《Universe Of Hearts✓》•7


They both never thought of love, marriage and girls. It was all unexpected. Studying in only boys school, collage and university it made them more away from everything related to girls.

The elder one was forever busy serving his country that made his heart away from the thoughts of his future wife and when the moon would settle above the sky at night, he just would have prayed for his mother staring at the stars and moon, shedding his tears for her.

While the younger one also always was busy learning. Studying in medical was as if his only goal, all he wanted is to become a cardiologist as soon as the Creator above permits.

After his busy days, he would just fell on his knees in the prayer mat and cry for his mother.

She was the only woman they both always thought off, loved, and kept their hearts occupied with.

But then she arrived. Changing the younger one's life first, and now the elder one's.

None knew with whom she's destained to live.

Shahveer ran faster though his knees pained as if they'll be breaking any moment. His palms grew colder as the deepness of his eyes increased. With every passing second his heart cried louder.

Reaching near that girl, he screamed out.

He waited till she stopped on her steps and turned towards him, confused and nervous.

His eyes were closed that he slowly opened mumbling something under his breath and looked up at her. Her black attire gave him no chance to even have a glance of any part of her body, not even the eyes.


He tried to take her name, Thanzia, but failed as he breathed heavily.

"Come on." Tanveer immediately got out of the car as Thanzia followed him. He ran to Shahveer's way while she walked faster, with her fastening beats of heart that is tensed for her love.

Reaching, Tanveer stood behind Shahveer finding him on his knees.

Tanveer wanted to hold him up, but deciding to let him do for what he came, he backed off and moved his gaze to the girl.

"Sorry?" She voiced out, looking down at Shahveer. He exhaled hard biting his lips as he felt his heart bleeding.

"I...uhh...you're...Than...Zia..ri..right? Can...can I talk...to..yoh...fo...a...m..min..."

He begged, looking at her with his red eyes as his whole body shivered in fear.

"I'm..sorry bhai.....I...am not." She answered and was about to turn away but seeing Shahveer extending his hand to her to stop, she did.

"Do...do you know the...lady sitting next to...to that restaurant?"

He again questioned in a low tone, pointing towards the other side of the road, finding the restaurant closed.

"No....you misunderstood.....uh...yeah no."

That's when Thanzia arrived.

The girl said and left. He helplessly stared at her vanishing appearance. He so wished she said yes, but she didn't. She was someone else, not her.

Why is he even searching for her?

2 whole minutes passed, no one spoke. He sat down on his knees while behind him, stood they both.

The road isn't filled with cars nor humans like all the other days.

Thanzia heard him sobbing, though she couldn't see his face.

"She wasn't Thanzia...."

Shahveer whispered enough louder to let them hear.

Hearing him taking her name she felt nervous. Obviously she knew that he wasn't talking about his ex wife. But her? Maybe no. Why would he? She didn't know.


Tanveer who was quiet all the time witnessing all these, now looked around and then took a step near his brother, bowing down, he held him by his shoulder.


"She...she...why can't I find her?"

He breathed out, blinking his eyes to not allow himself crying.

"Get up....."


"Get up Veer..."

Tanveer requested but he shook his head and lowered his head. He hardly took breathes with the trial to not lose and cry but his eyes are already filled with tears.

If only he knew, behind him, even her state worsened for him. She cried silently, thankful that no one can see her eyes nor tears.

"You ..can't do this...veer..."

Tanveer became surprised of his action. He didn't know that Shahveer still searches for that girl. That means he still loves her. Rest he knows, what's in his heart.

"Why can't I? Sh...she ruined it all...I...can....at least complain this to..her....."

He cried, still sitting down there.

"Get up...let's talk going to home."


"Veer you don't know her. You don't know anything about her. You can't....don't...don't do this...please stand up."

Tanveer whispered, nearing his neck, he placed a kiss in his cheek while caressing his hair.

"I..I know...it's just...she doesn't anymore comes here..."

