《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》21


Vikranth rushed into the house, he carried Meera in his hands and called out her name and rocked her body, but she's totally unconscious and he doesn't know what happened to her. Then he noticed the rat killing poison cover beside her, his eyes widened in shock getting that realization.

"Oh, shit!" Vikranth quickly carried her in his arms and rushed out of the house. The rain was pouring mercilessly and he ran to his car carrying Meera. He put her on the backside seat and drove his car at a high speed. He is so worried and confused about everything. He didn't expect that Meera will do this kind of thing and pressed the accelerator.

When he reached his hospital, he carried Meera and rushed in, he doesn't know who to call and everyone was just looking at him in a surprise. That time he saw doctor Manohar walking by.

"Manohar," he shouted and he ran towards him when he noticed Vikranth.

"Oh, sir what happened?"

"Do something, I think she ate rat poison", Vikranth said and the doctor asked to bring the stretcher. They rushed to the ICU. Manohar stopped Vikranth and asked him to wait outside and he gripped Meera's hand asking her to come back and left her with a heavy heart.

He waited outside silently, but his heart was racing inside that nothing should happen to her and he still can't understand what happened to her what made her do this?? And where is her mom?

He took his mobile and called the textile manager to get the information because Meera's mom was working as a supervisor in his textile industry, but Meera didn't know this information because he didn't say that to her.

"Hello it's me, that lady supervisor is she there?"

"Do you mean Lakshmi sir?" he asked me.

"Yes, is she there?" I asked him.

"No sir, she didn't come to work"

"Why what happened to her?" Vikranth stood up from the seat when he noticed the nurse coming out of the ICU.

"Sir, she died a month before due to heart attack," he said and Vikranth just froze in that second to hear that.

He ended the call and again sat in the chair and never in his dream he expects this to happen. A month before means it's after our fight. Oh god!!

Suddenly the doctor came out of the ICU.

"Manohar what happened? Is she alright?" Vikranth asked him worriedly.

"No sir the condition is very serious and the chance of survival is very much less, added to that we found that she's pregnant," Vikranth's heart just stopped at that moment to hear those words.

"What? Pregnant?"

"Yes sir, she's pregnant but the child is no more and that is the underlying difficulty in treating her, she totally lost all her consciousness and we will try our best level, sir, that's all I can say now"

Vikranth was dumbfounded, his entire world just stopped at that moment. She's pregnant with my child and I failed to protect my child?

Now she's in dying condition because of me, no I can't allow her to die, she has to live, he got a grip on himself.

"Manohar, call the best doctors in our hospital, this patient is very much important to me. I don't know what you will do I want her back alive" Vikranth said to him and he nodded his head.


He sat in the chair and some other senior doctors also came to the ICU. They looked at Vikranth confusingly like why he is here and who is she to h. Vikranth is determined that he is not going to move a single inch from there until he hears that she's alright.

He got several calls from his dad and manager but he didn't attend any of that. His mind constantly shouting at him that he did a terrible mistake which he indeed accepted it.

He got all blank about his surroundings, but he understood one thing that he's the reason for her decision, he pushed her to have this thought.

I think she knows about her pregnancy that's why she decided to end her life. I don't know what I will do if something happens to her. She's the one and only girl that I liked in my entire life. The first girl I touched and the second woman who loved all her heart after my mom. But what I did?

I acted cruel to you, Meera and I thought only about me. If I were with you, then I would have protected you, and nothing would have happened to you! I came too late to meet you, what if I decided to come tomorrow or day after that then I would have totally lost you. God, I can't even imagine that. Vikranth placed his hand on his forehead by those thoughts.

He didn't know how many hours passed, he just sat there blankly thinking about his stupidity. The nurse and doctors going in and out. They looked so serious. He didn't ask anything..... cause he's afraid to hear anything. All he wants to here is she is safe.

I failed to protect the girl who loved me truly. What she did to me than loving me madly, I am the one who asked her to love me. I am the one who made her fall in love with me. I am her first love, for that she gave herself to me. But I insulted her and said the things that made her take this decision.

And... I lost my child, in my life I never thought to marry someone and to have kids because of seeing my dad. But I won't act like my dad, if this thing happened in a very normal situation I would have felt so happy to hear that I am going to be a father. I will definitely protect my Meera and my child. But everything shattered because of Me. I did a great mistake by entering into her peaceful life, she lived happily until she saw me.

Vikranth had tears in his eyes after a long time to think about his faults. He closed his eyes and thought about Meera, her face.

Meera, I know you hate me. I deserve it, Meera I deserve all your hate and I am not the right person to have your love. After being with you in a relationship I came to know how kind and good human you are, I never thought you will be this nice and amazing, but I used that in a wrong way Meera.

