《parties // billie eilish》Chapter 95: Cock Blockers


''You won't be able to walk for a week.''

I chuckle, but when she looks at me with a deathglare, I realise that she's serious. I lick my lips as she removes all of my remaining clothes. After that, she kisses me harschly. I can barely keep up with her as her hands roam all over my body. She positions hersefl so that she's hovering over me with one leg between mine.

''I know that you're good in bed, but I don't think that you-'' I start, but I let out a loud moan as she presses down her thumb against my most sensitive spot while biting down on my neck.

''You don't think what?'' She asks lowly, moving her thumb slowly. I move my head away, but she grabs my cheek, moving my face so that I'm looking at her.

''I think that I will be walking perfectly fine tomorrow, and the rest of the week,'' I pant out, making her eyes darken even more.

''We'll see about that,'' she husks out before entering me with a finger. I grab her shoulders and pull her down against my body as she starts moving her finger. She kisses my neck, probably leaving more marks than I can count, but I don't care right now. Everything I can think of is the pleasure that she's giving me. As she enters another finger, I have to bite down on Billie's shoulder to stop myself from moaning. However, when she starts moving her fingers in a faster pace, I let out a moan, arching my back.

''Tell me if you want me to stop,'' she says, suddenly being really gentle towards me.

''I thought that I wouldn't be able to walk for a week?'' I ask, making her smirk slightly.


''Watch out what you're saying,'' she whispers between her neck kisses.

''I'm not scared of you.''

''Maybe you should be?'' She suggests, biting down on my neck a bit harder than before. I try to say something back, but she starts moving her fingers faster, making me scratch her back with my nails, pulling her even closer to me.

Suddenly, I hear a loud noise, making me and Billie jump.

''Some cock blocker is knocking on the door,'' she sighs, making me laugh. She throws a T-shirt, underwear and a pair of shorts in my face for me to put on before walking out to the hallway. After putting my clothes on, I follow Billie to the door. She opens it, and there stands Kevin and Julia.

''We need to talk,'' Kevin says, taking his shoes off and walking straight into the house. He sits down on one of the couches and pulls out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. Me, Billie and Julia looks at him in confusion as he puts a cigarette between his lips before lighting it with a blue lighter. I raise my eyebrows.

''What? Have you never seen anyone smoke before?'' He asks, waving with the cigarette in the air.

''At least open the fucking window, dude,'' Billie says, approaching Kevin and grabbing him by his shirt, practically dragging him to the window before opening it. He chuckles slightly before blowing out the smoke.

Julia rolls her eyes before sitting down on another couch.

''What's up?'' Billie asks.

''Travis just came home from the hospital, and I'm worried about him,'' Julia says.

''Why's that?'' I ask.

''I just... don't want anything to happen to him again,'' Julia admits, looking down at the floor.


''I know. I feel the same way. We have to show him that we care. And we have to look after him,'' I say.

''Yeah,'' Billie agrees.

''Is he talking to anyone about his depression?'' I ask.

''Yeah, apparently he has this great therapist named Tina,'' Kevin explains. ''I think he talks to her twice a week.''

''That's great,'' I say. ''Can I have a cigarette, Kev?'' I ask.

''Sure-'' Kevin starts, starting to pull out another cigarette from the pack but Billie stops him from doing so.

''No, you can't, you fucking dumbass,'' she says.

''Billie, I'm seventeen!'' I exclaim.

''I'm seventeen,'' she mimics with a baby voice.

''I don't sound like that!''

''You do, though.''

''Okay, shut the fuck up, both of you,'' Julia says. ''We're going to Travis's Place.''

I stand up and grab Kevin's cigarette from his hand and start smoking it before he can react.

''Thank you!'' I tell him, inhaling the smoke before blowing it out. Billie turns around and glares at me. I laugh before giving Kevin his cigarette back.

''You're so funny, Ember,'' Billie says sarcastically.

''I know, right?''

We exit the apartment and Billie locks the door behind us as we approach the elevator. On our way down, it's pretty quiet. I wouldn't say that it feels awkward, I just think that we are all blaming ourselves for not looking after Travis well enough. To be honest, I can't stop thinking about how much I failed him. He openes up to me about how he felt, and I was too busy thinking about myself. I could have done more. I could have asked him about his pain, I could have hugged him. I could have... stopped this before it happened. I-

''Are you okay, Em? You're shaking,'' Kevin asks, making everyone look at me.

''Yeah, I'm fine. It's just... cold,'' I lie. He looks at me before pulling me into a side hug, rubbing my arm to warm me up.

In the car, I get a text message from Charles.

Hi! I heard that you were hanging out with your friends today. If you want to, you can invite them for dinner tonight. Me and Christina can buy food. :)

I smile at his text.

Hey!! That's really nice, are you sure that it's okay??

Of course! :)

''Do y'all wanna come over for dinner tonight? Charles just told me that he could buy food for us.''

''Sure!'' Kevin says. ''Charles seems really nice. I'm happy for you, Ember!''

''Yeah, he's the best,'' I say with a smile, making Julia grab my hand, squeezing it.

Sometimes I feel guilty about Charles. I don't know why, but I guess that it is because I came into his live from nowhere. Maybe he wanted to stay in Chicago? Did I ruin his life? The thoughts make me feel anxious, so I push them away and try to think about something else.

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