《Universe Of Hearts✓》•18


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She stood resting against the railing, looking up at the sky, her eyes following those broken pieces of clouds walking by as the wind played with her hair, soothing the old yet fresh scars of her heart.

Everything's going well Alhamdulillah, that ever she expected from Allah, but still, the mood swings of heart doesn't even care to end!

She stared helplessly at the sky, as if it's a show of the beautiful memories that she spent with her husband.

"I miss you Tanvi..."

He came as a stranger and left as a martyr building a royal home in her heart that she didn't know how grew so wide to let her heart forever rule over it, with unforgettable memories of love!

Teasing and taunting her feelings, she half smiled as her eyes closed dropping down some tears, wondering how could she be fated to have such complex feelings towards both the brothers.

She begin loving him yet never lost her feelings for the other one, after all he was her first love.

And now when her heart found it's place to her first and true love, it still couldn't accept the loss of the other as she loved him too, after all he was her better half, her husband.

"You got what you yearned for and really deserve! May Allah accept you as a martyr, my baby's father."

Mumbling up to the sky, she wiped her face as she turned away and begin making her way to the bedroom.

"Why's there no noise............"

"Aaaaaaaiii mmmmmm Mummaaaaaa niiiii Mummummm...aaaaa..ooooo.."

She immediately followed the voice that led her to the washroom of Shahveer's study room.

As the door opened, she caught the view of three of the boys in the bathtub.

"Allah Nahiaan you serioussly can't survive without bathing for days. Look your brother is laughing at you."

She watched Shahveer battling with his son, who's not at all agreeing to cooperate in the game of "have bath, be clean!"

"Niiiii Mummum...aaaaaa."

"Astagfirullah! Why are you doing this to my son Veer? Ya Allah who told you to take such a risk."

Thanzia entered hurriedly as she threw her Hijab away and bowed down to take Nahiaan in her lap.

Her gaze fell on Nashwan who's sitting in a corner with his mouth sealed, yet fun and thrill seen in his expression, surely enjoying the war between his father and brother.


Nahiaan made himself comfortable in her lap as he wiped his face in her shoulder, unable to keep his eyes open due to crying so miserably, thanks to his father!

"I can't believe! Why does he react like this to water.........."

Shahveer rolled his eyes at him but when a glare was attacked straight to his eyes by Thanzia, he gave a cheeky smile to her and pouted.

"I just tried to help you. Look, Nashwan's enjoying, but he...umm.... what's wrong with him?"

He questioned in a calm tone noticing how easily Nahiaan stopped wailing to Thanzia's unspoken consolation.

"You made him cry so badly. He's hiccuping, Ya Rabb! Are you seriously his father?"

"Mm yeah surely!....I wonder then from where he did get this allergy of......"

He nervously caressed his beard as her glare turned more murderous.

"Mmm no bathy anymore Mummum."

Nahiaan whispered as he looked at Thanzia with high hopes.

"Yes no bathy for now."

She caressed his back and turned to Shahveer. Noticing drops of guilt and sadness in his expression for making his son cry, she brought a smile to her lips and leaned forward.

"It's ok love, he'll change soon."

She pecked his cheek and stood up to leave with Nahiaan.

Shahveer exhaled out and turned his head to Nashwan, who's still silent, but the enjoyment that he had in his expression before begin fading as his lips curved upward to a pout, staring at his father with fear.


Voicing out his first word out, Nashwan screamed out of his lungs as tears filled his eyes.

"Wallahi what did I do to you now? Thanzia he's also crying! But why? I'm sorry!

Wait.....oh he called you Mummum!"


"Did he sleep?"


Shahveer nodded as he securely held Nahiaan against his chest while typing in his laptop.

Her gaze travelled around his face gulping down his features.

The more she notices him the more handsome he seems to her.


Still having his gaze fixed on his laptop, he opened his mouth asking her to give him the next morsel of rice, but dreamingly, she leaned forward and kissed his cheek.

At this he raised her eyebrows at her having such an adorable smile given to him.

"Love to watch me out?"


She extended her hand near his mouth as he took the morsel and begin chewing the rice, watching her with a sheepish smile.


"Don't look at me like that."

