《Universe Of Hearts✓》•13


13th Nov, 2021

Vote if you a girl.



"Excuse me?"

"None should bond so deep with their best friends that people even misunderstand their identities."

With this advice Emir walked in kicking the door closed behind him. He pulled out a chair for himself and sat on it with crossed legs.

"I'm sorry I'm not a psychiatric."

Yazan informed brushing his beard in annoyance.

Before Emir could response someone knocked at the door.

"Doctor your signature."

The nurse said standing outside, Yazan stood up to go there after passing a smirk to Emir

Emir chuckled at the chance.

He immediately took a hold of Yazan's laptop and did his job in a minute before Yazan returned.

"I'm sure you know me so Mr....Who?"

"Emir Saeed."

Emir proudly grinned.

"I'm sure you know me too, even if just my name."

Yazan immediately recalled his identity. The first thing that alarmed him is his wife's fear of this man's return.

And there he is!

"Seems like your wife talks of me! Hoo hoo!"

Yazan went back to sit in his place when he spoke causing him clench his jaw in ire.

"You'd find your head ripped off by now if only you were mentioned to touch her even for once."

On hearing this, Emir rolled his eyes in disbelief.

"About me I got it, what about her touching me once twice or... uncountable times?"

He didn't even give Yazan a chance to punch his face at the lie as he slammed hard on the table and tapped the play button on the laptop.

Mir next time I catch you the slap will be in your face and definitely not a lovely one!

The voice immediately changed Yazan's expression to bewilderment, he yet didn't peer at the laptop unable to get over Emir's evil beam.

Emir couldn't control his laughter seeing him so dumbstruck that even being all ears to the video he's not brave enough to take his eyes to it.

"That's just the trailer dude, watch the movie at home with your wife."

He threw a pen drive to Yazan's lap who finally travelled his gaze to the screen of the laptop.

He then took out a bunch of photographs from the pocket of his blazer and presented them in the table.

In one, them holding hands.

In another, Sayba holding his shoulders from behind.

And in another, Emir pulling her cheeks.

And so on!

"Yazan that......"

Emir looked back to find Iffaz at the door, seeming dismayed to find him in here.

He stood up waving at him with a welcoming smile.

"Hey bestie!"

"You'll regret this day jerk!"

"Excuse us Iffaz"

Yazan said in a low voice, busy watching the one minute video again and again.

"Heard bestie? Excuse us."

Emir chewed his lower lip grinning wider, provoking Iffaz as he advanced towards him with his fists clenched.

"Oppss is a punch awaiting me hmm?"

Emir mocked grabbing a random photograph from the table and held it to his face.

Iffaz quickly averted his gaze catching a girl in that picture but then it hit him, it's Sayba with the guy standing in front of him in it.

He gave a second look to it with widened eyes and turned to Yazan.

Yazan shut the laptop off and closed his eyes swallowing a lump in his throat, unable to think straight.

"Faazi leave us alone, please."

Iffaz nodded, he knows that things have messed up very bad but he cannot interfere in his best friend's private life unless he's invited in.


He walked backwards intending to leave but Emir's attitude annoyed him too much to control his indignation any longer.

"Ba-bye bestie......."

Iffaz swiftly grabbed Emir by his nape and hit so hard in between his thighs where the sun doesn't shine causing him moan as he fell on his knees with his hands down there.


Emir's confidence vanished in the thin air!

Iffaz chuckled and exited the room, his head high, satisfied with what he just did with his injured leg.

Yazan got up from his chair and walked to Emir, he gripped his shoulder helping him to stand up.

"He'll get that back in the same place."

Emir fumed.


"Ask your wife to explain."

Yet not over the pain, Emir still managed to act lofty.

Yazan grabbed his collar and smashed their heads hard that only inflamed him more.

"Owww no violence! Fine let me do the honor."

He massaged his forehead easing the pain sitting back in the chair while Yazan turned back facing the outer view from the window.

"Your so called orphan wife mocked my feelings for her for a whole damn year to pass her time."

Yazan listened to him quietly, other than searing ache in his chest he felt nothing as Emir kept on speaking.

"....And now she got married to you, why? You think an innocent baby girl will agree to marry an unknown doctor just because he sheltered her?

If you think she loves you then believe me she loves herself NOT YOU!

