《Universe Of Hearts✓》•1 Yazan And Sayba



Doctors Series.

Story 3

Linking Our Hearts.

Yazan And Sayba


Assalamu Alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu.

Even though the other 2 stories were as prioritized and loved as it will be by me, I've always been soooooo excited and desperate to write this one!

Finally starting it after a whole year of having it attacked in my tiny mini cute sweet honey little yummy useless brain.

So this time let them introduce themselves. I'm tired!😏

Hi readers, do you like my name? Hiihie thaaank yooou. Know me then!

I'm now 19 years old, when I was 17 my parents died and I was thrown to a hell, I mean an orphanage of course.

I spent two years in there. The last year, well.......

they trapped me with two choices given if I submit myself to them, they won't touch the other girls.

But if I want myself uninvolved, they'll get it through the other girls who didn't even reach their puberty age!

And then the year spent like it had no definite end. Some days I guess I didn't even see the sunlight but not a single day passed by in which they didn't me.

Then he arrived, with the qualification that healed my body and the feelings that healed my heart.

Yazan Mirza: Hey heart and beauty owners! Okay let me not flirt, my wife is right beside me tho!

So let me start!

First of all, I'm very handsome, Ma Sha Allah! Sksksksksks....!

Lesson: Never delay to state the truth!

I'm 26, done with my medicals and my career is also settled because my father owns the hospital in which I work.

Showing off a stone heart, tearless eyes and emotionless expression are not familiar to my character. Why be fake?

They might not think about their future queens but my one is always active in my thoughts!

Dreamy I know, but I hope when my gaze falls at her, I realize at once, it's only her!

Writer: Ufff, look I'm back readers!

So I hope they're known enough to you all now but let me also say something at least.

He lost his father in childhood so his family consists of his mother and two younger twin sisters.

Yazan's mother will play the role of a toxic mother in law, type of yuck from mouth, good from heart, gezzee I'm so excited to write about her!

The other two main leads are Iffaz and Sawda who'll be seen throughout the story a lot!

you'll get to know the meaning of the purest best friendship through Iffaz and Yazan!


For the last, please have patience, don't rush, kindly don't gift me negative comments and do enjoy the ride!


Storm in his heart, anger boiling in mind, eyebrows furrowing, lips sealed as his eyes were getting moist, he looked up at the laptop's screen.

"Don't Look At Me Like That. I'm Your Mother Yazan Mirza!"

And that's why he's also like his mother, stubborn and determined.

He let out a chuckle biting his lower lip as he shook his head at her and gripped the pillow in his fist.

"You're! That's why I'm not being rude hmm? Mom, I'm saying for the last time.

Don't Force Me Into This."

"Then what shall I do Yazan? You won't agree in any way. I don't have any other choi....."

"Allah! Mom please stop this drama. I'll marry when I need to and the one I myself choose. You can't just...."

"But you don't choose anyone! What about that?"

He gritted his teeth and turned his gaze to Iffaz who sat silent, listening to their conversation with least attention, lost in a thought.


Yazan shook his arm by his as Iffaz immediately cleared his throat and decided to interrupt.

"Aani he doesn't like her. What'll you get by pressurizing him like that?"

He sounded annoyed at which Yazan's mother returned him a glare as she became angrier not having anyone's support.

"He needs no reason to reject good girls."


"SHE HAD! Now she only likes you Yazan, give her a chance."

"And I don't like her, I don't want me to give myself any chance let alone give her a thought!"

"Okay! Fine! And? What about the other girls huh? Please son point their flaws out too!"

She gave him a fake laugh out as her eyebrows raised questioningly waiting for his reply.

This made him more incensed, at himself and then at his mother.

"I don't find any of them right for me. When I do, I'll let you know."

"Okay I'm enough with you! You'll marry Aafia! And you're coming Lahore the next month. Allah Hafi......"

"He got married."

"I got married."

Iffaz and Yazan said at the same second with no less of confidence in their voices. They exchanged gazes feeling proud of the lie.

"I'm sorry? Say what?"

They said nothing.

His mother took a minute to examine their expressions and be sure by that if they lied or exposed the truth.

"Aafia's parents are coming tonight. I am no longer asking for your opi..."

"I really got married."

"He really got married."

Again after a minute of silence, Iffaz and Yazan looked at each other thinking who should elaborate the lie.

"He....her...She's a friend of Sawda and he met her few times and he likes her but her Nikah was arranged but it broke in the wedding day and he married her that day itself."

Iffaz lied purely in one go. Even though this lie isn't at all planned, they both are sure that it will somehow work.

Yazan's mother was surprised but it's not that unexpected to her. She knew that her son would anytime decide to do anything just with a single thought without caring for anybody.

"Shall I believe you two?"


Excuses after excuses, lies after lies!


"We are really sorry Doctor, you just arrived and we called you here. But please understand it's midnight and heavily raining. She....she won't survive if we delay till the morning."

