《Universe Of Hearts✓》•19



Settling Nashwan in his crib, she made her way to the couch as her eyes fell on her husband who's busy gulping the words of the book he's holding, beside him sat her son who's also lost in the screen of a phone, as if that's all his life is about!

Creating space, she sat in Shahveer's lap as he made her comfortable in there but didn't give her a single glance or say something to her. She quietly rested her head in his shoulder and closed her eyes praying her leg pain to die soon.

But it went worse, as if the bones of her legs are getting crushed. Tears continuously rained down her eyes unable to bear this pain as she gritted her teeth in annoyance and hugged him tighter.

His attention was caught when he felt his t-shirt wet as he tried to have a view of her face but she disallowed.

"Are you sleepy?"


She shook her head and wiped her tears in the crook of his neck.

"Zia are you crying?"

He made her face him as tension formed in his eyes seeing her ones bloodred continuously shooting tears down them.

"What happened Zia?"

"Nothing my legs are paining a little....maybe little more....mmmm a lot."

She tried to again rest on his shoulder but he immediately moved his head as she glared at him.

First he wiped her tears and then stood up settling her legs securely around his waist as she held him tightly.

He made her lay down on the bed and opened the drawer of the nightstand bringing out a bottle of oil.

Sitting near her legs, he pulled her nightly up till her knees and started applying that balm in her legs.

"Mmm I need to put Nahiaan to sleep."

"I'll do that. Close your eyes, off to sleep."

He leaned down and placed a kiss under her feet.

"Thank you."

"Mummum Dadda!"

Nahiaan came running towards them as he's done with whatever he was doing in the phone.


With a lot of efforts, he got up in the bed with his tiny short legs.

"Come here."

Thanzia extended her hand to him but he shook his head and looked at her legs, thinking why his father is doing that to her.

"Mummum waat appened?"

(What happened)

"Mumma's legs hurt."

"Will they stop huting if you do that Dadda?"


When Shahveer nodded his head, Nahiaan gave a nervous look to Thanzia and then looked back at Shahveer, at last he moved his gaze to her free leg as Shahveer is massaging the other.

"Both legs hut?"

"Yes baby!"

"Dadda can I do that with you too?"

"Aiii no Iaan, come to Mummum."

Thanzia tried to pull him by his hand but he immediately moved back with attitude and sat on her thigh as he began tapping her leg with both his hands.

"Such a gentle-child my son is!"

Thanzia proudly smiled.

"After all he's the son of a gentleman!"

As minutes passed, Shahveer found Nahiaan's head bowing down as his eyes closed off. He immediately made him lay down beside Thanzia. Having her asleep too, he turned off the lights and laid down beside them to sleep.


This man!

I waited and yearned for him over years, let's just forget everything that happened in between, at last I'm here tied with him for the rest of the years I'll live.

"Compare us, you can ya?"

He turned to me, still keeping that fresh smile laid on his lips.

I shook my head moving a step away from him, staring around as the view in front blessed my eyes.

Handling our babies to Aapi he has brought me here to a hillock, saying that we need to have a 'spill out your heart' talk!

Maybe we do!

"Mmm your eyes are same as his, also noses are of the same shape haha! His lips were...more of a dark cinnamon, yours are type of syrup color.

And you know his incisors teeth would sooooo cutely show up always when he smiled, yours don't, right? Yeah.


Your beard is so thick as his but yours is...shorter, yet soft and beautiful, his would tickle me a lot anyways, geezzee! I don't know what I'm saying Ya Allah! Which husband asks to compare him to his wife's ex husband huh?"

I gritted my teeth expecting him to laugh but he still only smiled at me.

I felt shy but slowly made my eyes contact his, that somehow transferred so many emotions to mine.

And now his look again makes me miss my baby's father!

Suddenly he begin laughing out loud, surely over my words.

"You didn't even leave his teeth to have noted right?"

"There's everything included."

I bit my lip recalling every moment that I had spent watching Tanveer for hours when he would sleep. His every feature would give birth to peace in my wounded heart.

"How did you fall for Bhai?"

"When I realized that the reason I fell for you had him in it too."

"Hmm? What reason?"

He eyed at me.

He unclipped my hair as I sat quiet enjoying the icy wind massaging my skin so lovingly.

My eyes shut off when his hand moved my hair to the other side as his fingers teased my earlobe.

"I don't even know how you fell for me."

He whispered making me face him. I don't want to talk, that would disturb my enjoyment of this heavenly air-play and his finger's magic to my hair.

"You look....seductive."

My eyes wide opened hearing his voice.


"Yeah you were giving me that look."

"But my eyes were closed."

I smirked at which he blinked his eyes in shyness shaking his head.

"No umm...it's peaceful that you're playing with my hair."

"Owh....okay now spill?"


"How did this niqaabi tigress fell for me?"

He began ending the distance of our faces that did when his lips softly attached to my forehead. I smiled having his warm breathe colliding with mine.


"I heard your voice in some Quran recitations....mmm...I would listen to them always until the voice was loved more than the lyrics. But...it went worse.

When I found out it's you...I don't..know how the feelings formed. It was too hard...I thought that it'll be over soon...but.........."

I said in one go. My voice seemed heavy with agony but to support his hands caught mine tightly as he sat the closest to me.

I opened my eyes to meet with his dark brown ones as he looked at me with a gorgeous smile.

"You know you could have proposed me."

"How would I? Medical was the most important to you until...you fell for me in a different way, and did I know that?"

My heart dangerously throbbed, I felt myself getting restless, the guilt I had all those years for not getting the courage to propose him but delay again formed in me, that was so worse!

"You're shivering....love...hey..."

I constantly nodded my head and took his face in my hands. He alluringly smiled, Alhamdulillah, having him now with me as my better half worths all the ache my heart went through.

"That reason had him in it too, umm did you mean our voices that..."

"Yeah...huh! I begin dreaming of the owner of the voice before even knowing who the owner is!

And then getting to know that.......two owners eeh!"

I laughed at myself trying my best to not let those emotions gather and make me cry.

I felt his hands softly caressing my cheeks, calming me down.

"You know it's so amazing that I own someone who belonged to my brother once."

"Hehe really?"

I couldn't control laughing hysterically in disbelief even though I found my heart in agonizing pain for that moment , he said that in such a tone as if...........oh I can't even explain!

His love for Tanveer amazes me!

Laying on the ground he rested his head on my lap and stared up at my face with a childish grin. Sun rays fell on his face making him blink again and again in discomfort before I leaned down and became a barrier between them.


Guess what kind of scenes the Epilogue will have?😉

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