《Vampire Midas AU》6 - Lusting After Blood and Love
It had been a couple of hours since Marigold, Jules and Jones had last seen Midas. They had heard the whole story of what happened to him and the engineer was unhappy with her brother.
"God damnit. I hate it when he does this!" Jules yells, folding her arms. "Why does he feel the need to hide everything from me?"
"He hid it from all of us. Me and Marigold were in the dark just as much as you were Jules." Jones tells her with a sigh.
"I'm sure it was only to protect us Jules. He wouldn't want us to be in danger."
As the girls continue to talk behind him, Jones looks ahead in the distance. He could see someone holding another person who seemed very limp in their arms. The glint of gold on the hands of the one standing gave him the answer to who it was.
He turns around and faces Jones, blood dripping from his fangs and hisses at him. His eyes were filled with lust, gazing at the blond with the intention of feeding on his blood. He's mostly silent, not uttering a word.
"Hey..can you hear me in there?" Jones asks, stepping a little closer to him.
The girls catch up with him, seeing Midas covered in his victim's blood. Another hiss escapes as they approach.
"He really isn't much of a talker like this, is he?" Marigold admits.
"Not really. As far as I know he only hisses at people he thinks are a threat or a potential..."
".. blood meal."
Midas hums deeply, dropping his victim and glaring at the 3 of them. He still seemed very hungry and his eyes were mainly focused on John Jones. He knew what he wanted, and was going to get it no matter what.
"Midas c'mon. Don't you recognize us?" Jules begs, walking closer to him.
His expression softens a little. He seems to have heard them, but is unable to stop the vampirism infecting his mind and body. A few tears form in his eyes.
"Please. Let us help you." Marigold pleads.
"What they said. C'mon Midas, why don't we go home together and clean you up. I know vampires don't sleep, but you seem like you need some."
Jones gives him a comforting smile, holding out his hand for him to take. Surprisingly however, Midas manages to break free from his instincts, looking up at his boyfriend and his family.
"Wha? Why did... how did I..?"
The blond smiles, relieved that somehow Midas managed to come back to his senses. Not wanting to be rude, he takes his hand and stands up. Rubbing his head with one hand and wiping the blood off his mouth with the other he looks away from them.
"I knew as soon as I let this secret slip all of you would find out..." He sighs, folding his arms.
"Well maybe in future, tell us!" Jules groans, a hand on his shoulder.
"Come now. We'll get you three home." Marigold smiles, turning around.
Jones takes Midas' clean hand as they begin to return to Pleasant Park. The mastermind felt conflicted. He had no idea how he managed to break out of his vampirism that easily.
"Something's wrong. I can feel it..."
One thing he did know. On the inside that gut feeling was still there, but it wasn't as intense as it was mere minutes ago.
Something bad was bound to happen...
An hour or so later and all 4 were in Midas' home in Pleasant Park.
"Thanks for your help Marigold. If it weren't for you we probably would've never found Jones."
"My pleasure Jules. Anything for a friend." Marigold smiles at Jules.
"If it ain't too much trouble, you wanna stay a while and have a cup of tea and some biscuits?" Jules offers, putting on the kettle.
"Sure, why not. Jones would you like to join us?"
"No thanks." He mutters glumly.
Ever since they came home Midas had been alone upstairs in his room for a while. Jones was growing worried about him.
"I'm... gonna check on Midas...see if he's okay..."
Venturing upstairs he knocks on the door.
"Midas, it's Jones. I want to know if you're okay..." He pleads with a mutter. "... please let me in..."
There's no response from the other side, but Jones finds that the door is unlocked and lets himself in. Midas was sat in the dark on his bed, gazing at his hands and the sharpened nails he had gained that night.
"Hey, you okay?" Jones asks, closing the door and sliding next to Midas.
"... something's wrong..."
"Huh? What do you mean?"
Midas looks over at Jones with a worried expression.
"I shouldn't have been able to break free from my vampirism back there." He explains. "I only can when my hunger for blood has been satisfied."
"Well... maybe that's what happened. Why are you so worried?"
Midas stands up, hugging his arms and flinching slightly.
"That's the thing Jones...I wasn't satisfied yet..."
He turns back around, showcasing a gleaming crimson red eye.
"I want more...I NEED more..."
Jones gulps, holding a hand over his neck. Midas' bloodlust must've intentionally set him free, giving him a false sense of relief, only for it to return when the two of them were alone together.
"A-Ahh-! J-Jones... I-I... I don't feel so good..."
He stands as Midas stumbles with a shiver, gripping onto his head, clenching his teeth and falls into his arms. Both could hear Midas' stomach growl at him, begging for blood.
