《Universe Of Hearts✓》•4


3rd Jul, 2021


The dark sky was lit up by lightning of the storm as whispers of the wind and raindrops music sang along with the thunder's grumbles and growls.

"Aaahhh why are you screaming so much?"

Yazan huffed yelling at the sky as he shivered in fear.

Gathering all the manly courage and power, which doubtlessly doesn't work in front of heavy storm, he has decided to sit outside to let the rain shower him with terror as he's already getting breathless.

"AAAAA! Allah shut this sky up! Ufff!"

He again shouted closing his eyes off when the sky flashed with light.

"Why does she love storms? I don't scare anyone like the sky does, I'm so friendly, she should love me."

He complained.

He has never dared to step out of home whenever it rained. But now believing that she might also come to enjoy the drama of the sky, he forcefully brought himself here.

"Thank you Allah!

I know that you're fulfilling all my wishes,

but please let my feelings at least not be so cliche.

I mean why does a second seem to be like a hundred years without her?"

Just like the sky is full on mood to play with the earth, his heart has also caused a storm as it's throbbing with thunder's noise and speed.

"Why isn't she coming yet? She was here yesterday...."

He whispered glancing at the window of his room.

His smile was dying as he checked the time in his wrist watch. It's already 1:56 am, she surely isn't coming now.


Yazan tightly shut his eyes off when the sky cracked once again forming light around.

He still, shamelessly stood there, the sky still, mercilessly is drenching him with heavy drops of rain.

"Doctor Yazan!"

Sayba uttered in awe and shock.

"S A Y B.....AA..."

He shouted half of her name in surprise as he turned to her direction and then whispered 'AA' with a shy smile dancing in his lips.

"How..what...mm...come here."

He shook his head and fell down on his knees, his eyes trying to catch her clear view but raindrops made it difficult for him to even keep his eyes unclosed.

"Aren't you afraid of ...."

"Yeah I am! But I was waiting for you."

He yelled to be louder than the voice of rain to her.

"Why...for me.."

"I want to confess something to you!"

His voice climbed up with excitement. Not a drop of fear existed in him anymore even though the sky yelled once again.

"Ohh...then come here, look you'll get sick, it's raining heavily."

"I'm already sick......in your love."

He whispered the last part.

"Ya Allah then please come inside."

"No! Sayba! You hear me?"

"Yes I'm hearing you, please come here."

She wanted to drench in the love of rain but realizing that her head is already aching, she shook the wish off.

"Why? Do you think I'm afraid of these....sto..stormmmmm..."

He gritted his teeth as the sky warned him of the upcoming BOOM with light.

"I don't think so, I see so... but I know that you're brave. Please come inside."

She pleaded in a soft voice which reaching his ears, made him laugh in joy as he shook his head and looked up at the sky.

"Please let me speak to her, keep mum for few minutes okay? Once she says yes, you may yell again."


He talked to the sky.

"Doctor Yazan!"

"Yeah....so do you hear me?"

"I do but...."


She heard him right.

Instead of feeling surprised, she felt a feeling called love blooming in her heart.

She was as if thirsty and now cold water has just satisfied her.

Evidently, she doesn't still love him, yet, learning his confession about loving her feels.....so lovely!

"Did you hear me?"

He yelled.

He wasn't afraid, he didn't even let the question 'what if she rejects?' haunt him as his belief in his heart to not hurt him is very firm.

"I...uh..we just.. it's been 5 days we met...."

She said, not knowing how else to react.

"Yeah I know, I know I'm late. I should have confessed when you woke up after the surgery."

'Did he just joke?'

She questioned herself hearing him.

'Has he gone mad?'

"Sayba will you merge your life with mine?

She observed his expression maintaining a minute of silence.

It's not possible to trust someone so easily.

But she didn't even let the question raise whether he is truthful or not.

All she noticed is the reaction of her heart.

That's an immediate decision but It's A Yes From Her.

Heat surged up to her cheeks even though her body is shivering in cold.