Yazan nodded his head while vigorously ruffling his hair.

He had been sweating even though the environment around was gelid enough to make everyone shiver to death.

"Who found her?"

His cold voice whispered.

"We, we were leaving and thus...."

"Okay prepare the OT."

Yazan's phone rang as he moved away and answered the call having it from Iffaz.

"Yazan? How's she? Are you okay? Look I called Doctor Siya but she also can't come right now and I...I'm sorry I'm still hours away."

"Calm down Fazi. I'll make it out. Don't be hurried."

"Hmm. Fi Amanillah."

He cut the call and took a deep breathe finding for rest of his heart. Unlike the other times, now he was not

conscientious nor energized as he should be as a surgeon.

"Doctor we are ready."

After wearing his scrubs he made his way to the OT as his eyes fell on the bed where she laid unconscious, clothed with scars and wounds.

It immediately made him shiver as he clenched his fists having no control over his feelings. He walked to the bed putting his mask on.


He stared at her face numbly for a second feeling those unfamiliar emotions developing in his mind.

Gulping down, he made his hand reach near hers as his fingers softly ran over her wrist. His eccentricity begin growing as his breathes fastened, he's restless yet the feeling is peaceful.

He checked her pulse and immediately let go of her hand as if it gave him electrical shock.

The nurses exchanged gazes finding his expression to be purely made of arrogance while his eyes seemed emotional and pitiful.


And his heart also started linking it to hers!


"Umm hmm, can I come in?"

Hearing a manly voice Sayba fixed her Hijab given by the nurse. she quietly sat up with lowered gaze while playing with her fingers.

Yazan entered with a file in his hand, he wanted to look anywhere but her, unfortunately his eyes deceived him, her view again brought him the same selcouth feelings.

"Good morning miss Sayba."

He sounded enough confident though only he knows what's going inside his mind.

Sayba nodded her head still attending to the war between her fingers.

When she noticed the nurse making her way with a syringe to her, she immediately moved back shaking her head.

"Please....not that."

Her euphonious voice made his heart race as he gritted his teeth warning himself of the trouble which his heart is causing.

"Calm down it won't hurt you."

The nurse tried to pull her hand but she again stepped away and looked up at her with a glare.

"Hah! Doctor."

The nurse rolled her eyes at Yazan as he chuckled making his way towards them.

"No need, medicines will do. Did she eat anything?"

"Yeah ma'am is hungry she says and ice cream seems to be her staple food."

The nurse teased making Sayba close her eyes in embarrassment as Yazan chuckled knowing so.

"You'll get that but what will you eat for lunch?"

"Ice cream will do."


"Can I come in?"

"Yeah please."

A female police officer entered the room making Sayba smile in contentment as she assumed herself to be freed from those rapists.

"Hmm someone is smiling, how are you doing now?"

The officer patted her back as hearing her Yazan tried to catch a view of Sayba's smile but failed.


'Let those cliche feelings come real when I meet her Ya Allah!'

Again her voice brought lightening storm in his heart, to further avoid which he stepped back and immediately left the room.

He was walking with closed eyes when he bumped with Iffaz as they both looked at reach other with wide eyes.


Yazan tried to escape but Iffaz caught his arm giving a trouble alarm to him.

"How's she now?"

"She's fine."

"And you're not."

Yazan nodded his head like a baby passing him a helpless smile, signing that he himself is unaware of why is he not fine.


Yazan still didn't inform his mother that he has returned to Lahore and also as they're not at home, he decided to stay in the hospital till then.

Hearing the thunderstorm's grumbles and growls, his sleep broke as he rubbed his eyes and looked around to find the surrounding empty.

He checked the time in his wrist watch which showed it's 2 O'clock now.

Feeling cold, he searched for his hoodie but didn't get it here.

He then decided to check on Sayba as he made his way to her room.

He opened the door but unexpectedly she wasn't there. Assuming that she might be in washroom, he looked at that way, but no, the washroom door is also open.

"Where...is..... NURSE."

Impatiently he ran to the nurse's room and begin banging on the door nonstop.


"Where is she?"

"Sayba? She must be sleeping Doctor Yaz..."

"She's not there! Why didn't you sleep with her?"

He sounded angry as the nurse immediately made her way to the room.

He also checked around the whole hospital and at last came out catching someone walking in the backside of the hospital.

"S A Y B A."

He yelled her name running to her way but she didn't even hear him.

Lost in her thoughts she's, enjoying the walk and the lightening bolts of the sky as rain showered her with joy and peace.

He wiped his face and stood behind her.

"Hello, Sayba."

She turned around at him but didn't meet his face.



Yazan screamed as he fell on the ground fearing the loud scream of the storm. He tapped his hands against his ears with closed eyes unable to bear the sound.

"I'm sorry...uhh...what..."

But it seems like she's totally fine by the lights and sounds.

"Why...are you here at this time? Please come inside."

