《Universe Of Hearts✓》•3


"Can you cut onions?"

Sawda's question made her feel more lonely as she sharply bit her lip in embarrassment, shaking her head.

"It's ok sweetheart."

Yazan glanced at her from the corner of his eye. Her helpless and embarassed expression made him beam as he immediately looked away, burdened with this lovely feeling.

He didn't want to delay making her his wife for real, but she needs time to even adjust being a fake one , at least he should wait for a week, he thought.

Sayba felt so sorry having 3 of them working while she's just sitting here and embarrassing herself.

"I'm sorry I never cooked, I don't even know the names of maximum vegetables. I'm really sorry."

She muttered in a low tone, totally drenched in shame and guilt.

"Come on it's fine! It's nothing compulsory. I've also never cooked before marriage."

"Looks like we both learnt cooking just to have them as our wives."

Iffaz whispered to Yazan though it didn't went unheard by Sawda.

"Mr.Iffaz shall I bring you a second wife who can cook for you?"

Sawda asked, her voice soft yet murderous.

"No Hayati, I dare myself to even think of thinking about any other woman."

Iffaz looked back at her and blinked his eyes for a couple of times, assuring her that he won't dare so with a nod.

"Yazan I don't think your freedom will last for a good time now."

"I pity myself, but don't you say...it's worth it?"

Yazan winked making him chuckle.

They both continued cooking with Sawda helping them in between while Sayba sat useless in a corner, watching them doing things that she never did and doesn't even plan to ever do.


Abruptly Yazan yelled covering his right eye with his hand as a drop of hot oil splattered there making him feel it to be impossible to open his eye again.

Three of them were taken aback momentarily as they looked at him with horror to realize that he got hurt in his eye.



Iffaz immediately wiped his hands in his shirt and dragged him to the sink, flushing his eyes with water for a bunch of times.

"I'm fine I'm fine...Iffaz"

He tried but failed to keep that eye unclosed for more than a second.

Iffaz attached his lips to his eye as he heavily breathed there to give him warmth.

A minute of that helped Yazan to open his eye without any problem as he chuckled at Iffaz's anxious expression.

"What a pair they would make if one of them was a girl."

Sayba giggled making Yazan's heart race as he smiled in shyness, the pain long forgotten.

"No yaar! They pair the best being besties having the hubby-wifey type relation involved in their friendship hehehe!"


Aafia's eyes caught fire witnessing her ethereal smile which brightened her beauty. Even though she herself is very comely, she utterly felt jealous of Sayba.

Was her beauty not enough to be accepted by Yazan?

"Know that, the reason for which Yazan has married you, will fade sooner or later."

Aafia voiced out low. Hatred, jealousy, arrogance and dejection seen in her eyes as Sayba questioningly turned at her.

When she understood the meaning of her words, her lips curved to a smile as she shook her head nearing to Aafia's ear.

"If the reason had been beauty, he would have married you happily."

Sayba whispered an answer.

She has no interest in Yazan! Yet now.


If presenting herself as his wife saves her from her regular punishment against no known sin, then she's happily on it.

Instead of crying over her sorrows, she's found within the boundaries of pleasure as being untouched by those inhumans even just for a day seems a gift given to her.

"So he has at least talked about me to you. Nice!"

Sayba began hating this girl though she sees no reason which connects her to feel such.

'I saved Doctor Yazan from this dayan!'

She thought, exhaling a breathe of pride.

When Aafia saw that she has finished eating and will get up now, she moved her feet trapping Sayba's Abaya under her heel.

Fortunately or unfortunately Sayba has noticed her doing so as she looked down but acted like she is unaware of this.

She then travelled her gaze around the room as a slight smile danced on her lips finding none of the elders here.

So she stood up, feeling her Abaya stuck under her heel, she looked at Aafia with an awkward smile before taking the glass of juice and in no second splashing it all over her face and dress.




"What the hell have you done?"

She uttered with annoyance wiping her face as she stood up and glared at Sayba who in return moved back with a cheery grin.


She then turned to Sawda who's watching her with her orbs hanging out in shock.

Aafia ran away to clean herself while Yazan's every cousin begin laughing as they all felt proud of Sayba believing that surely Aafia is at fault to get this in return.

"Why'd she do that?"

Iffaz murmured in awe.

"She's cool, nah?"

Yazan's heart danced in pleasure as he watched her numb.

Both their cheery smiles vanished when Iffaz's father came walking to them.

He stood in front, his hands stuffed in his trousers pockets as he looked at them with a smile and a smirk like a police officer that he is!

"Mmm....you look so young, Mamu."

Yazan joked as he intertwined his fingers with Iffaz's.

"Thanks. Let's have a youngy talk then."

Yazan immediately shook his head stepping back as looked at Iffaz wondering what excuse they'll need to give to his father now.

