《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》27.


Vikranth drove his car to her house, he was silent and he didn't look at her side. But she's muddled about everything. She looked out and don't know how she's going to live with him without having any hope. When they reached her house, he got down and Meera followed him.

The people standing in the road took a look at them, and Meera felt uncomfortable to walk along with Vikranth. It felt so awkward.

Vikranth went straight into the house opening the gates. Meera knows that Shanthi will be in the home and she wondered what she's going to say and how she will react for this?

He knocked on the door and Shanthi opened the door after the fourth knock. She smiled when she saw Meera but her smiling face is changed when she saw Vikranth. He smiled at her and she gave a confused smile.

"I... no we want to talk with you," Meera said hesitantly and she asked then to come inside the house and asked them to sit on the couch. She went to the kitchen to prepare a coffee but Meera asked her to sit with them. She felt awkward to begin on, then Vikranth started to talk, maybe he might have understood that she's feeling shy to talk about this.

"I am Vikranth. I know Meera for a long time, we were good friend and we have decided to get married," he said and she looked at them shockingly.

"This Friday we have planned our marriage, you should definitely come to our marriage," he said like a very nice guy. She was astonished to see his behavior, for the first time she's seeing this side of Vikranth.

Shanthi smiled and said "yes" looking at Meera. She can feel that she's so confused about what just happening here.

"Don't be shocked, it just happened all of a sudden, do you know him right?" Meera blabbered unable to explain this situation.

Shanthi nodded yes. "But Meera, how long do you know him?" she asked.

"Yes, we were in love for almost three years secretly, now we are to going marry," Vikranth lied before Meera can say anything. But she's relieved that he has saved her in this situation because she can't lie to the people who trust her.

"Oh ok, sure I will come," Shanthi said and Vikranth stood up from the couch.

"Thank you for looking after Meera and also supporting her," he said and Meera has tears in her eyes. He's saying things that she never expected him to say. Why he's acting like this. It's hurting to see this, why he's acting as he cared about me for all these years, Meera thought.

"It's ok, she's like another daughter to me," Shanthi said with a smile.

Vikranth smiled and nodded his head, "Okay then I am leaving" he said and walked out.

She didn't want to go with him to the front, but still, she went with him. "Meera tomorrow I am going to purchase my clothes are you coming with me to buy your saree or..." he asked and she immediately said no.


He nodded and walked to his car without arguing with her. She looked at him until he gets into his car. He didn't look back at her and he didn't smile. She thought that he started following her rules now itself. Unnecessarily he didn't talk anything today. What happened to that old Vikranth? She thought and looked at him confusingly. After he left, she went back to see Shanthi.

"Meera it is really surprising dear, I can't believe that you're going to marry Vikranth," she exclaimed.

"Yeah, it is really unbelievable to me also."

"Meera why suddenly? Has he compelled you," she asked.

"NO!! Ah...He wanted to marry me and I don't have any other option so it happened ma," Meera said and smiled lightly as it won't show that she's unhappy over this marriage.

"Next week I am vacating the house, I am sorry for not telling this before itself," Meera apologized.

"It's ok dear, I can manage. By the way, I am happy for you and I think he will look after you nicely," she said.

Meera nodded slightly, she's hating herself for acting like this but she had no other option after all. "I am going, I will come later," Meera said and walked to her house.

That evening Meera said this to Renu and she congratulated her. Then they went to the departmental store, Meera recommended Renu to the supervisor for the part-time job and also informed him that she won't come to the job hereafter. He asked Renu to join from Monday.

After coming back to the home Meera called Rani mam to inform that she won't come to the work for two weeks. She asked what happened. And Meera lied that she's going to her relative's house. Then she didn't say anything and accepted her reason for the leave.

That night Meera called Priya and said that she won't come to the work for two weeks and she also asked her to not to tell about her marriage to anyone. Priya assured that she won't tell. Then Meera invited her to come to her wedding.



Days passed and it was Thursday morning, in the past two days Vikranth didn't came to Meera's house and just called her whether she is having an Aadhar card and voter ID because that was needed for the registration of their marriage. And his driver came and bought that from Meera and went. Other than that he didn't ask anything. She doesn't know how a man can change his character this much. She can't understand whether he really changed or acting with her because she knows he's a great actor

Meera only know Vikranth as a very selfish person, he never cared about others, never understand the feelings of others and always think that people will have to follow his rules. But now, why he's following her conditions, why he wanted to marry me. I don't know whether he will follow these rules after marriage but she can't believe anything that's happening in her life now.

