《Universe Of Hearts✓》•17




"Bhabi stay...please Bhabi."

"Just for a night please, just say and he'll let you."

The twins beseeched sitting on their knees in front of Sayba, their eyes scintillating with hope, but enthusiasm fading due to Sayba's quietude.

They were having their slumber party when Yazan called demanding his wife back from them, at last he had given his words that if she asks for the night he'll thereby oblige.

Sayba tightened her grip over the phone, gazing at Yazan in the cell's screen with a soft and decent smile adorning her lips.

His sweaty charcoal grey tacky to his body, the half sleeves giving free view of his bulging biceps with his Adam's apple continuously bouncing kept her numbed and unnerved.

If he'd not been this much irresistible that almost caused her gulp in desire, she would have absolutely shut him off for tonight, if only.

"Stop ogling at my brother and just ask for the night please!"

She gazed up at Aaiza, meeting with sheer desperation and fury for the wastage of time Sayba caused in just saying hi to her husband.

She wanted the night submitted to only her sisters-in-laws, until her husband suddenly seemed too inviting to deny.

But the puppy eyed and wobbled lipped expressions the twins gave were more pretty to be chosen.

"Mmm zan...I want to stay wi..."

"Bedroom Sayba...hmm?"

Yazan arched his brow cutting her off.

"Ook..I'll call you going there."

She instantly replied without any second thought, causing the girls scowl loud at her merciless betrayal.


"We asked for a single freaking night! JUST ONE!"

"Twinies tomorrow, I promise."

Yazan chortled.

"I believe you from from the core of my kidney, selfish."

"Hypocrites! You both deserve each other."

When Sayba was getting off the bed Aaina burst in anger and pushed her from behind, lightly but ferociously.


Sayba extended her hand to return the phone turning around, her expression apologiseing and sympathising.

Next she flew to her room like an uncaged bird with butterflies in her stomach, as if she would be talking to her man after whole of a lifetime while it's been just three days he left as a medical personell accompanying the Pak armed force in a mission.

Kicking the door shut behind her she unclipped her hair and disrobed herself, in a swift, wore a crop top with matching shorts and landed on the bed grabbing her laptop.

"Uhmm....relax! It's been just 24 hours he last talked!"

Sayba exhaled heavily to even her breathe and heartbeat.

Switching the laptop on she connected him in Skype to have it answered in millisecond.

"Hey baby!"

Yazan beamed brushing fingers through his beard, playfulness sparkling in his eyes.

"Hey hubby.."

She responded in the same tone earning a groan of exultation back.

Then they sat quiet for a while, watching each other out, their yearning multiplying with every stare they steal of themselves.


"This haircut?"

"What's up with your top sweetheart?"

Both asked in unison, Sayba, about his new buzz haircut that made him look quite different as she had always seen him in long and unruly hair.

While Yazan indicated the words written in her crop top,

"Kiss me Yazan"

in big font with the pleading face emoji after it.

"Ohh my hairstyle. They forced it on me, do I look bad?"

Yazan questioned tousling his short locks.

"Nah, it's hotter."

"And? About your request down there?"

He pointed down at her top and took off his sweaty t-shirt before laying down on the bed.

"Your sisters gifted it today."

"Umm hmm! You see, I'll kiss you every time my gaze catches this."

"You didn't yet..."

She mumbled chewing her lower lip, her words widening his eyes as he too bit his lip teasingly.

"Just let me get back to you!"

"I miss you, zan."

"Ohh wifey I miss you a lot more."

"You will need to go like this more in future?"

"Barely in a year, Sayba, don't make this face sweetheart."

He appealed to the frown forming in her forehead.

"What if I don't allow you the next time?"

Questioning, she smirked, not meaning it, his answers to such questions always flutters her heart in joy making her go for it.

"Then I'm not gonna withdraw my body even an inch away from yours."

Sayba joyously laughed that earned him peace listening to it as he chuckled gazing at her with love filled orbs.

"I'm gonna follow you everywhere you get to go next, be it for even only a day, hmm?"

"Hmm love, just as you say."

"So the game begins, whoever rejects their given truth or dare will be blessed to enjoy the entire frigid night with no blanket, agree?"

A loud voice shouted in the mike snatching their attention before they could continue their conversation.

"What's going on?"

Sayba inquired.

"They've held BBQ party down there, probably playing truth and dare now."

"All are there enjoying, except you?"

"I enjoy watching my gorgeous wife getting prettier with every blink I make that it makes me want to never take a break from that. Oh that was too cliché."

He criticised his own compliment, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Hehe shut up."

"So how's your univer-"

"By chance is there any lady swooning over you or something in there?"

Sayba cut him off with the question.

"Nah baby nothing like that...."

"Do you have feelings for anybody present here among us?"

The voice from downstairs spoke at the same time when Yazan answered her.

"Dr.Yazan Mirza."

Followed a girlish decent voice replying it.

This caused Yazan's eyes go wide, his mouth gaped open as he abruptly sat up, thunderstruck, while Sayba eyed him questioningly.

"What was the question to which she took your name? I didn't hear?"


"To your bad, he's married."

"Doesn't stop my feelings."

Sayba blinked her eyes for a bunch of times hearing the words before rolling them in annoyance.

"The hell? 'Doesn't stop my feelings.', my foot!"

She mimicked the girl, huffing.

