《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》24.


Meera I want you back in my life, so marry me, the words Vikranth said were constantly echoing Meera's ears and she sighed out of frustration. Yesterday's events made everything difficult for her. She doesn't know why these things were happening in her life when she least expected.

What am I going to do?

Why he wants from me?

Why he's doing this to me?

She kept thinking about these questions holding her coffee mug and looking blankly at the window.

I am really becoming insane because of you, Vikranth. Marrying you? How casually he's asking and how can I marry him after all this happened? I can't even dream about marrying Vikranth or anyone else, she thought because she's afraid and guilty to do that.

What happens when he came to know that I killed his child? I don't know whether he even cares for me but maybe he cares about his child, then he will question me for doing that.

What I will say? What I can say?

There's nothing to prove that I am innocent. Because I even know that I did a mistake. I am a sinner, a killer who killed my own child. If he questions me then what I will do? What I am going to do for my deeds? She got confused thinking about so many things. Meera wasn't like this before, but after that incident, she's mentally disturbed and kept reminding those things which are pushing her into this great depression.

She knows the value of life and thinking that she has killed an innocent human made her hate herself. She can't stop this feeling of loss. When badly she was finding a way to get out this past again Vikranth came in her life and yet again started everything from the start.

Meera heaves a sigh for being in this situation and got up to get ready for her part-time job. She was in an oscillation whether to go or not but she decided to go as it will clear her chaotic mind.

Locking the door tightly, she came out and walked to the shop. Shanthi and Renu went to their relative house in Madurai, they won't be here for five days and she is feeling so bored from yesterday.

After reaching the shop she met the supervisor and informed that she had a fever yesterday and that's why she has taken leave, he accepted it and asked her to work in the bill counter.

Meera blankly worked without having a realization about her surroundings. The time and the people moved so fast but she felt so numb and apathetic in her life.

She doesn't have anyone to hear her inner anguish and no one is there to hold her and say that I am there for you. There's no one to at least smile at.

These things make her think like she's getting her punishment for whatever the mistakes she has committed in the past. Though her tears touched her eyelids she continued her worked controlling it.


After billing fifty-plus products, Meera got her next customer who gave her a pack milk chocolate for billing. She didn't look who it is and billed.

"Its 120 rupees," she said in a low voice.

The person gave his card. She swiped and asked him to enter his pin number. He pressed and she saw only his hand strangely she found a familiarity. She doesn't want to face anyone so she didn't look at him. She handed the chocolate but that person didn't take that from her hands. Finally, she lifted her head up and looked at his face.

"That's for you," Vikranth said.

Her heart started to pound. Why he's here at this time? She looked around to know whether anyone is seeing them. But thankfully there's no one and also there's not much crowd and her duty time is going to end.

She again looked at his face hardly. "I don't want anything please leave,"

"I don't need it either," he told and went out without arguing much.

She placed the chocolate in the purse and closed her counter. After informing the manager she came out of the shop to leave home and also to confront Vikranth. Standing beside his car he's waiting for me folding his hands across his chest and Meera could see his eagerness to see her in his face. She stood in her place for a second and thought whether to go to him or not. But she decided to go. Each step I took forward, reminded her of the times when they were together.

During those days when she walks to him, she would smile like the happiest person in this entire world. That time she thought she was born for his love, but now everything has changed upside down.

He looked at her with a smile but she didn't smile back. She stood before him and looked at him without realizing that she's standing before Vikranth who she doesn't want to see in her life ever again.

He looked handsome in his formals and he must have come here after finishing his work, his eyes looked so tired but his smile didn't lose its spark. His aura still having that power over her, which makes her look at him without controlling herself. Then she cleared her thoughts,

"I want to talk with you but not here," she said and she's going to tell everything that she's having in her heart to him. He had to know what happened to me after he left me, then he has to decide whether he still wanted to marry me or not, she thought.

"Get in the car, we will go somewhere. I too wanted to talk to you", he said excitedly and she sat inside the car.

