《Universe Of Hearts✓》•14


Surprise, early update!

She bit her lower lip softly as her cheeks reddened, cheering her heart with joy as she shivered unable to believe what she just heard.

She held the phone tightly to her ear as her another hand covered her mouth, her lips uttering series of Alhamdulillah.

"How..ma..many weeks?"

"Aaaa... ma'am you're 2 weeks pregnant."

"Ook..k..ky..can you please hand my reports to Shahveer Warsi?"

She asked, as Shahveer is there in the hospital for one of his projects and she has already messeged him to bring her reports before she knew about this news.

"Sure ma'am. Take care of yourself and the little soul inside you. Allah Hafiz."

As the nurse cut the call, Thanzia immediately threw her phone in the couch and jumped up with excitement.

"Yeeeeeeeyyyy!!! Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah!"

She began dancing and running around out of joy, still wordless to express how surprised she is!


Nahiaan stared at her confusingly as he sat on the middle of the bed, he was watching cartoons in Thanzia's phone.

Thanzia looked at him and immediately ran to the bed, she kissed his forehead grabbing him by his hand to her chest.

"Mummum's baby, you're gonna be a biggieee broooo!! Yeeeyyyy! Say Alhamdulillah?"

She pulled his cheeks encircling his legs around her waist, her voice proving how thankful she is!

Nahiaan gave her a toothy smile surely not understanding what she just informed him, but still, he became excited.

"Aaal...aam..du lillah."

His eyes grew deeper with joy seeing his mother so happy, for the first time.

"Alhamdulillah! Aawwee Nahiaan! I can't believe!" She made him lay down on the bed and restedt her head in his chest without applying force.

"Eeehhh aaaa. Mum..mum..hehehe."

"I Am Pregnant! Yeeeyyyy!"

"I love...love you Tanveer...more than anything....be with me please... I've lost everyone I loved...I can't afford to live without you..have mercy on this orphan..please."

Her words rang in his ears, bringing a dead smile in his lips as he stared at her picture where she's smiling beautifully, as if achieving heaven.

He has confirmed to transfer tomorrow to Karachi, returning to his family forever, as per as his wife's demand.

It's been two weeks that he's here in Lahore and today's the last day for him to be here.

Tanveer took his phone up in his hand from the bed that vibrated bringing some messeges in his WhatsApp.

Going in, he found few pictures sent by Thanzia.

He smiled seeing all of them.

"If my soldier is not busy romancing with his work, can he call his wife, please?"


He ran his fingers through his hair as he read the message that brought peace to his heart which was fighting with an undefined feeling few moments back.

As the call got connected, his eyes rolled in confusion to the view she's presenting to him.

He heard her giggling in joy.

She didn't show her face yet to him.

"Who shows stomach like that? Show your face."

He chuckled, coughing before, to clear his voice that was unclear as he was crying minutes back.

"Why? Is my stomach not cute?"

She asked, still keeping the phone beside her bare stomach to his view.

"Yeah yeah very cute, Wallahi."

She pulled down her shirt back covering her abdomen and then brought the phone near her face, revealing the cheerful and thankful smile growing in her lips to him.



"What's up with this blush hmm?"

"You're returning tomorrow. I can't be any more happier at anything else."

She bit her lip as her hand gently caressed her abdomen.

He nodded his head, hoping really to return tomorrow.

"Uhh huh I just can't control telling you....I thought to do that tomorrow but...never mind.....

I'm pregnant."

He heard her right, still he took few seconds to believe that with the help of her expression, that is really telling him that it's true.

A sigh escaped his lips as he looked at her questioningly, too surprised to believe that he's going to be a father.


Her smile died hearing him uttering this word as a question to her. She rolled her eyes as anger overtook her excitement.

"How? You ask me how? Shall I tell you how?"

She glared at him at which he slapped his forehead and began laughing out loudly.