Yazan scrunched his nose at this, getting back to his comfortable position and flexed his muscles in boredom.

"I don't know who spoke."

"Forget it, had dinner?"

"Not yet, I asked for it in here...."

"Again you, truth or dare?"


"Convince Yazan to join us in the dinner, your due time is in 5 minutes."

They both attentively listened to the talk. Sayba again frowned at Yazan causing him shake his head naively.

"If I were there, I'd gently snap her neck."

Yazan chuckled at the face she made, her ears going red feeling grudged.

"I'm not opening the door anyway."


His door was knocked, the voice burning Sayba's brain in ashes as she gritted her teeth.

"You heard us right...please open the door?"

Yazan mockingly nodded his head at the door.


"Yeah wifey."

"Open the door for her, please."

"No way Sayba, she'll leave in a minute."

"I can hear you, Doctor."

"Open The Door."

Sayba glared.


Briskly putting his t-shirt on he rushed for it.

"Ohh thank you!"

The lady beamed in gratitude, her eyes flickering in joy. But Yazan's expression wasn't inviting rather it wrote he was exceedingly annoyed and disturbed.


"Miss Meera."

"Umm look I am not coming downsta..."

"Everybody's there, you left the party too, please join us for dinner, only for 10 minutes."

All the while Yazan kept his gaze lowered in the floor while massaging his nape, his patience level getting to zero.

"I'm not here to party, sister, I worked the whole day and..."

"I confessed my feelings for you out there, if that's the reason you..."

"He can't leave me undressed in here, that's the reason and I think that's enough for you to shut up and walk away, Miss Meera."

Yazan's mouth hung open at his wife's voice as Meera peeked inside the room in bewilderment.

As soon as she realized the meaning of the words, her lips formed an awkward smile to Yazan.


She backed off, disappointed, stunned and a little seethed.

Yazan then closed the door and landed back on the bed.

"You do not lie, sweetheart. Now be a good girl and turn it to a truth."


"What's the noise?"

"Are you fine Bhabi?"

"Now what trouble did this girl cause!"

They three entered the kitchen to find Sayba standing in a corner, wheezing and struggling to breathe, almost on the verge of a panic attack.


Averting her gaze from Sayba's colorless face, her MIL stared at the stove, startled to see the frying pan fried itself, the chicken pieces burnt to ashes.

But what unnerved her wasn't this. She then lowered her gaze to the floor where a 10 littres of oil can laid empty and the ground flooded with oil.

"I..I..I don...aah...mm...I'm sorry...I.. I was trying to..to cook."

Sayba patted her chest struggling with her feeble figure to not tremble as the range of earthquake in her brain doubled in terror.

"It's ok Bhabi...come out soon, careful."

"Aun..ty..I'm sorry.."

She begged with tearful eyes, but Yazan's mother still stared at the floor stunned, wordless.

"Bhabi come out, you'll fall."

"Plea..se...I'll clean it all...right now."

"I'm not your husband to treat and spoil you like a toddler, Mrs.Yazan. I'm tired of you, I'm sick of you."

Spoke his mother.

Sayba gulped down, her chest heaving like it'll explode out. When her MIL gazed at her eyes she lost her voice to form any word anymore, even her whimpers quietened.

"Mom..it was an accident!"

"When I'm feeding you without complaints, what's the need to enter my kitchen huh?"

She roared, sheer hatred visible in her words.

"I..I.. never..agai..n..will...so..sorry."

"Shut up! You can fool my son with these tears not me! That's so pathetic of you, girl. What have you done?"

Sayba shook her head rapidly, her whole body shivered to the affect of her words.

"Come out!"

Her MIL sternly ordered.

"I..I'll clean it in minutes..promise.."



She cried out, mentioning her as Mom for the first time, hoping it magically melts her and forgives her-orphan-self.

Lamentably, it did bring not even an ounce of piety to her MIL.

"Why did your Mom had to die before teaching you the basics of cooking, Allah Allah!"


Her daughter yelled at the words, earning a warnful glare back.

Sayba muted, watching her flabbergasted, yet unsure of what she had just told. As if even her fear halted functioning, she stopped to shiver, only her heart vibration on.

"Bha..bi...I'm so sorry..she said it out of anger, Mom didn't mean it."


Sayba instantly made out of the kitchen wiping her tears away. Before her sister-in-law could catch her for consolation, she ran to her room as fast as her legs permitted.

"Mummaa, I've been calling you since eternity. Look I again heated the food to death, Start my cooking classes from today itself."

Complained Sayba in the call to her mother, somehow managing to eat her lunch in order to not waste the burnt food.

"Ho..honey...I'm so..rry, I pray you learn..that from your..spouse.. or mother-in..-law ....Mumma got called...take care sweet...heart."

"Mom..Mom? What's wrong? What's the noise? Where are you? Mom...?"

The last conversation with her mother echoed in her eardrums, wounding her soul much more.

She had been ignoring her MIL's every negativity towards herself till now, she never minded a single word of envy or taunt but what she said minutes back hit out of the limit.

"I..I wasn't fooling her son...I'm not that bad.."


Eerrrrr....how was it?

Did you guys forget Sayba yet remains to know that she can't conceive?

Neither her MIL knows it, guess her reaction!?

And sweethearts the whole book's ending, leave some reviews, come on!

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