《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》14.



In the middle of the class, Meera noticed her mobile is vibrating. She saw that Vikranth is calling her but she can't attend that now... So she left that and continue to listen to that lecture. But Vikranth kept calling again and again but she hardly avoided to attend that.

After her lecturer left, she took that brand new iPhone 5 mobile that Vikranth bought for her a week before and went to the restroom to talk with him.

It is almost two months that Meera and Vikranth were being in a relationship. They secretly met many times, several times in her house and sometimes outside. In that last time Vikranth gifted her this iPhone, she first hesitated to take that but eventually did because of Vikranth's constant compulsion.

But in this meetings Vikranth hugged her a lot and tried to touch her, but Meera somewhat avoided him and thought that Vikranth is loving her but inside she also had a fear of losing him cause in this two months she totally has fallen for his manly charms, his smile, his possessiveness over her and his care on her.

Yeah actually Vikranth care for Meera because he wanted her for his needs but she thought that in a loving way.

She called him and was a little excited to talk with her handsome boyfriend. Vikranth talks to her once in a day and they have decided to meet twice in a weak.

But in this week Meera said that she can't meet him cause her mom was not well. But she badly wanted to see him.

"Hello", she said nervously, this is not the first time she is talking to him but still she's feeling nervous and her butterflies started to flutter in her stomach.

"Why you didn't attend my call?" he asked her in an accusing tone.

"I was in my class," she said.

"Even if you're in your class you have to inform about that to me, see I am wasting my time to call you again and again," he said in a cold tone and this was the first time he like this with her.

Hearing that Meera felt little upset but she's an idiotic kind-hearted girl who believes that Vikranth was in love with her so she didn't consider that as a big thing and tried to console him.

"OK I am sorry, sorry", she apologized and made him calm down.

"What you're doing are you free now," he asked her.

"No I am still in my college", she said.


"OK then we will meet tomorrow", he said.

"No I can't my mom was not well so I can't come anywhere", she said.

"Don't you spend at least fifteen minutes with me, I want to see you", he pleaded her.

"Hearing that words", Meera's heart just melted.

Even I too wanted to see you but I can't come anywhere, she said the truth.

"OK I will come to your Street and wait for you, just for ten minutes and then you go", Vikranth said.

Meera thought for a minute and then said yes and asked him to come at 7.00pm.

Hearing that Vikranth had a smirk on his face and ended the call.

He was in his office and doing his work his dad has now become the finance minister of Tamilnadu and after Vikranth's lead in the business there was so much profit gained than usual, so his dad was very much proud of his son and stopped asking about his whereabouts with Vikranth's driver, who inform each and every single detail about him to his father.

He took his phone and looked at the photo of he and Meera, without his realization a smile spread over his lips. Actually, he started liking her but not in love with her, because he thinks love is not his thing.





Meera came home and she noticed that her mom was cooking something in the kitchen, so she immediately went to see her.

"Mom why you're Cooking, are you alright", she asked her.

"I am fine Meera and I am feeling better now", her mom said but Meera knows that her mom is still not alright and she's hiding something.

"Mom please take some rest", Meera said.

"OK I will finish this and I am going to sleep", her mom said and started doing her work. And Meera went to her room and changed into her sweatpants and shirt, she started studying for her next week exam.

After sometime she noticed her phone is vibrating and she took that and saw Vikranth was calling her, she attends the call and Vikranth informed her that he's waiting for her at the end of their street.

She hid her phone again in her bag and went to see her mom,

"Mom. I am going out to see my friend, I will come after an hour", Meera said.

Her mom was in half sleep, "come quickly", she said.

Meera slowly closed the door and went out to meet her love.

When she saw him, she felt so happy and she wanted to hug him cause nowadays she's feeling so depressed thinking about her mom's health and her families financial status.


Vikranth gave a smile and opened the door for her.

She seated beside him and she's feeling like crying, but she doesn't want to break down in front of him.

"Why you're looking so dull?" Vikranth asked her.

"No I am not, will you please drive away from here", Meera asked him.

Hearing that Vikranth decided to take her to where he desperately want too.

He drove as fast as he could, and Meera didn't talk to him and looked outside.

When the car finally stopped, Meera noticed that the car was standing before a big bungalow.

"Why we're here", Meera asked.

"It's my house, let's go inside", Vikranth said and got down.

Meera doesn't want to go in but eventually did because of Vikranth.

"Vikranth please drop me in my house, I only asked a half an hour time", Meera said.

"Half an hour is there right?? Come inside", Vikranth said and grabbed her hand. They went inside and Vikranth switched on the lights...

Meera was just amazed and felt more depressed in thinking about how can a man who's this rich love her.

"What you're looking at, let's go up", Vikranth said and walked up and she followed him.

He opened his bedroom door and walked in and Meera was so nervous because in this big house, only he and she were there and she hesitated to go in.

Vikranth noticed her and he clearly understood what she is thinking.

"Meera", he said and came to close to her, he took her hand and looked her eyes.

"Don't you trust me", he asked.

Meera just totally fallen for his sweet talk, she walked into the bedroom it was double the size of her entire house.

In the left side wall, there was a big picture of Vikranth was hanging, he was smiling and looked so handsome in that.

She was silent and she didn't say anything,

"Meera what happened to you, why you're like this, you're looking so depressed do you want anything, say to me", he asked her by holding her cheek with his palm.

Vikranth talked like a real lover but inside his feeling for her is different.

Hearing his sweet talk, Meera lost her control and started crying. She hugged him and cried in his arms.

Vikranth don't know what to do, he never consoled anyone who's crying and no one consoled him when he was crying cause he never cried.

He started caressing her back,

"What happened baby why you're crying, stop please," he said and hugged her tightly.

After some time of crying, Meera stopped crying and looked at him.

Vikranth dragged her to the bed and made her sit and he sat beside her.

"Why you're crying, you said your mom is not well right?? What happened to her is she alright?" He asked.

"She is alright", Meera said.

"Then why you cried", he asked.

"Do you really love me", Meera suddenly asked.

Vikranth was taken aback hearing her question.

"You're so rich, you're having everything, why you're after me", Meera asked the question that is bothering her for this whole two months.

I don't know why I am after you but I want you Meera, I want all of you because you're all mine, he said.

And without a second delay, he crashed his lips on her. But he didn't say that he is in love with her.

Meera don't know what is happening, she pushed him but before his strong grip she's nothing and eventually gave up and started kissing him back. She gripped his shirt when he entered his tongue into her. He pulled her waist close to him and intensified the kiss. Meera's world just stopped and now its only she and Vikranth.

Her tears rolled down to her cheeks and Vikranth's words constantly ringing in her ears.

After a very Long kiss, Meera pushed Vikranth to breathe.

She breathes heavily and didn't look Vikranth.

Vikranth was so happy because he got what he wanted but he never meant to say that words and he don't know why he said that... Am I started to like Meera, he asked himself, but he doesn't know......

Vikranth hugged her,

"Please don't cry I am with you", he said and Meera felt so happy hearing that and hugged him back.

They were like that for some time and Meera said that she wanted to leave, and Vikranth took her in his car.

When they reached in front of their street, Vikranth stopped and looked at Meera,

"You can come to my house whenever you wanted", he said.

"Meera nodded and looked at him,

I love you Vikranth", she said and pecked his lips and immediately got down from the car and walked to her house.

Vikranth doesn't know what just happened, he was so happy to hear her confession, he smiled and inside an unknown feeling that made him so happy, he never felt this kind of happiness before... And his heart was throbbing continuously.

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