《Universe Of Hearts✓》•10


h Sep, 2021


"Close your eyes."

As Yazan did, Sayba brought both her hands in front of his face.

"Mm....smell me."

Her voice giggled causing him smile back in pleasure.

He deeply inhaled in, awaiting a disgusting kind of scent attacking his nostrils that immediately made him unclose his eyes as creases formed between his brows in annoyance.


"My nose."

He instantly grabbed her Hijab to rub his victimized nose in there.

Shocked, Sayba pulled her Hijab off his hold to see him frowning at her.

"Mehndi! Tell me you didn't...."

He pleadingly smiled before looking down at her lap.

His frown ceased seeing her hands gorgeously decorated in a royal color of brown. He chuckled looking up at her.

"They told me you...like Mehndi's smell and all, it's strong but it's..nice na?"

Yazan shook his head at her.

"I'm sorry, they're my sisters, honest liers, you can't trust them."

Sayba hid her hands behind in disappointment.

What she regretted the most is, she had to plead Aafia to apply mehndi on her who has came to stay here for 2 days.


Yazan grabbed her hands to his mouth to kiss both of them while pausing his breathe for a few seconds.

"You can use those which don't have any smell, okay?"

"Yeah but please, I beg, do mind to get allergic to my natural smell also."

"I surely will, you smell like love, and I love that!"

He stated huskily, breathing in her ear as she couldn't control smiling widely.

"There's my wife who doesn't blush, but shamelessly smiles to her husband's compliments."

"Eeee Yazan!"

Sayba hit his chest before hiding her face in his warmth as he burst into melodious guffaws.

"Tell me something."

She sat on his thigh and rested her arm over his shoulder, stroking his hair from the backside.

His eyebrows arched up, waiting for her to speak as she leaned in to kiss the tip of his nose.

"What do you think why did I accept your proposal...within minutes?"

Sayba asked, smirking, he chuckled in disbelief, his shoulders straightening in confidence.

"That's obvious, I'm irresistible."

Yazan scrunched his nose, the words coming out like it was an universal truth he knew.

"Wha...Yazan..shut up."

"Yeah! I am a gourmet cook, scrubs are my uniform and I'm good at bed, nah? Oh and trust me I'm a good kisser too-.."

He couldn't finish reasoning her question as she slapped his head hard before escaping away from the room in the next minute.

"Ohh she experienced shyness!"

He shyly ruffled his hair.

'We didn't...kiss yet.'

Sayba reminded herself as she ran down the stairs.

"Isn't it been almost a month to your Nikah? You don't even know what your husband likes and loathes."

Came Aafia's voice to turn the redness of her cheeks redder in rage, which was in shyness before.

"Concerns you?"

"Yup because you don't deserve him."

She said, smirking.

"Ohh! Wow! You do! I forgot."

They both crossed their paths as Sayba ran to the kitchen to bring out a box of ice cream from the refrigerator.

She was about to leave taking a spoon but then stopped and took another one and 2 small bowls along.


Filling them with scoops of ice cream she made her way to the garden where Aafia sat in a couch.

"Let's have a talk Aafia."

Sayba sat beside her and offered her a bowl.

Aafia wouldn't have accepted it from her but didn't have the nerve to reject eating her favorite desert.

"The man you're dreaming for only considers you to be his cousin."

Aafia glared at her.

"Anything else?"


She pulled out a chair and sat opposite to Aafia.

"Look I'm not interested in...."

"Look I'll say it in short. He's married, he loves his wife and you don't need to act like you're going to be the daughter in law of his mother."

"Who says so?"

"Wow! Tell me my mother in law isn't planning to bring me a co wife."

"Listen miss, I've been with him from always and you've just entered his life, don't th...."

"Believe in destiny Aafia."

Sayba heatedly warned.

Staring at her for a while, Aafia looked away and concentrated on her ice cream.

"You can never forgive yourself for liking other guys when you fall in love with your husband."

Sayba almost murmured with her voice holding culpability, for she regrets having Emir in her life.

"There's nothing wrong in liking someone okay? Don't make it unnatural."

"Then do you expect your husband to not fall in love with 10-20 girls while you do the same?

I'm sorry I didn't want to sound rude."

Aafia gulped down as she chuckled at her words. She remembered that the prioritized reason for her liking Yazan is only him not liking any other girl.

"Aafia! Come help me with dinner."

Sayba gritted her teeth at her MIL's voice.

Why does she have to call Aafia and not her?

"Coming phuppi."

She followed Aafia to the kitchen with her breathe getting uneven and body slightly shivering as if she entered the war field.

"Aunty can I help in anything?"

"I believe that even if I ask you to wash dishes you'll make my son do that as you yourself can't."

Yazan's Mom smilingly said, Aafia laughed at her words causing Sayba glare in return before she travelled her gaze to her MIL.

"Then don't ask me that. Hehe."

Sayba giggled.

"Then leave this kitchen dear."

"At least ask me to set the glasses and plates. I can do that myself."

Sayba proudly grinned.

"Bring plates from the showcase, from the right side, okay?

"But...the plates are over there!"

Sayba pointed her finger to a table set beside the sink.

"Allah! I see them. We'll use the other ones today. Go now."

Sayba immediately exited the kitchen and ran to the corridor.

Bringing out 8 plates from it's place, she held them securely in her hands and made her way back.

"Be careful Sayba, my brother gifted m..."

Just when she heard the first two words from her MIL as she entered the kitchen, instead of holding the plates more carefully, she felt them slipping down from her hands and all at once they fell on the floor with a big thud.

Sayba heard her heart screaming louder than the plates in fear. She looked up at her MIL feeling dizzy.