To his demanding eyes for his answer, she meekly smiled.

"What if I...say no?"

"You won't."

His voice laughed, full of confidence.

"Why so?"

"I know that my heart won't doubt the wrong person to be it's ruler."

"You're very poetic."

"Do you want to continue this conversation with me?"


"I do, do you?"

"Uhh..yes so come inside."

"No Sayba! We've to marry before we continue.

I've already got your answer, though let your lips confirm, will you marry me?"

"Oh no no no I meant your voice! Not lips eeh."

Yazan instantly corrected his words, stretching the back of his neck in awkwardness.

As by lips sounded more like confirming her yes with a kiss.

He's going crazy and now he's driving her crazy too.

She has no fear, no doubt, no negativity in her mind as she followed the command of her heart and nodded her head, her lips yelling,

He chuckled shutting his eyes off as immediately after she answered, the sky formed white fire all around shouting crazily to celebrate his happiness.

"Come inside now."

He stood up but instead of going towards her direction, he ran to the garage and came back in his car.

"Why...where are you going now?"

"Come, get up."

"Where to? It's... midnight.."

"You said you'll marry me."

He innocently grinned.


"So we'll marry now."

"NOW? It's 2 at the night. Are you crazy?"

Her hand lifted up to cover her mouth in shock as she shook her head.

"I'll go crazy if not now. Will you get up?"

"Allah but it's not the time to...."

"I'm a Doctor and I know that we shouldn't delay in the matter of hearts. Please hurry up, get up."

"Look...we..I...we can..uh..I mean let the morning arrive at least."

"I can't wait Sayba! Please get up."

He almost begged.

She had to agree. She got up in the car as he begin driving making his way to Iffaz's home. He took out his phone and dialled Iffaz's number.

"Were you sleeping?"

He asked as Iffaz answered the call.


"Definitely no. Do people even sleep at 2 O'clock in the night?"

"Whatever! Mmm...I'm coming with Sayba there...I..uhh....we want to marry..now...right now."

He spoke turning his head to her as she's busy staring out of the window.

"Did...it...really happen? She agreed? And right now?"


"Okay! I'm calling Dad. Waiting for you."

He cut the call and took a deep breathe. He can feel his heart rising up and down in desperation as he drove faster to reach to his destination.



"I wanted to confess after your case gets solved but....I couldn't wait. I don't want you to feel forced. Tomorrow is their last hearing and most surely they'll be... stoning to death."

A shiver of fear ran down her spine as she nodded her head and turned her gaze to him.

"All of them?"

"All of them."

"And..and the other girls?"

"They are safe, don't worry."

Humming in response as with a breathe of relief she again got busy admiring the nature.

Suddenly she chuckled seeking his attention as he looked at her with a smirk.

"You have astraphobia!"

"Huh....make me a ceraunophile then!"

"He's so adorable!"

She whispered feeling loved with his cuteness.

"Did you say something? We reached."

Stopping the car, he immediately got down and opened the door for her.

They both ran inside but are already drenched in rain.

Finally! It's time to have their linking hearts united!

"Mr.Mirza! What's up with your intentions?"

Iffaz's father smirked as he sat beside Yazan in the couch.


Yazan pouted inviting a slap from him to his shoulder.

"That we know, but why this decision? Why break my sleep at midnight? Why not wait till the morning? Not like someone else will take her away."

Iffaz said as he yawned, his head fell on Yazan's shoulder before he noticed Yazan's eyes shooting him with fire.

"Shall we start Mr.Mirza?"


She belongs to him now!

She's all his, only his, he believed.

She is, let her stay, he prayed.

What his, shall be his from before and always, he demanded.

Let no question be raised, if there will be any heartbreaks or not.


"You're looking simply gorgeous."

Sawda commented as she came near her and sprayed perfume all over Sayba's body making her jump on her sit.

"Allah....eeh...ok ok not so much."

"Smell of love hmm!

Though your hubby doesn't need these perfumes on you, he has already found that smell of love in your scent."

