《Universe Of Hearts✓》•20




Done washing dishes and mopping the kitchen, Yazan drew his exhausted body to their bedroom, the moment his gaze fell on his pregnant wife, all of the weariness evanesced.

She was sitting in the middle of their oversized giant bed, resting against the headrest with a bowl of ice-cream and a packet of cookies in her 8 months bump.

Yazan smiled at his gorgeous wife. Clad in a satin walnut colored robe, her nose slightly red along with her fluffy cheeks redder, she looked like a bride in her wedding night.

Still, he had to resist her to first freshen up and then return to his glory.

"I've no stamina at all trust me, otherwise seeing you in your temptress form would've.....never mind!"

Yazan guffawed throwing himself on the bed, his head right next to her baby bump.

Done eating, Sayba kept the ice-cream box in the bedside table accessing him to rest his chin in there as he untied the robe's belt and tenderly began caressing her womb.

Soon he sensed his baby's movements against his hand, causing him put on a serene smile in his lips as he leaned in to kiss her bump over and over, while Sayba was tousling his hair.

"My daughter's desperate much to meet her baba?"

He chuckled at her kick.

They've known the gender of the baby right when it was possible and learnt that Sayba was growing a princess in her womb.

From the littlest of things to all the necessary stuffs Yazan had everything at his place ready, only his daughter yet awaited for another month.

"That's not fair, no?"

He frowned looking up at Sayba.

"You get to hold her 24/7 and here am I, out!"

Sayba laughed at the pout he put on.

"Don't you think she's gonna choose you 24/7 to stay with after she comes out?"

"Yes! But you're the priority, sweetheart and I love that."

"You're tired, sleep now."

"Hmm...night night baby."

He kissed his daughter's foot that came apparent when she kicked again.

"Oh how I wish to cut this abdomen and get inside it to spend the rest of my baby's days with her in her realm."

"Yazan! Seriously?"

"Hahaha, I mean it."

He tied her robe back and shifted himself ahead to the pillow as Sayba began to massage his forehead, knowing all the works that he'd done must have given him a sharp headache which he didn't let her know.


"Love no no no! Don't do that Sayba please...just a little more..keep your eyes open, baby please. Push once more please, Sayba, hey!"

Yazan was defeated at her numbness, she was almost falling asleep despite having such excruciatingly painful contractions.

"Sayba please! It's ending, she's just in here. Please push."

Sawda breathlessly pleaded engaged in trying to welcome the baby, if only her mother would cooperate!


Her eyes closed, she was searching to touch Yazan's face ascending her hand up.

"I'm just here, baby. Please don't do this, open your eyes."

Yazan made her hand rub his cheek, his eyes tearful at her painful gasps.

"I can't.."


"Please...please, you can do it."

She took few more minutes before finally encouraged to push, every muscle in her body seemingly breaking at this, she felt.

But it's worth it, for a mother.

"YES! There we are."

Sawda victoriously chuckled.

Sabr worked, it indeed worked. The moment they forever dreamt of was coming true.


"Yeah love, almost."

Yazan kissed her forehead letting her tightly grasp his hand in hers.


Sawda called stepping backwards.


"Why don't you do the honor, come on."

She took a set of handgloves and passed it to Yazan.

He was startled at first, hesitant at the offer of taking his baby out himself.

"Will you?"

"With pleasure!"

He bit his lip snatching the gloves before he backed off kissing the mother of his baby once more.

Sawda stood by Sayba's side while Yazan was there in between her legs as he began.

5 minutes later there she was, in his hold, bursting into tears, their little daughter.

"Assalamualaikum, baba's little heart."

Yazan hugged her body to his chest, tenderly caressing her back as she cried.

It was as if the protection and warmth their baby was served with in her mother's womb, she was welcomed with the same in her father's chest.

"My baby."

Sayba cried out happily, relieved and blessed.

Yazan grabbed the towel a nurse supplied and bundled his baby in it, walking to his wife with her.

He gently placed her in Sayba's upper chest and placed his own face at a side leaning down, his hand caressing her messy hair.

"Our baby!"

She kissed her baby's mouth, her chest filled with equanimity.


Half from him, half from her, making a whole.


Garbed in a sleeveless hoodie with his magical adorable smile, Zaamin approached the room Sayba was resting in.


His voice was polite, gentle and manly as he arrested their attention to him.

The nurse wanted to lead him to the newborn mystery first but he denied demanding that he needed to check on Sayba first.

"Walaikumussalam, how are you so late?"

"I'm sorry, I wasn't informed to be there by you."

He seemed disappointed voicing out the words, sitting up in the bed next to Sayba he leaned down to kiss her forehead while his hand gently caressed her stomach.

"Met the baby, zamzam?"

Sawda asked.

"Later Mumma.

Are you still in pain?"

"A little."

"Oh I know you're an warrior Mommy, it'll heal."

"It will. Why don't you go to meet the baby then?"

"I'm going. I'll bring you ice-cream on my way back."

With a not so grown small heart that was incredibly excited to meet a new existence, Zaamin ran out pushing the hood back from his head.

"You know sweetheart, If you agree I'm gonna get you married to my son so that you become my mahram."

Iffaz spoke to the baby, holding her little figure firmly in his arms while kissing her head every now and then.

Yazan smiled at every talk he made to her, his joy knew no bound. He knew that Iffaz was missing his daughter that he lost before she even came to their lives and this little one filled up that place in Iffaz' heart.



Zaamin called.