He said justifying like a kid.

"Just knowing her name won't help, Veer. At...least..not now....She doesn't know you...too."

"I'll let her know about me? What's wrong with that? Help me...finding her at least...."

"Even my wife's name is Thanzia, even she wears Niqaab.

It's...not possible to search for her, Veer. There isn't she only who lives like that. That...that girl who was just here....you would have believed her to be that Niqaabi too right? If she was named Thanzia?"

He spoke, letting Thanzia hear him. She shivered in her step and looked up at Tanveer's way, with open eyes raining tears below her cheeks.

"He loved someone else?"

She questioned herself.

Shahveer found his heart requesting him to move his eyes to Thanzia, that he did. He looked behind and found her standing helplessly, dressed in a dark grey Jilbab and black Skirt, with her black Niqaab on, disallowing him to see her eyes.

"But...but I know..know her...Niqaabi....I'll recognize her if..I see." He replied to Tanveer, staring at his eyes as he smiled hiding his weakness.

How ignorant he is that for once he didn't think that it could be his wife too, in search of whom his brother is!

"You know her? That's why you thought that girl to be... Niqaabi?"


Finding no more reasons to justify his points, he rested his head on Tanveer's chest wiping his tears.

"Get up..."

He didn't.

Thanzia felt more hurt, same like those days he got married, he was blessed with a baby, he was divorced and she was married to his brother.

She hated having a weak heart, that begs to love him and mend his broken heart.

Her lips parted as she sobbed for the last and wiped off her tears. She felt jealous, of something she doesn't know.

"Tan..veer..." She whispered taking his attention.

"Come on...get up now." He made Shahveer stand up after which he immediately ran to the car, feeling uncomfortable and little embarassed for creating a mess in front of his Bhabi.

"Come on." Tanveer walked to her and stood closer.




"I..uh... let's go..." She held his hand and begin walking faster.


Everyday she wore the same loose and black Abaya with the crowned black Niqaab.

Which made him misunderstand that she always wears this.

The matter was that she only wore it while going to that Quranic institution.

Otherwise she preferred Jilbab everywhere else.

He never gave attention to her when they would meet in family gatherings or anywhere else. Nor did he know her name. Just that, she was her childhood friend.

The reason why he moved his attention to her outside the restaurant seeing her with that old lady is still unknown to him.

Though he doesn't care, that's his heart's concern, and it knows why it fell for her.

Regardless of her any information, despite of being unknown to her even.

He didn't know that she loves him.

She doesn't know that he's in search of her.

And Tanveer didn't, doesn't and never will know that their hearts crave for each other, unknown to themselves and others.

Indeed love is unpredictable.

He immediately put on his hood and hid his face with the tissue in his hand.

She didn't notice his gaze on her as smilingly she crossed his path and left the restaurant.

He looked back, finding her Abaya dancing around her body as she took a cab and vanished.

"Thanzia! Eternal life! Be my eternity."

He whispered like a lost lover, a smile forming in his lips as he closed his eyes hearing his loud heartbeats.

"Ohh young king. Come on come on."

The old lady called him with excitement in her tone as she sat on the couch with a box in her hands.

"Oldie queen! How are you so lucky having her attention?"

He questioned removing the hood from his head as he scratched his beard with shyness.

"Because I'm the queen. Why don't you let me tell her about you?"

She questioned opening the box for him, letting him smell the yummy Biriyani prepared by Thanzia.

"Aahhh.....I can't already concentrate on my studies having her far.

And....this job isn't enough...you know..."

He forced a smile.

"My boy. She's really an angel. I assure you that she will accept your proposal whenever you....."

As soon as she begin ruffling his hair, his expression changed to annoyance as he immediately removed her hand pouting.

"Not my hair, Queenie."

"Hahahaha. Eat your Biriyani. Stupid, I felt so shy asking her to make this for me. While you're the one to eat."

He laughed taking a morsel in his mouth.

