《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》25.


After dropping Meera in front of her house, Vikranth watched her until she enters her home.

He thought she's somewhat understood him seeing how she listened to his words without talking back. But today he didn't expect that she will talk about past things. And Vikranth never thought Meera will ask that question of whether he saved her.

He too wanted to tell "Yes, I saved you Meera and I am sorry for telling this late," but he can't because it's too late.

How could he say that now? She will question him and consider that he's so cruel for leaving her in that state. He knows what he did is utterly a mistake by leaving her all alone but he doesn't have another option at that time, the guilt made him think that he should stay away from her life and he knows that he did that half-heartedly.

He thought better it will remain like this to avoid everything that will hinder her way towards me. He doesn't want to lose her again in any situation and drove the car back to his house with that determination.

After marrying Meera he has decided to stay in that new house. He doesn't know whether she will again love him but he is going to love her and live for her.

I am a worthless idiot who lost the best things in my life my mom, my Meera, and my baby. I will never make that mistake again, Vikranth firmly decided this.

After reaching home he parked the car and walked slowly to the house, he had his dinner that my maid prepared for me in silence. Then he headed to his room and laid in the bed thinking about Meera.

Today he wanted to see her badly, so after finishing his work he went to her house but her absence disappointed him. He knows she must be in that shop so he went there. He noticed she's standing in the bill counter. He took a chocolate bar and went near her, but she didn't notice him and kept looking down. He doesn't know why she's like this. He can understand one thing that she can't come out of the past, either us couldn't but her case is worse.

He's glad that she talked about everything that she's having in her heart, but she has hidden about his dad's threat. But that's not a big deal for him. He has to make her accept this marriage. If she's set, then no one can separate us.

The next day he got up so early and decided to go a jogging. That time Arjun called him, he asked where he is and wanted Vikranth to wait for him. Vikranth thought to meet him for asking help for his marriage, thankfully he called him before he could so he asked him to come to his office.


When Vikranth entered the industry, everyone said their morning greetings and he nodded his head and went to his cabin. The manager came in with two big files.

He bought his signature for approving the goods for foreign export. Vikranth asked him to maintain the work properly since next week he will be busy with his wedding.

He overlooked how the work is going and waited in his office for Arjun. Suddenly he came inside with a serious face and sat before him.

"Vikranth I have to tell you one thing, I am going to marry a girl this year-end," Arjun announced.

"Congratulations man," Vikranth teased him.

"Vikranth I am talking here seriously, damn it's an arranged marriage, I can't do this. Give me an idea to escape from this," he ranted.

"Arjun you're almost 30 right when you're going to marry.

I can say one thing Arjun, In our life, certain things come to us but we don't know the value of them and what it really means to us at that time. But when you come to know that is the best ever thing that God has given to you and you missed that stupidly, then.... you will die by regretting. It will hurt more than anything. So don't push anything aside, everything happens for a reason," Vikranth said remembering his life. Arjun looked him like he's a fool.

He nodded, "OK I will think about that."

"Try to talk with that girl, then only you can know about her right!", Vikranth gave ideas and Arjun nodded with a smile.

After a small silence, "Arjun I too wanted to tell you something," Vikranth started.

"What?" he asked excitedly.

"I am going to get married next week Friday."

"WHAT!!!" He asked me shockingly.

"Yeah, I am going to marry the girl I love and sorry for telling this lately."

"Really Vikranth? don't joke," he asked.

"Yes really. I am going to get married and one more thing my dad doesn't know about this so keep it a secret," Vikranth said to him.

"God Vikranth I can't believe this who's that lucky girl?" he asked me.

"She's someone I know for a long time. Her name is Meera," Vikranth didn't say many details about Meera.

"I want your support Arjun. This marriage is secret because you know about my life and my dad right! And I want your presence."

"I will, but why all of a sudden?" he asked.

"The situations came,"

"Why? Whether that girl is pregnant?" he asked suddenly.

