《Her Racing Heart (Part 1)》8.


"Meera, come down quickly," Shanthi called her and today Meera is going to have lunch in their house.

"Coming," Meera shouted back while hurriedly wearing her saree.

Yesterday's events, the image of Vikranth kept popping in front of her eyes. She shouldn’t think about him but she is doing it without her control.

"Sis you're looking good in this saree," Renu said when Meera entered the house.

"Thank you and you're also looking good in this salwar Renu," Meera said with a smile.

"Talk later and Let's have lunch," Shanthi called them.

They had a great lunch, after finishing that, all started watching special programs on TV for Diwali. Meera noticed that its been more than two hours since she came here, she thought of leaving but Shanthi asked her to stay.

She gave her a cup of coffee in the evening, they were interestingly watching bahubali part 1 last scene. But it was stopped in the cliffhanger of why kattapa killed bahubali.

Then after drinking the coffee, Meera said that she is going up, because the climate has changed cloudy and she thought it will rain. And she have to take clothes that were hanging to dry.

She came out of the house looking down and when she saw a man standing in front her she lifted her head up to look at his face. The pair of brown eyes staring at in the same way that used to gaze her in the past.

Am I really seeing Vikranth or its my illusion that standing before me No its not your illusion Meera he's here, her subconscious said and she is stunned to see him.

Suddenly a thunderstorm made her to jerk and she cleared her thoughts and came back to reality.

When Vikranth was about to speak, The rain started to pour, The rain having a great impact in their lives. It has connected them, separated them and again in one rainy day they came face to face and now they met when it’s going to rain.


It started with a drizzles but it increased rapidly and started pouring mercilessly.

"Is this your house let's go inside?" he suggested.

"No its not my house, its in upstairs."

Before she could complete her sentence he grabbed her hand and made his way up on the stairs.

The pouring rain makes difficult for her to look forward.

When they reached up she noticed he was still holding her hand, so she immediately pulled out from his grip.

They were standing so close to each other. He was wearing a blue shirt that was perfect on him. His broad shoulders were giving him a more masculine look. Totally he was looking handsome to her stupid eyes.

He looked at her by wiping away the wetness from his head and face.

"Why you're here?" she broke the silence.

"To see you."

"What? Why you want to see me?" she asked him for his stupid answer.

"Is this your house lets go inside and talk," he said because the drizzle making them wet.

Without having another option, she opened the door and allowed him to enter into her house.

He seated in the chair and looked around the house. Meera's house is very small just with a hall, kitchen and a bedroom. There is no furnitures or any other things that full fill the house. Its just blank just like her life.

He crossed his legs and looked at Meera.

"Why you're standing there? sit here," he said pointing the chair next to him.

She sighed, "Please tell what you want and leave from here.” Meera can see his disappointed face.

He stood up and came near her and she took a step back because of his sudden gesture. He stood in front of her with only giving a small gap between them. His look terrified Meera and she just looked small in front of his large frame.


Suddenly her hand shivering started, whenever she is feeling nervous or depressed her hand will start to shiver until she come to her normal state.

He looked at her shaking hand and gripped that suddenly.

"I am sorry for doing this to you Meera, you're suffering because of me and I know its too late to say this but its all my fault," he said.

Tears rolled down to her cheeks, why he's making me weak, I don't want to hear his apology then my heart will start to accept that. If I accept then again I will start to..... No! He's the person who I shouldn’t talk, see or hear to, she thought.

"Will you please stop, I don't want to hear anything from you," Meera said and tried to walk away, but he didn't allowed her.

"I am not done yet, so don't walk away," he firmly said to her and she calmed.

"Look Meera don't make to loose my temper. I want you to hear what I am saying.”

"I don't want anything please leave me, you're reminding everything that I am trying to forget," Meera confessed infrustration.

"Not only you, even I can't forget what I did to you, its killing me day by day. You know what in this three years I have thought about you a lot but I don't want to disturb you that's why I didn't search for you".

"I don't want you to accept my apologies, I know you can't forgive me now but I will get your forgiveness for sure," he said looking her eyes.

She is dumbfounded and is it really Vikranth who's asking me to forgive him. She couldn't believe him.

"You want me to forgive you right? Then do this to me Don't Come In Front Me Again And Don't Show That You Know Me In Front of Anyone Because There's Nothing Between Us And You're Nothing To Me, These Words You Said To Me Once And I Am Repeating This To You So Please Do This To Me," Meera retorted angrily and she controlled my tears in front of him. She bite her lower lip again and looked at him at for his reaction, he was silent facing down.

“You want me to do this? But I can't Meera I can't leave you,” he countered back with a smirk and that answer and his expression shocked her.

“I will do mistake once but I won't do that again and again. Once I did a mistake of leaving you but I won't do that again Meera so keep that in your mind,” he said giving her a one last look, he left.

She just collapsed in the floor, his words were repeating again and again in her ears, from his expression she can feel he's really meant each and every word.

But what that fearing her more is? She knew Vikranth very well, if he decided of getting something he won't stop until he gets that. Now he came again into her life declaring that he'll claim her back.

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