《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》26


''OK I will marry you but I have some conditions," Meera said to him.

Vikranth smiled, "What conditions?" He asked.

"Your dad should come to this wedding," she said but he looked normal like it is not a big deal.

"And after marriage, as you said you should not involve in my personal life. I will go to my job and live how I am living now. I don't need your money. And....... I won't sleep with you and the main thing you should not touch me without my permission and don't hug me whenever you wanted okay, it is really irritating," she said hesitantly and her mind quickly flashed the past thoughts like how he hugs her, kiss her and everything she shared with him.

She looked at his face plastered with an amusing smile. Am I entertaining him? Why he's showing all his teeth, she glared and then cleared her thoughts and continued to tell her conditions.

"You should not talk with me unnecessarily and don't force me to do anything. And the final thing is if you're not following these conditions, then I won't stay with you even for a single second. Don't force me to stay with you and don't ask for a third chance because that won't happen," she lined and he smiled seeing her.

"Okay-okay I will follow all your conditions," he said enthusiastically and he didn't think for a single second.

She can feel he's really happy to hear these things. He smiled like he achieved in something. And Meera was irritated to see that. How can he change this much and she wondered why all of a sudden he's compelling her for this marriage? And her heart doesn't show any other way than doing this to redeem herself.

Nodding her head, "Okay now leave from here," Meera requested him.

The chill breeze coming from the window made the room cold inside. Meera's little afraid that what if someone sees him with her.

Vikranth walked to the door and she followed him to check whether someone noticing them, but Vikranth turned in the midway. He looked at her like something he's going to say,

"Do you want to say anything?" she asked him.

"Yes I want one thing from you," he said and Meera stared at him confusingly of what he's going ask.

"Will you please smile often?" Meera doesn't know what to say for that question.

"I will try," she replied in a low voice looking down.

He smiled again and headed outside. She looked around, but thankfully there's no one. She waited there until he put on his shoes. He raised his head and smirked, why he's giving me this kind of expression? She thought. Her heart beat increased its pace to see him so close to her, his black eyes were watching me with a kind of expression that he never had, it feels like he's again in love on her. A deep and unconditional one.


"Thank you Meera for telling yes," he told.

She didn't say anything and looked at him blankly.

"I will come tomorrow," he said.

"No don't come,"

"I mean don't come here, my house owner will be here tomorrow so she will think about something..." she reasoned.

"Oh, don't worry, I will come here and invite them for our wedding," he responded.

"No there's no need, I will tell them."

"No no, I have to invite them personally, I will come tomorrow evening," he said firmly.

Before she can say anything he made his way down to the steps. Meera watched him until he reaches his car. He turned and looked at Meera with a smile. But she turned her gaze and went in.

Locking the door behind she went into her bedroom. She doesn't know what just happened.

I am going to marry him, Vikranth the one and only man I loved in my life. But how much this situation has changed, I am going to marry him out of compulsion and fear. I don't know how long he will have this kind of feeling that he needed me in his life. I know he will change his mind eventually when he realized that he did a mistake of marrying me. I accepted for this marriage, only to make him understand that we are not meant to be together and I have to make him think like that, she thought and stood up from her bed and looked herself in the mirror, seeing her reflection she felt what makes him come for me. I am not that good looking and I am so normal. Why he wants me? She questioned and tied her long hair in a bun.

Vikranth is driving his car in a happy mood. He is in a cloud nine. He can't believe that Meera has accepted to this marriage. He can't stop his smile. He was so excited. But how he is going to convenience his dad to come to this marriage was a big question. He didn't wait a single second, he wanted anything to block his way to marry Meera.


He drove his car to his father's house. As usual, the house was surrounded by his supporters. He parked the car and went inside. Seeing him everyone gave a greeting smile, he smiled back and went into father's office.

"Vikranth?" His father said in a surprise when he saw Vikranth.

"I want to talk with you about my marriage," Vikranth said his father PA went out of the room.