"Sure Dad, you go have a youngy talk with him, I need to go to the hospit...."

His father immediately held his hand as he was about to run away. His expression turned sour as he gulped down and turned back to them, finding Yazan burning with rage.

"He always leaves me alone in problems while he's the reason to my every problem."

Yazan kicked his leg calling a tight slap back in his shoulder in return.

"Come on boys."

They both followed the police officer who took them to the garden as they three sat in a couch.

"Mamu give a rest to your police-police smirk. Look at us with love."

"Dad we didn't do anything trust me!

It all happened by itself."

Iffaz gulped down as he waited for his father to shoot them with questions.

"You both are grown up now.

At least now...now stop taking your lives to be comedy stories."

Both the friends exchanged gazes as they thought of some convincing explanations to give him.

"Is that why you brought Sayba here?"

He questioned even though he doesn't believe that they will ever stood this low.

"NO! Mamu believe me it's nothing like that, I can explain.


I love her I want to marry her I promise I really want to marry her, if it was possible now then I would marry her RIGHT AWAY!"

Yazan breathed as he glued his lips and looked at him with hopes knowing that he'll be supportive and understanding.

"Yazan.... not everything is a joke."

"I know...I'm sorry... But I brought her here intending to..."

"Did you force her to agree to....."

"NOOO Dad! Sawda talked to her and she just agreed."

"Okay! Great!"

They three maintained a minute of comfortable silence being buried in their rivers of thoughts.

"Her case will be solved within 3-4 days. Propose her for Nikah after that otherwise she'll feel blackmailed or forced."

Yazan smiled as he breathed out relaxedly.

"And grow up. Please, grow up you both."

He passed them a murderous glare even though a supportive smile sat on his lips.

They both sheepishly smiled exchanging the look of 'we will never!'


"Mmm who'll pay the bills?"

Sayba asked a low whisper.

She didn't want to come to shopping but Sawda forced her as she has no clothes or other daily accessories.

"Bravo me!"

"I hope one day if I get saved from them..... I'll pay your favors back."

Sayba warmly smiled.

"Oh really? We'll see Ma'am."

They both walked around the whole shopping mall buying almost everything that Sayba needs.

"Can I ask you something..."

"Permission granted."

"Hehe! Did you have a love marriage?"

She asked following Sawda to a gents shop.

"Nahhh mm sort of? For me it was arranged, for him....it was type of first sight love?"

Sawda shyly muttered as her cheeks turned heavy with redness.

"And...the sight wasn't of

my face or even eyes, he saw my back!"

She begin laughing out loud making Sayba's mouth hung open as she rolled her eyes and immediately came in front of Sawda, totally surprised and confused.

"What do you mean?"

"He saw my back!" Sayba choked on the air before she shook her head signing that she didn't understand her words.

"My father in law owns a Medical University where our group had to go for a practical project, there I met Iffaz!"

"Ooo! But how did he see your...back!"

"To my bad I didn't wear anything inside my Abaya that day and... somehow it got ripped in it's back, I mean below my shoulder and thankfully it was only him who witnessed the moment!"

Sayba listened to her like a 5 years old baby as her curiosity grew to hear more and sooner.

"Later he gave me his shirt to wear! Aaaeee he was really such a cute gentlemen.

And you know his awrah was seen so he pulled his trousers above his navel and was looking sooooo funny! I laughed miserably forgetting that I made him look like that!"

Her voice cheered up making Sayba smile in joy.

"That's such a lovely memory nah!"

"Hehehehe, later that day when my Abbu came to pick me, he directly asked for my hand to him."

"Aawweee! Bravo! And you also fell for him so easily hehe? You both look so lovely together though I pair him the best with Doctor Yazan."

"Yeah I'll say the same that you'll look lovely with Yazan though he's the best with my hubby."

Sayba's smile slowly vanished as her eyes widened, she realized the meaning of her words which made her whisper Astagfirullah!

"Mmm why are we in the gents shop?"

"Your husband has stolen half clothes of my husband and thus I'm here!"

Sayba rolled her eyes feeling awkward.

"He's not my husband..."

"Then why don't you make him yours?"

"You're very funny you know!"

"I'm serious too."

Sawda winked nodding her head, enjoying the change of expressions of Sayba in every sentence she says.

"By the way......don't you feel jealous of Doctor Yazan? Like how close your husband is with him!"

"Me...Jealous? The otherwise,

Doctor Yazan is jealous of me!

That much blessed their friendship is!"


It's 1 am, even yawning within minutes, she's sleepless.

She decided to pass her time with the phone Yazan has given her to use, till she's staying here, she believed.

She was enjoying till a video appeared out of nowhere and she played it on.

Her curious eyes waited to see what happens next as a lady came walking towards the camera.

"Scream my name."

Sayba pouted finding the scary voice funny, the next moment the lady suddenly ran away out of a door straight far, which now begin opening and closing again and again.

