light blush blooms onto my face.

"Yes, I did." The man immediately sits down by me, dragging the other one.

"Well I'm Kenshin! And this is my husband Goro! We're Koyka's parents." My eyes widen in slight shock. I didn't know she had two dads.

"Nice to meet you! Like you said I'm Momo." Kenshin smiles brightly and Goro looks angry, no, untrusting.

"Goro! Lighten up! Be nice. I'm sorry about him." I shake my head.

"It's fine really. My mother is the same way. A little intimidating at first but she's a big softy underneath." Kenshin nods.

"You described him perfectly! Anyway! What's your quirk. My daughter seems to think it's pretty cool." I blush darker and fumble for words.

"Oh, ummm. I can make anything I want out of my skin. If its a big item I have to show more skin. The only catch is I have to know what the item is made out of or the materials it uses." I hold my hand out and make a small rubber duck. Kenshin gasps and takes it off my hand.

"Goro! This is so cool! No wonder my daughter likes you so much." I blush and hide my face my hands.

"Hey Momo!" My head turns at the mention of my name. It's Kaminari? I wave for him to come sit. "Who are these guys?" He sits down by me, turning to Jiro's parents.

"We are Koyka's parents." Goro grumbles. Kami puts on his usual friendly smile and goes to shake their hands.

"I'm Kaminari! Jiro's friend. I didn't know she had two dads though."

"Something wrong with that?" Goro goes on the defensive and yanks Kenshin back. Kami shakes his head.

"No! In fact I have my own grumpy boyfriend but he's at class right now." He pulls out his phone and shows them his lock screen. It's of him and Shinso, the taller seems to be sleeping. "His names Shinso. He's gonna come here in about 20 minutes." His smile widens when he's talking about Shinso, and I can only hope Jiro does the same when she thinks of me. A small smile comes to my face at the thought. What if she really does do that? "What got you smiley all the sudden?" Kaminari teases, elbowing me lightly. My blush that was finally starting to fade comes back.

"Nothing." He laughs.

"It's about Jiro huh? You aren't very good at hiding that. Don't worry though. She swoons over you to!" I blush darker as he laughs. "And because I did the same thing with Toshi, I can read my fellow gays pretty well." I huff and sink down in my seat.


"Jiro was right. You're insufferable." He laughs again, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Awww come on! I'm not that bad." My smile comes back and I turn to him slightly.

"Yeah. I'm just embarrassed." He giggles.

"Happens to the best of us. How long till she's out of surgery?"

"We still have 45 minutes Kaminari." He groans.

"How long have you guys been here?"

"I was discharged 3 hours ago but I didn't want to leave just to come back. So 3 hours." He gasps.

Denki pov)))

"You already love her that much!" The second those words leave my mouth I know I messed up. Oops. The L-Word obviously hasn't even been thought of by the other party. The blush on her face only worsens and she drops her head in her hands.

"I-i. We-" she cuts herself off with a groan. "Do you always blurt the first words that come to mind?" I shrug.

"Well yeah! That's just me Momo." She groans. The main doors open and my insomnia ridden boyfriend walks through the door, yawning and scratching his hair. I get up and walk over. "Hi Toshi!" He smiles lightly.

"Hi Denks. Is Jiro okay?" I nod and walk him over to where the others are sitting. Momo sends me a small smile as we sit down. I nod back and Denki moves to sit on my lap.

Momo pov))

Jiro is finally done but we still can't see her! She's still asleep and her parents get to see her first. Then Kami, Shinso, and I. I sigh and a doctor walks out.

"Kenshin and Goro, your daughter is ready to be seen." They couple shoots out of their seats and follow the nurse back. I sigh and wait for or turn.

"Hey Momo, you know what you're doing right?" My head turns to Shinso.

"What do you mean?" He smirks.

"To Jiro." My eyes widen.

"Did I do something wrong? Is she okay? D-" he laughs and I stop.

"You're making her feel love again. Don't let her down." What does he mean again?

"In confused. What do you mean again?" He waves it off.

"She'll tell you when she's ready." I nod and look away. What happened? Did someone break her heart before? I'm gonna kill then.

"Koyka Jiro?" My head snaps up to a nurse and I practically sprint over. "Follow me." We all follow the nurse to roll 419. I walk in and Jiro doesn't notice. Her parents point behind her and she turns, gasping when she sees me. I rush over and pull her into a hug.

"Oh thank god." She hugs back and buries her head in shoulder. "I thought you were hurt." I feel tears well up in my eyes.

"I'm not, but you are." I move my hand to her hair and take a deep breath. "I'm gonna kill him." She huffs a laugh and pulls away. It's obvious she's crying. I now notice the cause of about half of her body is wrapped in gauze and her foot is in a boot and propped up on some pillows.

"I'm fine." I shake my head.

"You obviously aren't. And don't tell me to calm down cause it won't work." She pouts lightly, which I have to admit is adorable.


"But I am! I'm not it pain and I'm healing."

