《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》12.



"Meera! Meera!! hey Meera!!!", her mom shouted at last when Meera kept dwelled up in her thoughts.

" Mom?" She looked at her.

"Are you in this world? what are you thinking?" She asked and came near Meera.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about my exams," Meera lied to her.

"Don't worry this time also you will get the perfect scores," her mom said and smiled.

"Here drink this coffee and continue your dreaming", she said and left me alone again.

My exams got over a week before and I was continuously thinking about that Vikranth, what I am going to do now, inside my heart was telling me to give him a chance but I can't love anyone right now, I have to complete my studies, get a job and most importantly I can't do anything without my mom's permission. Oh god, what I am going to do now? Meera wondered.

He said that he will come on Friday but tomorrow is Friday I haven't decided what to say, she thought and reminded his words if you say no then you will regret it, why he said like that?

Actually who he was and why he likes me. Oh god, it's so confusing because of this she can't concentrate on anything. She needs someone's advice but she can't ask this to anyone.

She doesn't have any close friends to discuss this so she has to ask her mom but how to ask this indirectly, Meera thought for a second and an idea came to her mind.

She drank her coffee in a gulp and went to her mom, where she was preparing the dinner.

"Mom please touch one from this," Meera asked lifting up my two fingers in front of her.

"Why you're suddenly asking this," her mom asked her in surprise.

"Pleease touch one from this", Meera urged her.

"OK," she said.

"Wait," Meera said and closed her eyes.

God I consider this as your wish so please make me strong to take the decision, Meera prayed.

She decided that middle finger is to say no and the forefinger is to say yes.


"Hmm now touch one from this," she said opening her eyes.

Her mom smiled and looked at her. Meera closed her eyes, her heart was racing and she is so excited to know what she's going to touch, when Meera sensed her mom's touch on her finger she opened het eyes and saw she has touched her forefinger that means I have to say yes, Meera thought and become anxious by the answer.

"Meera, go and do your work, don't waste my time", her mother said and started to fry something, she went into the bedroom.

Then is this what I am going to do tomorrow, Meera stupid your mom has touched yes, then obviously you're going to say yes to him, her inner self replied.

But Meera you don't know anything about him, but yeah he's looking handsome maybe he must be rich but what about his character, you don't know nothing about it Right, her mind said.

Meera you like him inside that's why you're still thinking about him. And you can't deny that right? Her heart said without giving up.

Maybe that's attraction, that comes normally in this age Meera, but think properly and say no to him, her mind replied to her heart.

Meera listen to me, heart said.

Meera listen to me, mind said.

Stop it, let me think about this. You both are right but in this, I don't know what to decide, she countered and slept thinking about that.

Next day when she got up late since there's no work for her and she is not going to the part-time job today. She is restless, nervous and her heart was pounding continuously. She never did anything without asking her mom's permission but this time her heart was saying me to do this...

She thinks that Vikranth put a spell on me from the very first moment she saw him that's why she can't think anything other than him.

Her mom went to her work and she stayed in the house, spending the time by doing her project work and watching the TV. She didn't go out cause she is afraid of herself and she doesn't want to face that Vikranth.


The time moved fast and she forgot about the thought of him coming here, actually she thinks he just joke why a guy likes him asking me to be his girlfriend. Meera, forget about him and listen to some songs, she commanded herself and turned on the music channel.

When the clock strikes seven, she heard someone knocking at the door, Meera thought it must be her mom.

When she opened the door she was astonished to see Vikranth. She doesn't know what to do, he's right if she says no she will definitely regret losing a handsome man like him. God, he's damn good in that blue jean and white Shirt.

"How are you Meera?", he asked and came inside without asking her permission.

"What you're doing here, my mom will come anytime, so leave," she shrieked in fear.

"I don't care, what you decided?" He asked her straight.

"I... I... Don't know, I haven't decided yet," she said.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"What why you're asking", she knotted her eyebrows.

"Tell me how old are you", he asked.

"I am twenty," she replied.

"You're twenty years old still you don't know how to make decisions," he asked that in a mocking tone and she glared at him after hearing that.

"Why you're looking at me like that, say just whether yes or no," he asked.

She was silent and she didn't say anything in a confusion.

"OK I will take this as no since you're not ready for any relationship, and I think you didn't like me right," he said.

"No it is not like that", she blurted out.

"Then you like me, and let's be in a relationship," he said.

"But I...." she started to say something,

"Stop, I think you don't want this, I can't beg anyone so.... bye," he said and walked.

Hearing his words her heart raced to stop him, but her mind wanted me to be silent.

But this time she listened to my heart, "wait," she grabbed his hand.

He looked at her, "what?" He asked.

I sighed, "Yes, let's be in a relationship," she said confidently.

He didn't smile but had a smirk on his face. "That's good," he said.

She released her grip on his hand and now she felt little shy.

"Then tomorrow I will come here to get you, we are going out", he said.

"What? I can't come", she retorted.

"Have you forget that you're my girlfriend now, so you have to come with me," he said.

She didn't say anything.

"What?? Are you coming?" He asked.

She nodded her head in yes and she is worried about how she will convenience her mom.

"Ok", he said and walked. She followed him but suddenly Vikranth turned to face her,

"Meera," he called.

She looked up to meet his eyes, he grabbed her hand and hugged her suddenly, she felt awkward as this is her first hug and she felt something new, a kind of feeling that she can't express in words and that feeling urged her to hug him back.

But before she could hug him he pulled out from the hug,

"I better leave from here before your comes," he said.

She nodded her head like a stupid and she is blushing very hard.

"Bye Meera," he said with a smile.

Seeing that her heart started to beat fastly,

She shut the door immediately and stumbled on the floor,

what did he do?

why am I feeling like this?

why I accepted this relationship?

why is everything out of my control?

Am I really falling for him?

OMG, what I am going to do, she thought and placed her hand on her chest feeling her throbbing heart.

I don't know what is going to happen, and I don't know whether this decision is right or wrong but I am feeling better now, why??

He came and made me accept his relationship, but how I did this. I don't know anything about him other than his name, but how he knew my name and address. Actually, who are you Vikranth?? She asked but the answer he has to know on her own.

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