"Come on! After I capture her in my Nikah, I won't beg you for it again huh?"

He got a slap in return at which he again pouted and continued eating.

"Veer....she is 22."

She informed, playing with his collar as she displayed a warm smile in her lips.

Hearing this, he chewed down the rice and looked up at her, confusion written in his expression.

"Ohh....2..2 years...elder to me."

He mumbled, lost in a thought.

"I'm not talking about the age gap, it doesn't matter. But if her parents suddenly get her married off?

Don't take this risk."

She said with motherly care. Obviously she cares for him, and Thanzia too.

"I...uhh....I'll talk to my brother about it."


Spending the evening to dinner hour with Shahveer, Tanveer came back to his room and decided to take a night bath.

Thanzia, who too showered fifteen minutes ago now came out of her closet room dressed in a red gown skirt and a white shirt. Buttoning it, she moved towards the mirror and begin drying her hair.

Her shirt sat loosely on her, totally proving that it's oversized. But she didn't notice so even though standing in front of the mirror.

She's lost thinking about today's encounter. She didn't know that Shahveer wanted to marry someone else and maybe he never loved his wife.

Strange that...he's still in search of her.

She felt hurt and jealous even though having no right to feel so according to the earthly regulation.

She's also confused, why would he ask for her name? Thanzia!

Was there any third girl whose name also is the same to her and his ex wife's?

Alas, Thanzia didn't for once doubt herself to be that girl for whom he's in search of, neither Shahveer, nor Tanveer.

Now that something which Allah ﷻ hasn't destained to happen in their lives, why to blame three of them for not thinking about it?

"Assalamu Alaikum."

She heard a voice, immediately that made her shiver as she turned the switch of hair dryer off and looked back to find him looking at her.

Shirtless, lowly wearing his trousers below his waist bones, wet hair, his towel hanging in his shoulder while his muscular body shining with the droplets of water.

The air dancing around exampled him to be the definition of handsomeness, no doubt, hotness too.

She immediately averted her gaze feeling herself gawking at him shamelessly.

Keeping her gaze low for few seconds, she again looked up and realized that he too, is shamelessly staring at her, like always.

"Shameless creature."

She mumbled.

"I...uh... Walaikum Assalam." She replied in a low tone, snatching her Hijab from the bed.

"Umm hmm..." He kept his towel in the hand of the couch which took her attention to it.

She made a face and walked there.

"It's wet."


He mumbled smiling. Noticing her oversized shirt, he rolled his eyes and moved his gaze to the bed.

Opps...the shirt he kept there is no more there.

Keeping the towel in its place, she walked back to the room with nervousness.

"Shall...shall I bring you your shirt?"

"Mmm...if you only mind me staying like this." He replied raising his eyebrows while rubbing his neck.

"It.. it's ok."

She breathed taking a step back, feeling him coming towards her.

"You look good...in shirts and skirts."

"I...I'm used to..to that...if you say I'll wear Ka....."

"Aiiiiii why do you treat me like a dominant? 'If you say this, if you permit this, if you don't want this, if you want this!'

Come on, I said that you look good...in that."

He spoke reaching near her, increasing the beats of her heart as she begin shivering for his closeness.

"Sorry..... Thank you." She looked up, locking her eyes with his as he smiled making himself look more handsome.

"And...double good...in..it." He whispered looking down till up at her.

Immediately her eyes widened not understanding the meaning of his words as she fixed her already fixed hijab and then looked at him questioningly.


"In my shirt, wifey."

"Yo..your...sh..uhh ohh!" She checked the shirt and realizing it not to be hers, she slapped her head and looked at him with a cute sorry expression.

"That's why I feel it so loose and big."


He chuckled and turned his back to her taking his phone out as it rang.

He became busy talking over phone while she walked to the bed.

Finding no pillow there, she nervously looked around the room.

Her gaze then fell on his bare back and shoulders.

She blinked for once and then begin staring at him ever so busily.

