《Universe Of Hearts✓》•8


Dedicated to and Mr. And Mrs.Yazan!


From enjoying serenity to suffering in ache, Sayba experienced getting kicked off to the harsh floor from the cozy bed.

Her mighty husband being the doer of this sin, being also unaware of this, happily sprawled his hands and legs in all sides of the bed having enough space.

"Ohh my Allah! Uff isshh ouch!"

Sayba groaned massaging her back as she looked up at Yazan whose face is turned towards her direction.

"That's not fair!

That day he wished to wake up in my lap but today he just...kicked me out in here!"

She gasped mumbling the words.

Next second seeing his lips spreading in a very beautiful smile, she couldn't control chuckling, then again groaning in pain.

"I swirl a lot in sleep, no matter how big the bed is, I want it all mine."

"Okay no problem the couch will do for me."

"Geezzeee nooo! You're mine, the bed is mine, we are yours."

"What if you kick me out of...."

"Allah forbids!"

Sayba knows that if he gets to know of what he has done, he'll definitely be very guilty and ashamed of it, thus it's better if she forgets what has happened.

She tried to get up but felt her back paralyzed.


Unfortunately Yazan's eyes opened to the sight of Sayba sitting in the floor.

He took a minute to understand the reason behind so.

As he always does this to Iffaz, he found his answer very early even being very sleepy.

"OH NO SAYB....."

He hurried so much that his head fell off before his legs and lest it could touch the floor, Sayba put her hand in there.


Surely he would bleed if not her hand's palm be there to save him.

But still, he's incredibly hurt in his nose for the force with which he fell.

"Yazan....are you okay?"

Seeing his eyes filled with tears which he firmly held in there, she immediately grabbed his face and massaged his nose as gently as possible.


"Ohh Allah! You're always in rush."

He chuckled at her worried expression as she continued softly rubbing his nose with her fingers.

"You know your nose would break if I had not kept my hand in there."

"I know. I love you."

He shyly blinked his eyes at her.

"Allah! You're crazy."

"I'm sorry for landing you down in the floor. I'm sorry."

"No, I fell by myself, I was wanting to go to the washroom."

"Will you say the same everytime I do this or what?"

He arched up his eyebrows making her giggle as she firmly nodded in answer.

"We'll keep pillows around the bed, no problem."

"I wish that could help! But alas...."

That day itself Yazan has ordered a very giant bed for them and set thick but soft shaggy rug around it, aware that she'll be often victimized of such his acts.


As promised, Yazan drops Sayba at her Uncle's home everyday on his way to the hospital and picks her up while returning home in the evening.

But they named the weekend to be theirs alone as Yazan asked her for spending their day in a place where only they will be available to each other.


First he'll be taking her to his bungalow and then go for a walk to the beach near it which he has reserved for them only.

He has also bought her 2 dresses of her choice specially for the day making her more frenzied.

It's as if a one day honeymoon, Sayba thought.

They've reached the bungalow by 7 O'clock and decided to sleep for few hours to start the day freshly.


Clad in a black and white checks tie up jumpsuit, Sayba stood in front of Yazan with raised eyebrows and questioning eyes.

He pushed his hair back from his forehead and passed her a smile showing all of his teeth.

"Are you comfortable in this?"

He asked even though it was her choice to buy a sleeveless one.

"I mean, with me in this."

He added.

"Is that not why I'm standing here freely instead of hugging myself like those of....."

"Okay okay! You look Ma Sha Allah!"

"Shall we start then?"

"This way my highness."

He directed her to the kitchen in order to make chocolate cupcakes for breakfast.

Obviously it's Yazan alone doing everything with her beside observing how he does it all in between gawking at his handsome face.

They both sat on the kitchen's floor and decided to play until the cupcakes get baked.

"What'll I get if I catch it correct?"

She excitedly asked looking at the small bowls of chocolate hazelnut frosting, dark chocolate frosting, chocolate coffee frosting and few more types of chocolate frosting presented in front of her.

"We'll see that later, let's start it first."

"Me first."

"Close your eyes."


Yazan took a minute to admire the beautiful smile that sat on her lips as it made his heart cheer up in joy.

"I'm waiting Mr.Yazan."

He chuckled and dipped his finger in one of the bowls and brought it near her mouth.

"Take it Mrs.Yazan."

She happily opened her mouth and enjoyed eating the chocolate from his finger.

"Mmm yummm... It's....dark chocolate."

"Wrong, it's hazelnut."


She opened her eyes frowning at him.

"You now."

As he closed his eyes, she coated her finger with one of the frostings and made him welcome it to his mouth.

"Caramel chocolate."

She huffed at his right response.

"You're eating my finger also! Let it go."

"It's yummier."

Next as it's her turn, Yazan smirked and put his finger in her mouth without it dipped in any of the frostings.

"You're being naughty, are you not?"

Sayba chuckled with his finger still in her mouth.

"Umm hmm."

He took his finger out and tasted it making her laugh out at his madness.

This went on and when at once it was Yazan's turn, Sayba smirked as an idea hit her mind.

She took a little amount of flour in her hand and asked him to open his mouth.

Before he could realize so, she filled his mouth with that which made him immediately open his eyes as he scowled at her.

"Eeeww Sayba!"


Getting alarmed both of them ran to get their cakes out and began filling their tummies with them.

"You're my honeybunch sugarplum pumpy umpy umpkin you're my lovely pie!"


