《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》11.


Vikranth tightly embraced Meera, he caressed her back and made her calm down, Meera cried without realizing that it was Vikranth.

"I know it's all because of me, Meera I am sorry, This is the second time I am saying this, but even if I say that for a hundred or a thousand times that never going to change anything," Vikranth said and Meera took her hands from him. Hearing that Meera stopped crying and realized that she was in his embrace. She pulled out from his embrace,

"Yeah that's right, even if I cry for every day what's going to change", she said looking at him and wiped her tears.

She took a deep breath,

"why you again entering into my life and what you want from me", she asked him.

He was silent cause he itself doesn't know what he wants from her, and it's all because of his heart that pushing him towards her.

For these past three years, he never forgets to think about her for a single second. Cause she did something to him from the very second he saw her.

If we see from outside we may say that whether he's loving her?

But No, Vikranth never believed in love, marriage, and relationships. Because of The way he lived and without any motherly care he has changed like this.

But he doesn't know what is making him come for this girl, cause in his life he never cared for anyone.

"Say what do you want, if you don't have anything just leave me", Meera said again and stood up.

"Wait", Vikranth said and stood up. He looked at her,

"Don't you have anything to say to me", Vikranth asked her.

"Look Meera I don't know why I came here to see you, why I am thinking about you, and I don't know why I am even caring about you", he said.


Hearing that Meera didn't say anything and looked at him blankly.

"" he said and Meera looked at him confusingly.

"" Vikranth said strongly.

Hearing that Meera was dumbfounded and don't know what's happening here,

"Are you stupid, do you think that I will accept for this," Meera said.

"" he asked her.

And she becomes silent, she knows that he's right, she can't marry anyone, but she can't marry him.


he said.

Meera doesn't know what to speak, yeah she's suffering for this past three years but marrying him was not the right thing, she thought.

"", he said.

She didn't speak anything for that also.

"", saying that Vikranth left the place.

Meera was looking blankly at the door where Vikranth left.

She felt that her head was spinning after hearing his decision.

She walked into her bedroom and seated in her. His words were constantly ringing in her ears,

If he said this three years before she would have easily accepted this cause she loved him, but now it's all changed.

After Vikranth's first meeting with Meera, he constantly thought about her and that teddy bear disturbed him a lot, inside he wanted to know about her, so with the help of his driver, Vikranth founded the address of Meera.

It was a Sunday, in the evening he got little free time so he decided to go and see her.

He drove his car and parked at the end of that street and walked to her house. He was wearing a blue shirt and black jeans and looked so handsome.

On the other hand, Meera was studying hard for her tomorrow's exams, after studying for four hours continuously, she got bored and informed her mom that she's going out for a small walk and came out of her house.


She started walking in her street and a cool breeze hit her face, She felt so refreshed and smiled mentally.

After walking for some distance, her legs stopped and her heart started to beat fast because of the person standing in front of her. She thought of going back but still, her legs were not under her control.

Vikranth came near her and she immediately turned to walk away.

Hey wait, he said.

She turned and looked at him questioningly.

I want to talk to you, you know me right?? We met in the shop, he said.

Yeah how can she forget about you, you're the first person who made to feel her butterflies in the stomach and also made her blush and added to this She thought about him for the whole two days.

She just nodded her head as yes.

He smiled, "then can we talk", he asked her.

"What you want to talk to me?" She asked.

"You're name is Meera right?" He asked without giving a proper answer to her.

She nodded,

"Then what you're doing studying? Or working?"

"I am studying," she said.

"Then why you're working there?" He asked her like he's having every right on her.

"I am working there as a part-time," she said but she doesn't know why she even standing before him and answering his stupid questions.

"Oh, do you have any siblings?" He asked her.

"No, I don't have but why you're asking this to me I don't know who you are. OK answer to my question." "Who are you?" she said.

"I am Vikranth," he said raising his chin up.

"Then what you're doing working? Or studying?" She asked the same question that made him smile.

"I am working," he said with a small smile.

"Then an important question why you're here?" she asked him and desperately wanted the answer.

"To see you," Vikranth said.

"To see me why?"

"Cause....... I came here to offer you a position as my girlfriend," he said and hearing that Meera was shocked.

"What?" she agape.

"Yeah, be my girlfriend", Vikranth said.

"Are you crazy?"

"Am I looking like one?" he countered back

"Are you in love with me?" she asked him.

"No I am not but maybe I will fall for you that's why I am asking, let's be in a relationship".

"Are you stupid? No, I don't want any relationship," Meera said.

Don't say the answer immediately then you will regret that in the future, so think about this for a week and say your decision

"But..." she started to speak,

"Don't say anything now I won't accept," he said by walking past.

"Hey wait," but Vikranth didn't give her a chance to speak,

"Bye," he said and left.

Meera doesn't know what to do, she walked back to her house, and she was smiling and blushing because she's attracted to him.

She doesn't know why she's feeling like floating, she went into the house and locked herself in the room,

Her heart was still beating fast and to say the truth she loved his charisma.

Do I like him she thought but she doesn't know the answer to that question?

What I am going to say to him whether to say yes or no, she questioned herself but her stupid heart was saying her tell yes.

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