《Universe Of Hearts✓》•11


11th Oct, 2021



"Ask her yourself, why did she marry you?"

The man challenged Yazan, frightening him as he swallowed a lump in his throat and fearfully travelled his gaze to Sayba.


His voice low and afraid of her answer, whispered as tears glistened in the rivers of his orbs.

"I was a..afraid."

She said, with no guilt in her voice as if not pitying Yazan's heartbreak.

"Were..you wai..ting for...him?"

He managed to ask in a clear voice.

"I..don't know.."

"Weren't you?

Then why didn't you complain of me?

You could have managed to get me to hell along with my father and brothers, why didn't you?"

Yazan waited for Sayba's answer that the man questioned. But seems like her silence wants to prove what Yazan fears.

"Did..you..like..love him, Sayb..aa?"

"Why don't you tell him about our plans, Sayba? You promised to wait for me.

But you only agreed to marry him so that he frees you from your deemed life."

Yazan's eyes showered his cheeks with unstoppable flowing water as keeping his gaze on Sayba who's saying nothing to please his sick heart.



"Believe me Yazan that's not the reason I married you...I wasn't waiting for him.. believe me."

Sayba wailed with her heart getting hammered by his cold gaze at her, as if none of her confessions earn his belief.

"I used him Yazan...I needed someone by me...I just..used him."

"Like you used me, you needed someone to shield you and you used me."

Yazan shouted to her, silencing her as she watched him blank.

Along with her valid explanations he ignored all her sobs and hiccups for she did the worst of what he hates, she shared his rights on her with someone else, be it in the past but she did!

"I did..when you asked to act to be your wife, not when you asked really to be yours..."

She begged him for a chance, but his ego proved that there's no validity of his belief for her anymore.

"Why does bygone matter? Why do you behave like I cheated you?"


Both of them woke up afraid to their nightmares at the same time, searching for fresh air to breathe in but as if they're caged in somewhere wild to even exhale out.



Sayba wiped her tears fearing the darkness for it disallowed her to see Yazan.

He turned on the table lamp while massaging his chest as warm sets of tears flowed down his eyes.


Sayba almost jumped on his lap only to have his disapproval when he placed his hand in between.

They both stared at each other for a while, Yazan still lost in the nightmare while Sayba fearing if that turned out true because what she sees in his eyes, is rejection.

"Believe me....can't you?"

Sayba sobbed reaching to his hand, patting there.

'She's mine alone.'

A voice from inside his chest claimed to which he felt his breathe evening back.

He noticed her tears in the oceanic eyes waving wild, her soul pleading him to pull him to her place, to his arms, to where she actually resides.

So he grabbed her waist and shifted her to his lap, immediately fading her fear away.

"Wallahi I only love you."

"Did I say something bad to you? I'm sorry, I had nightmare. Don't mind me if I hurt you for it...I'm really sorry."

He lovingly caressed her back, assuming that the nightmare caused him doubt her in reality and so she burst into tears.

"I had a worse one...."

She sobbed hugging him tighter.

"Ohh..it's okay. Sshh.. baby don't cry."

"Yazan do you believe me?"

She looked up holding his face in her hands, breathing warm air to his lips.

"I do..."


"Yes love, why wouldn't I? Promise, I do."

"I love you, only."

"Better for you, if it's only me, and none else, EVER."

She gasped to his cold voice, ascending her gaze up to only find his eyes strictly warning her of that with a forced smile, yet a dangerous one.

Damn it was just a nightmare!

[Yazan haters come out please, welcome bravos]


"Come in."

Having Yazan's hoarse voice's permission, the girl clicked the door open and entered in, clad in a tropical teal Abaya, a white coat on top and her face covered with a black veil.

Yazan made his gaze travel up at her that itself lowered the next second in honor.

"Dr.Sawda! The file is in the third row in there."


He informed pointing the rack behind him.

Busy back with what he was doing in his desktop, he unnoticed her locking the door that she was supposed to not even shut off like the other times.

She passed him and stood behind, near the rack, her eyes flickering in naughtiness, mouth forced to not make noise at any cost.

After wasting 2 minutes in watching his messy hair in what she found interest, she gasped when his bloody red ears craved her attention.

Yet not noticed, she neared to him and shifted her Niqab up instead of taking it off to kiss his left ear.

Just as her lips came in contact with his ear he jumped on his sit and immediately looked back to only see her eyes in display.


Yazan blinked his eyes for a bunch of times to escape from this horrific nightmare of getting kissed by his best friend's wife.

But she stood still in her place, saying nothing, worrying him more that he felt paralyzed with his voice stuck in his throat to say something.

She leaned in and grabbed him by his nape in order to kiss his forehead this time but he pushed her back with the little strength his hand got.

He struggled to stand up, but what's happening to him right now felt unruly, never ever experienced in something like this.

How on the universe would Sawda even touch him?


He gulped down massaging his throat where his Adam's apple dropped down and jumped up in tension.

He's having a hard time to bring an end to this nightmare but the girl standing in front isn't even ashamed of her sinful deed.

"Ohh baby chick!"

Yazan's eyes widened as he abruptly looked up hearing her voice, his breathe evened and body finally stopped freezing.

She took her Niqab off and threw it on his face before she again grabbed him by his nape and now he didn't object.

"I don't agree with your claim of loving my eyes the most, that you don't even recognize to be mine."

Sayba said in a low voice massaging his chest where his heart is vibrating wildly.

"I almost lost my...breathe...!"

He coughed looking away.

"Let me bring that back."

Kissing him, she stepped back and waited for him to speak as he's still struggling to be comfortable.

"How do I look in Niqab?"

"The way you shouldn't. You shouldn't have done that."

Yazan complained causing her grin wider.

"I did nothing. You misunderstood me to be Sawda."

"Astagfirullah! Faazi will murder me to even think of his woman....."

He murmured to himself but Sayba hearing that came closer to him.

"I can also murder you to think of...."

"Just shut up girl! I was on my way to hell Allah I....I was so afraid I couldn't even move."

"Ooowwww calm down! It couldn't be her it's obvious."

"Exactly and that's why..."

"Okay okay! Sshh now."

"Hmm...May Allah forgive me, and especially you!"

"What? I just came to show you how I look, you misunderstood me, ask forgiveness for yourself alone."

She huffed and looked away in annoyance before Yazan tugged at the white coat she wore.

"You even wore this!

Sayba, baby please don't play such games again."


At 5 minutes distance of the hospital a traffic accident took place where Yazan just stepped in pushing the crowd away.

The body laid on the ground bathed in warm rain of blood, injured so worse to even hope to survive.

"Prepare our team, SOON."

Yazan screamed an order and bowed down next to the body.

Professionalism long forgotten, just as his eyes met those of the half dead body, all the noise around ceased along with the voice of his own heart beating.

Yazan fell on the ground on his back, watching the damaged face of his patient, that damaged his soul instantly.

"Let...me live..."

He heard the voice pleading him before it's owner's eyes shut off to unconsciousness.

His vision blurred as tears rained down his eyes wetting his cheeks, chest tightened at the sight of his beloved in such miserable condition that he felt an unbearable pain murdering him from inside.

He cannot afford losing this soul for if he does, he'll lose himself.


Eahh long time hmm?

Missed me?💔

Whom was I writing about in the last scene anyway?

Sowwyyy cannot update the next week too! My sista is getting married and I'm going wild with the thought that I'm the next.

Sowwyy again! Just kidding hehe.

Hope you cling to the end of it!


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