Not like others call out to a baby, he sounded exactly like calling an endearment to his wife.

Reaching to her, he awed muttering subahanallah before leaning down to attach his soft lips to her tender forehead.

"You're beautiful, Waziha!"

"Who named her?"

"Who named her?"

The best friends snapped their heads at each other, with murderous glares in their looks, the reason was that both had already two different names in their minds chosen for her.

"I did."

Zaamin said, his eyebrows raised at them, as if he was warning them to demur or complain.

"Never mind."

"Allow me to carry her please?"

He looked at Yazan with pleading eyes, his lips formed in a thin line forming a smile.

"I heard allow me to marry her."

Yazan said sticking his tongue out, rolling his eyes.

"That'd sound nicer though."

Iffaz grinned handling Waziha to Zaamin's lap as he sat on the couch.

"You both have tainted minds."

Zaamin retorted.


"....and to what I am today, is all and only because of my husband.

The man who first healed my scars, got my oppressors punishment, offered me freedom and caged me in his boundless love.

Who supported me throughout my entire journey that now I'm a lot more successful in my career than him and that's the part he shows his pride on. The man says I'm his success!

He's my dedication to everything I own today and I'm forever gonna be indebted to him for what he has been doing to me from the last 11 years till what he'll be doing to the infinity.

Eerh..there he is, peeking through the door. You don't eavesdrop where you're not invited, Doctor Yazan."

Everyone turned their heads to look at the door slightly open before it got shut with a thud, causing all of them burst into laughters.

She finished her speech among the 2k+ female medical interns, who were already taking Sayba Amir, the young and successful neurologist as their inspiration.

After lunch, Sayba covertly excused herself from the program running to her husband's chamber, so hurried as if her life was at risk.

Her 7 months daughter was, she has not fed her since the morning.


Breatheless, Sayba entered kicking the door close behind her before she got rid of her niqab and hijab.

"She was fighting to suck on me!"

Yazan frowned at his wife who was still taking time to adjust her Abaya.

"I'm sorry! They weren't letting me out."


Waziha shrieked clutching on Yazan's chest, furious at him for disallowing her to attach her mouth in there.

"You glare at Mumma, not me."

Yazan glared back at his daughter before she handed her to Sayba.

Waziha impatiently waited for her mother to feed her who sat on the couch yet, struggling to unzip her Abaya, causing her daughter's lips wobble in disappointment as she whined.

"Oh hello? My daughter's crying!"

"I can't unzip it!"

"Rip it off."

"Zan! Help me."

Yazan gladly did, but the zipper was ripped off from it's place.

They both were staring at each other, wordless, one meddened and the other with an innocent grin in his lips while their daughter herself began to drink her milk hungrily.

A complete minute passed, they were undisturbingly still gawking at each other, until.




Waziha mewled, genuinely sorry for the harsh bite she gave to her mother with her new grown sharp teeth.

"It's ok it's ok! I'm good."

She informed inhaling deep breathe in, both her husband and daughter looking horrified.

"Now you know how it feels to be bitten? Otherwise who cares for my regular pain!"

Yazan playfully smirked sitting next to her, taking her head to his shoulder as she continued feeding Waziha with her gaze up at him, murderously glaring.

"What? Am I lying?"

Yazan hawed patting his eyelashes, his hand flying to his mouth dramatically.

"Nope, I will show you that tonight."

"I'll plug your teeth out I swear."


To each lightening bolt followed by the sky's shrieking screams, he had his soul tremble for his phobia, which he still suffered from, a lot more than before.

He'd vomited twice in an hour, was almost on the verge of panic attack and yet fighting the dizziness, was traumatised, everything happened like never before.

The dread was finally ceasing as the downpour lessened. Sayba was trying her best to distract him.

Even his little daughter who had been bonding with thunderstorms began despising the beauty because it feared her father.

"We're gonna consult a psychiatric tomorrow, okay?"

Sayba gently lifted his face up from her chest, he nodded his head and instantly dug in down again.

"Baba shlweep."

While he was on top of Sayba with controlled force, Waziha was laying in his back, her tiny set of fingers tenderly caressing his shoulders to soothe his anxiety.

Soon both the father daughter were asleep while Sayba kept on kissing his head on times, tousling his hair and mumbling sweet nothings, fearing if any nightmare haunts him again like the previous stormy night.

She carefully deposited Waziha at a side and shifted her head down to the pillow from headrest causing Yazan growl in disturbance.

She hushed him with a peck, her daughter was in no match to his childishness.

He'd sometimes eat Waziha's baby food saying it tasted better than rice pudding.

Or show tantrums to give him body massage while Sayba did so to their baby.

Or complain if she delayed putting Waziha to sleep because he needed her in his embrace to sleep for must.

And the list was neverending.

Sayba had her perfect career and an honored fame to the world but her priority had always been him and only him.

"Night, baby hubby."

Making sure he was in his comfort and dead asleep to be nomore troubled by the storm, Sayba began to doze off, all ears to her husband's musical breathing and rhythmic heartbeat against her chest.

•Linking Their Hearts•

"You will be rewarded for whatever you spend for Allah's sake even if it were a morsel which you put in your wife's mouth."

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Sahīh al-Bukhārī 56

This world is but provisions and there's no provision in this world better than a righteous wife."

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

Sunan Ibn Majah 1855


Was it worth your time? I really hope it had no negative or evil teachings and there was at least one good lesson to mind.

Slid next to the note for good bye!🥺

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