《Universe Of Hearts✓》•20


29th May, 2021


19 years later.


He surely despised her choice of getting on the public bus but at least for the first time to his fortune, he got to have her so near him and that feels so sensational!

Her mind was busy scolding and cursing herself to not call her father to pick her up but get on the bus instead having no other choice.

He covered his face with his cap while coming across her path for which she didn't even notice him here, otherwise Allah knows what ways her heart would take to bother her with it's feelings.

The bus is little overcrowded as the seats are full, he stood just behind her, able to hear her groaning in frustration because of getting late.

He had kept enough distance between them until someone forced him to move closer to her. Just a step more, they'd collide.

The warm air blew inside the windows as he shut his eyes off when the floating part of her Niqaab touched his face that he inhaled in having her scent bringing peace in his heart.


Nahiaan whispered praying that he gets to have her heavenly fragrance all around him for ever and eternity.

It's Nahiaan girls, not Shahveer!


"She's gone...just...like that....Hasbi Allah."

He couldn't pronounce the words out correctly as his eyes itched in pain.

Sometimes letting tears flow down our eyes gives peace and lessens pain, but nothing existed ever that pained him more than these drops of tears that he's forced to shed now.

He can't even keep his eyes open, it's really the worst that he's going through.

Though he's not suffering alone here, the other two boys stood a little far from him, helpless, their eyes fighting with an unbearable suffocation, yet they're laughing on themselves.

"What was my fault? Who goes for such a long time?"

Shahveer yelled out loud.

"Dad come on she's not gone forever. It's been just 2 days, Ya Rabb, you're so dramatic even in this situation!"

Nashwan rolled his eyes at Shahveer before he walked to the sink to wash his face.

"Yeah damn 2 days. She should have left some food for us at least."

"That's your punishment Dad, now we are also suffering."

Nahiaan passed him a toothy smile as a drop of tear escaped down his eye.

"Yeah...you guys will understand once you get married."

Shahveer continued chopping the onions which are the sole reason of them to be in this critical situation.

"Couldn't we have ordered something instead?"

Nashwan frowned at the idea of cooking biriyani.

"Only if I knew the wrath of onions."

They then continued working and crying until satisfactory smiles arrived on their lips hearing the doorbell ringing.

"OH ALLAH is Mom back?"

Throwing the world away Nashwan ran out of the kitchen to open the door as he welcomed Thanzia with tears.

"Aaaiiiii you're crying Nashwan....."

"Mom...ummm... thanks for returning. Please take me with you the next time you decide to punish my father."

Nashwan embraced her in a tight hug as she laughed and stepped in.

"Mom me too! I don't know if the punishment was only for Dad or what, but we both are also suffering."

Nahiaan wiped his tears and gave her a kiss as she came in the dining hall while removing her Niqaab and Abaya.

"Awwhhh really? Were you guys cooking? Where's the Doctor?"

"The doctor is operating onions, they died making us cry so bad."


Shahveer came walking out of the kitchen while rubbing his eyes as he hissed in pain.

"Oh Allah! Seriously? What's happening!"

She pouted noticing three of their eyes so red and tearful.

"Mom does it hurt you this much while cutting onions?"

Nashwan gave her a sorry face.

"Onions! Nope? Not this much....but mmm.....uhh..guys I've chopped enough of them before leaving. Didn't you search for that in the fridge?"

She walked to Shahveer as he's silently standing against the wall while rubbing his eyes harshly but the torment is still unbearable.


"Mom you should have told us!"


Veer, what's wrong?"

She moved his hands from his eyes as leaning up she gently caressed his cheeks.

"They hurt so bad. Umm you never cried while..."

Shahveer asked in worry and guilt as he never noticed whether she suffered everyday like this for onions.

"These are surly not the onions we usually buy Doctor. Have you bought them newly?"

"Yeah Mom I bought these evil onions. All thanks and tears dedicated to me, Nashwan Tanveer Warsi!"


"Sorry! I didn't hear. Say again."