"I know how! I.. can't believe! It's..so..so unplanned! Thanzia....ohh.. Subahan Allah!"

"That's why I sent pictures of my stomach. Hihihihi."

She blushed, noticing his expressions that are changing in seconds with various feelings in his mind and heart.

"2 weeks... pregnant?"

He questioned, sure about it as if.

She raised her eyebrows as an Ooo escaped her lips with an suspicious smile.

"What? Come on! I did it so I know!"

He laughed happily as she joined him in that too, they talked for a while and then she cut the call excusing that she needs to take shower before Nahiaan wakes up.

Wasim entered the room and threw his shirt somewhere in the floor as his gaze landed on Tanveer who sat in the bed, lost in his thoughts.



"What happened?"

"She's.... pregnant..."

"Who is pre...."

Wasim's eyes widened as he shook his head at Tanveer, noticing few drops of tears travelling down his eyes.

He immediately ran to him and fell on his knees, as he sat in front of Tanveer, they intertwined their hands.


Wasim uttered, feeling so puzzled regarding the current situation.

He looked at Tanveer and took his hand near his cheek, wiping the drops of tears away.

"Look...Allah has his ways....I'm so happy...and relieved..."

He whispered, breathing heavily.

"Tanvi...plea..please don't join us there...please......"

Tanveer chuckled shaking his head, totally prepared for the step that he's going to take in few hours.


"Maaaaaa.. Maaaa...iii..aaa...maaaa....ooooo maaa..."

Nahiaan kept yelling loudly as he sat on the bed and wiped his tearful eyes with his tiny hands, that continued rolling down more, making his face redder and paler.


"My baby just a minute please, Maa is here. Please don't cry."

Thanzia just even entered to take a bath but in the middle of applying soap in her body, Nahiaan woke up and began crying unstoppably, most probably because of having a nightmare once again.

He looked at the door of the washroom waiting for her, wailing more and getting more breathless as he wiped his face helplessly.


She hurriedly washed her body getting worried for Nahiaan who's crying more badly now.

Unable to bear to listen his painful sobs, she came out of the washroom only in her penties and ran to the bed to his way.

He gulped down and crawled to reach her earlier. Thanzia jumped on the bed and pulled him in her chest as she immediately laid down and covered her body with the duvet.


Her wet body made the bedsheet drenched. She held him tighter to her chest and started rubbing his back to calm him down.

"Ummm Maaa.....oo..ii.."

But he cried more and more making her worried.

"I'm here. Don't cry...it's ok baby...please don't cry..."

She kissed his head as he cried louder resting his head in her chest.

"Daddaaaaa...noo? Daddaaa?"

He questioned looking up at her face, his voice in between still yelling with loud cries.

"Do you want to go to Dadda?"

He nodded his face closing his eyes to let the reserved tears shed out of his eyes.

"Dadda is working my jaan. Please sleep."


He continued crying even though she tried several ways to console him.

She noticed her phone beside and immediately called Tanveer.


Nahiaan pulled her hair as if he's frustrated on something that he can't define to her.

"Why do you cry so much?" She patted his back continuously placing kisses all around his face waiting for Tanveer to pick up the call.

"Nahi...iaan... What happened?"

Tanveer asked worriedly.

Hearing his voice Nahiaan immediately turned his head to the phone from Thanzia's chest.

"Daddaaaa Daddaa..."

"Eiii baby? Don't cry."

Nahiaan sat up trying to snatch the phone from Thanzia's phone. When she moved it away from his hand, he looked at her and then looked back at Tanveer, planning to increase his screams more.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaiiii Daddaaaaa."

"Allah Allah! Take it." Thanzia immediately handed it to him as he held it with both his hands and looked at Tanveer with pity.

"My boy....what happened?"

"Ooo Daddaaa..."

Thanzia pulled him near her and made him lay on her stomach as she wiped his tears.

"Yes Dadda?

Why's he crying Thanzia?"

