《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》22


"I pray this should be our end of sadness... "

Days passed Meera stayed in the hospital, by simply sleeping and eating the food that they are providing. In the evening a psychiatrist will come and advise her to overcome her suicidal thoughts. But she has already decided not to do that mistake again. She is broken inside and tired of everything but still, she has to live in this world that's what written in her head.

A psychiatrist is a man he must be sixty above. He looks so mature, calm and smiles nicely. He always tells her one thing that she is a very strong person compared to her outer appearance. He gives advice like he closely watched her. She even asked him whether he knew about her but he replied that he is one of the best doctors in the town so he'll know how to understand a person well. Everything he says is relatable for her life. Meera silently hears that and smile when he leaves. The same nurse stayed with her for four days, Meera started talking with her nicely to know who admitted her to the hospital but the nurse is so stubborn. She didn't utter a single word about that. Whatever the question she asks no one clearly saying the answer and avoiding her.

Meera still doesn't know how she came here and why they are treating her with this much of care. She is not even paid the bill for this hospital and the room she is staying looks like a VIP room.

She thought whether it is Vikranth who saved her but she doesn't want to accept it. And her heart said he is not, because what he is going to get if he saves me. After all, he's Vikranth right!! He doesn't want me and the words he said were still ringing in her ears.

Vikranth controlled himself to not to see Meera. When he heard that she stabbed herself with a knife, he got really angry with the doctor and the nurse who were with her, he scolded and warned them that nothing should happen hereafter.

He asked the senior psychiatrist to give counseling to her. Vikranth told everything to him because it is very much needed now to treat her. The doctor also suggested him to take counseling because he also looked depressed, but Vikranth refused.

He called Manohar every day and asked about Meera. But he didn't go there to see her. He asked everyone to not to say anything about him.

Though he controlled himself, his heart yearned to see Meera. He wanted to see her for one last time. So he went to the hospital late in the night before the day she's getting discharged from the hospital, it must be around 12.00pm.


He is relieved to see that she's sleeping peacefully. He didn't touch her or went so close to her. He looked at her face and he thought that's enough for his heart. Then he covered the duvet fully on her and smiled.

This is the last time I am seeing you Meera it's my promise. I don't know whether I can control myself if I saw you again but if I find that you're not happy then I will come for you again and do my best level to see the happiness again in your face. I don't know what this fate planned for us Meera....... He thought and reached out his hand to touch her face but he refrained from doing that and walked out with a heavy heart.


Meera opened her eyes in the middle of her sleep, there's no one in the room but she felt like someone talked with her. She sat up and blankly stared at the darkroom.

Tomorrow she is going to discharge from here and she doesn't know how she is going to live hereafter. She has to search for a job and she has to change her mind as the doctor said, Meera decided and stayed awake all night.

Next day morning, Meera got discharged from the hospital and went to her house. She felt new and fresh. But still, the house reminded about everything. She went to the bank and found there are five lakhs in her mom's account, she took about twenty thousand for her expenses and went back to her house.

Meera went to see her house owner and said that she is vacating the house and asked her to give the advance amount of fifty thousand and she said that she will give that in a week. Meera said thanks for everything because she really helped her when her mom died. Her house owner asked Meera to forget everything and live happily from now on. She smiled hearing that and went to see her neighborhood aunty, she said thanks to her also and informed her that she is going to vacate the house within a week.

Meera then called her distant relative uncle and asked him if there's any house for rent nearby his house. He said that he will tell her tomorrow.

He is staying in the other part of the city, that area is very much quiet and totally opposite compared to that of her current place.

She started to pack the things that she wanted and other things she decided to sell. Suddenly she heard a knock on the door. She thought it must me be her neighborhood aunt so she went and opened it.

But to her shock the famous politician and finance minister of the state standing in front of her. She doesn't know why he's here...


"You're Meera, right? I have to talk with you can I come in?" he asked her.

"Yes come in sir," she said nodding her head.

With him, another person also came into her house.

Glancing her from head to toe, "I now understand why my son is after you," he remarked.

She looked at him confusingly, "Vikranth is my son and I know what happened between you and him," he told with a disgusting expression.

And Meera doesn't know what to say, even she is ashamed about everything and she looked down.

"My son did wrong, I know but I can't blame everything on him, you're a girl you should have avoided him. But you didn't," Meera didn't say anything because he's right.

"Anyways it's all happened, but why I came here is, you should never ever speak about anything that happened between you two. He is having a high reputation in our society, he's the one going to occupy my space in the future, so he should never have a black mark."

"Whatever the things that happened, you should never say that to anyone, if I found any rumors then I don't know what I will do. For my son's life, I will do anything so don't come into my son's life again. If you do then I won't allow you to live in this world," he threated but she isn't afraid of his words because that kind of thing never going to happen.

"I won't come in your son's life again, you can trust me," Meera said.

"I trust you that's why I am talking, but I can't trust my son, make sure to avoid him in the future if he comes for you", he said.

She nodded her head and he left the place.

Vikranth will never come for me, I know that.

After a week Meera found her new house, it is present in the most peaceful area in our city. Mostly agriculture farms occupied most of the area, she liked the house and also the house owner lady talked so nicely. She and her daughter were only staying in the house and Meera is going to live on the first floor.

Before leaving for a final time Meera looked at her house and the memories of her mom flashed before her eyes. Meera closed the door and came out... From everything.

After a month of stay in her new house, she started searching for a job. Seeing the newspaper advertisement she went for the interview and got the job in blue meridian hotel... days moved so fast and she started to forget everything until she saw Vikranth again in the temple.


Vikranth heard Meera got discharged from the hospital, he is worried about how she's going to live without anyone. He wants to protect her but his guilt stopped him. He did all the wrong and she had all the loss how he can face her after doing everything...

Vikranth then started to avoid going to entertaining places. He started working almost all the time and became a workaholic. I

He can't sleep or eat properly, his life turned upside down after he left Meera.

Sometimes he thought he made a wrong decision and even sometimes he decided to look for Meera. But he eventually stops because everything happened because of him.

What I am going to change in her life?? What I can give for her loss?? Nothing. So he decided not to look for her.

He made myself busy and I completely avoid talking to him dad because finally, he turned like him. He hurt the woman who loved him more than anything in this world.

Days passed fast and Vikranth tried to forget about the things that he did but he couldn't. He became lifeless and numb.

He simply stays in his office overnight and daydreams about, what if Meera said that she's pregnant with his child before itself, what if her mom didn't die and stayed with her, then he would have married her happily and stayed with Meera and with his child.

He doesn't know whether it's a boy or a girl, but in most of his dreams, he thought it must be a girl looking just like his Meera. And he stupidly smiles when he picture that.

Later due to his busy life, he stopped his daydream too and worked day and night. His dad compelled him to marry his friend Swathi because she's my relative and he avoided him.

Vikranth has changed a lot, he became very calm and controlled his temper. If it is an old Vikranth then he would have slapped his dad for compelling him this much.

His heart and soul yearning only for Meera, three years passed he still can't forget her.

In his life, he never believed in love but he is in love with Meera. Yes, he is in love with her and he realized it very late.

When he saw her in the temple he had a happiness that no one can explain in words.

At that moment he decided that he want her in his life and he'll love her until the very end of his life.

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