《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》13.



"OK, I accept this. Let's be in a relationship," hearing that from Meera Vikranth had a smirk on his face since he got what exactly he wanted. And the next mission for him to make her love with him.

He knew that is easy for him because she was already attracted to his looks and love dripping words.

In this happiness, he drove his car to one of the costliest pubs that he usually goes. Ordering a whiskey he watched the girls and boys dancing crazily for the fast beat song. He never did this kind of thing before having a girlfriend or any other girls in his life since he never needed that before.

But seeing Meera his plans have changed, he is not going to love her or marry her just going to be with her for his pleasure. Being single for all these twenty-five years was such a waste, he wanted to enjoy his life with a girl. And he wants that girl to be Meera as she is the one who just gave those weird feelings in him.

In this past one week, he got some details about her since she's the one he decided but he wanted to know who she is and her background for his safety. Meera is the only child, her dad was not with them that's very great, and she is poor that's even more good, he thought by sipping his whiskey. After drinking a full bottle Vikranth was not in a stable condition to walk, he called his driver to pick him up.

His driver came after twenty minutes and helped him to walk near the car. The driver dropped him in the house and parked the car and left. Vikranth went to his room and slept without any shame about his life.

Next day Vikranth woke up from his sleep when hearing his phone sound, he slightly opened his eyes and saw that his dad is calling. He took the phone and talked with him in a sleepy voice,

"Vikranth what you're having in your mind, do you know what you did? You're such a disgusting son and why you are doing this to me", he started to accuse him without giving gap.

"Stop it, Dad, why you're scolding me, what I did wrong?" he asked annoyingly.

"You're asking what you did wrong, first tell me one thing, when you started to drink, Vikranth you're shocking me with your behaviors, oh god I did a great mistake of allowing you to study in abroad", his dad said.


Vikranth sighed, "what is wrong in drinking alcohol please stop your bullshit talk and go do your work", Vikranth said and ended the call.

He knew that he's rude, but he hates when people accuse him and point their fingers at him. He always has a mind-set that what he's doing is the right thing for him and no one should ask that, even if he did wrong he will never regret that.

After taking shower Vikranth went down and his maid prepared food for him, after eating that he got ready to leave for the office.

Today he went their hospital,

SM hospital one of the best hospital in the city and about one-fourth of their wealth is coming from that hospital.

He went to visit the construction that's going on the other side of the hospital, his dad wanted to elaborate this hospital bigger and wanted this to be the best in Tamilnadu.

He just looked at how it was going and talked with the engineer's assistant on when it will get a finish.

Vikranth bought the engineer's number so that he can talk with him personally to finish this work quickly. Though he is very lethargic in his personal life when it comes to working no can compete with his diligence.

Vikranth then drove his car to his girlfriend's house, he parked the car and walked into the house, the door was wide open and no one is there in the living room. He thought of calling Meera's name but stopped,

When He heard Meera sweet voice that singing a song, he had a smirk on his face and walked further in to reach her.

She was in the kitchen, singing and lightly dancing to her song and frying something in the pan.

He just looked at her gorgeous body, her curves, her hip, and her butt. Fuck I can't wait to have this girl, Vikranth thought and held his fist to control the sensations that arousing in him.

Meera realized that someone is standing behind her, so she stopped her song and turned immediately.

She was startled to see Vikranth who's looking at her intently with his eating eyes.

For a second she doesn't know what to do, she was scared and also embarrassed cause she's in her sweatpants and t-shirt. She thought that he will come in the evening, but she never expected him to be here this afternoon,

She looked at him with a shock.


Vikranth smiled, "nice song and you're singing well," he said.

She blushed but she didn't show that she was mesmerized to the see the handsome creature that standing in front of her.

"Why you're here", she asked the obvious question.

"I said yesterday itself that I am coming today, then why you're questioning me", he asked.

She doesn't know what to say after that, he clearly knows how to Shut her mouth.

"I thought you will come in the evening you see I didn't eat my lunch and I am not ready to go anywhere," Meera said.

Vikranth walked close to her,

"I also didn't eat anything, it's okay I am also not in the mood to take you anywhere, so eat and I am going", Vikranth said and decided to leave cause its really hard for him to keep his hands away from her, inside he's having an urge to touch her. But if he did anything now then he can't have her fully.

"Wait you didn't eat anything, then....if you don't mind you can lunch with me", Meera said cause she felt bad that he came here to see her without eating anything.

"No it's OK I will eat in my home," Vikranth said.

"Please, don't you eat your girlfriend's cooking," Meera said shyly.

Vikranth again had a smirk on his face, "OK I will eat with you" he said and went out.

Meera washed her and served the food on two plates and went out.

She gave the plate to Vikranth and locked the door cause what if someone sees her with him then it will worsen the situation. She is afraid of other people than the man that's in her house.

From this, we came to know that Without her realization Meera blindly started believing him.

"Why you're locking the door," Vikranth asked.

"What if anyone saw you with me, that's why," she said and seated beside him.

He ate the food, and stopped suddenly and looked at her.

"Do you really prepared this," Vikranth asked her.


"You're good at cooking Meera," he said and continued to eat the food.

She smiled and had her food.

They ate in silence, after finishing their lunch.

Vikranth asked where her mom is? Meera said that she went to her work. He asked when she will come, she said around 7.30pm. Hearing that he decided to stay with her for some time.

They seated in silence and only the sound of the fan is filled in that room. Vikranth started to speak to clear this awkwardness,

"Why you didn't go for your part-time job?" he asked.

"I am on leave for two days, I having some project work and all."

"What you're studying?" He asked her.

"Bachelor's in social work," she said with a smile.

"Oh that's great," he said and realized so this why Meera is so kind.

"What you studied?" she asked him

"Hmm... I studied engineering in London and businesses administration in the US".

"What??" Meera asked and she can't believe it.

"Then where are you working," she asked him.

"I am not working anywhere, I am running my father's business", he said and didn't say many details about his father and their work.

"Oh... Why you're there in that shop, that day", she asked him cause she's so curious.

"To buy that shop," Vikranth said.

"Oh that shop alone," she asked him.

"Not only that shop you're working. I am going to buy that entire mall," he said casually.

What???? Another shock for her.

"Are you rich?" she asked him.

He smiled, "yeah I am," he said.

Hearing that Meera become silent, she thought that he will somewhat Rich but not this rich to buy the entire building. she doesn't know whether this will work out or not.

"Why you're silent," he asked her.

"No nothing but do you really want me to be your girlfriend," she asked him.

Hearing that Vikranth held her hand. "I want you Meera I want your relationship," he said looking her eyes.

But the poor Meera don't know the actual meaning of what he truly meant and started to fly high in the sky with full of happiness.

Then after some time of talking about her life, Vikranth said that he wants to leave. He stood up and before leaving, he pulled her close to him and gave a tight hug.

She can't stop him or push him away, cause she likes it, and she kind of felt so happy to be in his embrace. She didn't have thought about what might happen in the future.

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