《Universe Of Hearts✓》•14


How'd you feel if something that you forever prayed to not hit your life actually does?

For him this forever means in Duas after every Fard prayer. The request that he made for years over years came out unaccepted.

Having his rights as a husband once shared to someone else while he duly kept her rights reserved.

How's it fair?

The clip and photographs he saw are as if printed to his mind, they show up everytime he closes his eyes and thinks of forgetting them.

Yazan gazed at the sky with blurry vision, tearful eyes and runny nose. The full moon's radiance didn't let loneliness torment him, he felt themselves engaged in a conversation, where the moon glistens and he sheds tears.

"I hurt her right.....but does she know it hurts me more?"

He asked whining, feeling pity for himself.

"Is that not why she's guilty?"

Iffaz questioned back grabbing Yazan's head to his lap, affectionately ruffling his silky locks.

He yet gaped at the moon from the corner of his eyes, searching for solace in the most beautiful creature still found not even the moon soothing this ache.

"It doesn't worth it zaani, just give up in front of her and let her console you, stop avoiding her!"

In the morning Yazan dropped her at her Chachu's home and the whole day passed without any conversation between them. Just with a message of

"stay there tonight, I've night shift."

he turned his cell off to keep going on avoiding her.

"Go to her...please!"

"It reminds me of..of her being with that GUY!"

He debated, wiping his tears in Iffaz's shirt like a child.

"Then ask her for the cure! Please..Yazan look at me, it doesn't work that way. It's gone, it's wiped away, don't punish her and yourself for something that no longer exists in your lives."

Yazan swiftly nodded at his words, hinting that he agrees and understands this well before he got alerted that it's not so easy, he needs to fight himself before he fights the mess between them.

"She came into my life and....just from then I stopped praying for..."

Yazan paused, smiling at his thoughts, heavy breathe escaping his mouth, unshed tears caged in his eyes.

How'd you feel if something that you constantly repented for actually waited a punishment?

For her this constant repentance means asking forgiveness every single time she remembers the sin.

She feared her husband learning this part of her past and that's what happened. Something that no longer exists and is bygone has messed up her perfect marriage life.

She felt completely abandoned by him, imprisoned in the silence and wild coolness of night, loneliness once again haunting her fragile self.

Sayba lifelessly laid on the floor, her gaze stilled on her cell phone she held in her hand, waiting for his call as if awaiting some air to breathe in.

Time passed, toxic questions hit her mind, will he change his behaviors towards her? Or care less than before or forever stay upset?

That was just the Shaitan arousing such thoughts to her. She believes in their love, Yazan surely will not let this separation last for another day.

Bringing her positivity back, she wiped her tears away and set up.

She made a call to the hospital and asked Yazan's assistant for him.

"Hmm Assalamu Alaikum?"

Spoke Yazan, despite trying his best to sound fine, she easily sensed his crying voice.

She gasped at her heart's sudden fastened race, eyes again filled tears in.


"Zan....plea..se...com..come to me?"

She requested, more like demanded.

Yazan sighed hearing her. Avoiding his wife's calls the whole day was still not that sinful according to him, but cutting the call on her face would declare him as a worse sinner he thought.

Even though knowing she'd be crying now, hearing her cry troubled him more.

"I..I mi..ss you...."

"Hmm baby...don't cry."

He humbly told earning another moan of pain from her.

"Then do..don't make me...let's fix this..plea..se?"

His guilt doubled, he shouldn't be doing this right now, he's supposed to be with her and bring an end to that topic within minutes.

Unfortunately, emotions in him don't allow so.

"Doctor we are losing the patient."

A nurse yelled to which he hurriedly ran in hesitation without replying Sayba.

"Yazan!! Don't..ufff!"

And the night walked by, the first night in 60 days they let go without being by each other's side.


The next morning she accompanied Sawda to the hospital, hoping to meet him at least for once but hours passed with her just searching for him around.

She then diverted her mind joining the kids in playing some games.

That's when he came.

Yazan stood at the door watching her console a crying baby while another little girl hugged her legs from behind yarning her attention.

He couldn't suppress smiling at the fascinating moment, that next minute turned it dreadful.

"Isn't the pain of not being parents enough for us that I'm hurting ourselves for something that doesn't have any place in our lives anymore?"

Yazan's inner voice spoke, trembling his heart at it's own doing.


Sayba voiced out and made her way towards him.

She halted on her step when he turned his back to her and walked away, her breathe hitched at such ignorance.