"I don't know. He was asleep...didn't let me shower either."

"Niii Mummum..." Nahiaan turned to her and touched her face, biting his lips to control his sob.

They both awed at him as Thanzia kissed his lips and moved her eyes to Tanveer who's staring at them with love and affection.

Tanveer watched them quietly as Nahiaan begin gossiping with Thanzia, in middle of which he also looks at Tanveer and involves him in his chat.

"Aaaeeeee how do you even manage to be so happy just after seconds of your serious crying session hmm?"

Thanzia questioned when Nahiaan jumped with laughter at no serious thing.



"Will you love him forever like your own baby?"

Tanveer questioned, though he's fully aware and known to the answer. Still.... something in him concerns this.

Thanzia looked at him with a warm smile, pulling Nahiaan closer to her as she nodded her head.

"Not like my own baby, he ....my baby."


In the field of their battle, that is filled with blood and dead bodies, few soldiers still fighting against their enemies and few on their way to grave, involved Tanveer too in it.

Tears rained down his eyes as ignoring the crowd and screams, Tanveer crawled to his friend, Wasim, whose eyes just closed off, with his heart beating no more.


Tanveer rested his head in his chest as he looked at his face with tearful eyes.

He lost his beloved friend!

He tightly covered the area of his heart where he got shot just 2 minutes back, it begin bleeding more making him struggle for breathe.


He heard Wali screaming from behind at which he raised up his hand managing to yell, "I'm fine."

"Aaa...aahh..." He difficultly sat up with blood flowing down his chest, which is taking his breathe fade away, slowly and slowly, forever and for always.

He witnessed the game of death that continued, praying under his breathe for their success, as he works for that and is dying for that.

"I can't afford to lose you Tanveer. Have mercy on this orphan."

"I'll have my life lifeless without you Bhai. Don't go leaving me alone."

He could only think of both of them, feeling so guilty of leaving them alone forever.

He fell on the ground in the position of Sujood and whispered the last words out.

"La Ilaha Illallah."


Except Shahveer, Thanzia and Nahiaan other members of their family went to Dawah at their relative's house.

So the atmosphere of their home is calm and alone.

Shahveer arrived just minutes back from the hospital and made his way towards Thanzia's room, holding the report file in his hand.

He knocked at the door for a couple of times but she didn't response as she was asleep with Nahiaan and now is wearing clothes.

"Coming......wait please!"

Hearing, he stepped away and stood at a distance waiting for her to open the door.

Though it seemed totally unaccepted and unethical to him to check her reports, he couldn't hold back his curiosity from opening the report file.

As soon as his eyes landed on the words written in the paper, they widened in surprise.

He read the sentence again to make sure what he believed right now.

He was a dead soul to himself in these days. He ignored her with all his courage knowing that facing her will surely make him week and deepen his wound.

After so many days, knowing that she's pregnant made him over joyed as he leaned over the wall with open mouth that he covered with his hand, so happy to choose which expression he should put.

He couldn't even completely give reaction to the news that before the door opened to him.



His expression changed as he immediately closed the file and extended his hand to give it to her, seeming to be sorry to check her reports without her permission.

She looked at his face and then at the file, guessing that he read it.


She took it and waited for him to say something, but he didn't.

He nodded his head and turned around to leave.

Walking few steps away, he realized that she's still standing at the door. So he stopped there and turned back at her.


He smiled warmly, with no drop of regret, pain or unhappiness in him.

But still it hurts her, she felt something undefined in her feelings, that she doesn't know.


"Come in."

Shahveer responded as the maid knocked at the door.


She entered, heavily breathing, with her hands on her chest, nervous of saying the news to Shahveer.

He looked around at her with questioning eyes guessing if it's something important as he doesn't like being disturbed while studying.

"They brought Tanvi...Tanvi... he's downstairs.."

She couldn't stop shivering as her eyes filled with tears, this made Shahveer worried as he immediately stood up and ran down to the hall.

