《Universe Of Hearts✓》•6


17th Jul, 2021


She needed someone, someone who could walk along her to not let her be haunted by loneliness.

She needed someone by her side so that the demise of her parents doesn't bring death to her happiness.

She needed a friend in that foreign place, the orphanage.

Emir, she got him as her friend.

But they both had no idea how this friendship turned into relationship in no time.

She didn't love him! Neither did he.

She wanted someone's company and he needed her beauty.

He demanded for so the day before he left to Canada. When she disagreed, he tried to force her though failed to get what he wanted.

Realization and repentance wiped off her sin long back.

The one who repented is like the one who never sinned.

But now, is she supposed to reveal this forgiven sin to her husband?


"Isn't the reminder so beautiful and needy?"

Yazan asked seeking her attention.

Sayba followed his gaze that led to a big signboard to their right in the road, which quotes,

"All the sins of my followers will be forgiven except those of the Mujahirin.

(those who commit a sin openly or disclose their sins to the people).

Past or present, it's prohibited to reveal one's sins."

A breathe of relief Sayba exhaled as she hummed and looked at Yazan.

The ethereal smile on his lips brought cold clouds to the sky of her heart when his gaze met hers.

She no more worries of her past for he has no right to know anything of that.

"I know you're just 17 but knowing this is needed now, when do you want to marry?"

Sayba's mouth gaped open in surprise hearing her mother's question.

"Finally you asked this! Ohh thank Allah!"

She raised her hands up in gratitude.

A glare from her mother shot her which definitely didn't lessen her excitement as she sat straight and took a deep breathe to answer the question.

"Look Mom, so what if I'm 17? I'm ready."

She proudly said.

Her mother rolled her eyes in shock before slapping her cheek lightly.

"I know that you're shameless but at least act shy in times."

"Shamelessness is an art, nothing to hide.

Okay so....why are you asking me this? Is there any proposal for me?"

"Sayba...can we be serious?"

"But Mom...."

The glare from her mother turned murderous making Sayba pout as she nodded in defeat and decided to be serious.

"Around 20-23?"

"And...how do you want him to be?"

"Romantic like you, shameless like me, sarcastic like Dad."

Another slap stung her cheek making her huff.

"Come on Mom I'm seriously serious."

"I'm your mother Sayba."

"I don't object."

"Look don't blame me later if I bring you a husband who's exact opposite to your liking."

Sayba smirked, "Is that so? Ok then I'm serious now.

I prefer him to be a Doctor like me."

"Spell doctor!

You're not a Doctor yet."

"I'll be one. And I'd choose to spend his money to be one. That's why I said marry me off now!"

She reasoned, her tight lipped smile saying that she's not joking.


"Hmmm....I don't like strict and mature boys you know na? He should be childish, funny and a joke himself."

She told, her voice laughing in excitement.

"Ohh and he should be so romantic that....hayyeeee! That I swoon over him!"

"It's useless to ever be serious with you."


Her mother breathed and stood up to leave but before she stepped away, Sayba grabbed her arm.

"Mom listen to me, most important one remained yaar! Hear me out."

"What now Sayba?"

"He should be shameless so that he doesn't feel ashamed of my shamelessness."


"Is this hospital yours?"

Sayba questioned leaning up to meet his gaze when he wrapped his arm around her waist in a protective manner.

"I inherited this from Dad."

They walked inside catching glances from everyone as none expected Yazan to come with a girl holding her to him out of nowhere.

"Can you...leave me.... they're looking at us."

She requested feeling uncomfortable.

This made him haul her closer with a proud grin.

"Let them."

"Good morni....oh it's noon Dr.Yazan, Dr.Iffaz called you to his cabin."

Yazan nodded and looked down at Sayba.

"What am I going to do here?"

"I've no work for today. There are some kids, you go meet them? I'll be back in few minutes."

He pulled away from her, she felt as if her peace is vanishing as their bodies distanced.

"And Sawda must be there too."

"She also works here?"

She asked, awed, forgetting that Sawda once told her this.

"Three of us...from this week only. I hope you join us in some years too."

He winked and ran away leaving her confused.

Yazan entered Iffaz's cabin finding him busy in checking out some files.

"Did she do that?"

"Yeah after slapping me harder than you do."

He sighted.

"Wahh? Really?"

Iffaz pulled him near by his nape to have a look at both his cheeks. A wow escaped his mouth as he guessed his right cheek to be the victim.

Yazan slapped his hand away shooting him a glare.

"You're poison in the name of best friend."

"Whatever. Okay so.... I've collected her educational documents from her school and collage."

Iffaz forwarded him a file.

"She applied for medical admission in our University....2 years back."

Yazan nodded his head, busy checking the papers one by one.

While Iffaz stared at his cheek blankly, the slap mark annoyed him a lot even though he himself slaps Yazan every now and then.