She watched him leave, wondering how wounded he must be that he doesn't even will to face her.

"Sayba, met Yazan? He must be in his chamb...."

She immediately embraced Sawda cutting her off.

"He won't even give me a chance Aapi...he saw me and left."

"No..no Sayba! He might have been called to leave."

"I'm so...so scared."

"Look... he'll solve it from himself, just give him some time and have patience please."

Sayba nodded and pulled away from the hug.

"If not tonight... I'll choose my ways to make him."

"That'll work! Okay go home now."

Sawda walked along to drop her out while continuing their talk.

2 Doctors standing by the way attended to them chatting from a distance.

"Is that grey niqaabi Yazan's wife?"

One of them asked the other.

"Yeah that rape victim. Idiot submitted herself for the safety of other kids there."

He gritted his teeth staring at her from top of bottom.

"Nice choice. She'll not voice out if touched lovingly...right?"

The Doctor smirked when Sayba finished her chat and made her path out crossing them.

"What the hell man? You'll be fired."

"Who'll even inform her husband?"

Saying he rushed after her.

Just as Sayba was about to get on the car, someone from behind spanked her backside to which without seeing the person's face she turned and abruptly slapped across his face as hard as she could.

The slap was enough hellish but the next minute she lost her courage, shocked at what was just done to her and how she responded to it.

"Bitch you don't......"


He was cut off with a punch in his face as Yazan grabbed him from behind.

One after another unendingly attacked his face that his nose began bleeding, he could speak nothing and Yazan couldn't stop hitting him.


Yazan threw him on the ground starting to kick wherever he got excess to.

Sayba stepped back in fear watching Yazan doing worse untill the security guards pulled him away.

The Doctor was immediately taken for treatment while Yazan ran to his wife, sweat beads dropping down his face, raged like an insane.


"Forget it, love."

Yazan softened seeing her afraid as if she did something wrong, he pulled her to his chest that she soon snuggled in comely and hugged him tight.


Coming back from the washroom she found Yazan sitting in the bed, staring at her emotionlessly.

Despite her eyes exhausted of crying, they again wailed up as she walked towards the bed and sat on her knees in front of him.

She shakily took his hand and brought it to her face, making him rub her cold cheek, her lips quivered before she spoke.

"How can I make you forget it all? What do you want me to do?"

Shifting to the floor in her position, Yazan leaned in to her ear while taking her hand in his chest.

"I feel restless, I'm trying...but it doesn't leave my mind."

He lowly spoke gulping down, inhaling her scent in.

"Why is it not sufficient that you love me and I love you too?"

Sayba whispered back, both afraid of weeping.

"It is, but...."

Yazan held her face impossibly close to his, both gasping in each other's breathe, her hands entangled around his neck.

"Did you love him Sayba? Even for once...for a minute?"

He feared if her answer comes out positive but she abruptly shook her head in denial, her hand began massaging his chest feeling his heart vibrating loud in panic against it.

"Believe me....please, I never had any doubt of loving him."

Though he's satisfied with her answer, it frustrated him as he chuckled. He gripped her hair and pushed her back.

"Then what was the need of all that Sayba? What was the need to play with his feelings? You cheated him...you fake promised him of your future together. Why? How could you be so selfish?"

His voice was mild yet rigorous, bloodred eyes shooting fire.

Sayba said nothing, her gaze lowered in shame having nothing to reply him, tears rained drop by drop on the floor, something in her throat blocking her way to breathe.

Yazan again came near her and lifted her head up before wiping her tears off.

"Tell me anything... I'll believe you I promise."

"I...felt alone, I hated to be alone...he..he was just being friendly and I couldn't hold myself back....later when he proposed me...I thought he would stop talking to me if I'd reject him..."

Sayba whimpered in between words clutching his shirt in her fists, afraid of his response at this knowing she's not logical.

Building courage, she gazed up meeting his teary eyes staring at her astonished.

"He..he didn't loved me too. Trust me he never did...and I didn't promise him of our future Yazan..."

He believed everything she said, not doubting a single news to be fake. Especially seeing intense guilt and remorse in waving in her eyes, he couldn't go on blaming her.

"And? And me? Loving me?"

Yazan asked, again demanding honesty.

"Why? Do you fear me taking you for granted too?"

"Hmm no?"

She smiled in tears sitting closer to him, muffled sobs escaping her lips as she ran her hand through his cheeks.

"I felt safe around you....I..I agreed to act as your wife for my selfishness but...I swear marrying you was just because I believed you loved me and I'd began loving you back soon too."