She needed safety and you provided her that, same as back then she needed a shoulder to cry on and she trapped me with her fake naiveness.

Then she promised to wait for me till I return to make her my bride however long it takes Because She Loves Me but see! Her love ceased when she found another invitation of love, you!

I say that slut deserved to be raped not a rescue."

No sooner had he stated the last line than Yazan rushed to punch his face without rest, bleeding his nose that almost paused his breathe.

He didn't need to speak to express his fury and defense his wife. If Emir had not kicked him in a wrong place he would have ended up bringing him death.


Yazan screamed out of his lungs echoing the four walls as Emir managed to escape the room taking a chance.



"No..no Emir no... please.."

Sayba forced him back by his chest, loathing such closeness.

"Why? You love me! Then what's wrong in me making love to you?"

Her nerves tensed up, tears welled up in her eyes feeling disgusted of him and mostly herself.

She doesn't love him and she knew that from the beginning.

"Emir please...leave me alone."

"That's strange! I promise to marry you once I return but at least don't push me away like that."

Emir again forwarded to grab her arm when she yelled out loud.



He stared at her in disbelief before letting out a chuckle to mock her words.

"You are my girlfriend, obviously you love me."

"And not my husband!"

"...yet! But I'll be and don't you want that?"

Sayba wanted to shake her head to deny but she couldn't courage up.

"Don't You Want That?"



She whispered the lie.

"Then why can't I even kiss you? Come on, I'm tired of just holding hands, I've more rights on you."

That day she realized that by love what Emir means was only the love for her body.

Even though he had never touched her intimately, he always waited for a chance where she herself would permit him.

But she didn't, at last almost causing him force her, though he controlled because he wanted to marry her, even if that's only for her beauty, eternal beauty he believed.

Sayba never used the term "I love you" with him for she always knew that he's just a friend to her and she didn't want to lose him.

She knew she did wrong with him and yet kept going on but this day made her realize that the most wrong was done to her future husband and Allah.


Tick tock tick tock and it's 12 O'clock.

Her husband must be on his way to home in the coolest self of him after a whole weak of anguish, she wondered, impatiently waiting for his arrival.

It's been 2 months to their Nikah and they are irrevocably in love, then why is there no love making yet?

It's either her wanting to experience it too sooner or him avoiding it in fear of reminding her of her past.

Nonetheless, she decided to go bold tonight and this brought her no nervousness, not even a bit, not even for a second.

She wore a cream coloured silk nighty, it looks decent only because of the robe above, about what it contains underneath is forbidden to be revealed.

The night's gonna be adored with lovely moments.

If only she knew, it'll be the opposite of what she's planning to make it.

Finally the doorbell rang, Sayba grinned and ran to open the door.

"Welcome homie."

She threw herself over him leaning up to kiss his cheek as he caught her waist and bent his head down to her height, gentlemen even at the worst.

"Have a shower, I'm coming in a few minutes."

She whispered and drifted away making her way to the kitchen.

Drowned in the depth of his hellish thoughts, Yazan somehow managed to reach to his bedroom, his gaze fuzzy and mind unnerved.

He grabbed his laptop and connected the pen drive to it, all the way home he was only staring at it in fear, as if exploring it will shred his heart brutally and bring an end to everything it feels, especially for her.

He found only one clip and played it on increasing it's volume to the highest, just immediately her and his laughter echoed in the room.

Ouch, it trembled him but he still watched them, them creating memories, moments that they found beautiful back then and that he finds disastrous right now.

He then stood up to take out all the photographs and threw them in the floor, his bloodred eyes staring down at them with utter rage and frustration, still attentive to the background noise from the video.

With a plate of cupcakes in her hands Sayba made her way back to the bedroom only to be halted on her step on reaching at the door.

She kept the plate in a table set beside their bedroom door and stepped in, her eyes travelling around to find for the source of what she's hearing.

She ignored Yazan fallen on the floor with his eyes stilled at a picture he held in his hand, her gaze landed on the laptop that is turned towards her, as if it was only placed like this for her view.

Sayba gasped, her legs immediately weakened but she yet managed to walk to the laptop, her heart beating unevenly causing her breathe hitch at the sight.

She bent down and was about to pause the video.


Yazan ordered.