He started driving the car, throughout the ride she didn't look at him but he constantly noticed her. After they reached near his place, he took the keys from the bag and asked Meera to get down. She looked at the brand new bungalow before them and she doesn't know whose house is that. Anyways she didn't care much and followed him.


He went near the door and unlocked it looking Meera. He entered into the house and she followed his footsteps, it is much bigger than his old house and its interior was amazing, and everything was new and untouched and the paint smell filled in the house.

"This is the new house that I bought a month before" he turned towards Meera and said.

But who cares about that, she thought and nodded. "I want to say several things" he started but she stopped him.

"No I will talk, then you can say whatever you wanted" he looked at her confusingly.

"I have to tell you some things that happened after you left me. You know my mom committed suicide after she came to know that she's having blood cancer, she doesn't want me to suffer because of her illness. My world just collapsed at that moment when I came to know about this. Then I tried to live but when I saw you with another girl. Everything made me feel like I am not worthy to live.

That moment I decided one thing to end my life. I tried to commit suicide but I was saved and admitted in your hospital, at that time I came to know I was pregnant with your child and got aborted without knowing it. I lost all my hope to live very long back. So, erase your idea about marrying me and live happily with a girl who is equal to your standards" Meera said everything without giving a gap and his expression was not at all shocking.

"I want to ask you one thing, whether... you know about all these things?" Meera asked looking into his eyes and hoped that he's the one who saved me.

"No I don't know anything," he said and looked away. Meera knows he never cared for her.

"Whatever, these are the things that I wanted to say to you. I can't marry you, Vikranth because I am guilty so please understand that," she said controlling her tears.

He didn't say anything and looked down. "It's not a big deal, I want to marry you that's all, you try to understand that," he said. She felt so irritated to hear that, he has not even considered his child.

"And one more thing that day you saw me with Swathi, we just accidentally met and we were casually talked. After our fight, I never wanted anyone in my life than you Meera. I need you back in my life. You can say whatever reasons to escape from this but I can't leave you," he firmly said.

Meera rolled her eyes hearing that as he is not understanding my feelings. She doesn't know why he's this stubborn to marry her.

"This is what your decision, okay do one thing kill me with your own hands because that's what you're going to do after marriage. Do that now itself and live your life happily," Meera scowled out of frustration.

"Stop it Meera, don't talk like this, please understand me I just want to be with you" he shouted and she's jerked to hear that.

They were silent for some time, then he looked at her. "I have decided we are going to marry next week. Don't try to escape from me" he said and she's shocked to hear that.

"You're stupid," Meera said and turned to leave, she thought there's no use to stand here as he's not going to understand her anymore.

Suddenly Vikranth grabbed her hand and turned her over. Without a second delay, he hugged her tightly. She first pushed him but again she failed.

"You can't go anywhere, I am here for you and I will marry only you," he said in her ears. Hearing those words made her eyes welled with tears. She pushed him.

"You can't go anywhere, in this life, you're going to live only for me please take that into your head and don't make to beg," he said.

She wiped away the tears controlling anger.

"Please drop me in my house I want to go," Meera requested.

He nodded before going inside and came out with a glass of water.

"Drink this and don't cry," he said and looked at her furiously.

She drank a sip and gave that to him, he asked her to wait outside and went in.

Meera came out of the house and walked to the gate. She felt relieved after saying everything, but still, he wants to marry me?

Vikranth walked towards me after locking the door. They were silent during the ride. When we reached near my house, he stopped and turned towards me.

"We did a mistake Meera, don't think that you only did everything, I am also the reason for everything that happened, we have to change our life so think about my decision and I will meet you tomorrow," he tried to convince her.

After a long time, she's hearing his soft words and that again melting her heart. She just nodded her head before getting down from the car. She walked and again turned to see him, he is still there and watching her with a smile.

Meera went to her house and didn't see that he is left or not. She locked the door behind and sat down on the floor.

She can feel her racing heart that echoing in her and strangely her mind is telling her to give him a chance.

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