"Midas, T-Try to stay calm and take deep breaths for me." Jones stammers. "It's okay. You can hold back. I know you can. I'm here for you."
He rubs his back while Midas groans in discomfort, trying to hold back his hunger. But he just couldn't do it. Drool was already forming near his mouth.
He was desperate for blood.
Jones was right there.
And he was fucking starving.
Within a second his mentality switches from panicked and worried to hungry and lustful. He had no control over himself again.
"Jones... it's no use...I need to feed on one more person to stop my bloodlust for the week." He whimpers, gripping onto his shirt. "Please..."
"Midas, no."
"Please...let me bite you... I'm hungry~"
"Midas I can't! You won't know when to stop!"
The twisted mastermind flinches, moaning into the side of Jones' neck. His lips were slightly parted, gazing lustfully at his panicked boyfriend.
"Just let me bite you...I want you..."
"Look dude! I love you, but if you bite me you'll only kill me just like all the others!"
Jones tries to push Midas off of him. Their hands clasp together as they struggle against each other.
"I'm hungry Jones... you don't want me to starve do you?" He breathes, lust clear in his eyes. "Just one bite~... I'll make it as painless as possible..."
The blond continues to hold Midas back, but he was beginning to sweat. He was just too strong for him. He couldn't hold him back for long.
Midas hums deeply, knowing what will cause the blond to bend to his whim. He forces Jonesy's arms back to his sides...
And presses his lips against Jones', giving him a hungry and desperate kiss.
Unable to resist Jones loosens his grip and relaxes his body, closing his eyes and deepening the kiss, a quiet moan slipping out. Parting slightly, they gaze into each others eyes. The situation they were in was a twisted romantic one. They were both desperate for something from each other;
Midas wanted his blood.
Jones wanted his love.
Knowing there was no other way to get out of the situation unharmed Jones sighs and gives in, facing Midas with a confident expression.
"Fine. As long as you don't drain me dry Midas." He mutters. "You can have me..."
He smirks lustfully, his sharp canines glinting in the moonlight seeping through the window due to the saliva running down them.
"Why would I drain you dry my darling?" He breathes, reaching for the buttons on Jones' shirt. "The fun would end too quickly. I want to keep you alive."
As Midas slides Jones' shirt off his shoulders and begins slipping off his own, the blond begins having doubts about granting the mastermind the twisted wish he's been lusting after for 4 months. But hopefully this would be a one time moment.
"Wait. Hang on a sec." Jones mutters, backing into the door.
Midas' eyes widen, afraid that Jones was going to bail and run away, only to calm down when he simply turns the door knob, locking it. He sighs in relief as the blond approaches him again.
The two of them lock lips again, Midas forcing Jones back onto the bed and leaning against him. He strokes a hand over his cheek, being cautious about his nails. The blond groans, sweat already beginning to form on his forehead.
"Go on. A little louder~".
Obeying the command Jones does it again, a little louder this time around. Midas hums, sitting him up and leaning towards his neck.
"Good boy. Now remain still. This will probably hurt a little."
Jones braces himself, gripping onto the bedsheets. Midas places his hands over the blond's wrists, pinning him down.
Midas then finally digs his fangs into Jones' neck, and moaning as the blood hits his tongue.
The blond cringes from the pain originating from his neck, but resists the urge to scream. Midas hums, wrapping his arms around Jones while still having his fangs embedded in his skin.
"Finally~..." He breathes. "You taste so good~."
Midas begins softly sucking on his neck, taking in the blood that was pouring out. Jones slowly begins to calm down a bit as Midas puts a bloodstained hand on his chest. It was cold, making him groan slightly.
"Easy my dear. Don't want to make a mess now, do we?"
Sweat drips all over Jones, growing increasingly more warm. It was getting heated in the room again. He was tensing up with a pained and sweaty expression. He grips onto the bedsheets tighter.
Jones knew he was in danger letting Midas take his blood...
And yet bizarrely....he was enjoying all this.
"Why...why does this feel so... good?"
Midas pushes against him, licking the bite mark. He found pleasure in hearing Jones' moans. That, plus his heart pumping the blood through his body, was music to his ears.
"It's twisted and fucked up. Yet, I don't want him to stop."
Midas leans back slightly, but Jones suddenly pulls him back.
"Don't... Don't stop..."
Even in his twisted state Midas was surprised at Jonesy's request.
"Beg your pardon?"
Jones gives him a smirk, a deep red blush on his cheeks.
"You can keeping going. I'm...sort of enjoying it actually, haha."
"Is that so?"
Midas chuckles darkly, putting a golden finger on Jones' lips before sliding it down to his belt.
"Very well. Let's see how long you can go for~."