Thanzia raised her eyebrows with full attention as Nahiaan became more tensed.

He shivered when her picture flashed on his mind. What else can give such feelings except for love?

"Mom....I meant...."

"Bhai come on spill out."

Nashwan's smile brought confidence to him as he gulped down and sat on his knees.

He took Thanzia's hands near his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

"Mom....I like....som.. someone."

The burden of hiding this inside his heart flew away as he voiced out to her.

"Ohh....hmm...umm... Who's she?"

His moist eyes widened as his mind crowded with different kind of thoughts. He couldn't even gather his voice to talk at once with bravery.

"Why're you tensed Iaan? Come on sit up."

She tried to pull him but he shook his head and looked at her with a puppy face.

Chuckling, she bowed down and kissed his forehead.

"If you know what you feel is right, then you shouldn't be afraid like this."

He nodded his head with a smile appearing on his lips.

"So... who's she?"

Thanzia looked at him with questioning eyes but he said nothing.


"Hmm Maa?"

"Do you know about it?"

"Yeah I do..... She's from his University."

Nashwan ruffled his hair as he said, so shy as if he's the one to be in love.

"Ohh! What more?"

"She umm.....she is his 2 years senior."

Thanzia's eyes widened in shock as she moved her gaze to Nahiaan whom she found so nervous that he begin sweating.

"Allahu Akbar! Like your father, Iaan?"

She giggled ruffling his hair.

"And? Say?"

"Mom ask him!"

"But he lost his voice! Huh? Iaan? Will you say something?"

"Hmm umm...yeah."

He brought her hand to his chest where his heart is beating hastily.

"I don't know her....just...we cross our paths everyday."

"What's her name?"


His shivering voice replied.

"Fatima....ohh...what more do you know about her?"

"Mom I don't know anything. I don't! I just...like her...love her...I don't know."

Thanzia and Nashwan laughed at his condition as he fell down on the floor pouting like a kid.

"How my boy turned 22 so fast that now he even fell in love with someone!



Suddenly fear aroused in her as she stood up with an ache forming in her heart.


They both got afraid of her sudden reaction as they confusingly stared at her.


Nahiaan uttered with helplessness in his eyes.

"I'm...umm..no..I just...uhh... what's her full name?"

"I don't know yet. But what's wrong?"

"Nothing Iaan. Come on sit here."

They sat in their places again keeping a comfortable silence as Thanzia and Nahiaan were busy in their thoughts while Nashwan was doing something in his phone.

"Her name is.....Fatima Al Zahra."

Nashwan said looking at the phone's screen. To be sure if she heard the right, Thanzia looked at him raising her eyebrows.

"Geezzee! My job is to find out all these huh, yeah Bhai?"

He winked at Nahiaan.

"Her name is?"

"Fatima Al Zahra!"

This time Nahiaan uttered the name as the sweetness of his voice echoed her ears making her smile in pleasure.

She thanked Allah in her heart to be heard of that which she was praying for.

"Ohhoo Mom as your son is falling more deep in her love, when shall we bring her home?"

"First know where she lives."

"She lives in...ohh wow in our city!"

"Let me see."

Nahiaan snatched the phone from him and begin checking out all her informations.

"Her father's name is Ism...."

"Ismail Aziz?"

Thanzia raised his eyebrows controlling her smile as Nahiaan looked up in confusion.

"Ismail Aziz!"

He uttered in awe.


He screamed out of his lungs in shock.

"Idiot. He's your Chachu and later your boss."

"Mom? What...! WHAT! Aani's daughter? Which daughter?"

Nahiaan jumped on his place unable to digest the truth.


"Wallahi Bhai! I can't believe this! You didn't even know this!"

Nashwan covered his mouth as his eyes widened.

"Shut up! I gave you such a simple work but you couldn't even find out whose daughter she is!"

He glared at him and moved his concentration back to the phone's screen.

"Leave the phone and come here."

"Mom! Allah! Why did I not know this?"