"Dr.Iffaz 5 missed calls from Heart Attack, you forgot to take your phone."

A nurse entered saying.

"For Allah's sake Fazi change this name before she sees it."

Yazan shouted but little did Iffaz care was nothing.

"Thank you."

He took his phone and called Sawda as the nurse walked away.

"Will you?"

Yazan glared.

"But why? Look she again attacked my heart by these missed calls. I'm doomed!"

After them bickering for more 10 minutes, Yazan shared about Sayba's reaction to Emir's topic.

They both then believed that she did like so only out of fear and nothing else.


"I won't hide...I like..you..I really do. I don't know how so soon."

She confessed in a hushed tone, her heart throbbing against her chest in excitement.

Yazan jammed his foot on the brake and turned his face to her.

"And I love you...I don't know how so soon."

He mumbled and leaned forward to kiss her forehead.

Before he could move away, she attached her lips to his cheek making his eyes widen in surprise.

She didn't break the connection for a good few seconds driving him crazier.

And when she did, his climbing heart came to a resting state in dissatisfaction.



The next morning arrived so soon with them getting more loved by each other in each passing moment.

Sayba woke up feeling an intense pain in her lower abdomen, her eyes unclosed to a view of Yazan's face.

Last she remembered is that they both were talking about so many things not knowing how they dozed off and how she is in his lap now.

She fell her head off in his shoulder desiring to sleep again but the abdominal pain worsened.

Not disturbing his sleep, she slowly removed his hand from around her waist and stood up.

"Please no period for now please please."

This prayer went unfulfilled as she found the back of her Qameez wet.

"Uffff why!"

The look of disappointment changed to shock when she turned around to Yazan.


The pair of his white trousers coloured in blood caught her attention.

She rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

Even though it's usual that she bleeds much in the first day, she didn't expect such thing to ever happen.

This is going to be the most embarrassing moment now!

"How could I!"

She covered her mouth unable to think straight. How'd he react when he wakes up?

Done sleeping, his eyes slightly opened. As his head is lowered, what he first saw is blood in his trousers which immediately tensed his mind.


That's whom he could only think of as he doubted her to be hurt but wished that he himself is hurt.

Sayba flinched as she closed her eyes and waited for the embarrassment to hit her.

"SAYB...blood...are you..hurt baby?"

He reached to her in one lengthy step, his eyes roaming up and down her body to know if she's hurt.

"I'm okay I'm okay...Yazan.."


"Period.....I mm....I actually...I don't...know when...it.. happened."

She spoke in broken words digesting which he finally got relieved.

"Period! Allah! Thank Allah!"

With a relaxed breathe, he massaged his forehead looking down at his trousers.

"But...you..bled so much.."

He gulped down, waiting for her gaze to meet his but her eyes roamed everywhere except where he stood.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry."

She whispered.

She bumped with his chest as he grabbed her by her waist.

"Yazan leave me..."

"Look at me."

"Give your trousers.. I'll wash it."

"Give your clothes, I'll wash them."

He lifted her chin up with his thumb but yet couldn't get to meet her gaze.

"Hey Sayba..."


She struggled to get freed but he caught her tighter.

"As I'm your human pillow for lifetime now, if everytime this happens at night I'll always find my clothes coloured in your blood.

You're embarrassed for no reason."

She couldn't control smiling even though his words made her feel more embarrassed, yet so blessed.

"I love you Sayba."

He brushed his nose against hers.

"I love you so much."


"Okay go get changed."

He backed off, his gaze still fixed on her face.

"Do you have those...."

He stopped not knowing what to call the period supplies.

That's when she remembered that Sawda didn't buy her the most important thing but didn't forget to give everything else, even hair bands.

"For now I'll take that from Aaina Aaiza....I need to buy for later..."

"Okay! I'll be bringing them in time."

"Please give me your trousers, I'll wash it along with my clo.."

"Don't! Don't even wash yours. I want them in the laundry basket. You got it?"

She didn't realize when her embarrassment vanished as all she could feel is beyond blessed being unconditionally loved by her husband.


The morning news of every channel talked about Sayba's case and even showed video recording of yesterday's encounter.

No sight even hinted Yazan to be her husband as all the media informed is that he took her with him to his home only for shelter till justice is served.

"Are you up? Don't step out of your room till I reach."

He read Iffaz's messege once again.

Yazan's face fell pale wondering why his mother yet didn't break the door of his room and kick him out of her home.

"But... now I'm real..ly your wife. What's the problem?"

Sayba asked, her hands reached to his as she rubbed his in between hers to be supportive.

He didn't answer, he has no answer.

"Yazannnn...don't be worried."

She kissed his forehead ceasing half of his stress.

"I'm not. It's good that she knows the truth but why....except the part that we got married."