She understood that it is one of those videos where suddenly a ghost appears making people scream, yet, she continued watching it.

At last the door opened creating a loud noise and just then a scary zombie appeared on the screen making her immediately throw the phone in the floor as she jumped and screamed out of fear even knowing that's what was supposed to happen.




"SAYBA...what happ..Sayba..."

The door of his study room opened as he worriedly came out as his eyes fell on her sitting in the bed hugging her knees tightly.

He was so tensed that his breathe hitched, he still can feel his heart yelling out loud beats.


He heavily breathed.

"I'm so so so sorry there was a ghost in that video I'm sorry I knew that he would appear but I didn't intend to yell like that I'm sorry I'm sorry."

"Open The Door Yazan What's Wrong?"

"Bhai open the door! Bhabi are you okay?"

Yazan couldn't even digest Sayba's words as the door was getting slapped unstoppably.

He immediately opened the door inviting them in as his mother and sisters came running towards Sayba.

She cursed herself for giving such a reaction.

She has watched similar videos so many times still she watches them again and again believing herself to be so brave but at last, the ghosts roam around her mind for days everytime making her realize that she's a scared cat.

"Are you okay? What happened?"

"I'm..fine..I'm sorry I...."

"Did Bhai do anything?"

Aaina asked with a serious tone but when Sayba turned to her, she noticed a sheepish smile dancing on her lips.

"Bhai I suggest you to shift to the 2nd floor, better take the sound proof room as you're now married!"

Aaiza teased letting out a giggle and looked at her mother who brought an end to her smile with her glare.

She then moved her gaze to Yazan who's also staring at her with anger.

"Mom she's fine. Go to sleep."

"Okay...but... why's she...in hijab right now?"

Invited to another problem out of nowhere, Yazan turned away having no answer while Sayba looked up at her fake mother in law with an expressionless face.

"Aunty....I..I was in the balcony..that's why."

"Okay. Sleep now."

Yazan's mom walked out of the room with his sisters as Yazan immediately locked the door and turned to Sayba.

"It's midnight and you were....ohh my poor phone!"

Yazan looked down at the phone noticing it's screen totally broke.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."

"Hmm it's ok. Sleep now."

He walked back to the study room after turning the light off.

"I'm scared. I'm going to sleep with....Aaina Aaiza."

He was about to close the door when she said this.


He chuckled.

"Seriously? Are you mad? I'm just in the next room. Sleep soundly."

"No I'm going."

She jumped down the bed to leave.

"Look there's nothing to be scared of! And they sleep with my mother. It'll create another problem."

She turned around and looked down at his feet as he switched the light on again.

"Hey..Sayba! Come on, sleep."

Yazan said as he noticed her hands shivering.

"I shouldn't have watched that video."

She murmured making him chuckle. he leaned over the wall and searched for a solution.

"Please call your sisters. I...I really can't sleep...like that.."

"You are not scared of storms but here you...."

"That's different! I...I..let me go...I..uff.."

Her voice cried making him laugh.

"Come on you can't go to them you know."


"I'll recite loudly from my room, you try to sleep."

Her eyes widened in disbelief hearing this, she looked up at him but their eyes again didn't meet as he turned around to go back to the study room.

"I'll try to sleep the earliest. Thank you."

She said walking back to her bed.

Closing the door, Yazan sat down in the floor as he rested against the wall. He decided to recite Surah Kahf remembering that it's also Friday now.

There was fear filled in her eyes as she laid down on the bed and waited for his voice to play on.

When he begin reciting, her heart raced in peace. She closed her eyes and hugged the side pillow tightly.

His voice did magic to her ears, she soon felt sleepy but her concentration is with the words he's reciting.

She wanted the voice louder and nearer to her ears.

"Ma Sha Allah!"

Unable to control anymore, she jumped down the bed and ran towards study room only to slip down in the floor which made her scream once again!

He paused reciting and opened the door to find her in the floor, rubbing her elbow as she's hissing in pain.

"What happened again?"

He asked, huffing.

"Mmm I wanted to listen to you from here."

She whispered, embarrassed.


"You recite beautifully, Ma Sha Allah. Continue. No problem I'll manage to listen from the bed."

Clicking her tongue in assurance, Sayba waved her hand at him biding him bye, he smiled, beamed even more and ended up guffawing at her, causing her smirk back mischievously.

'Embarrassing! I'm embarrassing. No I am the embarrassment.'

"Night miss."

"Night, Doctor."

Sighing at the door shut off, she made a high jump back to the bed and buried herself inside the comfortor.

Cheeks flushing in crimson, warm.

"He's a 10"

Sayba mumbled, her heart leaping.

"But not mine, so he's a 1."


I hope you're enjoying even though Yazan and Sayba's scenes are less.

They'll get married in the next chap so......have patience!

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