When she was in her thoughts, she heard a knocking sound in her door. She quickly opened the door and was surprised to see Swathi.


"Hi, you know me right!" she asked.

"Hmm," I nodded.

"Can I come in?" she asked.

"Sure," Meera said and gave a way for her to enter. She noticed that she's carrying some bags in her hand.

She seated in the chair and smiled. "Do you want anything to drink?" Meera asked.

"No Meera I don't need anything, I am here to talk with you and also to give this," she said pointing the bags.

What she is going to talk and why she is here, whether Vikranth knows about this, Meera wondered.

"Meera, I am Vikranth's friend, I know him from childhood. His father and her father are very close friends. I never had a thought to marry him because he is like a brother to me and he also acted like that."

"You know what, I am married already and I am a having kid, but no one knows that expect Vikranth so.... that day his father just said without knowing so don't take that seriously," she said.

"Hmm, I can understand," Meera said and she seemed to be a good person.

"I am going back to London tomorrow after attending your wedding, I came here to see her father. He is admitted to the hospital and I have to manage some of the business.

Her mom died when I was in her college, now her father is also in dying condition. I am planning on partnering with Vikranth to look after her business because he is the one who can help me than anyone else.

So yesterday I went to see him ask, that time he said about you and how you met again. But how you two started to love? I asked him but he didn't say anything and I heard he saw you at that party," she told her story.

"Hmm, yes," Meera managed to avoid that question. She doesn't know what to say when someone asked her about the past because that is very complicated to explain and she better continued the lie what Vikranth saying to everyone.

"I felt so happy for him, finally he is going to marry someone and going to have a family. And he said he's in love with you for three years, I think you must be a great woman that's why he's fallen for you" she said.

Hearing that Meera sighed mentally because all he said is lie when he loved me. How can he easily deceive everyone that he's in love with for three years?

"See I am talking without giving a gap and also forgot why I came here," she told and gave the bag to me.

"Vikranth asked me to give this to you, the saree and jewels he bought especially for you. He said you look beautiful when I asked him about you, and he's right you're looking beautiful Meera. Vikranth is very busy with his work so that's why I came here to help him and also I can have a chance to see you right", she said and Meera smiled out of shy.

"And one more thing he asked you to be ready at 6.00 am in the morning and he will send a car to pick you up," she informed.

She felt nervous hearing that and her heart started to beat faster realizing that she's going to marry tomorrow.

"Hmm ok, thanks for coming here, you should definitely come tomorrow," Meera requested her.

"Sure I will come. And... I wanted only one thing, please keep Vikranth happy. He deserves that and he never knows what real happiness is. I want you and Vikranth to be happy and live a long life with cute babies," she said holding her hand.

Meera smiled as she doesn't know what to say because she doesn't have any hope that they will be happy. And pondered why she's talking like he is so pitiful human being. I think he's a great actor, acting like a good person with his friends, family and in the public, but I only know his true color.

"Ok, Meera I am leaving, be ready at 6.00 pm. Bye," she said and stood up.

"Wait I will make a coffee for you," Meera told.

"No Meera next time. I am having some important work I have to go," she said and walked out.

After she left Meera looked at the bag, though she doesn't want to open now and she's feeling nervous so I decided to see Shanthi.

She was standing before her house when she looked at Meera she smiled. "Meera, I bought flowers for you, come I will show you," she said and Meera went inside with her.

She showed the beautifully threaded jasmine flowers along with rose petals. "Thanks, I will keep that in the morning," Meera said and suddenly she had tears in her eyes because it's time for her to leave them. They supported her in her hard times but she did nothing to them and she's really grateful to have them in her life.

"Don't cry Meera, you should be happy at this time?" she said and patted her shoulder. Meera stopped her crying and tried to smile.

"Thank you for everything that you did for me,"

"I have already told you Meera, you're like her daughter so don't thank me, dear," Shanthi said and Meera felt so happy to hear that.

"Be ready at 6.00 am and we all will go," Meera smiled.

"Ok Meera, but Renu can't come because she said there's an exam for her. But I will come with you" Shanthi said.

Then after talking sometimes, Meera went up to her. She sat on the bed and thought about what is going to happen tomorrow. Strangely she felt those weird feelings in her stomach.

As the night slowly passed, her nervousness increased beyond its limit. Unable to fall asleep, Meera stared at the ceiling thinking about Vikranth.

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