"Bhai you're saying like you love Fatima and you can't love her if she's Zahra!"

"No...umm..but....Zahra....I can't believe!"

Finally he half smiled, relieved.

"Like father like son."


"Your junior....umm what's her name Zahra? The girl who came yesterday here?"

"Aadiba, why?"

"No, that...she's just Ma Sha Allah!"

"Ohh, is she?"


"Great! Then marry off your son to her."

"Yeah I guess, not that soon though. But days will pass in hurry like they did."

"She'll be a good match for Nashwan."

Zahra winked giving her a smile which died when Thanzia shook her head in response.


"Aani.... you're being like those typical aunties! Searching for brides like....."

"No but I really liked that girl. I'm not joking around huh?"

"She's not at all of Iaan's type."

"Who says?"


"Come on Zahra I'm serious. I like her."

"Aani will you stop it! Let's change the topic for good."

Staying silent for about 2 minutes, Zahra looked at Thanzia with nervousness as she moved closer to her and rested her head in her lap.



"Iaan earns well right. What does he do with his salary?"

"He's saving all of it."

"Great...umm...are..you really thinking of marr...."

"His marriage? He'll turn 22 within 2 months so I'm just....not like I'm really going to get him a bride right away."


"You're the one who should be the bride now. Why did you reject yesterday's proposal? Everything was good about the groom right?"

Zahra sat up and looked at her with a smile, nervous, if she should say what's in her heart or not.

"Hmm Zahra?"

"I....mm..I want to say something."

Her voice came out soft and fearful as she tightly held Thanzia's hand for courage.

"What happened?"


"Yeah, he?"

"I...love him..."

A tear fell down her eye as she said in a whisper and immediately broke the eye contact with Thanzia.

"You...do? Zahra! There's nothing to be afraid, is there? Oh how did you follow my step!"

"I don't want to delay and then let him marry someone else like you did."

"So my girl fell in love with my son! Allah!"


"Maa...Ismail Chachu won't agree."

Nahiaan said as if he's complaining to her.

"Why so Bhai? You're his assistant, not his enemy. Or you became that?"

"Nashwan! Keep your mouth zipped."

"We were fine untill I entered as his assistant. He's...so strict. I'm so scared of him."

He massaged his forehead, so worried as if he's going to be accused to murder.

"Come on Iaan! Why would he...."

"And Zahra....she...umm I don't think she'll even like me. Mom how does she look? Yeah obviously like a human but......"

"Like a Jinn!"

Nashwan said and burst out laughing crazily.


"Bhai have you gone mad? I can't believe this!"

"This boy! Nashwan go away from here."

"Yeah I'm not in these issues! Astagfirullah! How do people even fall in love!"

Saying, Nashwan ran away.


"I wish she would also feel the same for me like you did for Dad...."

"Even if she does, you don't know, like your Dad didn't. But you won't marry the wrong girl like him hmm?"

"How are we even sure of that!"

"Because we won't let that happen again."

He smiled at her believing that firmly.

"Okay Maa. Need to go."

He stood up to leave.

Thanzia first thought to not talk about Zahra's feelings for him but seeing him so worried and desperate, she couldn't keep that inside herself.

"Zahra loves you too Iaan."

The difference between their love stories is that Shahveer had to be very patient with his pain to get his love and Nahiaan is blessed to have it at the first place.


"Listen I have better things to do than submit my heart to someone else. Such unrealistic feelings exist so widely!"

"Oh Hello! I'm not selling my heart to anyone. Geezzeee is the so called love a business?"

Their voices echoed out at the same time as Nashwan said to Thanzia while Zaisha yelled in the call to her elder sister, Zahra.

To know whose voice that was, Zaisha turned her head to the back finding Nashwan and Thanzia sitting there.


"Both of you are same! Idiots."

Zahra slapped her head and got up to leave.

Nashwan looked at the gap of her Niqaab as his eyes met with hers for a second, he immediately averted his gaze scolding the feeling called love.

"Hello Zaisha? You hear me?"

