《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》28.


"Thanks, Swathi," Vikranth said to her after hearing what she has talked with Meera.

"Don't mention Vikranth, I am glad that you're finally getting married. By the way, she seemed to be a perfect match for you," Swathi said about what she felt about Meera.

"Yeah, she is..." he agreed with a proud smile.

"Okay, Vikranth. I will call you later. There is some work I need to finish by tomorrow."

"Continue your work then," Vikranth ended the call with a satisfied smile.

Yesterday he bought the jewels and saree for Meera but he knew if he gave that to her she won't accept it as easy as it sounds, so he asked Swathi to give in place of him.

He thought this way their meeting will clear the misunderstanding that happened in the past and it has occurred now. He was glad that Meera came to know what his relationship with Swathi.

He did this intentionally, he wanted Meera to know that he didn't go for another girl in any situation after they separated.

He has done mistakes but he doesn't want to be like his dad. Vikranth never had any girl in his heart other than Meera and he never could because he is stuck with her memories and he can't think anyone than her. Now all that matters to him was he wants her in his life for that, he will do anything and he's willing to lose anything.

Vikranth thought all these things looking at the city through the window the chill breeze hit his face and he came out his thoughts when his manager came inside, they discussed the upcoming orders and exporting details. After finishing some work Vikranth went to his house, today he left earlier since he has to get up earlier in the morning.

Vikranth woke up at 4.00am in the morning he couldn't sleep at all, his happiness doesn't let him. After getting ready, he took whatever the things needed, he doesn't need anyone's help because no one is trustable and he doesn't have anyone close ones too. He invited only Arjun and Swathi for his wedding and he hoped that his dad will come.

As time moves his anxiety increased to see Meera. He eagerly waited for her. Vikranth was very excited that this wedding finally going to happen. His face filled with happiness that he never had in the past three years. When he saw her walking towards him, his heart just skipped its beat.

He doesn't know his Meera can be this beautiful. She looked so gorgeous in the saree that he bought for her. He can't take his eyes off. But she didn't smile and there's no bit of happiness in her face. Vikranth knew that he can't expect this but he wanted her to smile at least once.

Thankfully she smiled a little when Swathi said that she's looking beautiful. That small smile gave huge happiness to him. At that moment he regretted everything that he did to her, this kind of happiness he missed it very easily, he foolishly lost everything his love, his child, and his happiness. But now he got a chance to have everything, he won't lose this chance and he won't lose Meera.


Before tying the knot Vikranth looked at her, he can feel that she's too nervous and her eyes were watery. He felt something heavy on his heart to see her tears. That moment he made one thing clear to him that he won't make her cry ever again. He is not a believer in God but he thanked him for again giving his Meera back to him.

When the moment she became his, he seriously took a decision that in any situation he won't hurt her and lose her.

That time his dad came, Vikranth thought he will at least smile but he cursed them and Vikranth got so angry to hear that from him. If it is an old Vikranth, then he would have beaten him but he controlled his anger and replied confidently that we will live happily than anyone else in this world.

His anger didn't go down, in this beautiful moment why he said that. somewhere his mind thought whether his words will come true. And he became silent after that.

Then they all went to Vikranth's house, he somewhat came to normal. He noticed Meera is talking with everyone nicely. Then only he remembered that he has to shift to the new house, he doesn't want to stay here because it will remind their past and added to that his dad bought this house. Still, he didn't buy any furniture for their new house but he thought that they will manage there for at least today.

When everyone left they went into the house. It is beautiful compared to his old house. She didn't notice much that day but now only she can clearly see the outer architecture, it is really mesmerizing. Vikranth parked the car inside and got down and Meera awkwardly followed him.

She still can't believe that she is married to him and thinking about it she felt a weird feeling in the pit of her stomach. She looked at him, he's before me a very small were between them. If she wants she can touch him and hold his hand but only if this marriage happened three years before. He's still in his wedding costume and looked handsome than before. He went on opening the door, the interior looked even more beautiful.

"You... look around the house, if you want. I have to order some furniture and other some works are there so I need to go" he said and she nodded her head.

"And I think we can't go to your house today, I will be late," he said and walked out.

"Umm... did you pack your things," he asked Meera.

"Yeah," she nodded as yes.

"Okay then give your house key, I will ask my driver to fetch your things," he said and she opened her purse and gave the keys to him.