He stood straight and said in a cold tone still keeping his ears and eyes off.

"You..go..I'll come later."

She replied and turned away.

"Wha...are you planning to die? Hello! Miss! Hey! You hear me?"

"Miss Sayba! Are you coming?"

"Ya Allah isn't she afraid of...AAAAA!"

He again screamed when the light warned about the upcoming booming sound.


"I better not die for her."

He huffed stomping on his feet as she isn't at all responding to him.

He made his way back to the hospital when she has also decoded to go back to her room.

Having his sight seen yet, she quickly walked to him and took off the hoodie that she wore finding it in a couch out of her room.

"Doctor...mmm I don't know whose this is...mm can you..."

She extended her hand to him without looking up for even once.

"It's mine. Please go and sleep now."


She mumbled in a soft whisper as he moved his gaze at her, wishing if she could look up so that he may meet her eyes. But that remained unfulfilled.



Not at all caring if he's right or not, he listened to his feelings and decided to bring her to his home until the case solves as the police begin interrogating the rapists.

His wish of first sight love came true that he realized, but yet didn't want to prove it to himself.

"This way please."

They both walked together till the doorside of Yazan's home as he moved away to receive the call from Iffaz.

Sayba stood at the door waiting for him, unaware of what's happening with her and what'll happen with her in the upcoming time.

"Sorry sorry...come."

As the door was open, both of them stepped inside looking around the hall, finding none there.

"But... why'll I stay here?"



His mother's voice dug his voice inside his throat as his gaze walked to her who's making her way to them.


He was about to run to her but the smirk that she passed him, tied his legs tight and unmoved.


She smiled standing just after him.

"I missed you."

He hugged her but her attention was with Sayba. When Yazan didn't break the hug, she forced him back and moved near Sayba.

"Assalamu Alaikum..."

"Mom she's....."

"So beauty won, hmm Yazan?"

Yazan's eyes widened at his mother's statement. He felt thunderstorm taking birth in his brain as he shook his head at her, helplessly smiling.


"I thought you were lying, but...here she is!"

She chuckled at Sayba who watched her numbly, unable to understand what's happening here.

"It's not what you're..."

"Walaikum Assalam. Come."

His mother grabbed Sayba's hand as she quietly followed her.

She made her sit in the couch with her and took her hands in her lap while Yazan began shivering out of fear and shock seeing the scene.

"What's your name?"


She nodded her head and for a minute kept looking at her face finding nothing to say.

Turning her head to Yazan, she gave him a murderous glare which made him pout as he pulled his hair in frustration.

"Okay! Go to room and take rest, we will have a long talk after that."

Yazan obediently nodded his head and looked at Sayba who's still staring at his mother with confused eyes.

"Mis......Sayba, come with me."

"Feel free here, it's your home, hmm?"

Yazan's mother patted her shoulder as Sayba nodded her head and stood up to follow Yazan to his bedroom.

As soon as she entered the room, Yazan locked the door and fell down on the floor holding his head in shock, his eyes widened and mouth gaped open.

"What have I done!"

"I'm sorry...may I know what's happening?"

"May you take rest until I prepare my explanation for you?"

He sarcastically replied laughing at himself. What else is he capable of?


He stood up and ran to his study room which is attached to his bedroom.


"I'm sorry Miss Sayba please give me some time."

The door was shut off as he crazily ran around the room like a kid after calling Iffaz, impatient to have it answered.

"YAZAN MIRZA! For Allah's sake I'm newly married so let me behave like a HUSBAND with my WIFE!"

Yazan looked at his reflection from the mirror as he made a puppy face and roughly caressed his beard.

"I umm Sayba...."

"I know Zaani so just marry her!"

"It's not about that. Mom...Mom thought her to be my wif..."


They both enjoyed one minute of silence after which Iffaz switched the call to video.

"Let me see your expression my love!"

Iffaz teased as Yazan's face appeared in the phone's screen.

"Awwwee my boy is looking soooo cute! Just like a newly born hubby!"

"Fazi shut up and solve this thing!"

"What's there to solve?

She wanted you to get married and now she believes that you are married!

That too with the one for whom you are already falling in LOVE!"

Iffaz giggled like a girl enjoying his friend's expressions which are changing in seconds like chameleons change their colors.

"Please don't do this Faazi. I can't get her into trouble like that."

"Okay I'm coming in an hour. And Zaani....can you do a favour for me?"


He whispered biting his nails.

"I'll be really there after an exact hour. So....can you please not disturb me till then?"

Iffaz sheepishly smiled as Yazan glared at him and nodded his head.

"Your wife became a barrier between our friendship."

He cut the call gritting his teeth.

And the drama starts now!


🤫Hi there!

How are you all and how's the chappy?

Give your honest reviews please!

😂Sorry my over excitement for the story didn't let me write it heartily. But I hope it was enough well to seek your interest.

Please do



Bye bye

Allah Hafiz!

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