《In Another World》12 » changing subjects


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"I thought you're not going to call."

"Um... h-hello? My name is None Of Your Business and you are?"

"Yes! I remember, through a phone call a few days ago."

"Yep, just like this one."

"You nailed it, my wise brethren."

"Everybody is, Jackass. There's only a few who try and explore their intellect. That is why most of those who don't even take the chance to try end up being rebels, thinking they're nothing to society so they tend to think they are better."

"I know that. It's just that I don't want you to end up like them, Jackson."

"We're friends, right?"

"Then that's enough proof."

"You're welcome and Jackass?"

"I'm a planet."

- - - - -

Call Ended

1 : 28 am


lmao friendzoning at its finest :"]

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