"Oh I too wanted to talk with about the hospital," his dad said.

"No listen to me, then you can say anything" he snapped.

"I am going to marry my Meera, you know her right!! I am going to marry her this Friday. So you have to come and wish us," he said like an order.


"What? Vikranth!! You're going to do a stupid thing. What is there in that girl, look you can't do that without my permission," he said and Vikranth knows this what he will say.

"See I already told you don't interfere in my personal life, I have decided. I wanted only one thing that you have to come to my marriage. If you can't mean then I won't live in this country, I will leave everything and go with my Meera," he said like Meera is ready to come with him.

"Vikranth doesn't blackmail me and never think about leaving me," he said in a defeated tone.

"Why should I stay with you? If you're not accepting my decision means, then why I have to be here?" he said pointing his fingers towards his father.

His father was dumbfounded, Vikranth clearly knows how to shut his father's mouth. He looked at his father for his answer.

"OK I will come, but one thing you're getting whatever you wanted Vikranth, it is going beyond the limit, I don't know what I will do," his father said in a threatening tone voice.

Vikranth had a victorious smirk on his face. "One more thing, don't ever try to threaten my Meera if you did then I don't know what I will do," he warned in a loud threatening voice.

He walked out of his father's office and everyone was looking at him. It is clear that everyone heard their conversation. Vikranth didn't care about them and went out.

He calmed himself and started his car. During the ride, he thought about Meera and felt so happy that everything he dreamed was going to come true. There are only four more days are there, then Meera is going to be his wife and going to be with him always. Thinking about that he had a smile on his face. He turned on the music player.

He drove the car hearing a nice song, after a long time he felt a kind of happiness that he never had. He felt like he achieved in everything.

The next day, Vikranth said he's going to come to my house and invite Shanthi ma and Meera I was nervous thinking about that.

What will everyone think about me?

What will he do after marriage? Whether I made the wrong decision? What's going happen in my life? Several questions arise in her.

She tried to forget her thoughts and came back to her work. Meera was blankly sitting and she is in an oscillation about whether to tell about her marriage to Priya. She felt little shy, afraid because she will ask who it was, then how can she say that she's going to marry Vikranth, he's well known to everyone and how can she explain? But anyways she has to tell her right!!

"Hey, Meera what you're thinking?" Priya asked when she was in her thoughts.

"Uh... Priya I am going to tell you something," Meera told. "I am going to get married this Friday."

"What!! How?" She asked in a surprise.

"It happened suddenly Priya, I am going to marry someone I loved for a long time," Meera didn't want to tell that she's going to marry someone whom she hate the most.

"Oh, but you didn't tell about this before, who's that guy?" Priya asked.

"Do you know Vikranth? He is the one I am going to marry," Meera said.

"What!! Really? But how?" She asked.

"Ah...that is," When she was about to continue. Meera saw someone entering the hotel. She looked clearly to see who it was. She is shocked to see Vikranth. Ah... God what he's doing here? She thought and looked at Priya. She is also shocked just like her.

"Meera," he called out my name and smiled brightly like her husband.

Meera didn't say anything and looked down. "Why you came here?" she asked him.

"I came here to take you with me, we are having so many things to do," he said lovingly.

He looked at Priya and smiled. She is dumbfounded to see him. "Hi!" he said to her.

"Meera is she know about me," he asked her. Meera nodded her head as yes.

"I am going to marry Meera, come to our wedding if you can," he said so sweetly.

I don't know Vikranth will have this kind of friendly side too, is it really him? She thought.

She nodded her head and smiled. "Your work is over right!! Come with me," he said.

Meera immediately packed her bag and went with him, because she doesn't want anyone to see us together.

When they reached near his car, "why you're doing this?" I asked him in frustration.

He turned and looked her, "Look Meera I am going to marry you, you're not going to by my secret wife or lover," he said.

Really she can't believe him. Is Vikranth can also act like this, he has changed a lot. But why????

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