《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》15.


"Sir you have to sign in these documents", the manager told Vikranth.

"Oh, what are they?", he asked and looked at them.

"Sir its about the exported goods details," the manager replied.

Vikranth read the documents and signed. After his manager left he again continue to think about Meera, for this past five days he is constantly thinking about her.

Not only for this past five days, for all this three years he is thinking only about her and controlled himself to not search her but many times he has lost his control and start to search for Meera, but eventually stop because she will get hurt again and he doesn't want to see her again in tears.

But when he again saw her crying he threw everything that hindering his way to be with her and that moment he decided he want to be with her, protect her and he want to be her everything.

He felt himself an idiot, if he did this three years before, if he gave her the protection and care then his Meera won't be there in this situation.

Why I did that to her?

Why I changed like a monster at that time?

Why I lost my happiness?

Why I lost my Meera, her love and my......

He don't know whether she will love him again but he going to love her till the end of his life and that's the only way he can get out of this pain that's hurting him day by day, he thought and looked at the city from his office.

He left out a sigh and rubbed his forehead in frustration and immediately strolled out of his office. He took the elevator to reach the car parking. Seeing him his driver came near me,

"Give the car keys and you can leave"? He said and seated in the car.

He is going to Meera's house and he is going to ask what she decided since he can't sit back simply.

His heart was just racing to see her so he drove at a high speed. When he reached her house he got down and walked up to her house,

But he is greatly disappointed after seeing the lock on the door,

"Where you have gone Meera?" he mentally asked her and looked blankly at the door.

He went down to ask about her but he is even more disappointed to see the lock on that door also.

There's no use in standing here, he thought and went to his car. He seated in and drove without knowing where he is going. His heart was yearning to see her, but where she went, he can't lose her again, he won't let her g, he won't, and pressed the accelerator hard.


But he stopped all of a sudden,

"I love you Vikranth please don't do this to me please, I am begging you", the words she said is still ringing in his ears.

For loving me truly, I only gave the unforgettable pain to her. I still remember the day when you first confessed your love, I felt so happy like I am achieved in my goal, but I am stupid who can't understand the true of your love, but you constantly proved that you loved me more than anything in this world. You said that I am her first love but inside I considered you as a stupid, but to say the truth I am the stupid who can't even understand my own heart because you are my first love and I realized it very lately.


"Meera you got the first mark in this semester", Meera's friend said to her.

"Really OMG I can't believe this", Meera exclaimed. she immediately called Vikranth to tell this because she was so worried that how she is going to get her marks but he encouraged her by saying that she will get the first mark.

"Hello Vikranth", Meera said in an excitement.

"I thought of calling you, anyways you called, come out of your college I am waiting outside", Vikranth said to her. Meera immediately packed her bag and said to her friend that she's going home.

She walked as fast she could and she was so excited to see him cause it been one week that they didn't see each other and after her first kiss their relationship progressed more, she started trusting him more and madly fallen in love with him.

Every time they meet Vikranth will never leave her without giving a lingering kiss that she will remember for one whole week, she didn't oppose him cause In this life her first love is Vikranth, but till now she didn't say that to him.

When she came out her eyes searched for Vikranth, when she saw him a smile spread on her lips, he was leaning his back on his Audi car and looking at his mobile phone.

She walked towards him and her heart was beating fast,

Vikranth looked up when he saw Meera he gave his mesmerizing smile that will melt any woman's heart.

"You came, get in", Vikranth said and opened the door for her.




Vikranth driven his car to his house, Meera got down from the car, "leave your bag in the car", Vikranth said and held her hand.


They went into the house, Meera was no longer afraid of him because Vikranth has totally made her be in his control by using his sweet talk and charming gestures and she is considering Vikranth more than a lover and somewhat equal like a husband.

"Why you called me", he asked her by locking the door.

"hmm.. in this semester I got the first mark", she said smilingly.

"oh that's so great to hear Meera", he said and went so close to her.

"Can I give you a treat for this", he asked and without a second delay, he pressed his lips on her. Meera placed her hand on his nape and started kissing him back. They kissed without giving a gap. At last Meera pushed him to leave her, she breathed heavily and Vikranth took her in his arms and carried her to his bedroom.

He kicked the door to open and placed her roughly on the bed. Meera doesn't know what he's trying to do and fear spread over the spine.

Vikranth came on top of her and started kissing her again, Meera tried to push him but Vikranth handcuffed her hands with his.

"Vikranth stop please...... stop", she said in between the kisses.

But he's not even in the mood to listen to her words, his hand went inside of her salwar top and he tried to remove her pant. Meera was so shocked and tried his best level to push him.

"Vikranth what you're doing?" she asked him and tears welled in her eyes.

Vikranth stopped and looked her face, "What don't you love me? He asked.

"I am showing my love Meera can't you understand that", he said annoyingly and released his grip on her and laid beside her. Meera was worried to see his angry face.

"Please Vikranth don't mistake me, we are not married and I can't accept this before marriage", Meera said and tears rolled down to her cheeks.

Vikranth pulled her hand and Meera fallen on his hard chest. "are you really in love with me", he asked her.

She looked at him shockingly, "if you're really in me you will never push me like this", he said.

"Do you know how much I wanted you, but you're always ignoring me and my feelings Meera, see if you're that afraid of me then why you loving me", he asked her.

Meera just looked down and didn't have the courage to face him, "Look at me Meera", he commanded her and she looked at him.

He got up and looked her eyes, "In my life I am having everything, If I think about having a thing as mine then no matter what I will definitely get that, and now I am thinking about having you as mine do you think that I will leave you after using you", Vikranth said and held her hand.

"It's not like I am afraid of you, you see I am loving you more than I love myself Vikranth, please don't question my love like this, You're my first love, and I can't think anyone other than you in my life", Meera said and hugged him.

Hearing that Vikranth had a smirk on his face,

He is not in love with Meera but still, He wanted Meera fully as his and he decided that he will never allow her to think anyone other than him cause he's so possessive over her.

but he's frustrated because of Meera's stubbornness, ''when you're going to be mine Meera, he asked mentally and caressed her back. He understood that it will take some time to make her fully his.

"I don't question your love anymore, so don't cry baby", Vikranth said.

She pulled out of the hug and looked at him, "I am yours Vikranth but I am not ready for this", Meera said.

"Its ok", he said and pecked her lips.

"When you have to go", he asked her.

"After six but if you want me to stay here for some time then I will", Meera said shyly.

Seeing her cute face and shyness Vikranth smiled, "Ah.....if I can I will cage you with me", Vikranth said and kissed her cheeks hard.

"Ok now let me some time to sleep in your lap", he said and placed his head on her lap.

"It will be nice if we stay here like this forever", Vikranth said in his sleep.

Meera was speechless and totally fallen in love with him. She can't believe that a man can love her this much, but what she will do when she knows about the real face of him.

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