"You didn't tell me...that...he likes..lov..mm...me."

"I lost my counts! How many hints I've given you but no! You're a naive monkey."

Sayba smiled, wondering if first sight love does really exist or not!

She flinched getting a question raised in her thought.

"I...I didn't even think for once for why he wanted to marry right away....at midnight...and.. why he was in so hurry."

She gulped down asking for an answer to herself.

"I didn't fear if I..get raped again...."

Shocked at herself, she looked at Sawda in horror who stayed with an expressionless face as she waited for Sayba to say more.

"I..was happy instead...Allah! I had no fear! I trusted a man in just few days."

"Does he worth this trust then?"

Sayba immediately nodded her head in response.

"He'll worth your love too.

Okay now I'm going. Your hubby must be waiting."

And once again, no, she isn't scared or tensed, nor feels nervous or awkward.

She is excited, very excited, herself unaware of the reason for such happiness.

She looked at her reflection through the mirror, her cheeks turned fluffier forming a shade of red in them as she smiled and lowered her gaze.

"He's cute!"

"Assalamu Alaikum."

He greeted in a duh tone as he slammed the door closed.

Replying him under her breathe, she stood up from the chair and turned to him, her heart screaming and throbbing, yet no nervousness seen in her expression.

Yazan shyly ruffled his hair as he made his way towards her, thinking what to do next.

The situation is otherwise here, he's the one seeming to be shy and nervous as he begin shivering like a leaf when his gaze met with hers.

"Do behave like a man, okay? Please just don't faint, she'll question your manhood Yazan! Please please please for the sake of your self respect."

He huffed having Iffaz's words ringing in his ears.

Taking a deep breathe, he hid his nervousness and stepped closer to her.

"Let's...sit in the bed..."

He whispered extending his hand to her. Without delaying, she let her hand reach his as they both walked to the bed and sat opposite to each other.

"Mmm....you didn't...lock the door."

She turned her head away.


He almost ran there like a kid and landed back on the bed after locking the door.


With a breathe exhaling relief, he took her hand in his and bowed down to kiss her knuckles.

She was scared of getting touched by man just before few days.

And now his touch feels like raindrops to her dry skin.

"My dreams were beautiful.

But this reality is...more."

He said in a breathy voice.

Her gaze sat on his eyes while his on her lips.

She found peace in the oceans of his eyes while her smile seemed to be the waves of peace for him.

A minute passed like this as then, Yazan turned his face away and sneezed.

"Did..you catch..cold."

He shook his head scrunching his nose.

When he again came closer to her, he again sneezed.

"Huh maybe, for rain...."

He took out something from his trousers pocket as her gaze fell down there, a bracelet he held, very simple yet elegant.

"I..saw a similar one with Sawda."

She smiled as he took her hand and tied it around her wrist.

"Her one holds her husband's name."


The letters hung down the chains of the bracelet.

"It's so.... beautiful!"

"It says that you're mine."

He said making her chuckle as she looked up and nodded her head.

At least act to be shy, Sayba!

What will he think of you?

Her inner voice spoke but she shook the thought away.

Is it any crime to not feel shy?

He took a deep breathe fighting with his nerves as it was hard to feel relaxed.

He shifted closer, his eyes closing as he embraced her to a warm hug.

It's something new she has got to enjoy, as she held him by his shoulders and closed her eyes to feel peace in his hold.

Her thoughts flew to her past, it didn't haunt her anymore. What's the value of this freedom if she keeps letting her past torture her?

He nuzzled her neck inhaling in, he sensed a weird kind of scent in her, soon realizing that she has used perfume. He hated the smell but didn't choose to back off.

Suddenly she felt him getting heavy on her as she couldn't maintain the balance and tried to move back.


His head fell off. She doubted if he slept.


"Doctor Yazan...."

She caressed his cheeks but no response came.

"What happened...suddenly....."

She became scared realizing that he isn't asleep but unconscious.