He doubted Tanveer to be injured or something else, but never this.... that he lost his brother.

When he looked down while walking through the staircase his gaze travelled to the floor, noticing a white bed.


He fell on his step unable to keep his balance as a negative vibe reached his mind, scaring him to hell.

He immediately ran down near the bed with his heart beating faster in fear, wishing the matter isn't what he's thinking.

"I'll...call Zia."

The maid ran away.

Shahveer sat down and looked at the bed with wide eyes, unable to understand what's up with this doing here.

He tightly closed his eyes and made his hand's way to the bedsheet, slowly pulling it down to reveal Tanveer's face.

"Please no please no please...please..please...Allah no...please..."

Before he opened his eyes back, he whispered all these begging to not let his nightmare be a reality.

His moist eyes fell on Tanveer's face who laid down on the bed, asleep forever.

Immediately Shahveer closed his eyes again scared to believe the view he saw.

His body shivered as he massaged his forehead letting tears rain down his eyes giving an unbearable pain in his throat.

With a sharp pang in his chest, he opened his eyes back and stared at Tanveer's face, ever so helplessly that if Tanveer had seen it, he surely would have melted with his brother's cuteness.

"Please...go downstairs. I'll take care of Nahiaan."

"Khala let me finish feeding him at least."

"Tanvi...is there.."

She said, controlling her best to not fall weak.


Thanzia didn't even notice the grief and pain in the maid's voice that she immediately got down from the bed and rushed out of her room wearing her Niqaab.

She stopped running when her gaze fell down on the hall noticing the bed and Shahveer sitting near it.

That's when her breathe hitched. With her knees shivering, she made her way to the area and stood few steps away, gaining Shahveer's attention.

He looked up at her with tearful eyes and pale face, giving her the worst thoughts and feelings.

She didn't yet get to see Tanveer's face as she's standing opposite to that but she knows what she's going to face now.

Nervously, she walked there and sat down, her eyes making their way to look at his face.

His face glowed with light and beauty, a slight smile placed in his lips, as his eyes are closed forever.

She believed the truth that she's seeing.

"He...he.." She whispered pointing her finger at his face, with disappointment in her tone as she shook her head.

Coming near, she let her shivering hand touch his face with fear.


Her fingers walked around his face, learning it's softness that now doubled.

Fresh drop of tears begin walking down her eyes as she let a muffled sob escape her mouth.

"I'm here Zia, I won't leave you."

Her eyes didn't blink even for once as she hopelessly stared at his face, praying unbelievably to have his gaze in her, that she longed to get.

"Do you not like me gawking at you? I just can't control doing that, though I'm ashamed of my shamelessness."

She begin hiccuping unable to control her tears. She wished if he could look at her for one last time.

"Look, your tears make me weak. Don't cry for no reason. I'll forever be with you if Allah wills."

But Allah didn't will that!

Just at the morning they both laughed with each other. She feared to lose him, but not suddenly like this, ending her every happiness.

She took his hand in hers and brought it near her abdomen, tightly attaching it there.

Her head slightly rested in his chest as she continued sobbing looking at his face with love that is full of light and joy.

"I have no one except you Bhai, please stay here."

"Yeah yeah like I'm leaving you so easily?"

Shahveer's face reddened as tears continuously rolled down his eyes, at times he feels unable to breathe due to the ache in his heart.

His eyes begged staring at Tanveer's closed ones requesting him to wake up, that obviously he knows is unreal.

"I love you much more Veer, more than you love yourself. If something hurts you then it hurts me more to have you hurt."

"Bhaaaii..." He wiped his cheeks and leaned down to kiss Tanveer's forehead.

Until everyone arrived getting the news, Shahveer and Thanzia spent their every moment with him, knowing that hours later they'll never meet him again.


"Every soul will taste death."


Narrated Al-Miqdam bin Ma'diykarib:

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