She just blankly looked at him leaving the house, then she turned and walked inside after he left, the living room was very big and only a couch is there. Then on the right side, a well-furnished kitchen. There is a Pooja room on the left and another one room at the end of the hall. There is a backside door to reach the lawn.


Meera walked to the upstairs slowly gazing around, there were four rooms, she didn't open anything and went near the balcony. There were some flower plants on both sides and it so peaceful to stand there. For two people this house is really very big.

And she noticed there were not many houses in this area. And it is so calm and refreshing to see more trees here.

Then again her mind started thinking about Vikranth. How am I going to stay with him? If he changes again what I will do? Oh god, what I have done.

Tired of thinking this she again went down and sat on the couch. She slowly removed the jewels leaving only the anklet, earing, and my wedding chain and placed that in the nearby cupboard.

She laid on the couch since her legs are aching and she is hungry too. It is about 3.00pm in the afternoon, in this house there nothing except water. The tiredness made her eyes to close eventually.

Meera opened her eyes suddenly when she heard the knock on the door, she got up and went to see who it is. The driver was standing before me, carrying the bags.

"Please come inside," she told and he came and placed the bags on the floor.

"Thanks, Anna [brother]" she said with a smile.

He looked at her surprisingly. He nodded his head with a smile on his face and went out.

She carried the bags to the couch and took her pajamas to wear. But when she realized about Vikranth she noticed the time is 6.45pm. Oh my god, I have slept more than three hours. And why he is still not home and how I am going to eat.

When she was in her thoughts, Vikranth came in carrying something. I think it must be food, she smiled inside.

He locked the door and looked at me from head to toe and he also looked the bag beside me. "The jewels are there in the cupboard," she directed her hand to that cupboard.

"Why you're saying that to me," he asked and came towards me in an intimidating way.

"Because I don't need that," she said.

"Look I bought that for you, don't say anything and keep that with you," he said and went near the dining table.

"And I bought food for you and after eating that sleep in any of the room in upstairs," he said and sat on the couch.

Meera carried the bags and walked a step. Vikranth stood up and bought that bag from my hands. "I can carr...." Before she could complete her sentence he walked.

"Which room you want?" he asked.

"That one," she said pointing the room near the balcony.

He came inside with me and that room contain only a bed. There is not even a small cupboard is present.

"Tomorrow the furniture will be fitted, so adjust for today," he said like he heard her thoughts.

"And eat the food before going to sleep," he said. How she will forget because she is really very hungry. But he's talking with her, not in an ordering tone. He's very calm and telling everything so politely.

He looked at her for a second then he walked out of her room. She changed into her t-shirt and sweatpants. Then she went to the restroom and refreshed herself by washing her face and hands. The cold water made her shiver. The room itself is so cold and she felt like walking on the ice, that much of coldness on the floor.

She opened the door and came out, suddenly Vikranth came out from the room that is opposite to hers. Seeing him she is stunned and what that made her gasp is that he's shirtless. Seeing his perfect body, broad shoulders and the tall figure made her heart to pound. His eyes were fixed on her and she shifted her gaze down immediately to avoid the embarrassment.

She hesitantly crossed him and he followed me to the downstairs. Why can't he put a shirt on him?

Vikranth started checking something on his phone and seated on the couch. She doesn't know whether he had his dinner or not. She opened the food parcel. The smell indicated that it is a biryani. Her stomach growled in hunger. She seated in the chair and started to eat.

She doesn't want to ask but still, her heart is pulling her, "Did you had your dinner?" she asked him.

He looked at her surprisingly before answering that he had.

Hastily eating, Meera started to have hiccups. She stood up to get a glass of water. But Vikranth immediately got up from his seat and went into the kitchen. He came out with a glass of water. She looked at him with wide eyes.

"Here," he gave the water. She bought the glass in her hand and drank a sip. He locked the door and asked her to turn off the lights before going to sleep then he went upstairs and after having her dinner Meera too went to her room.

She entered and laid in her bed as she felt so tired. There's no blanket to cover her from this coldness. She got up and went to lock the big window beside her bed. But she didn't after looking at the dark sky and the shining stars. It is so peaceful to look at that. Suddenly Vikranth came inside her room which almost startled her, he placed a blanket on the bed and went out without uttering a word.

She doesn't know what made him change this way and she thought he's having something in his heart which has made him turn this way.

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