Zahra asked in the call as she's getting ready for her wedding while all others are already in the wedding hall.

"Yeah I hear you. I'm pleased that Nashwan Bhai also thinks the same as me."

"Nashwan? What did he say? Where did you now get him?"

"Ufff Appi let it be. Why are you even discussing these love issues with me? I'm just 18 for Allah's sake."

Though Nashwan didn't want to give concentration to her words, as she's talking enough louder that he couldn't resist to only attend to that.

"It's you who's giving me lecture about love and all okay? Now cut the call. Idiot."

"Huh she's idiot. Everyone is idiot except for me."

Zaisha gritted her teeth in frustration as she cut the call and slapped her head.

"Allah I hope they don't marry me off to someone who falls in love with me."

Even though she's speaking to none, she said this out which went heard by Nashwan as he couldn't control his laughter at this.

She turned around finding him in tears while laughing crazily.

"Ohhh Allah! Seriously Zaisha? Who says that! Hahahahahaha!"

"Huh I thought you think the same."

"At...least not this... Allah!"

"Great! Oh I just realized what I said. So I'm the idiot here between us."

They parted their ways but something formed in the hearts that began growing intense for each other, maybe soon to be realized as love!


"Assalamu Alaikum."

He whispered making his way to her as she's sitting jn the floor, busy playing with 2 kittens.

"Awwe babies! You're so cute!"

"Assalamu Alaikum...."

He now said in a throaty voice.

She jumped on her place and immediately turned around to him.


She looked down as Nahiaan sat beside her and took one of the kitten in his hand.

"Did you like them?"

"Did you bring them for me?"

She asked, her cheeks forming an crimson color on them as she felt herself feeling cold and shy.


He smiled, his eyes roaming around her face unable to take her beauty for granted.

"They're so cute! So tiny! Where is their Mumma?"

"She... died...so I brought them."

"Awehh! Thank you!"

She felt so happy that she wished to give him a kiss in return.

For the joy of having these kittens, she forgot that it's her wedding night that too with the man whom she loved from always.

"Can anything be more adorable than their voices and beauty! Awwe!"


Nahiaan whispered staring at her without blinking for once.

His answer made her eyes roll as she looked at him in shock, when their eyes met, she immediately moved her gaze away feeling shy.

"Umm sorry.. huh...yeah..."

She kept them back in their little wood made house and walked to the bed where she saw Nahiaan sitting.

Nahiaan immediately got up and stood in front of her, her gaze on the floor, his waiting for her eyes to be on him.


Keeping a step of distance between them, Nahiaan raised his hand and began unpinning her Hijab.

Removing it, he also unclipped her hair as they fell freely on her back.

He came closer and took her scent, it felt exactly like that day when he smelt her Niqaab.



"What...if you are also..mistaken like...Veer Chachu?"


He replied and immediately pulled her into a protective hug as her head sat on his chest, against his heart, which sings for her in it's core.


"Shahveer! Allah Allah! The night is so freezing!"

Thanzia hugged her arms as she walked around exploring the decorations of the garden that her husband did for her.

"Shahveer! Look it's all beautiful but I'm feeling so cold! You could have asked me to bring my sweater at least."

Her gaze fell on a beautiful tent sitting open for her as she smiled and made her way towards it.

Before she could get in, his footsteps took her attention as she immediately turned back and found him walking to her.

The very known known and successful Cardiologist,

dressed in a white t-shirt with a white hoodie on top,

his khaki pants rolled up above his ankles,

hair cut in army styled as she preferred and a small box in his hand, is looking ever so drop dead gorgeous and hot.

Even being 43, he looks the same as he looked years before in yougnhood.

"Geeezzzeeee Doctor! It's our son's wedding night. Not ours, you're most probably mistaken."

She raised her eyebrows as her voice shivered along with her body in cold.

"So? I don't think I need wedding nights to have such nights with my beloved wife."

He passed her a lovely smile and took off his hoodie to put it on her arms.

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