"What......have you done!"


Her vision blurred as she began losing her consciousness.

"What happened Mom.....SAYBA!"

Yazan abruptly ran to catch her unconscious body in his arms before she could fall on the floor.

"What Was The Need To Bring All Of Them At Once!"

Yazan's Mom yelled stomping on her feet with her gaze helplessly staring at all the broken pieces of the plates.

"Ohh....mmm...it's...ok Mom..She must have..."

"Don't take her side in everything Yazan! They were the most precious to me, I told her to be careful!"

Yazan didn't even pay attention to her words as he picked his wife up in bridal style and ran to the hall.

He laid her on a couch and grabbed the jug of water from the side table.

"Mom, please, it was a mistake. Don't make that face."

"Yazan she broke them all and you're...."

"Your daughters break hundred of more important things.

She fainted! Have mercy please."

Saying, Yazan splashed water over her face, softly caressing her cheeks to wake her up.

"Sayba.....get up..."

"She doesn't even know to cook, what will she feed you all your life?"



She lifted her head up from his lap and looked around.

"Assalamu Alaikum Ma'am. Do you remember what you've done?"

Her MIL questioned with a forced smile.

"I'm...sorry...I'm sorry...."

She couldn't get her voice louder than a whisper as her eyes filled with tears.

"Your sorry won't bring...."

Yazan pulled Sayba to his arms and ran out of the hall leaving his Mom cut off in between, shocked and angry.

"Okay fine! Only if you're happy with this girl!"

She yelled out to him.

"That I always will be!"

He shouted back.

"Yazan put me down....you don't..do that..."

"Wipe these tears right away."

He kicked the door open and slammed it close making his way to the bed.

"She'll be angrier now. Ufff...I shouldn't have..."


"Then shall I laugh at what I've done? Already your mother dislikes me so much....but it happened because she warned me to be careful....I..mm.."

Yazan chuckled rubbing her crimson red cheeks as she cried with her gaze lower.

"It was stupid right, so yes laugh, don't cry."

For her, rainstorm and the song that it sings bring coldness to her soul, the undefinable lyrics of thunders speak of love and serenity.

For him, just like babies wake up experiencing nightmares and wail in fear, thunderstorm speak of evil warnings, as if will damage him like it does to the sensitive plants.

To let Sayba enjoy her most favorite thing, Yazan joined her in the window couch even though he's shivering in anxiety.

"Come on Yazan! Let's go to the bed."

Sayba caressed his silky locks when he snuggled deeper in her chest due to the light that the sky roared with, awaiting another thunder noise.

"Face your fear."

He motivated himself tightly clutching her kurti.

"But you're hiding your face in your comfort."

She tried to lift his head up but he slapped her hand away.

"You're enough then, love, let's sleep here tonight."

He looked up at her with a smile, his eyelashes shivering, upper lip biting the lower.

"We don't need to. Get up please."

She tried to lift him up that definitely she failed in as he laid on her with full force.

"Look you're cold."

She rubbed both his biceps when he again hid his face in the most comfortable place he discovered, her chest.

"There's warmth. Let me sleep."

Sayba chuckled at his childishness. Ruffling his hair while scratching his bare back lightly, she looked out of the window to see the sky lightening.

She pulled the duvet over Yazan before kissing his head with affection.

"Slept already?"


Yazan screamed after the sky screamed out loud.

"Ok enough now. I want to sleep in the bed, move."

"No no no no. Look I'm not scared."

Yazan constantly shook his head hugging her closer.

"Yazan please don't be stubborn. I'm not enjoying this view neither your condition. You'll...."

"I don't want to fear the thing that you love the most."

He brought his face out of the duvet and whispered to her mouth.

Sayba remained quiet thinking of what to reply.

His uneven breathe that is airing her lips, fast heartbeat which she's feeling against her hand and yet after them he has the audacity to say so.

"I don't want to enjoy the thing that you fear the most."

She replied.

Yazan chuckled and kissed her chin before hiding inside the duvet and settling back to his comfort zone.

"Instead of making fun of my weakness, just try to make me brave for once to see the sky celebrating."

To his words Sayba immediately grabbed the duvet over her and held Yazan by his nape.

"I don't have the right to do that while you find for strength in me to overcome this weakness."

She kissed all around his face and removed the duvet from their bodies as Yazan hugged her tighter.

"Look there."

Yet holding him in her chest, she turned his head to the way of the window as he opened his eyes to look out of the window.

"The sound is annoying."

He giggled.

"No, it's tranquil, listen to it attentively."

She nuzzled her nose in his hair who's all ears to the loud fizzing noise, that still is annoying to him but he's trying to look for the opposite in it.


He immediately looked away when the sky lightened.

"No..no Yazan!"

Almost forcefully Sayba again made him face the sky as she rubbed his back adoringly.

He prepared himself for the upcoming noise but to the loud explosion, he unintendedly took his first kiss from her.

For the first time which he never believed would come, the thunder noise didn't cause him shiver nor he panicked.


"Found my way to get rid this phobia."

He took her in his arms to shift to the bed and laid her on top of him as she tried to hug the whole of him to not let go of him anyhow even if he swirls and falls off the bed.

A man is too huge to be entirely hugged by his woman!


Does the story seem to not be interesting because it still didn't introduce any suspense or twist?

I want to complete it in 20 chapters that is why the initial chapters are short and it's still stuck on their moments.

But I hope you're enjoying that!

And don't tell me you forgot Emir.

He'll be there after 2-3 more chaps.

Sorry for the spoiler!

Guess what Yazan will react to this?

I've already warned you of his reaction in the introduction.

Stay well.

Allah Hafiz!

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