You know what I never thought to leave you Meera because my soul wanted you and your love so it constantly pushed me towards you. I didn't consider you and your love as a big thing until you were not with me. I came to know how important you are when you left me.


I wanted one last thing from you that, please don't leave me alone. I don't want my loved one to die again, I lost my mom but I won't lose you. If I lost you then I will die because of my guilt so don't leave me Meera. I may sound selfish but I wanted to be selfish for one last time.

I promise you one thing that I won't come in front of you, I won't stay in your life. I am never going to show my face and make you regret what I did. Please, Meera stays in this world at least for me... Please, I thought and tears rolled down to my cheeks.

When he was in my thoughts, the doctor came. "Sir you're still here?" he asked.

"Yeah, what happened to her is she fine?"

"We tried our best level sir and finally she's out of danger. But still, she didn't open her eyes. Maybe tomorrow she will be totally fine," he said and Vikranth came back to this world after hearing that. He sighed deeply and a small smile spread across his lips.

"Manohar I have to say one thing, she's very important to me. Take proper care of her. If she asks who admitted her to the hospital don't say my name. Make her stay in this hospital for at least a week and give some counseling using our psychiatrist, no I will talk with our psychiatrist about this, always make sure to keep a nurse in her room, at any situation don't say that I admitted her in the hospital, so keep that in mind and thank you for saving my Meera" Vikranth said.

"Its ok sir, I will do everything properly," he said with a small smile.

"Can I see her now?" Vikranth asked for permission and this the final time that he's going to see her. He doesn't know whether he will get another chance to meet her because he doesn't have the courage to face her ever again.

Vikranth slowly went in and looked at his Meera. I kneeled down beside her and reached out his hand to touch her hair.

"I am sorry for everything Meera, I will never hurt you in any way again. I don't know what will happen in our life after this, but I hope you will happily live forgetting everything. Thanks for loving this cruel Vikranth and don't regret anything because I did the mistake not you" he said softly in her ears and tears rolled down to his cheeks. He kissed her forehead gently and he immediately walked out of the ICU wiping away his tears .....




"I am not in love with you, Now get out of my house!!" Vikranth yelled at her and Meera opened her eyes.

The illuminating sun rays made difficult for her to see, she closed my eyes again and tears welled in her eyes.

As she slowly opened her eyes to find that she's in the hospital and she's alive. She took the oxygen mask from her face and tried to sit up.

That time a nurse came into her room and helped her to sit. She asked her how she came here but she said that she doesn't know anything about that. Then a middle-aged doctor came into the room. He asked the nurse when Meera opened her eyes and she said just now.

She doesn't know how she's still alive and what she's going to do now.

"Doctor how I came here? Who admitted me here?"

"Sorry someone admitted you here and left without telling anything so right now you take rest and don't think about anything", he said and didn't give a proper answer to her question.

Who the hell did this to me, I felt so happy that I am going to escape from everything, but now, no I can't live this life, Meera thought and searched for something to kill herself. She saw the knife on the table beside her. She took that in her hands. But before she could stab that fully in her stomach, the doctor stopped her. The blood starts oozing from the small wound.


"I want to die please let me be in peace, please," Meera said and her eyes became a blur and she doesn't know what happened to her after that.




Meera opened her eyes again and saw a nurse was sitting beside her. She noticed its dark outside and she tried to get up again. The nurse helped her and looked at her so worried.

"Your name is Meera right?" she asked and Meera nodded slightly.

"Don't mistake me for saying this but what you're trying to do is very wrong and because of your stupid act you lost your child. Do you know that", she said and her eyes widened in shock?

"What? Child?" Meera asked her.

"Why don't you know that you're pregnant and you almost died, doctors tried really hard to save but you're easily trying to end your life?" she said.

I felt dizzy after hearing this, I am pregnant, I killed my own child with my own hands and I am still alive to hear this, god what type of punishment is this... Meera thought and tears rolled down to her cheeks.

"I don't know what your problem is, but please don't try anything stupid ma, I got a scolding from my head office. This job is very important to me, my entire family depends on my earnings so for just one week please don't do anything stupid" the nurse said with an annoying face.

Meera didn't say anything, she doesn't know what is happening in her life. Everything was so perfect a few months but now she has nothing. Meera didn't know that she's pregnant, then she would have not done this stupid suicide attempt.

She just laid in the bed like a dead corpse.

Why I am still live, whatever the things I have done in my life were totally wrong.

Why god you're still making me live in this world which I never wanted, are you enjoying seeing my state? I think you created me only to suffer. For all my life I did only one thing that is suffering. I never lived happily.

but didn't

Why I can't get the things that I wanted!! What are you planning in my life. Are you going to make me suffer even more..... That's what you want?.... I am to face it. do whatever you want, she thought and didn't close .

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