They both sang together like kids feeding the cupcakes to each other and messing their faces with the frostings.

"You're the apple of my eye!"

Sayba straddled Yazan and leaned in to eat chocolate from his forehead.

"And I lo...."

"And I love you so I want you to know...."

Sayba didn't sang along when the love word came making Yazan raise his eyebrows at her as he also paused.

'It's just a song!'

Yazan thought.

"Aahhh no one loves me."

He huffed moving to maintain distance between themselves but she pulled him back causing him grin in return.

"And I love you so I want you to know that I'll always be right here."

She sang in a soft yet confident voice hugging him as tight as the nature allowed.

Finally, she found herself from being loved by him to loving him in return.


Sayba changed to a white vintage Boho dress with a crumbled waistline and an over net to match with Yazan's white shirt and trousers for their walk on the beach.

"Ya...Yazan I'm tired. So tired!"

She threw herself over his broad body after running around for half an hour.

"Calm down, breathe in Sayba."

He shifted her open and messy hair back and leaned down to peck her forehead.

"My heartbeat..."

She held his hand and made him touch her chest, still heavily breathing.

"It's running slower than you do."

"At least I'm enjoying. You're just standing here and...."

"And enjoying watching you enjoy."

Yazan completed her sentence and again kissed her forehead.

Everytime they're close, he does this as it's one of his ways to mean that he loves her.


She hit his chest and placed her face in there wrapping her arms around his muscular frame.

He hid her protectively in his warm hug with his chin resting in her head, him smelling the scent of her hair and her listening to his pounding heartbeat.

"I don't want this day to end."

"This day will, moments like this won't."

Yazan answered as they broke the hug and began walking in the water with their hands intertwined.

After walking for a long time when Yazan guessed the sunset time arriving, he slid his hand in his trousers pocket only to find it empty.

He moved his other hand from Sayba's hold to check the left pocket but frowned not having it there also.

"Huh....I...uhh you stay here, I'll be just back."

He grabbed her by her waist and once again kissed her forehead before running backwards.

"Where are you going?"

"The bungalow. I need to bring something."

"That thing is in it's place. Come here."

Sayba yelled making him halt as she lifted her hand up to him.

"You little thief."

He came back to her and tried to get a hold of her wrist but she moved back passing him a smirk.

"Sayba! Give it back."

"Let me do it hmm?"

She sat on her knees and extended her hand asking him to give his one in hers.

As he did, she smiled at him and brought his hand near her mouth to kiss his knuckles.

She then took off the ring from her finger and kept it in the palm of his hand.

"So...Yazan Mirza."

She looked up to come in contact with his flickering eyes.

"I've never thought to get such beautiful life after everything that happened to me but then you happened....and I began experiencing love."

She paused and asked for his other hand taking which she brought both of them to her chest as he also sank to his knees in front of her.

"I don't have much to say but I promise I'll give you the same love in return which you delight me with."

Yazan chuckled nodding at her words as he pulled her closer by her nape and rested his forehead against hers.

"I'm honored, Mrs.Yazan."

He slipped the diamond ring in her finger and stared there for a while.

"I love you Yazan, I love you."

Sayba whispered nearing to his ear.

"I love you a lot more to the infinity Sayba."

He laid down in the ground with her on top of him as they watched the exquisite sight of sun setting down.


"....Sugarplum pumpy umpy umpkin you're my lovely pie!"

Their voices sang in excitement and childishness echoing through the corridor as they've just reached home.

Yazan kicked the door of the bedroom open and entered with Sayba hanging on his shoulder, both laughing and giggling.

"And I love you so I want you to know that I'll always be right here."

He threw her body on the bed and jumped near her continuing singing the baby song.

"And I love to sing sweet songs to you..."

She lovingly kissed his forehead.

They both are heavily panting with their hearts beating erratically but their excitement and joy cared nothing called tiredness.

"No more! Enough! I want to sleep."

Sayba said and began unwrapping her Hijab.

"Because you are so dear!"

Neither Yazan nor Sayba sang this line.

They both stared at each other confusingly before turning their heads to the right, only to find Yazan's Mom standing there.

"I thought to complete the song."

She passed them a tight lipped smile folding her arms.


Yazan bit his lip in embarrassment as he crawled away from Sayba.

"Remember you've shifted to the 2nd floor."

She raised her eyebrows at them.

Sayba turned her back to Yazan's Mom unable to meet her eyes in embarrassment.


He whispered pouting at her.

Getting down the bed, he was ready to exit the room quietly when his Mom again spoke.

"Take your honey bunch, sugarplum and cuppy cake with you too."

Sayba didn't even notice Yazan leaving for which she sat unmoved, wondering how well it would be if by chance Allah decides to make it a nightmare.

"Uhh...yeah my wife."

Yazan gulped down and came running towards his wife whom he guessed has become paralyzed in embarrassment.



She awkwardly smiled.


He picked her up in his shoulder making her yell a NO in shock.

"Don't mind us Mom. Have a good night. Assalamu Alaikum."

Yazan ran out of the room with Sayba struggling to get down him.

"Was all that not enough? Why did you need to carry meeeeee!"

"It's not my fault that your body wasn't working."

"Ya Allah how'll I face her tomorrow!"


Assalamu Alaikum!


Nearly half of the story is remaining.

And also the book will come to an end thus you girls will be freed!

May Allah bless a lot of cupcakes to those who have voted, Aameen.

Allah Hafiz!

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