"Jiro, you listen I talk." I quote her words from when I asked her out. "It's okay to not be fine. You've told me this. You don't have to put up a front and act like you're fine and dandy. You can put away the mask around me. Even if it's for just a little." I cup hear jaw and I see her eyes go glossy. "Let it out." A tear slips out of her eye and I wipe it away, sitting down by her in the bed. She immediately jumps in my lap and clings to me, breaking down. I frown and begin to stroke her hair. I notice her leg isn't on the pillow and my eyes widen. I quickly rearrange us and make sure her leg is elevated. I hug her tighter and let her cry however much she needs. "I've got your Jiro. Im here." I pull her face back and wipe it.

"Thank you." I smile and nod.

"I'm just happy you're alive. I swear the second I see Iida again I'm going to kill him." She laughs.

"Yeah, I will to." She suddenly blushes, causing me to tilt my head.

"What happened?"

"Y-your hand." My hand is still cupping her face and I run my finger over her cheek.

"You're quite cute when you're flustered." She blushes more and looks away.

"S-shut up." I huff a laugh and move my hand to her hair.

"Does anything hurt?" She shakes her hand but winces when my other hand runs over her back. I notice a faint outline of gauze. "Does this burn hurt?" She bites her lip and nods.

"It only hurts with something rubs against it."

"So it could be infected. We should call a nurse." She frowns.

"I'm fine Momo. Honestly."

"No, you aren't. You don't have to lie to me." She sighs and let's her head fall into my stomach.

"Fine. It hurts." I look up to ask someone to call a nurse but I see they're all gone. Jiro reaches over and grabs a remote, hitting a button. A nurse comes in shortly after looking worried.

"I think one of her burns is infected." The nurse comes over and Jiro sits up.

"Middle one on my back." The nurse unties her hospital gown and peels back the gauze. She gasps and quickly presses her pager.

"I'm glad you caught this. This went on for ever a day longer it could've been really serious." Worry shoots through my body and I immediately scoot closer to her. She gets nervous and holds her chest. I realize even a slight tug could take the hospital gown off. I smile lightly and look down.

"You don't have to worry. I won't look." She blushes.

"I know you wouldn't, I'll tell you why soon." I quirk a brow but nod.

"You don't have to tell me anything you aren't ready to." She smiles lightly.

"I know, that's why I like you." I blush lightly and smile.

"I like you to." Two nurses come in and Jiro sits up. The two come over and start working. I see Jiro wince and tense multiple times. I reach over with my palm facing up and she immediately grabs my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"T-thank you." I nod and look at the nurses.

"Are you almost done?" The nurse nods.

"Just give me a little more time." I nod and Jiro suddenly tightens her grip around my hand. I see her eyes gloss over and I self consciously make pain killers. The few pills appear in my other hand and I try to hide them, when I hear a laugh I know I've been caught.

"Sorry, it's a reflex." She laughs and the nurse finishes.

"Alright. All done." She leaves and Jiro and I get comfortable again.

"Can this be our first date?" Jiro suddenly blushes heavily and her head snaps over to me.


"Well, i honestly don't really care what we do as long as it's together." I get self conscious and look away.

"I quite like that idea. Happy first date." I blush and smile.

"Right back at you." She yawns and cuddles into my stomach. "You can sleep if you're tired. I'll be here." She smiles and wraps one of her cords around my wrist.

"Night Momo."

"Sleep easy Jiro."

Mina pov)))

I'm visiting Jiro after Kami told me I could. And apparently some new tea with her and Momo! My gay babies! I tug Sero along with me, skipping lightly.

"Baby, Im happy you're so excited to see your friends but I'm tripping more than I am walking." I slow down so we're walking right by eachother.

"This better?"

"Yeah, tank you." I smile at the baby voice, god he's such a dork.

"Come on slow poke! We're almost there!" We get to the hospital and I walk to the front desk. "Koyka Jiro."

"Room 217, 2nd floor." I thank her and walk into the elevator.

"When we get there let me walk in first. I promise I'll be right out for you." Sero quirks a brow.

"Why can't I go in?"

"I'll tell you if it's okay with her. I'll have to check first just please? I know it might be a lot to ask b-" he cuts me off my cupping my jaw.

"That's okay. I'll wait for you." I smile to hide the blush.

"Oh thank you!" He smiles lightly.

"I'd do anything to make you happy." I smile more and the doors open, letting us step out. I find the room and Sero props himself against the doorframe. I walk in and oh my god! Jiro is laying on Momo's stomach while Momo has her hands on her back and hair. Holy heck! Ahh. I take a deep breath to compose myself and walk over, waking only Momo. She lifts her head and looks down first, glancing over Jiro.

"Oh that god. Mina, how're you?" She looks over at me and I quirk a brow.

"What do you mean 'oh thank god'?"

"I thought it was all a dream, falling asleep with her." I smile and step back.

"So Sero's here and I was wondering if you were okay with him knowing. About, this." I gesture to the two sleeping and she nods.

"That would be fine, Jiro is okay with it to." I smile and walk into the hallway.

"You can come in now."

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