"Huh you were looking at me like that."

"Mmmm Dadda Dadda Dadda."

They looked down at Nahiaan who changed his position making himself more comfortable and snuggled more in his father's chest.

"Come on Veer you're not a baby, I need double time to feed you than feed both my sons."

She passed him another morsel as he mumbled a sorry and moved his concentration back to the laptop, totally avoiding that he's supposed to eat sooner.

After being done feeding him, she made her way to the bed finding Nashwan awaken as he was patiently waiting for her to come to shower her love to him.

"Mma mma maa mumum."

His joy knew no bound as his eyes hungrily watched her smile that soothes his heart.

Just like both his fathers and elder brother, he also loves watching her and wishes to go on with that till eternity.

"My angel! Slept well?"

As Thanzia took him in her lap, he immediately held her face with both his hands and gave her a nod, admiring her beautiful face.

"Were you waiting for Mummum? Are you hungry?"

He let out a natural pout as Thanzia laid down to feed him.

To her, feeding him is just no work! He fills his tummy while she just gets bored doing nothing.

Shahveer's phone kept beside her took her attention as she immediately stanched it and thought to waste her time through this.

She was scrolling down the feeds of Instagram when a notification appeared taking her attention to it.

Reading the headline of the email, she moved her gaze to the left finding Shahveer still studying.

She then immediately opened the email and read it with full attention, every word written there angered every cell of her body as she planned to strangle Shahveer to death.


Her voice came out gentle and slow, but it's coarseness immediately snatched his attention as he turned his head to face her.

"Yes, WiFi?"

"Your WiFi router doesn't work anymore okay? come here to me."

He nervously smiled as his gaze went down to her hand that held his phone tightly in it's grip as if she's about to break it with anger.


"Come here."

He stood up settling Nahiaan in his arms as he made his way to her, fearing if she caught her doing what she has forbidden him to even think of.

"Love, I seriously fear such glares of yours. Be gentle."

He gritted his teeth as he placed Nahiaan in his crib and sat on the bed near her.

"Aah how lovely!"

Her smile also seemed poisonous to him as she sat up and moved her eyes to the screen of his phone.

"What's wrong?"

"You're wrong. Your mindset is wrong Shahveer! You shouldn't have done this."

She shot fire through her eyes to him as he prayed for his safety.

"I don...."

"Is doing job so important to you when I have the ability to handle our lives?"

His smile died as he blankly stared at her, cursing his idea to apply for jobs.

Her questioning eyes made him avert his gaze as he begin searching for a reply.

They both stayed quiet for a minute, then Shahveer came closer to her and took Nashwan in his lap from hers, she watched him silently as he settled him in his place and came back to his wife.

"Look tigress....."

He begin, as he was about to hold her, she immediately moved back glaring angrily at him.

"Why did you apply for jobs?...when...I denied."


He caught her waist and held her face with another hand as he looked at her with puppy eyes though he knows that he deserves to get scolded.

"Look I need more 4-5 years to build my career ..and I can't just sit home till then. We nee....."

"If you don't sit home and study then you surely can't either build your future.

What's your problem?"

She struggled to move away as he looked at her with mercy.

"I don't...want you to waste your savings for me."

"You're impossible!"

He ran after her as she got down from the bed and walked to the closet.

"I'm sorry tigress. But let me....."

"Don't ruin your future Veer. If need, I'll work, but you....."

His lips twitched up to a smile as he cut her off and pulled her in her arms to a tight hug.

"I love you."

"You're not doing job, okay?"

"I'll think about it."


"They're asleep, give me some love?"

He sheepishly smiled running his fingers through her hair as his intense gaze made her cheeks heavy with redness.


Assalamu Alaikum!

Aaaaaafter a month!

Belated Eid Mubarak!

🤭Eeh I'm very late to wish!

How're you all?

😞I forgot that I used to write before Ramadan. Huh.

Thanks to Aymanfathima_07

Otherwise I would still have this chapter uncreated!☹️

The story's about to end finally!

2 more chapters hihihihi!

Will you read the last story or leave?

Sorry for blabbering uselessly🙄

Stay connected!

Allah Hafiz!

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