Standing up, she immediately wore her Hijab and ran out of the room to search for Sawda's bedroom.

Fortunately her gaze fell down the 1st floor as she noticed the light of the kitchen on, Iffaz and Sawda standing there.

She made her way to the direction and entered the kitchen.


Iffaz immediately backed off hearing her voice as Sawda got down the table and looked at her, surprised and tensed.

"What happened..."

"He.. suddenly..he fainted."


Iffaz ran away like air in worry as the girls ran after him.

He splashed water over his face as in a minute Yazan's eyes opened. He sat up resting his head over Iffaz's shoulder.

"Did I...pass out!"

"But why?"

Iffaz caressed his back finding him having difficulty to breathe.

"She smells like Jahannam!"

Sawda and Sayba's eyes wide opened as their gazes met in awe.

"Jahannam? Seriously?"

"Oh no!"

Yazan cursed his mouth as his gaze fell on Sayba.

"I meant the perfume. I'm so sorry I didn't mean...you."

"He's allergic to perfumes."

"That one was so spicy."

"Sorry maybe I've sprayed much of it to her out of excitement."

"Mm...I should change."

Sayba said as Sawda grabbed her hand and ran out of the room leaving the boys alone.

"Thank Allah that you passed out for that perfume and not out of excitement."


It's a very very very big punishment for her!

She has always slept with side pillows hugging her from both her sides, even at Yazan's home she was blessed with this comfort.

But here...... there's just one under her head.

She's getting breathless unable to sleep. Her legs craved for their ease as she started sweating.

She sat up and began tapping her legs.

Trying to have a look of Yazan, she moved closer to him and guessed him to be deadly asleep, thankfully.

'I'm sorry I know I'm very demanding but I wish I could have that pillow under your head.'

She whispered and inhaled a deep breathe, feeling ashamed of herself for deciding to steal his pillow.

Just when her hands caught the pillow, his eyes opened up.


Out of shock she fell on top of him.

"Aahh nooo.."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry. Nothing. You sleep."

She immediately laid down and closed her eyes to not be attacked with any embarrassment again.

"But...are you okay? You can tell me if you need anything."

"I'm okay."

"I don't think so."

He chuckled.

He wasn't asleep back then obviously.

Gulping down, she turned back to him and sat up.

"Can you get me a pillow...?"

"Ohh...take mine."

"No no no..."

"Okay so you need a side pillow...you were massaging your legs, do they hurt?"

"No...nothing. Please sleep. I'm sorry to disturb you."

Embarrassment level crossed all it's limit for her.

"You can really take mine. I can sleep without any."

"Please no need.... I'm fine."

Her voice cried in shame.

"Okay then you can take me."

She rolled her eyes at his sentence as he came closer to her and bowed down to kiss her cheek.

"You can hug me...if you..."

She was already very embarrassed of herself but feeling pity for her legs, she turned to him, her legs lifted up to rest on his.

Before she could make herself comfortable, he pulled her head on his chest with his hand sitting under her back.

"Thank you...."

"My pleasure."

He flew up to the ninth cloud realizing that she doesn't fear his touch but made him her comfort.


"Hmm my love?"


The feeling of being loved by him is so euphoric, how loving him back will feel?


*Hides behind the curtains*

I'm feeling so shy!🙈🤭🙊

Okay so even though I'm a fan of slow steps towards love and romance,😂I'm someone straight to that.

So my characters are!

Hope it feels good to read like such.

Allah I'm blushing so much!!!

It's as if me in Sayba's place.😂

Oh sorry, she doesn't blush.

And I wanted to say that.....my first year finals will begin from this month and trust me I don't even know the names of any of the chapters of all my books.

You guys might be guessing that I'll take leave for my exams but nah girls! I'll not.

😂 Because I won't even study.

Who cares!

😏Look I'm such a cute writer.

You guys also be cute and

For Allah's sake I'm not asking you to pay me with money.

Thanks for bearing my torture.

Let's meet the next week.

Allah Hafiz.

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