She looked back at him that only resulted her in louder cries.

Disobeying, she shut the laptop off and stood up turning around, this time the pictures in the floor to her attention.

She again fell on her knees unable to stand still, her whole body quivered in fear as she gazed up at Yazan, who's still busy watching the picture in his hand.

The stored tears began to flow down his eyes but he didn't sob, their voices still ringing in his ears.


Sayba crawled to him and snatched the picture from his hand earning no reaction as he stared at the other pictures in the floor, expressionless and voiceless.

"Let..me..ex.. explain..plea..se..Ya..zan.."

She whimpered kissing all around his face sitting in between his legs.

"Pl..ease...don..tt..cry...please...please... PLEASE."

She tightly clutched his shirt while wiping his tears again and again but he continued weeping without making any noise.

"I..m sorry...I'm so so so..so sorry..Yazan don't...pl..please, just..he..hear me fo..r once.. please.."

Yazan finally gazed at her, meeting remorse and shame in her tearful eyes.

"You...be..believe..in mmm.."

She was cut off when his hand suddenly grabbed her neck, that almost warned her of being choked but then he held her gently bringing her face the closest to his until it was possible anymore.

"You didn't cheat, then why do I feel cheated?"

Yazan demanded an answer that she definitely can never bring him, it only mounted up her pain and guilt.

He let go off her neck and turned his face away forcing her back as she watched him in fear.

"I love you..."

That's all she could courage up to confess.

"I love you."

Yazan mouthed in response.

"Please forgive me....please.."

Her voice held sincere apology, eyes yarned to meet his, but that's the last thing he desires for they'll only weaken him.


Sayba shifted to his lap and almost forcefully made him look at her, he didn't struggle anymore then.

"Yo...you know I had this night..ni..nightmare that night..

Sss...so I..I asked yoou to believe in me..."

She spoke while rubbing their tearful cheeks together, her hands massaging his bulging biceps and legs wrapped around his waist.

Despite such closeness she needed more, more so that she only gets to breathe him and in him.

Yazan slowly bent his head down to rest in her chest, startling her, she smiled while sobbing and hugged him tighter.

For an hour almost he silently cried in there, she heard no sob or no gasp but he was shedding tears unendingly until he eventually fell asleep.

She recited series of Alhamdulillah continually kissing his head in gratitude as him being asleep means he's really consumed in that slumber, completely in heartsease.


"Yazan what the hell are you doing?"

Sayba shrieked walking into the study room.

The 10 minutes she slept offered him a chance to excuse her and get back to watch the video.

"What the hell am I doing Sayba I'M WATCHING THE HELL YOU DID!"

He roared frightening her, she couldn't dare to step further anymore meeting with his murderous glare.

They both quietly stared at each other for a minute, him conveying rage and her begging for sympathy.

Sayba then averted her gaze unable to bear such hatred any longer, but she met with something more hurtful, her and Emir together in the video.

"Tu..turn it..o..off."

She made her way towards it but Yazan grabbed her shoulder to push her back.

"What! If you can't tolerate it then leave, I'm enjoying it to the fullest."

He mocked.


She stepped back, tears seeping down her cheeks as she wailed covering her mouth.


Yazan immediately came forward when she was about to leave the room.

He pulled her to a kiss and pulled apart a minute later.

"I know that it's between you and Allah but I can't...I can't make myself believe so!

I know that it was all in the past and I'm sure you repented but...I still feel cheated and I can't do anything about it!

I feel sick...insane and...for the first time I feel loving you is also a punishment.

I'm not blaming you, Wallahi, you are not to be blamed and it's me who's sinning by doing all these but I really can't stop myself

And That's How I Am!"

He paused, breathing rapidly while massaging his throat at the sharp pain it shot, his gaze stilled at her, both in tears.

Suddenly the background noise caught his attention back, he turned to look at the screen, the sight immediately engulfed his agony with rage.


He swiftly grabbed the laptop and ended it up in two pieces the next minute.


Assalamu Alaikum peeps!

First question, do you all want Iffaz' involvement in this matter?

As he's good with kicks down there hihhihi...

Was Yazan reacting too much?

And should Sayba be guilty?

And am I writing well hehe?

Meet ya guys the next week with another twist!😼

Until then, stay well!


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