"No, no it's not like that," Vikranth smiled.

"Just kidding", he laughed.

He stood up and came near him.

"I know Vikranth, there's something bothering you for a long time. I am seeing you right, you're always workaholic and several times I noticed that you don't have that happiness in your face. I knew there's something going on in your life. But now you made the right decision I think because I can the happiness again in your face. I want you to live happily because you deserve that Vikranth," Arjun said and patted Vikranth's shoulders.


I smiled hearing that. I also hope that I will gain all my happiness after Meera became my wife. We will live happily ever after, he thought and felt unknown happiness.

After finishing off his work, Vikranth's heart raced to see Meera. He didn't wait for a single second and drove his car to her house.

After our marriage, I can see her whenever I wanted. She will stay with me always. I will have someone who cares for me and loves me wholeheartedly. I am stupid who didn't understand the importance of marriage. Damn! I have to end all these regretting feelings from now on because I am going get everything back, he thought and smiled again.

In everyone's life, there's a situation where they don't know what to do and also very confused about their state. Now Meera was in that situation.

She was simply laying in her bed and thinking about how to avoid Vikranth and this marriage. She knows that she can't go anywhere and no one is there to help her from this situation. So she's the one who can help herself.

First, she thought in any situation she can't marry him. But now her heart is pushing her to believe him and asking her to give him a second chance.

In this oscillating situation, her mind is saying her to avoid him. Her heart is saying to give him another chance. She's confused and she can't concentrate on anything. And added to this Vikranth said they are going to marry next week. So she's totally stumbled and can't think of anything else.

She noticed the time is about 4.00 pm. She didn't take a bath and didn't eat her lunch. She slowly got up from the bed and went to take a bath.

The cold water made her shiver. But she felt refreshed after the shower. She came out wrapping her body in a towel. She has taken a salwar from her cupboard and changed into that. When she is drying her hair someone knocked on the door. She didn't think about anything and open the door.

Vikranth was standing before her with a bright smile on his face. She immediately closed the door cause it's very unexpected. Her heartbeat increased its phase.

"Meera what happened, open the door!" Vikranth shouted.

She quickly takes the towel from her hair. And check whether she's fully covered. Then she went near the door and slowly opened it.

Vikranth looked her up and down. His gaze was not normal. She felt nervous to see him,

"What you want?" She asked the same usual question.

"I came to see you," he said the usual answer. He pushed her hand and went inside the house.

"See please go Vikranth, I have already told everything, I can't marry you", she said and walked behind.

He suddenly turned towards her. She stopped and terrified because of their closeness.

"Meera please I am sorry for whatever I did. Please marry me, I want you Meera, I really really need you in my life", he said with a pleasing tone and pulled her into a hug.

Meera can't push him away. Her heart is telling her to hug him back, but she controlled. Then he pulled out from the hug and looked her eyes.

"Please Meera give me a second chance, I won't disturb you after our marriage, I don't need anything other than your presence by my side," he said.

But Meera didn't say anything and looked so confused.

"Meera trusts me, I won't hurt you again, I will never come into your privacy. And I won't leave you in any situation, it's my promise" he said and held her hand.

"No Vikranth don't do this, you already broke every promise that you made, I can't please," she said and tears rolled down to her cheeks.

"Meera, try to understand, that's all happened in the past and I am not sincere at that time. But now it's very different Meera", he said again without giving up.

His words somewhat melted her heart. His eyes asking her to believe him and begging her to accept him. Seeing that she heard what her heart is saying to her that to give him a second chance...

"I have arranged everything for our marriage only your answer is needed Meera, think practically you don't have anyone and I don't want to marry anyone other than you. So finally I am asking to Marry me. Don't think about anything and trust me fully", he said looking her eyes.

Meera bit her lower lip. And she knows he won't leave her alone if she didn't accept this. She closed her eyes for a second and finally she decided to accept him and give him another chance, not only for him but also for her life.

"OK I will marry you but it is on a condition." She said.

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