"We'll let her know so, she believed the lie easily back then, now it's for real."

His phone vibrated bringing a messege from Iffaz reading which he took a heavy breathe to relax.

"Come on."

They made their way out to the hall with each other by their sides, their fingers intertwined.

Yazan looked down to find 2 more guests other than Iffaz and Sawda.

"Who are they?"

Sayba asked, not seeing their faces.

"Sawda's parents. But....why are they here...."

Iffaz and Sawda themselves don't know this but the couple's and Yazan's mom's facial expressions said that something is wrong here.

"Assalamu Alaikum."

Yazan greeted as everyone turned to his direction.

Sawda's father's moist eyes met with Sayba's that immediately made her shiver as her hand escaped out of Yazan's hold.

Yazan looked at Iffaz with questioning eyes to know what Sawda's parents are doing here but he shook his head in answer.

Sawda's father stood up, his gaze still in contact with Sayba.

She blinked her eyes for once and again stared at his face.

Yazan grabbed her hand to walk further but she instead stepped back.

She doesn't know what to do in between her two wishes, run to his arms or again hide herself from him.

"When his family broke their ties with us why is he wanting to keep connection now?"

Sayba asked, annoyed and hurt.

"He's your Chacha Sayba... who'll take care of you if we die?"

"Dad come on! I don't need him. I won't talk to him. Allah knows what he wants from us!"

"Why are you blaming him? I've told you several times that it's only your grandad who kept no relation with us but not others!"

"Right...that's why I've never met anyone. And suddenly my Chachu appears showing his concern for me!"

Defeated, knowing that his daughter is stubborn, Sayba's father connected to video call and signed his brother to talk as he faced the camera to Sayba.

"Princess, I'm sorry. I would've come to meet you but we're far away."

Her Chacha believed that she died along with her parents in that accident like Sayba wanted as she didn't will to be sympathized by the family which never included her parents in it.

Sayba finally stepped forward and faced him, her gaze lowered as tears rained down her eyes.

He embraced her to a hug making Yazan, Iffaz and Sawda jump on their places.

Yazan wanted to interfere to this but seeing Sayba hugging him back stopped him.

Sayba broke the hug and looked up at him with teary eyes.

"I'm sorry...Cha..chu...you...cared.."

She regretted running away. If only she'd decided to let him know that she's alive, all these wouldn't have happened to her.

"Can we know what's really happening here?"

Sawda asked, no more patient.

"We should leave them alone for now."

Yazan's mother signed three of them to follow her as she made her way to the garden leaving Sayba with Sawda's parents.


"She's Sawda's cousin sister."


They couldn't further react as Yazan's phone rang to a call from the hospital which he had to answer.

"We're coming."

Yazan cut the call and looked at Iffaz.

"You stay, I'll go."

"We both need to."

His heart fought so much to stay but it was emergency to go. He wished to at least say goodbye to Sayba but she was busy with her found-back family to even notice him passing by.


Yazan lost his sense knowing that they took Sayba away from him to them. His day passed so impatient only to not find her home after returning.

Both Iffaz and Sawda are also over there as it's Iffaz's parents in laws home. But alas, he couldn't go.


He entered her room.

"You lied Yazan...she isn't your wife."

She complained in a sour voice, not upset or disappointed, instead is relieved but hid that with an expression of anger.

"Can we calmly talk about it?"

Yazan made her sit as he sat beside her in the bed and took her hands in his lap.

"You'll marry Aafia, right away and I am not asking for your opinion here nor you will argue back with me anymore."

He closed his eyes forcing on his teeth to not lose his temper and argue with her.

"Can I explain? Please?"

"No Yazan! I forgive you for lying but now you'll marry my niece. That's it!"

"What's wrong in Sayba? Why not I marry her?"

He demanded a reasonable answer.

"I feel bad for her...she suffered a lot but how could you....present her to be your wife?"

"Mom I married her the day before yest..."


Stop lying so much!"

"Why can't you relax? I just need you silent for five minutes."

"Fine. After that we'll go to Bhai's place to ask for Aafia's hand, promise me."

Her voice yelled, too desperate to calm down, as if it's she who will marry Aafia.



It was a lie 1 day back. But I really got married to her. I'm..not lying this time."

She feared if he's saying the truth now, she could keep some expectations but today morning seeing them coming hand in hand proved that he's not lying.

"My Aafia..."

"Mom I love Sayba..you gave me the chance to choose someone myself and I did....why are you again and again talking about Aafia?"

"You never listen to me. What's wrong in my niece? Is she not pretty? She loves you...still you married a girl whom you don't even know......."

"I married a girl in whom I found happiness. I didn't marry your niece because I know I won't be happy with her."

He helplessly answered, wishing her to understand which she did for sure, but won't admit.


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