The brown scars in his back made her tensed as she tried to look there attentively. She couldn't disagree that he's very hot to make her eyes crave for him even though having the scars present there.

Feeling him done with the call, she waited for him to be back but staying at the same position he begin chatting with someone.

She couldn't control but slowly walk to him. Reaching there, she felt her hand walking up to his back.

She didn't want to do so but as always the heart won in getting what it wants.

She softly touched a stressful scar near his left shoulder. Immediately he turned around with a shocked expression.

"I..uhh...I'm sorry..hm..." She backed off lowering her gaze with embarassment.

Looking at her with a smile forming in his lips, he threw the phone to the couch and took a step closer to her.

She then looked up, her eyes witnessing few more fading scars in his chest.

Gasping, she couldn't control again touching there.


"Why..why them?" To look at his face very far than her height, she leaned up and questioningly stared directly at his eyes.

"I'm...a...soldier? So....huh?" He answered, happy and satisfied seeing the drops of care for him in her eyes.

"So many..." She again looked down in his chest and roamed her hands from around his whole chest to his perfect abs.

"They're fading, wifey."

"Hmm..." Mumbling busily, she continued touching each and every scar with her delicate fingers.

Suddenly her mind reminded that maybe she's going very far from her limits. She backed off and pulled her hands behind her.

"Let's....let's sleep?"

"Aah yeah.... actually I've arranged the balcony to sleep there for tonight. Would you..mind?"

"Ohh.... that's why the pillows aren't here. Sure."

"Hmm......" He walked away from her to grab a t-shirt for him. Slipping it down his body, he came back to the room finding her walking to the balcony.

"Hi there..." He whispered to her ear making her jump on her place as she was busily admiring the decoration of the balcony.

"It's...beau.. beautiful." She blushed looking up at him.

"Umm hmm...come on." He grabbed her hand and walked inside.

They both laid down facing the sky above that is too, decorated with stars and their queen, the moon.

"When...when will you come back?" She questioned ending the silence, remembering that he's leaving tomorrow.

Somewhere in her heart she felt sad that he's going away from her.

"After around.....mmm...2-3 years later?"

"WHA-......." She immediately sat up with surprise and shock.

She shook her head, expecting that to be a joke.

He pulled her down by her waist letting a giggle escape his mouth.

"Will 4-5 months do?"

"Hmm....when was the last time you came? I..uhh I never met you after shifting to Pakistan."

"You were in London back then. Before 4 years."

She nodded, moving her gaze up to the sky.






After 10 minutes.

"Zia you were supposed to kiss me that day. Still that's pending. I've bought you Hershey's around 3-4 times in these 14 days."

He spoke in one breathe, with closed eyes and a heart expecting to earn a kiss before leaving.

She couldn't digest his words as she looked at her left and found him with an expression of annoyance, as if at himself, with his eyes tightly closed.


"If you mind....then don't." He uttered with difficulty, feeling embarassed of his demand.

"I...uhh..don't mind....." She whispered requesting her heart to not create any mess and happily satisfy her husband.

"So...you'll kiss?" He questioned opening his eyes.


She breathed heavily with her heart jumping up and down her chest. She moved closer to him and made her head up, getting more closer, she rested her hand in his chest and looked deeply at his eyes reaching to his soul.

They both breathed out at the same moment in nervousness.

Moving her gaze from his eyes to his cheek, she leaned down and slightly attached her lips there. She immediately backed off the next second and was about to get up from here but she felt his hand capturing her hand in his grip.

She didn't even get to think or digest anything as he pulled her down to the ground and held her tightly.

He's now almost on top of her as she's laying on her back. His one hand holding her while the other stood on the ground supporting his body to not fall on her.


He locked his eyes with hers, calming his heart with that.

She felt her legs shivering as she moved her hand to his chest for distancing themselves. As her hand sat on his heart, she felt it equally beating as fast as possible like hers.

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