He forces Jonesy's lips against his own, giving him a hungry kiss, while undoing the belt on his trousers. The blond lifts himself up, letting Midas slip them off and toss them aside. Jones then does the same with Midas, tossing his pair aside as well.
"Oh? So eager are we~?"
Jones groans, removing his lips from Midas' and responding with;
"Just fucking kiss me you gold bloodsucking vampire~"
And leans back in, continuing it.
He could taste his own blood in Midas' mouth, but he quickly deepens the kiss not caring in the slightest. His own lust for love was clear in his actions as Jones caresses his hands over Midas' chest and up to his face, guiding it back to his bleeding neck.
He sinks his fangs back in, drawing blood again and kissing the bleeding bite mark. The two of them moan, gripping onto each other tighter.
"Ahh~ You're such a good well behaved boy Jonesy~"
Midas smirks lustfully, seeing Jones making the same pained face as the last time they did this. If he pushed him any further, the same thing as last time would happen again, resulting in having to clean the bedsheets a second time.
"Mmm~ A-Ah~ Thanks..."
The mastermind pushes against him, placing his lips against his neck and drinking his blood. Jones groans, embracing his touch. He could feel Midas' warm breath on his skin.
"Why am I so aroused by this? Why does this feel so good and addicting?"
Midas continues to work with him, trailing his hands over his body and wrapping his legs around Jones' waist. He pulls away from his neck.
"My goodness John. I didn't expect to see this side of you.~" He smirks. "You were always so innocent and soft. You're a lot different under the covers."
Jones grunts, breathing heavily as he faces Midas.
"Let's admit it. My mentality is just as fucked up as yours. We're both as bad as eachother."
"Then it just proves how perfect we are for one another."
Midas watches as Jones struggles to put his thoughts into words. He grips onto his shoulders as he feels the same sensation from the first time run through him.
"However, I'm not finished with you just yet blondie. Lie down~."
Jones immediately obeys, his head landing on the pillows. Midas hums deeply and lies directly on top of him, kissing his neck repetitively and moaning in satisfaction. The blond lets him be, once again embracing his touch.
"M-Midas, I-I...a-ahh~"
"Keep going darling~. I'm right here~"
As Midas leans back to the bite mark he left on Jones he cleans up the last of the blood, licking his neck and shoulder with his tongue. It sends shivers down his spine, making him sweat more.
"Mmph~ I-I'm...M, I-I~..."
He breathes heavily and whispers into his ear;
"Let it all out Jones. Say my name and relish in how you say it~"
Midas' voice purrs, his slick sultry voice driving Jones completely mad. Gripping onto his shoulders he moans out Midas' name.
Then, both go quiet for a moment.
Shaking his head and flinching, Midas finally returns to his senses and sees the position he and Jones had put themselves in. Needless to say, he was disgusted with himself.
"J-Jones! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-"
"Hey hey, it's okay."
Jones puts a finger on his lips, shushing him and calming him down.
"But I-"
"Shhh. It's okay. I'm not angry or disgusted with you."
Jones sits up as Midas crosses his legs. He places a hand on his cheek, wiping a stray tear away.
And gives him a peck on the cheek. Midas sighs and goes fishing through his bedside cabinet's draws, pulling out some bandaids.
"Thank you. Now, keep still dear."
Midas begins wrapping the bandaid around his neck, being careful as to not accidentally make the wound bleed out again.
"I still want to apologize about it. I don't know how you put up with me like this."
"Midas what have I told you? No matter what you do, I'll always love you for who you are. Nothing's ever gonna change that."
Jones gives him a reassuring expression, giving him a dorky smile. Midas snickers lightly.
God he loved the man and his laid back personality.
After 10 minutes they emerge from the bedroom. Thankfully this time no bedsheets required a second wash. Their hair was quite messy and both looked exhausted. Marigold, who was just about to leave notices them.
"Aah, there they are." She mutters. "Where have you two been?"
Midas clears his throat, blushing slightly as he does up his tie.
"My bedroom? It's quite obvious we're leaving it."
"Mhm. You both look tired and very sweaty. What were you doing up there?" She asks. "Goodness, me and Jules could hear you from down here."
The boys don't respond, blushing and stuttering in the presence of each other.
"It's okay Mari. Not the first time they've done it." Jules tells her.
She whispers into her ear, probably explaining everything.
"Oh. OH!"
She turns back to the boys.
"Midas, Jones. Forgive me for questioning you both. I wasn't aware."
They forgive her, chuckling slightly.
She says her goodbyes and leaves the house. Midas and Jones smile warmly at each other, taking each others hand. He seemed happy, but on the inside Midas was slowly getting worried for his future.
Now that Slone and her cronies knew about his vampirism, he felt like his life was going to come to an end very soon...
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