Just as she finished speaking, he dropped her on the floor and towered on top leaning in for a much needed kiss.

They couldn't even go on for a minute due to Yazan's phone ringing.

He would've ignored it but knowing calls at such hours of night are sure to be from the hospital, so he stepped back to pick it up after pecking her forehead.

"You've been called urgently to the emergency."

"I have to go, be ready, I'll pick you up an hour later."

"Don't...not now, please."

Sayba grabbed his hand from standing up.

"Just an hour."

And he was gone, leaving her alone again.

Things were about to get right yet she felt devoid of peace.


1 hour swiftly passed. She called him umpteenth time, none were answered, reasoning another session of crying for her.

Heavy and fitful breathe escaping her mouth she walked right to left in the room in desperation, feeling both fumed and aggrieved at the same time.

She then decided to make out for the hospital. Calling him once more which again went unanswered, she kept her cell in the pocket of her Abaya and stood up to wear her Hijab.

Just then someone from behind captivated her in his grip, the giant hand covered her mouth as he fanned warm breathe to her ear.

Sayba froze on his hold. First she assumed it to be her husband but couldn't feel his aura at all.


She couldn't breathe due to the tightness of the hand against her mouth, now assured that it's not Yazan.



He mumbled to her ear, immediately causing her eyes widen and soul quiver in terror.

"Missed me Saybo?"

She tried protesting to get out of his hold, that only resulted her falling in weakness.

"Damn....this fragrance of yours I yarned for a year! Such beauty you have, that didn't allow me find beauty in any other woman."

Emir complained, his each disgusting word weakening every muscle of her, harrowed of the upcoming trouble she's about to slip in.

Tears seeped down her eyes wetting his hand, he smirked at such affect of his.

Sayba cancelled struggling anymore, her eyes closed to calm her troubled heart.

"I had to come to meet you for one last time. They'll imprison me anytime and I can't run anymore I guess haha! So why not I take the moments I always wanted from you hmm?"

She gulped down at his words, alarmed, she began counting the last seconds before getting molested once again.

Emir's wanted by the Canada law for his involvement in human trafficking. His other partners are already caught while he has been running away successfully till now.

Once the police reaches him, he's sure to at least be imprisoned for 10 years minimum. He knows well that's what awaits him and thus he's here, ready to add another crime in his list.

"Let's fly before your husband catches us."

He smirked and replaced a drugged handkerchief on her mouth with his hand causing her slowly get unconscious as the last drop of tear fell down her eye.


Sayba woke up sweating, gasping for air and some space to make movements. She neither could see anything nor sit up only to realize that she's locked in the trunk of the car.

She sensed it being driven yet, who knows where it's taking her to.

She silently cried to not get heard by him. While moving in such small area the cellphone in her Abaya's pocket grabbed her attention.

She immediately took it out and called Yazan. It kept on ringing as she kept on muttering Duas for her safety.

The call went unanswered causing her wobble her lips in disappointed, each passing second suffocating her.

She gave up on that and leaving him some messages she hurriedly called Iffaz, the next savior after her husband she could think of.

"Assalamualaikum Sayba?"




Iffaz shouted at the guy who's working on tracking Sayba's location.

"Why are you yelling?"

Came Yazan's voice as he stepped in dressed in a surgeon suit.

In a flash, Iffaz rushed towards him to hit their heads together in utter rage before he punched Yazan's jaw as hard as he could.



Yazan growled in annoyance, yet not recognizing the tensed expression of Iffaz.

"I was in a surgery! Mmm my phone is...yeah with a kid. Sayba might have called right oh no I tol....."

He was cut off being attacked with another punch in his face, this time it warned him if Iffaz's seriousness.

"She's fine right?"


Upon hearing the words Yazan froze in his place, the sharp pain that the punch gave him got forgotten, he blinked his eyes in disbelief.

"Doctor Doctor your phone is disturbing a lot, take it back."

A kid with Yazan's phone in his hand came running towards them to return it, annoyed by the unending calls that troubled him watching cartoons.

Yazan shakily held the cell and checked the notifications, his senses numbed.

"Location tracked Doctor. I'm sending that to both of you."

"Iffaz call the police."

"Yazan call the police."

Both of them said at the same time and ran out for their destination in separate cars, each thinking the other would inform the police but none did.


Peace be upon you all, hey!

Some must be angry with my boy hmm?

Thoughts on what's coming next?

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